Cicada Moving

Chapter 697: The river flows quietly

Chapter 697 The river flows quietly

 “Is there an ambush?”

Mr. Li's hair stood up when he heard this. He looked at the crowded crowd and immediately saw a dozen young people looking around. They all had Japanese southern pistols in their hands.

He is no stranger to this kind of weapon. Although its performance is not very reliable, it can still kill people. Traitors, puppet Manchukuo policemen, and spies used it to kill many anti-union fighters.

He quickly buried his head and prepared to ask who the person was. Before he could speak, he was dragged away from the crowd and walked into an alley where a car was parked.

Next to the car lay the corpses of three men wearing Concord uniforms. Their faces were distorted, their eyes were staring at the sky, and their chests and temples were covered with blood.

 “Are they from the Special Service Department?”

Mr. Li frowned as he looked at the corpse at his feet. When did the other party kill the person? Why didn't he hear any sound from nearby? He couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

While speaking, he wanted to turn his head to look at the other person, but a dagger was pressed against his neck, and the hoarse voice sounded again: "Don't look back, don't resist, get in the car first."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Li felt his eyes go dark, a black bag was put on his head, and he was pushed to the back of the car. Then the engine started to sound and the car began to shake.

In the darkness, he kept guessing who the person who saved him was, a comrade from the Anti-Union League? Unlikely, if so, he would not use a semi-forced method to save people, just say the secret code for the connection.

  Could it be bandits and robbers?

This made him feel nervous. He had a lot of cash on him, which was used to buy medicine. The money was scraped together by everyone, and it must not be robbed.

Mr. Li quietly took out his hand, took out a small red cloth bag from his chest and stuffed it into the gap of the seat. As long as it was not snatched away directly, he could always find a way to get the money back.

After doing this, he closed his eyes and waited patiently. Since the other party dared to save people from the Japanese, they must have prepared a way out, so he took a ride to escape the encirclement.

Just why is there a trap?

Mr. Li is not a fool. He made a temporary decision to contact Lao Xiong. There was only twenty minutes between the phone call and leaving home. How did the enemy know and make corresponding arrangements?

As an old rival, he is very clear about the reaction speed of the Japanese and puppet personnel. He must not be able to secretly deploy more than a dozen operators in such a short period of time. This is abnormally fast.

 Unless the agent heard the conversation, there are two possibilities. One is that the old bear was monitored, and the other is that the old bear rebelled, but no matter which one, he did not want it to happen.

 In private.

They are old classmates and good friends who have known each other for decades. When they were young, they participated in the movement to overthrow Yuan and oppose the Beiyang warlord in Peiping. They are comrades who have experienced life and death together.

That year, the other party took him to solemnly swear under the party banner that he would be his introducer and guide. Thinking of this, Mr. Li's heart felt like a knife, and his eyes instantly became wet.

  Yu Gong.

 Lao Xiong was an important insider for the Anti-Japanese Alliance to break into Manchukuo. He had obtained top-secret information many times, successfully saved the lives of countless comrades, and successfully completed the tasks assigned by the organization.

The accident of such a meritorious underground worker is a huge loss. Without reliable intelligence to formulate a combat plan, human lives must be used to offset the equipment advantages of the Japanese and puppets.

In addition, due to the need to transmit intelligence, Lao Xiong mastered too many secrets, such as the addresses of transportation stations in Harbin, passwords for connections, and material transportation channels.

He had to prepare for the worst. Once the other party was arrested or even rebelled, if the puppet Manchukuo or the Japanese knew this key information, more comrades would be in danger.

 “No, someone else must be notified.”

Mr. Li is getting more and more anxious as he thinks about it. The most important thing now is to spread the news and let the people related to Lao Xiong retreat as soon as possible. We can do other things after the situation is clarified.

 Fortunately, before arriving, the head of the secret camp gave him two emergency contact information. Lao Xiong was one of them, and the other was a traffic station that had just been opened not long ago and was very hidden.

  The important thing is that

 Old Bear doesn’t know where it is.

He immediately turned to the person in the driver's seat and said: "Friend, we are from the same family on Jianghu Road. I don't have money on me. It's useless if you catch me. Why don't you let me go."

