Cicada Moving

Chapter 706: D-day

Chapter 706 D-Day

   It was five o'clock in the morning on D day. ①

For the Anti-League, the current situation is a bit embarrassing. There are still a few hours before the meeting time agreed with the Secret Service, but what happened last night is still unclear.

They knew nothing about whether someone attacked Baoyinhe, whether it was successful, who launched the attack, or what the vigilance force of the Japanese and puppets was after the attack.

Mr. Hong, Mr. Li and Zhou Mingshan all agreed that if there is no clear and credible intelligence, then this operation can only be abandoned, or at least postponed, and death will not be in vain.

nine in the morning.

An intelligence agent disguised as a salesman walked into the traffic station and brought a piece of information. Someone did attack Beiyinhe last night. The number of people was ominous, the background was ominous, and the process was ominous.

I only know that the other party should have failed, because the outer wall of the bacterial weapons base was intact, the Japanese military police also escorted several prisoners heavily, and the puppet Manchukuo agents were responsible for surveying the site.

I heard that three military trucks were hauled away just for the corpses. Apparently, the attackers didn’t even break the outer defenses and were killed by the guards, as if they were actively seeking death.



These two pieces of information made the three people who were waiting for the news look sad. Another anti-Japanese comrade died under the gun of the Japanese, which meant that the resistance in the Northeast was once again weakened.

 Why does the Anti-Japanese League cooperate with the Secret Service? The purpose is to defeat and contain the enemy, and to continuously bleed the opponent. If the effect is not obvious in one or two days, what about one or two years?

 Japan is an island country and it is not difficult to deal with the loss of stable blood transfusions from Korea and Northeast China. Of course, this is a long-term goal. Although the hope is slim, it is worth trying.

 To achieve your goals, the key is people.

Those who dare to resist.

Bloodletting requires continuous attacks. Whoever launched the attack last night not only failed to destroy the Beiyin River, but also sacrificed so many heroes in vain. It is a pity.

However, as Zhou Mingshan said, a failed attack will make the Japanese and puppets relax their vigilance, which will be beneficial to the subsequent actions. The premise is to find out the Japanese layout in Beiyinhe.

They only have one chance to take action. If they cannot destroy the bacterial weapons base in one fell swoop, they will have to watch the enemy slaughter their compatriots indiscriminately in the next few years or even longer.

at noon.

Another message came that the squadron stationed in Toadkeng Village had withdrawn, and the personnel in Harbin City had also returned to the station for repairs. There were only a few spies near Beiyin River.

  In other words, there is no need to delay the action. In a large-scale firefight, a few sneaky agents cannot affect the overall situation. They can be easily killed to avenge the sacrificed comrades.

Zhou Mingshan looked at his watch and said goodbye decisively to Mr. Hong and Mr. Li. It was a long way from here to the action assembly point of the Secret Service. If we didn't start, it would be too late.


 “Goodbye.” “Be safe.”

The three of them solemnly said goodbye. At this moment when the country is in decline and the nation is in danger, everyone has their own tasks. Even if the road ahead is dangerous, they should move forward courageously.

Zhou Mingshan put on his fur hat and scarf, smiled and nodded at the two of them, then turned around and opened the door of the transportation station and walked out, rushing to join his men in the mountainous area not far away.

As for the weapons, comrades who are responsible for material transportation will be sent to a certain place later. In Harbin, it is very dangerous to carry guns without special status.

 The snow is getting heavier at this time,

 Slowly falling from the sky.

Mr. Gong and Mr. Li stood in the house, watching Zhou Mingshan's figure disappear into the wind and snow, their expressions became a little solemn. This farewell may be forever and they will never see each other again.

 But isn't this just a battle? Some people will survive and some will die. The same thing is the belief in the heart. Fighting with people and fighting with the sky, the true qualities of a hero will be revealed in the sea.

In addition to doing the corresponding logistics work, they can only silently wish the comrades that they can expose the Japanese's sinister plot and wish that the comrades can return victoriously.

 At the same time, Jiren Pharmacy.

He Yijun looked at the military trucks passing by on the road and the tired Kwantung Army soldiers on the vehicles, and turned to ask Zuo Zhong: "Okamoto-kun, what happened last night.

 Why do the Japanese look exhausted? Could it be that they have gone into the mountains to clear out the enemy? Will this have any impact on our mission? Should we inform the Anti-Japanese Alliance to postpone the operation first?

 Once we run into a large enemy force during action, it will be dangerous. I suggest that the Wolong and Fengchu teams inquire about the relevant situation, and then decide whether to fight or not after getting the results. "

"no need to worry."

Zuo Zhong held the newspaper in one hand and the teacup in the other. He shook his head and answered calmly: "I asked Xiao Qingmin to send the Korea Restoration Organization to test out the Baoyinhe base.

It seems that we have failed. The group of noisy Koreans are indeed unreliable. It is probably difficult to break through the outer wall. This is good, it can help us figure out some situations.

 In the end, intelligence is only on paper. If you want to find out the hidden defense measures and grasp the enemy's reaction speed, you must actually fight a battle. Sacrifice is inevitable. "

Speaking of this, he took a sip of tea and sneered: "Xiao Qingmin's intelligence came in this morning. The bunkers on the wall of Beiyin River are not light machine guns at all, but heavy machine guns.

