Cicada Moving

Chapter 698: The bold ones are dead

 Chapter 698 All the bold ones died

 Puppet Manchukuo Harbin Education Office,

Secret Service Chief Kumagai Seiji stood in the yard with a gloomy expression. He looked at the man's body on the ground, turned around and walked to Gao Bin. After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly opened his mouth and cursed.

"Baga! Why did you let the target jump off the building to commit suicide? Do you know how much the empire paid to get this person's name? I really want to shoot you on the spot."

Perhaps he felt that just scolding was not enough, so he raised his right hand and slapped the other person several times. The sound reached the ears of the surrounding agents, and everyone lowered their heads in fear.

They knew that Section Chief Xiong Gu liked to give people slaps (slaps) and would punch and kick the staff at every turn. But there was nothing they could do. Everyone could only endure it.

  They are Japanese,

 Even His Majesty does not dare to offend.

After all, the previous dynasty had spent more than 270 years in power. Nowadays, no emperor is having a hard time. The Emperor of Belarus was such a big figure that his whole family was executed.

With the help of the Japanese, everyone can live a good life. As for dignity, they strive for it as much as possible. If they can't win, forget it. Anyway, the imperial rule lasts for ten thousand years, so it is not an insult to the ancestors.

The agents learned Ah Q's mental victory method without any teacher. They all watched blankly as the chief was slapped in the mouth. In fact, their minds were already wandering to nowhere.

 “Hai, Hai”

Looking at Gao Bin again, he bowed to admit his mistake after being slapped. Soon his cheeks swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. His face was full of pain, but he didn't dare to have a trace of resentment.

The Japanese are all Dogs, and they will not recognize others if they fall out with each other. Even if they are beaten to death, no one will come forward to say justice to them. If they want to survive, they have to pretend to be grandsons.

 In fact, he was not to blame for today's incident at all. They had made complete preparations and had people posted next door and opposite the target office, waiting to be arrested.

Who would have thought that the man named Xiong locked his office, and when the car exploded outside, he heard someone banging on the door, and immediately opened the window and jumped out, acting very decisively.

Not only that, this person also lit the curtains on fire. If they hadn't arrived in time, the Education Office building would have turned into a sea of ​​flames. These underground gangs were really desperate!


At this time, Kumagai Seiji on the opposite side was tired from fighting. He stopped to breathe heavily, put his hands on his hips and yelled: "Quickly, tell me everything that just happened. Don't shirk responsibility.

This matter is very serious. Commander Nanjiro of the Kwantung Army and General Doihara of the Intelligence Department are waiting for my news. If you dare to conceal it or tell nonsense, be careful with your head. "

The more he spoke, the angrier he became. He originally wanted to show his face at the top, but ended up showing his butt. This bunch of pseudo-Manchus should be damned if they fail to achieve anything but expose themselves.

Especially this fat man, because he is the confidant of the affairs officer, no one, including himself, will take notice. This time he made such a big mistake, which is just an unforgettable lesson for him.

 “Hai, today”

Gao Bin reluctantly recounted the situation without adding any extraneous detail. All action personnel knew that these matters could not be concealed, so they could only tell them honestly.

At the end of the story, he lowered his head and reported one thing: "Reporting to the section chief, based on our on-site investigation, we found that the other party's methods of lighting cars and creating explosions were very professional.

The other party used cotton thread, which should have been twisted from the threads removed from clothes into a lead. One end was put into the fuel tank and the other was lit. The purpose was to cause chaos and save the person who came to join the connection.

 This is a standard secret service technique. We have never encountered similar methods in previous encounters with the Anti-Japanese Alliance. I think a third party was involved in this matter.

Furthermore, the three dead action personnel were all killed at close range with cold weapons. One of the deceased was an action instructor from the National Police Agency. The murderer was definitely an action expert. "


Third party forces?

Kumatani Seiji was stunned for a moment and then fell into deep thought. It was not surprising that a new opponent appeared. Harbin is the spy capital of the Far East. In addition to the empire, many countries have set up intelligence points.

The strange thing is that these forces mainly focus on collecting intelligence and will not kill people easily. This is an unspoken rule. If the city is in chaos, it will not be good for anyone.

Based on this speculation, the third party must be the enemy of the empire, the Red Russians. No, they exchanged the old bear for important captured personnel, so there is no reason to break the tacit understanding between the two parties.

The other party can only be the National Government. The underground party and the Fruit Party have actually joined forces. This is important information, and it is even related to the overall strategy of the empire. It must be reported to the higher-ups immediately.

 “Gao, continue to survey the scene.”

Kumatani Seiji left a word and ran away. He got in the car and drove towards the police station. There was a radio station there that could directly contact Xinjing. It was no longer safe to talk on the phone.

God knows whether the Guo Party agents have infiltrated the telephone exchange or even the special service department. He decided to conduct a large-scale internal screening tomorrow to prevent enemies from getting around them.

In addition, why did the underground party and the fruit party unite? Is there a bigger conspiracy? It is really a storm that is about to come. Kumagai Seiji secretly sighed.

But these are not things that his small section chief should take care of. The big shots above have to worry about it. It is enough for him to just keep an eye on Harbin and prevent the situation from getting out of control.

after an hour,

 The Kwantung Army Headquarters held an emergency meeting.