 We are all brothers from all over the world. Thank you for the things like hanging sprinklers (poor people) and dogs (policemen). When this matter is over, I will prepare generous gifts and I will never dare to break my promise. "

The origin of the anti-alliance personnel is very complicated. Many of them are bandits who defected to the army out of personal hatred or righteous indignation. In addition, it is inevitable to meet bandits in the woods, so Mr. Li will naturally speak slang.

According to business rules, as long as you meet someone who can speak slander, no matter which hilltop gangster (bandit) you are, you have to give him some face, but you still have to give him the money he deserves.

 Human feelings return to human feelings,

 Business is business.

When the driver heard these words, he laughed strangely: "Haha, when did you rebel and become bandits? You even talked about slander. Don't worry, I'm not a bandit."

Today, it is for the sake of the country, and it has nothing to do with Qian. After waiting for the previous blockade, let's find a place to talk about it. After that, let me leave.

Take out the money you hid in your seat, lest you lose it later. You underground party are really interesting. Your own money is not considered money, and you value other people's money more than your life. "

 National justice?

 You are an underground party?

Mr. Li keenly grasped these two words. There were many political forces in the Republic of China, but there were only two forces that sent personnel to the Northeast, one was the underground party and the other was the fruit party.

 Could it be that the person who saved him was the Guo Dang? What did the other party want to do? Did he want to instigate rebellion or had some other conspiracy? His nerves tensed instantly and he hesitated whether to jump out of the car.

There is not much difference between the underground party falling into the hands of the Japanese and puppets and the falling into the hands of the fruit party. If you don't surrender, you will die. He is not afraid of death. What he is afraid of is not being able to report the information to the organization in time.

 “I advise you not to be impulsive.”

At this time, the person in the driver's seat warned again: "If you jump at such a fast speed, even if you have a brass head and iron arms, you will be smashed into a puddle of flesh. How about living well?"

I understand what you are thinking. I am just worried about inciting you to rebel. You can put your mind to it. That is not my job, and I have no time to kill each other. I only care about the Japanese.

In this place in the Northeast, we should help each other. Brothers are jealous of each other and defend themselves against foreign aggression. Have you heard this old saying? Don't let me underestimate your underground party. " "brother? "

Mr. Li suppressed his anger and sneered, and immediately mocked: "It's so fresh to hear these two words from the mouth of a Fruit Party agent, don't you think it's funny?

How come you didn’t think that we are compatriots when you were killing people in the southwest to the point of bleeding, and when you slashed, burned, and insulted the captives, why didn’t you think that we were compatriots?

Looking at the Japanese and puppet spies you killed, their fatal wounds were all in critical areas. They must be very skilled. I hope you put your skills to good use and don't do anything that will hurt your loved ones and make your enemies happy. "

After speaking, he took out the money to buy medicine and put it back into his pocket, and began to think about what to do next. The party's agent car drove very fast, but it could not always be so fast.

 Be sure to slow down when turning or avoiding. This is the time for him to escape. The only thing to pay attention to is the terrain when jumping out of the car, preferably a dirt road, so that he will not be seriously injured.


While Mr. Li was thinking about a way to escape, the car came to a sudden stop. The person in the driver's seat said nothing and got out of the car and helped him out from the back seat of the car.

Through the black cloth, Mr. Li vaguely heard the sound of the river flowing. They actually went from the south of the city to the river in the north of the city. He didn't know what the other party wanted to do by bringing him here.

Moreover, when something goes wrong on Gogol Street, there must be many checkpoints nearby. How did the other party get through the blockade when heavily surrounded by the gang of special agents from the Special Agents Section of the Police Department?

He touched the bag on his head in confusion, and his heart suddenly sank. The bottom of the bag was tied with a knot, which was difficult to open without a knife. No wonder the agent was so relieved.


A few minutes later, Mr. Li, who was standing there, heard a huge splash of water. He understood that the other party was destroying evidence and pushed the stolen car into the Songhua River.

  Killing without blinking, acting quickly, bold and careful, this was his first impression of the Kuomintang agents. With such an opponent in Harbin, the Anti-Japanese Alliance would be in trouble in the future.

