Cicada Moving

Chapter 693: castle

Chapter 693 Return to the city

 “Of course I’m awake.”

Torletta rubbed his forehead and shouted to the village chief with a dark face: "Is there something wrong with your wine? Why does my head hurt so much?"

If you are poisoned, you must compensate for my losses. Mr. Okamoto is here and he will testify for me. You must take full responsibility for this matter. "

Hearing this, the village chief quickly apologized with a smile on his face. The home-brewed shochu was fragrant, but because it was adulterated with liquor, it could easily cause headaches to drinkers.

 This is also something that can’t be helped.

 He has no money to buy wine.

 Zuo Zhong on the side smiled slightly as he listened to the conversation between the two. Would it not hurt to be deprived of oxygen? If he hadn't been so skilled, the other person would have become a vegetative state long ago.

  It's not that he doesn't want to kill this person, it's just that this guy still has use value. Once the use value is gone, Torretta is not far away from death.

Thinking of this, he advised: "Let's forget about this matter. Mr. Village Chief has good intentions in entertaining us. I will be responsible for your medical expenses."

Mr. Village Chief, please come back too. It’s getting very late. We have to drive back to Harbin tomorrow morning. We want to have a good rest tonight. "

Hearing these words, Torretta suddenly smiled. It seemed that her headache had subsided a bit. She got into the bed and closed her eyes and continued to sleep.

Facing the expulsion order, the village chief nodded awkwardly, turned around and left timidly, but as he walked, the smile on his face slowly faded.

If Zuo Zhong could see this scene, he would definitely be more sure of his guess. There is something wrong with the village chief and even the entire village of Xiaoniujiaogou Village.

When he returned to his house, the man stood in front of the window and looked at the guest room. He muttered a few words, then opened the side window and raised the oil lamp.

 The time goes back a few minutes.

 Special Service surveillance point.

Gao Bin was lying on the ridge of the field, frowning, holding a telescope and looking in a certain direction. He looked at the watch on his wrist from time to time, looking very anxious.

Seeing the appearance of the unit chief, the three previous officers on duty did not dare to express their anger, but they were a little confused about what the unit chief was nervous about.

“Are you sure you just saw something shaking in the haystack at the edge of the village?” At this time, Gao Bin turned around and asked one of the agents in a deep voice.

 “Not sure, Chief.”

The agent was so frightened by the other party's tone that he hurriedly explained: "It's too far away from our observation point, and I can't see it very clearly.

To be on the safe side, I observed carefully for a long time. The surrounding grass, trees, and buildings were all normal, and no suspicious signs were found.

 If you are worried, I will take people there now to look at the traces on the ground. If someone has indeed been lurking, they will definitely leave some traces. "

As the person spoke, he secretly observed Gao Bin's expression. Except for the Japanese chief, there was no one in the entire secret service department who was not afraid of the other party.

This fat man who looks harmless to humans and animals is not simple. What did he do from an ordinary patrolman in the Fengcheng period to the key position he is today?

 Isn’t it just cruel?

  Additionally, it’s spicy.

It is said that the other party personally sent the wife and her family who were suspected of being anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese to the guillotine, and even gave their children to others to gain the trust of Shangfeng.

The Japanese and His Majesty the Emperor were indeed very happy when they learned of the incident. The Kwantung Army's affairs officer stationed at the Police Department supported Gao Bin's rise to power despite all objections.

This person,

 Being cruel to others is nothing.

 Being ruthless to yourself is truly ruthless.

Gao Bin noticed the look in his men's eyes and guessed what he was thinking, but he didn't care at all. If he was famous all over the world, he would be slandered all over the world.

  A man cannot be without power for a day, and his wife and children are nothing to him. As long as he holds the post of unit chief for a day, what kind of woman will not get it.

He pondered for a moment and shook his head: "Forget it, let's wait for the signal according to the original plan. If Okamoto is not in the room, it proves that you are right.

If he was inside, Okamoto's suspicion would be less. The visibility is so good tonight, it will be obvious if someone is moving around, and there is Torretta.

The two of them sleep together, and if there is any trouble, they will not be able to hide it, unless Okamoto chooses to kill someone to silence them, in which case things will be simple.

In this way, if there is no signal later or the signal shows that there is a problem in Torretta, you can go directly to arrest people, and I will contact the garrison on the top of the mountain. "

 “Yes, Chief.”

The agents thought for a while and realized that what Gao Bin said made sense. There were White Russians watching nearby and surveillance in the distance. The target would be discovered as long as he acted.

With the mood relaxed, someone flattered me with a smile: "Commander, you are so good at knowing things, you even have an eye on such a small village.

Who is the person who sent us the signal? Does the other party have information about the anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements? It would be a great achievement if we catch those people. "

"Shut up!"

Gao Bin's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he warned in a low voice: "Wang Ba Dan, can you ask this kind of thing? You have been in the Secret Service Section for so long!"

  When working in the Police Department, you must not look at things you shouldn't, ask things you shouldn't ask, listen to things you shouldn't, and think about things you shouldn't think about. Do you understand?