 Three hours later,

The Japanese cabinet collectively met with the locusts. Wu Chunyang didn’t know that his unintentional act had such a big impact. After he let Mr. Li go, he secretly returned to his room at the Tanjong Hotel and pretended that he had never gone out.

With Zheng Tingbing’s cover, the waiter did not notice anything unusual. Everyone thought that Shaodong’s family had slept in the room for another day. During private discussions, they all felt sorry for Shaodong.

 That afternoon.

The Japanese have launched a new round of security strengthening campaign in Harbin. Armed soldiers and armored vehicles patrolling the streets can be seen everywhere, and the situation is becoming increasingly serious.

In Jiren Pharmacy, Zuo Zhong stood at the door and looked at the military trucks whizzing by. He narrowed his eyes and wondered what happened. Could it be that the little devil's locusts were dead.

Just as he was thinking about it, a taxi stopped at the door, and Torretta, a Belarusian, came to the door again, took the initiative to chat with him, and asked him insinuatingly whether he had been out today.

 “Of course not, my friend.”

Zuo Zhongshi showed a puzzled expression at the moment, pointed outside and said: "I cooked the medicine in the backyard in the morning, and in the afternoon a few neighbors came to visit, and we drank tea all afternoon.

Don't worry, the security is so chaotic, I won't go out at will. By the way, Mr. Torretta came here just to ask about this matter. Thank you for your concern, you are a true friend. "

He sarcastically mocked the other person. This **** was loyal to the Japanese. Whenever something went wrong, he would come to him without fear of wasting gas.

It's just that the actions of the other party prove one thing. The Japanese and puppets are definitely not going to war over trivial matters. Otherwise, these informants would not go around to inquire about information, and military vehicles would not take to the streets.

 “That’s good, that’s good.”

Torletta smiled awkwardly and stretched her head to look at the backyard. When she saw He Yijun washing clothes, she put her heart back in her stomach and left, wondering where she was going to cause harm to others.

 In fact, the Belarusians did not want to visit again and again. In fact, the Japanese ordered them to carefully check their respective network to confirm whether there was any suspicious situation.

With no choice, he came to Jiren Pharmacy to take a look. He was personally very relieved about Okamoto. He didn't care about current affairs at all and was only busy with his own business.

From the first day he met this person, he could see that they were the same type of people, they were both complete realists. How could such a person be an anti-Manchurian and anti-Japanese element?


As Torretta's car drove away, He Yijun walked from the backyard to Zuo Zhong, looked at the road and said coldly: "Okamoto-kun, this guy is really annoying and needs to be eliminated as soon as possible.

There is always a pair of eyes watching us, and accidents will inevitably happen when we act. He often goes outside the city alone at night, so it is not difficult to create an accidental death scene. "

Zuo Zhong shook his head slightly, looked at a group of patrolling Japanese soldiers, turned back to the counter, took out the account book, and stated his plan while recording the accounts.

"This matter cannot be done for the time being. Look outside. The Japanese are frightened. Once they know that the informant is dead, they will definitely not give up. If they are traced, we will be easily implicated."

I will go out later and ask what happened in Jinling today. Maybe there is relevant information from other parties. I can figure out the situation and then decide what to do next. "

 “Understood, please pay attention to your safety.”

He Yijun also feels that Harbin is a bit strange today. The Japanese and puppet personnel are going crazy. If the reason is related to their mission, they must be handled with caution.

 After staying here for several months, she understood the difficulty of intelligence work behind enemy lines. On the enemy's territory, any action must be done with caution. She would rather not do it than make a mistake.


Want to establish a foothold here,

 You must first learn to be "timid".

 Because all the bold are dead.

Zuo Zhong quickly finished writing down his accounts, sorted his clothes a little and walked out of Jiren Pharmacy. He walked along the road for more than ten minutes and entered a restaurant, where he found a remote corner to sit down.

He ordered a few dishes at random, glanced around with his peripheral vision, put his hand under the table and sent a text message on his mobile phone, then picked up the wine glass and took a few sips, patiently waiting for Jinling's reply.

More than ten minutes later, the mobile phone in the space vibrated. He clicked on the text message and glanced at it, then glanced at the customers in the restaurant, and used the code pad in the photo album to decipher the message.

“There is no information about Harbin yet. The Fengchu team recommends cooperation with the Anti-Japanese Alliance. The bureau instructs us to keep a distance. If necessary, we can use the other party to get rid of the Japanese puppets and ensure the purity of the personnel.”

 Collaborate with the Anti-Union Alliance?

Fengchu Group?

Zuo Zhong took a sip of liquor and thought quickly. This matter was 100% Wu Chunyang's idea. That old fox Zheng Tingbing would never make such a suggestion.

It seems that I have to meet with the two of them and ask clearly about the specific situation of the cooperation. It is best to put the responsibility on Lao Zheng, so that if something goes wrong, let the other party take the blame.

Lao Dai's words about ensuring the purity of personnel, although there were not many words, made him smell the smell of blood. As a boss, he had to wipe the **** of that boy Wu Chunyang.

 (End of this chapter)

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