Cicada Moving

Chapter 705: the day before action

 Chapter 705 The day before the action

 The day before the operation,

 Late night.

Mr. Hong and Mr. Li, who were members of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, stood in the dark basement and were a little surprised when they saw the large amount of equipment in front of them. The Fruit Party actually provided them with weapons.

At the same time, a firearms expert was inspecting. In fact, there was nothing to inspect. They were all new guys who had not even removed the butter. The man quickly nodded to the two of them.

“There is no problem. The state of preservation of this batch of weapons is very good. I randomly checked the bolts of several of them. The mechanism is running normally. They should be off-the-shelf stock from the warehouse of a foreign company.”

 “Well, you go and have a rest first.”

Mr. Hong thought for a while to let the other person out, and watched the basement door slowly close. He pulled Mr. Li, who had been silent just now, to sit down at a table and asked in a low voice.

“Have the comrades from the mountains arrived? How many are there and who will lead the team? This cooperation is unusual and very dangerous. There must be a comrade who is good at commanding to take charge of the entire operation.”

“There are a total of one hundred and thirty people, all of them are veteran comrades who have been tested, led by Comrade Zhou Mingshan of the Second Army Pistol Team.” Mr. Li also answered in a low voice.

 “Zhou Mingshan? Then I’ll be relieved.”

Mr. Hong was delighted when he heard the name. He was a well-known action master in the Anti-Japanese League. He had extremely high military literacy. He could shoot with two guns and hit the target with perfect accuracy. He was deeply trusted by the organization.

 The other party is a native of the Black Province. He participated in the Autumn Harvest Struggle and the Spring Famine Struggle against the Japanese, and has served as an ordinary soldier, squad leader, squadron staff officer, and squadron leader.

He was not only good at marksmanship, but also resourceful. When the guerrillas had more men but fewer guns, he led the guerrillas to attack in turns, resting their men without resting their guns, so that the Japanese puppets and traitors were in constant panic.

 “Yeah, it would be nice to have Lao Zhou.”

Mr. Li smiled and agreed. He was an old acquaintance with the other party and knew his capabilities well. With these excellent commanders and sophisticated weapons, the success rate of the operation was very high.

Moreover, the people of the Guo Party are not simple either. So many white medicines were snatched away at the earliest opportunity, and so many weapons were shipped at the earliest opportunity. The powerful forces joining forces will surely destroy the devil's cave in Beiyin River.

You must know that many prisoners of the Anti-Japanese Alliance were sent there by the Japanese because they refused to give in, and have not been heard from since. This time it was both to save people and for revenge.

 blood feud,

 It can only be repaid with blood!

Mr. Hong’s eyes were filled with murderous intent. Suddenly, a light on the basement wall turned on. The two men immediately kept quiet, pulled out pistols from their waists, and stood at the door.

That was a signal from the comrades on the ground. It should be a routine inspection by the Japanese and puppets. The suburbs are complex with people and roads extending in all directions. It is the key investigation and platoon area of ​​the Harbin Police Department.

The first thing the Anti-Japanese League did when they got the weapons was to transport the weapons out of the city and put them at this secret transportation station in the southern suburbs, in case something unexpected happened during the operation tomorrow.

 “Dong dong dong dong.”

 After a while, someone knocked on the door rhythmically, which meant that it was safe. The two people in the house were not careless. Mr. Li opened the door slightly with a gun.

While opening the door, he and Mr. Hong pressed their feet against the door panel. They had been fighting the Japanese and puppets for so long. If they had not kept an eye out, they would not be alive now.

However, after seeing the person outside the door clearly, the two people quickly put away their pistols, with expressions of relief on their faces. The person who came was none other than Zhou Mingshan, the person in charge of the operation mentioned earlier.

 “Hello, Lao Li.”

Zhou Mingshan came in and said hello to Mr. Li. He was wearing a half-used cotton-padded jacket, with his hands in his armholes, and a broken leather hat on his head. He looked like a farmer.

Only his eyes shining brightly under the dim light showed that this man was not as simple as he seemed. He looked inside the room and saluted Mr. Hong again.

“Chief, Zhou Mingshan, captain of the Second Army Pistol Team of the First Anti-Union Army, is here to report. In accordance with the orders from our superiors, we will follow your command before the operation begins. Please give us your instructions.”

 “Hello, Comrade Zhou Mingshan.”

Mr. Hong raised his hand and returned the salute seriously, then stretched out his hands to hold the other person tightly. Not counting Mr. Li, he had not seen comrades who persisted in fighting in the mountains for a long time.

The most unbearable thing about long-term lurking is loneliness. He must remain vigilant when facing everyone. Every time he meets his comrades in the secret camp, it is a happy thing for him.

The three of them sat down on the stools and chatted and laughed. After a casual chat, they quickly got back to business. They can reminisce at any time. The most important thing now is to perfect the action plan for tomorrow.

 “Chief, Lao Li.”

Zhou Mingshan glanced at the weapons on the side and asked doubtfully: "The superior's introduction was not too detailed. I heard that agents from the Fruit Party participated in the operation this time. Is this true?

If the situation is true, I suggest that only a part of the people be sent, and the rest of the people will be on guard nearby to prevent those bad guys from selling us to the Japanese. I don't trust them.

In addition, do you want to tell your comrades about this matter? Many of them came from the Customs in the 16th year of the Republic of China and have a **** feud with the Kuomintang Party. This matter must be handled well. "

 Sixteenth year of the Republic of China.

 This is a problem.

Mr. Hong and Mr. Li frowned. Should they hide it? But this kind of thing cannot be hidden, and it is not in line with organizational discipline. After thinking for a long time, Mr. Hong spoke first.