If you don’t want to be captured by the Japanese, don’t mention Xiaoniujiaogou Village. Don’t expect me to save you then. Remember, don’t mention it. "

His tone was very serious, or a little scared. It was obvious that this matter was very serious, so serious that even he, the unit chief, wanted to avoid it. The agents quickly shut up. The person who asked the question had his intestines broken, for fear that Gao Bin would sell himself to the Japanese for reward.

Suddenly, everyone was watching a light turn on in the village and draw three circles. This was the secret signal in the plan, and news came from the insider.

Gao Bin's eyes lit up and he raised his telescope. He ordered his men to take cover and stared at the flickering light signals, carefully recording them.

Light signals are actually a variant of Morse code. By controlling the length of time the lights are on, short text communications can be achieved using intervals.

 “The target is inside the house.”

 “Eyeliner safety.”

  It took a full two minutes to deliver the nine-word message. After receiving these two replies, Gao Bin finally felt relieved.

Okamoto's suspicion can be ruled out. As long as he follows for a few more hours, he and others can return to Harbin to have a good fight with the saboteurs.

There is a reason why he is so confident. Setting the time to test the target before dawn is the result of their careful analysis and careful selection.

It is no secret that the Eastern Army is stationed on the nearby peak. There are so many patrols that even a blind man can see Okamoto.

No matter what the other party wants to do, this is a key link that cannot be circumvented. The other party has two options, either to attack by force or to act secretly.

 The answer is self-evident. There is only one target. Facing a large number of heavily armed elite professional soldiers, they will only choose to operate secretly.

 Before dawn is the most tiring and darkest time for human beings. If there is a problem with Okamoto's identity, there is a high probability that he will choose to take action at this time.

 This is safer,

The success rate of the action is also higher.

It's a pity that the other party is Japanese, otherwise there is no need to bother, the eyeliner can check the status every hour, and there is no need to rack your brains to find reasons.

Gao Bin smacked his lips, unable to tell whether it was regret or helplessness, so he lay down in the grass and quietly watched the mist from the mountains transpiring and falling on him bit by bit.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sky gradually brightened, and the warm sunshine shone on the heads of the Secret Service agents, and everyone became lazy.

 Village chief’s house,

The rooster jumped up on the fence and crowed.

The village chief’s wife and daughter-in-law got up early to start their busy day. They first scooped out a few ladles of hot water from a large pot and poured it into two brass basins.

 Suddenly, an old man and a young man came to the door of the guest room holding a steaming washbasin in their hands, and politely allowed Zuo Zhong and Torretta to go out and use the hot water to wash up.

“Thank you so much. Please put the hot water on the millstone outside the door. We are not fully dressed yet and it will take some time to go out.”

Zuo Zhong was sitting on the kang, putting on his coat, and spoke politely to the outside world, but out of the corner of his eye he kept looking at Torletta, who was dressing very quickly.

 Something is wrong,

 There is something strange about this.

The other person is lazy and lazy. He is a person who even feels like he has too many arms when walking. How could he get up so uncharacteristically? What does the Belarusian want to do?

Soon, Zuo Zhong knew the reason. He saw Torletta put on his trousers, turned around and sat on the edge of the bed, lowering his head as if he was putting on shoes.

 But the two swiveling eyes betrayed this man. This guy was checking his shoes to see if there were any suspicious marks.

Zuo Zhong chuckled in his heart and put on his clothes calmly. After making sure that Torretta had finished reading, he got off the bed, put on his shoes, and walked out of the guest room slowly.

 Sometimes what people are most likely to overlook is

 It is oneself.

Knowing that the White Russian was an informant, how could he wear his own shoes to go out? Anyway, he and Torretta had similar shoe sizes, so of course he wore the other's shoes.

Even if the footprints are discovered, it will be that person's fault. It is not new for White Russians to betray their allegiance for money.

After washing up and having breakfast, Zuo Zhong and the two said goodbye to the village chief. The village chief smiled and welcomed them to Xiaoniujiaogou Village again and sent them to the car.

Standing in front of the car door, Zuo Zhong put his hands on the seam of his trousers and bowed. He raised his head and said emotionally: "In your Chinese language, I say goodbye after a long journey.

Okamoto is very grateful to Mr. Village Chief for taking care of him this time. You must inform Okamoto in advance when you go to Harbin, and I will do my best to show my kindness to you as a landlord. "

 “Speaking harshly, speaking harshly.”

The village chief waved his hands repeatedly and exchanged polite words with Zuo Zhong until Torrieta lost his patience and pressed the car horn, and the two shook hands again and said goodbye.

 After saying goodbye, Zuo Zhong got into the car and closed the door. The car engine roared and drove onto the dirt road, jumping away from the Xiaoniujiao Ditch.

Possibly tired of the boring country life, Torrieta stepped on the accelerator as low as possible on the road and sped towards Harbin as fast as possible.

 Three hours later,

As lunch time approached, they finally entered the city through the checkpoint. When they saw the bustling and noisy streets, they both felt as if they were in another world.

Arrived at the door of Jiren Pharmacy, Zuo Zhong handed Torrieta a few bills. The other person took the money and kissed it several times, laughed and drove out.

He walked away from the car, thought for a while and walked into the store. He saw a pale middle-aged man sitting on a stool talking to He Yijun.

 (End of this chapter)

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