Before he could think any more, a footstep got closer and closer, and finally stopped in front of him. The other person dusted off his hands and started chatting with Mr. Li in a relaxed tone.

“Okay, now that we have settled the matter, I know you are anxious to report to your superiors, so let’s make a long story short. I am a member of the Second Division of the Statistics and Investigation Bureau of the Military Commission of the National Government.

This title may be a bit unfamiliar to you, so let’s change it to a title you can understand. I am from the Secret Service and I am performing a secret mission in Harbin under the orders of Shang Feng.

 The current mission is encountering some difficulties. After all, we are outsiders and are not as familiar with you as the Anti-Japanese Alliance. I want to cooperate with you and deal with the little devils together. How about it? "

 “Secret Service? It’s you!”

Mr. Li was very surprised. The Secret Service had a great reputation. The Red Russian instructor said that it was the most elite intelligence agency in the government and had cracked down the Japanese intelligence organization in Jinling many times.

Not only that, this department has also performed certain tasks overseas. No one knows the specifics. I heard that the person in charge is a young man named Zuo Zhong, who is very powerful.

He pondered for a moment and shook his head: "I'm sorry, I can't decide what you said. Besides, it's hard for us to believe your sincerity. Don't forget what happened in the 16th year of the Republic of China."

 “Bacteriological weapons.”

Facing doubts, Wu Chunyang, half-covered, uttered four words: If important members of the underground party don't even have this overall perspective, then they should pretend that they have not saved the other party.

The worst case scenario is that if we ask the deputy director to transfer more people from Jinling, we will have to destroy the Japanese bacterial weapons testing base at the expense of human lives. This is related to the survival of the entire country and nation.

the other side,

Mr. Li's heart skipped a beat. Is the mission of the Secret Service related to that place? No wonder we need to seek help from the Anti-League. It is indeed difficult to complete it with the strength of one party alone.

He was silent for a while and said calmly: "How to cooperate and how to contact us? Let me say one thing first. We will never accept the command of your Secret Service. This is a matter of principle.

One more thing, what happened just now? Did you light that car on fire? How did your secret service find me? This is the basis of our cooperation. "

Mr. Li proposed two things. His eyes were fixed on each other, and his body slowly tensed up. He was ready to fight with the fruit party agent. Doctors can also kill people.

“You provide intelligence, and we will send people, who are not affiliated with each other, to kill the Baoyinhe base together. If you agree, we will meet at the Jixiang Hotel on Central Street in three days.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, our people will wear white suits, and the code is: Sir, lend me a hand, and I will answer: I saw you by the river, and we will discuss specific cooperation plans and tasks. "

After Wu Chunyang answered his first question, he paused for a moment and continued to explain: "I discovered that there were Japanese and puppet agents squatting near the Education Department, and I accidentally discovered you.

The actions outside were too obvious to you, so I killed the three traitors in the car in preparation for rescuing people. I asked you to cooperate with me after rescuing you, and it was not part of the plan. "

 “Don’t treat me like a fool.”

Mr. Li's voice was low and he asked coldly: "Even a three-year-old child wouldn't believe this kind of nonsense. How can you be so sure that I am a member of the Anti-Union Alliance? Aren't you afraid of being a trap by the Japanese?"

"I kept one person alive for questioning during the murder, and he confessed that they were monitoring an underground party, and he should be the person who wants to contact you, so your identity is not a secret."

Wu Chunyang couldn't expose himself, so he could only use the dead person as an excuse, and then added in a regretful tone: "After you got in the car, someone jumped from the Education Department building. I'm sorry, but please forgive me."


Mr. Li was so distraught that he almost fainted. It must be Lao Xiong. Lao Xiong proved his loyalty with his life. Suddenly, the other person's smiling face kept reappearing in his mind.

The Songhua River around the two of them is still flowing quietly. It carries the history that no one knows and the souls of unknown heroes, and flows silently to the vast sea.

    Two pages of 7,000 words. The second chapter can be written as two chapters, but that would be boring. Martyrs will live forever.

I checked a lot of information before writing this. I really don’t know how they persisted in that environment.



 (End of this chapter)

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