“This is true. The personnel involved in the operation on the Guo Party side came from the Secret Service, an intelligence agency that was just established three years ago. Its main work is military intelligence and counterintelligence.

 According to information provided by superiors, this department rarely interacts with us. This does not mean that they are not dangerous. On the contrary, they are more dangerous than the Party Affairs Investigation Section back then. "

“Oh?” Zhou Mingshan squinted his eyes. Of course he knew from the Party Affairs Investigation Section that the current secret service headquarters had its hands stained with the blood of countless comrades in the customs, and everyone had to punish them.

But what is the Secret Service? Due to the Japanese blockade, the information at the grassroots level of the Anti-Japanese Alliance is very limited. In many cases, we can only rely on newspapers seized during the battle to understand the outside world.

So he has never heard of this organization, and he doesn't know the opponent's relevant background and specific achievements. This is no good. As an action commander, he cannot understand his "teammates".

It’s a matter of safety

 It is also related to the success or failure of the mission.

Mr. Hong and Mr. Li looked at each other after hearing this, and Mr. Li told Zhou Mingshan what he encountered at the gate of the Puppet Manchukuo Education Office, and introduced him to the situation of the Secret Service.

 The focus is on the cases that have been solved, the number of Japanese spies captured, the awards obtained, etc. After a series of information was told, Zhou Mingshan, who was as calm as a man, couldn't help but secretly marveled.

 No one knows the terror of the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department better than the Anti-Japanese Alliance. The fact that the other party has been able to defeat the Japanese intelligence agencies several times is enough to prove that the Secret Service is indeed a dangerous opponent.

 “Comrade Mingshan.”

 When Lao Li finished his introduction, Mr. Hong said seriously: "You heard me, when we act together with the Secret Service, we must not hide it from our comrades, otherwise it will be easy for the other party to take advantage of the loopholes.

As the captain, you must do a good job in everyone's ideological work and explain clearly the significance of destroying the Baoyinhe base. Our Anti-Japanese Alliance is fighting for the country and the nation, not surrendering to the Kuomintang.

As for leaving support personnel, this is also the idea of ​​Lao Li and I. As the old saying goes, you must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others. This matter is arranged by you, an expert. "

“Yes, I promise to complete the task.”

Zhou Mingshan suddenly stood up and saluted again, but his heart became more and more heavy. He had to fight the Japanese and guard his teammates. There were too many uncertainties, which could easily lead to the failure of the operation.

If his superiors hadn't repeatedly emphasized the importance of the task, he would have really wanted to suggest that the action be stopped. He would rather lead his comrades to act alone than join the group of beasts in the Fruit Party.

Sighed, he asked Mr. Hong for instructions and then came to the weapon. After mastering it for a while, he finally felt better. Anyway, the advantage was that he got it in advance.

 Submachine gun,

 Fully automatic beater,

  A weapon for close quarters and small space combat.

 The people in the Secret Service are experts and understand what types of weapons are needed in this environment. Comparing marksmanship with the Kwantung Army is asking for death. The only way to suppress it is to rely on continuous firepower.

There is no shame in admitting that the enemy is powerful. Only when you recognize your shortcomings can you work hard. Is it useful to deceive yourself and others? In the end, you and your teammates will be unlucky. Using your strengths and avoiding weaknesses is the right choice.

He was once again on alert. It would be difficult to deal with an opponent who could recognize his own shortcomings. I was really curious about what kind of person the person in charge of the Secret Service in the Northeast would be.


At this moment, there was another knock on the basement door. Mr. Hong was a little confused and signaled Zhou Mingshan and Mr. Li to be alert. Then he opened the door and a young man walked in.

The other party was a ground personnel. After seeing the three people, he said anxiously: "I don't know what happened. The enemies are desperately gathering towards the south of the city. There were more than a dozen trucks passing by."

The Kwantung Army and the Puppet Manchukuo troops were all sitting up there. I saw something was wrong and closed the door. What should I do next? Do I need to call the inside and find out the inside story? "

 “No, continue to monitor.”

Mr. Hong immediately waved his hand. No matter what happened, the Japanese and puppet forces will definitely monitor the phone calls. At this time, it is better to be still than to move. Just wait patiently.

It’s just that the Beiyinhe base is also in the south of the city. In this case, whether tomorrow’s operation should be postponed, Mr. Hong couldn’t help but look at Zhou Mingshan, wanting to hear his opinion.

Zhou Mingshan understood what the other party meant. After thinking for a moment, he said that he wanted to go to the ground to check the situation. The matter was of great importance and he lacked the necessary intelligence support. He could not give any suggestions.

The three of them discussed it and walked out of the basement together to the attic of the transportation station. They looked south through the transom window and saw that the sky that should have been dark was reddened by the light of the fire.


 A very big fire.

Zhou Mingshan estimated the distance, and his face slowly darkened: "We can't see the fire point, which means we are at least twenty or thirty kilometers away from the incident site. Something may have happened to Beiyinhe.

Someone should have launched an attack. My opinion is to first determine whether the attacker succeeded. If he succeeded, then our mission is over, and we can change the target.

 Unsuccessful, a fruitless attack will make the Japanese relax their vigilance. This is an advantage. We must take advantage of this opportunity and kill him as a counterattack. "

Mr. Hong and Mr. Li nodded and chose a course of action based on the results. This was the safest way. They couldn't risk their lives knowing that the Japanese had laid a dragnet.

 But who could the other party be?

 Fruit party?

  Or someone else?

 (End of this chapter)

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