Cicada Moving

Chapter 692: Beiyin River

Chapter 692 Beiyin River

Under the moonlight, Zuo Zhong looked at several searchlights a kilometer or two away. He took out a compass and a map to measure the direction, and soon determined that he had found the right place.

According to preliminary intelligence investigations, there is such a large building near the Beiyin River, and the Kwantung Army's bacterial weapons research base is located in it. Other details are currently unknown.

It's not that the outsiders didn't do their job, it's just that the Japanese were too vigilant and anyone who wandered around would be arrested. Many innocent people suddenly disappeared while passing through this place.

  No one knows where they went or what happened to them. In short, no one was found alive or dead. Their family members searched all over Harbin but could not find anyone. The police department turned a blind eye to this.

As for the peripheral investigation, it is even more impossible. Before entering the base, Chinese workers engaged in construction and transporting items were put on bamboo baskets on their heads that could only see the ground.

They arrived at a certain place under the guidance of the Japanese, took off the bamboo baskets to work, and then put on the bamboo baskets and were taken out by the Japanese to live in the designated place.

Even the Kwantung Army soldiers in the base are prohibited from going out for private reasons, and staff cannot use their real names. They can only use pseudonyms when communicating with family and friends in China.

And the content must be reviewed by a special letter review department. No information about this place is allowed to be mentioned, and the work content is absolutely confidential.

Such strict confidentiality measures,

 Where to start the investigation.

Japanese spy Yang Changqing admitted that he had been here and gave some brief information. However, it was a dead room and he could not believe everything he said. There might be a trap in it.

Even if the other party told the truth in order to win their trust, the Japanese would definitely make corresponding changes when they knew Yang Changqing was arrested. He would not be at ease unless he came here to take a look in person.

After thinking for a moment, Zuozhong turned the telescope and looked at the target. He saw a towering wall around the perimeter. There were four searchlights in two groups, illuminating the inside and outside of the base from the wall.

There is a long trench under the wall. The barbed wire fence around it glows coldly under the light, and some empty tinplate cans are tied to it as warning tools.

 high wall,



 Barbed wire.

Yang Changqing said that the base’s walls are three meters high, and a solid cement watchtower is built at each corner. There are machine guns inside and two movable searchlights installed outside.

The length and width of the trench are more than two meters. The accompanying barbed wire is not only sharp, but is even connected to high-voltage electricity that can be fatal. People who encounter it can range from unconsciousness to immediate death.

This is basically consistent with what he has observed now. Also, it is impossible for Yang Changqing to manipulate intelligence that can distinguish true from false at a glance, and the Secret Service is not blind.

It's just that the four watchtowers are a bit tricky. Guards can use them to observe the surrounding activities from a high position, and they can also be used as defensive support points when attacked.

This kind of crossfire with no blind spots combined with the elite Kwantung Army guards will be a nightmare for the attacking side. I am afraid that they will be beaten into pieces before they even get close to the wall.

The anti-alliance team under the leadership of the underground party launched two attacks on Beiyinhe in an attempt to rescue the compatriots imprisoned in the base. However, they suffered extremely heavy casualties but achieved nothing.

It’s difficult to handle.

 There is no need to think about a strong attack.

Zuo Zhong frowned and looked inside the wall. He roughly estimated that the entire bacterial weapons base would cover an area of ​​two hundred acres and be divided into three areas.

The first area is located in the middle. There are ten rows of red brick houses in the shape of a 7. The searchlights that illuminate the interior are basically covered here. Each row of houses is separated by barbed wire.

 Obviously, this is a cell where the Japanese held human experiment victims. Just by looking at the number and size of the rooms, you can tell that there are many people inside, otherwise the security would not be so tight.

The second area is a three-story building due east. Different from ordinary buildings, it only has a door and no windows. From a distance, it looks like a cement coffin.

As expected, bacterial experiments were conducted there. There were no windows to prevent leakage. Combined with the intelligence provided by the Red Russia to the government, it proved the necessity of doing so.

 Actually, Zuo Zhong was a little confused. Such a big thing happened here before, and the villagers of Xiaoniujiaogou, just a mountain away, seemed to know nothing about it. This was very strange.

  If they were not infected with bacterial weapons because they were blocked by mountains, then they should have heard and seen something. The number of corpses in the photo is by no means a small number.

Moreover, the mountain village is isolated and most of the connections are within a few kilometers. Could it be that there were no relatives or friends of the villagers who were killed in the accident? Think about it and you know that this possibility is very small.

Zuo Zhong on the top of the mountain suddenly realized one thing. Since the Kwantung Army cared so much about Beiyin River, why not move all the villagers within the safe range? This is not difficult to do.

But the actual situation is that not only Xiaoniujiaogou Village is safe and sound, but there are also several small villages with hundreds of people left in the surrounding area, as if the bacterial leak has never happened.

Leaving people behind is equivalent to leaving behind security risks. The Japanese intelligence agencies will not be so stupid, and those beasts in Doihara will not care about the lives of Chinese people.

Then there is only one explanation,

There is a problem in these villages.

Zuo Zhong's heart skipped a beat, and a guess flashed through his mind. It was just that this guess was too scary, and would the Japanese's organization and confidentiality capabilities be as high as this?

After thinking for a while, he shook his head and continued to observe the base. The third area of ​​the base was in the west, where there was an inconspicuous bungalow and a huge chimney. He had seen this kind of thing many times in later generations. It was an incinerator used by the Kwantung Army's water supply and epidemic prevention troops to destroy evidence. The fuel was innocent Chinese people.

At this time, traces of black smoke were rising above the chimney, which looked extremely eye-catching under the bright moonlight. Zuo Zhong gritted his teeth and watched the scene silently, holding the telescope in his hand tightly.

  This hatred will not be avenged.

 It’s hard to get rid of my hatred.

  This kind of revenge would be unworthy of anyone if it is not avenged.

He really wanted to throw some of the people in future generations who clamored to forgive Japan into the incinerator and enjoy themselves, so that they could see how many unspeakable evil deeds the so-called civilized race had committed.

Forcibly suppressing his anger, Zuo Zhong quickly remembered the situation around the base. First, there was a runway several hundred meters long south of the wall. This was a simple airport.

In addition, there is a small train platform in the north, and two railway tracks extend towards Harbin. It should be a dedicated railway. The Kwantung Army really spent a lot of money here.

Next to the platform is a road with multiple checkpoints. Apart from trains, there is only one land access to and from the base, which completely isolates the place from the outside world.

If you want to sneak into Beiyin River, you have to cross checkpoints, barbed wire fences, searchlights, high walls, and internal guards. This is almost impossible, and you have to find other ways.

Zuo Zhong raised his hand and looked at his watch. It had been more than an hour since he came out. It was time to go back. Otherwise, once the White Russian Toleta wakes up, he will be in big trouble.

He put the telescope back into space, cleaned up the traces where he had just stayed, and turned to walk down the mountain. This time he did not encounter a patrol. It seemed that the tiger excrement was really effective.

However, it was not without trouble. When he passed the Suiman Line, a strange-looking vehicle passed quickly from north to south, and its headlights almost hit him.


The sound of rail friction was approaching, and the left heavy man broke out in a cold sweat. He jumped into the woods with both feet and pressed against the ground to identify it as a Type 91 railway armored vehicle.

Even though it is just a small railway armored vehicle, it is equipped with three 6.5mm machine guns. In an era when individual anti-armor weapons are lacking, it is almost invincible.

What's even more dangerous is that this is a dual-purpose vehicle for both road and rail. When converting from rail to highway mode, you only need to jack up the armored vehicle and replace the wheels.

This process does not require much physical strength. A well-trained team can complete the above operations and pursue the target in more than ten minutes, and the speed can reach 40 kilometers per hour.

Facing this kind of armored jackal that cannot be beaten or outrun, resistance organizations such as the Anti-Japanese Alliance suffered a great loss due to their lack of heavy firepower and their inability to effectively penetrate the armor of armored vehicles.

This is why he asked Fengchu's team to get the train timetable. As long as there are passenger trains running on the railway line, the other side will not come out, and they can move safely.

 Waiting until the other party completely disappeared from sight, Zuo Zhong marked the time, then climbed over the railway track with his hands and feet, got into the ditch where he came in, and returned to the backyard of the village chief's house.


Just as he climbed into the yard to clean up the traces, the door of the main room made a harsh friction sound, followed by several coughs, and a footstep slowly walked towards the guest room.

Since he guessed that there may be a problem in Xiaoniujiaogou Village, he has been more vigilant. So faced with this situation, Zuo Zhong did not panic at all and accelerated the cleaning outside the window.

 dust on clothes,

 The mud on the soles of shoes,

 The leaves in the hair,

These trivial things will reveal his whereabouts. If you want to deceive others, details determine success or failure. Moreover, the door is locked backwards, so he has plenty of reaction time.

He patted his whole body gently, pushed open the window and jumped into the house nimbly. He slowly closed the window with his hands, took off his clothes and shoes, and slipped into bed quietly.

Before he could take a breath, someone knocked on the door: "Mr. Okamoto, Mr. Torretta, it's getting colder in the middle of the night in the mountains. Could you please add some firewood to your kang?"

   is the village chief,

 There is indeed a problem.

Zuo Zhong's eyes were fixed and he pinched Torletta's person. When the other person's eyelids moved slightly, he suddenly withdrew his hand, pretended to be in a daze, got up, and said hoarsely.

"Are you Mr. Village Chief? Thank you for your concern. We are very warm. Please wait a moment for me to open the door."

After saying that, he smeared his clothes black and walked towards the door, deliberately knocking the stool to the ground on the way, stumbling and pulling out the bolt to open the door, and saw the village chief holding an oil lamp.

“Oh my god, you’re not in pain, right? I’m disturbing your rest. It’s really colder in the mountains than in the city. I’m afraid of freezing our two distinguished guests. Mr. Torretta, are you awake?”

The man looked at Zuo Zhong with a smile on his face, turned sideways and looked into the room, just in time to see Torletta getting up tiredly, and his originally nervous expression quickly relaxed.

 (End of this chapter)

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