 Hmph, Yang Changqing is very cunning, and everything he says is true and false. If he really believed that bastard's confession and forced an attack on the base, many people there would be targets for the Japanese.

Furthermore, the Japanese and puppet personnel in Harbin arrived at the target within an hour in the heavy snow. They attacked and killed dozens of members of the Koryo Restoration Organization, and they responded very quickly. ” ˆ ˆ Goryeo Restoration Organization,

I see.

He Yijun suddenly realized, and then fell into deep thought. Is it really good to treat the other party as cannon fodder? In any case, the Koreans are also for their own country and deserve admiration.

This couldn't help but give her the idea of ​​a rabbit dying and a fox hurting its own kind. If one day the Secret Service is used as a scapegoat, the result will be no better than that of the Koreans.

 The deputy director always reminded them that they should have a bottom line in doing things and stick to their true intentions in the dark. But does this count as sticking to their true intentions? Her thoughts were a little confused for a while.

 One side is national interests,

 One side is the moral code,

This creates a dilemma. ②

Zuo Zhong noticed something strange about He Yijun, put down the newspaper, got up and walked to the door. He looked at the heavy snow outside, held his hands behind his back and remained silent for a long time, and finally said something indifferently.

“In nature, the weak are destined to be eliminated by the strong, and the same is true for countries. If Goryeo is strong now and the Republic of China is weak, then we were the ones who were thrown out as cannon fodder last night.

 This is an iron law that everyone must abide by. Besides, we are Chinese, and the government pays us military pay, not Korea. My moral code is only valid for my compatriots. "

He doesn’t care about the Koreans,

 This is the truth.

Whether life or death, it is fate. It is the price you have to pay to win respect as a small and weak country. They have been vassals for hundreds of years and they should understand this truth.

The death of dozens of people can show the resistance spirit of the Korean nation. What a bargain. The Korean people should be grateful to him. After all, he gave the other party a chance.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the wall clock with his peripheral vision and closed the door of the drugstore without hesitation. It was time to go to the action gathering area to join the Anti-Japanese Alliance. He didn't know if he could come back again.

 If you leave and never come back,

Then just leave and never come back.

He had nothing to be reluctant to part with. All the local specialties he had collected before were placed in one place. The address was already told to Old K. He regarded it as his last contribution to the organization.

My family also went to New Zealand, and there was a high probability that they could escape the brutal and **** World War II. When the situation stabilized and returned to China in a few decades, they might as well become known as patriotic overseas Chinese.

Everyone said that since ancient times, it was difficult to have both loyalty and filial piety. He could only do this. Maybe after death, he would go to a new world. Zuo Zhong thought about it and chuckled.

 “Let’s go and clean up.”


Zuo Zhong called He Yijun back to the back room and carefully cleaned the room. No evidence of writing, hair, or fingerprints could be left behind. He had to prepare for the worst for this trip.

 This was a secret operation. From the moment they set foot on the Northeastern land, they became unidentified gangsters. Regardless of whether they succeeded or not, the National Government would not recognize it.

It doesn’t matter if the people involved in the operation are dead. As long as there is no evidence to identify themselves, even if the Japanese know who did it, they can only bite it into pieces and swallow it.

 In short, it was a success, and I received the merit and award.

  When you die, you will be a lonely ghost.

Why are Baldhead and Dai Chunfeng so generous? It's money to buy their lives. If he dies for his country, the most he can do is give him a worthless medal after the victory to commemorate his memory.

 After dealing with the traces, Zuo Zhong used a few grenades and gasoline to make a hair trap. The explosion and combustion could quickly burn down the Jiren Pharmacy, completely erasing the last clues.

A qualified intelligence officer should be able to keep his mouth shut even when he is alive or dead, and preferably not even have a body. This is what Zhang Anren chose back then, and today it is their turn.

 “Let’s go, Yijun.”

Zuo Zhong put on a fur coat and nodded to He Yijun with a smile. The two of them left the backyard neatly dressed, their expressions unusually calm and their steps extremely firm.

They walked around the city, created some movement tracks, bought two third-class tickets to Suifenhe at the train station, and then boarded the train that was about to leave.

The internal timetable of the Sui-Manchuria Railway is very accurate. The train passed through a tunnel half an hour later. When it changed from dark to light, the passengers did not notice that two people were missing on the train.

 The other side of the city,

  Harbin National Hospital, Xu Enzeng slept like a baby, sitting obediently in a wheelchair. He was pushed out of the door by the expressionless Ling Sanping and disappeared into the crowded streets.

At the Tanjong Hotel, the owner Wang Yuewen and the young boss Wang Songwu took their luggage and got into a taxi. The reason was that they were going to Xinjing to discuss business. The waiters stood at the door to see them off respectfully.

In the Japanese residential area, Xiao Qingmin in the basement suddenly pulled out a silent pistol from her waist and killed several Koreans who knew her true appearance and identity one by one.


 It’s finally about to begin.

① It is usually used to indicate a battle and the day when the operation was launched. When the exact date of the war is unknown or easy to change, D-Day is a standard for measuring it.

②At that time, Goryeo did not steal the country. The Chinese people sympathized more with Goryeo. For example, if you were asked to send a person with no grievances and no hatred to die, would you feel uncomfortable in your heart?



 (End of this chapter)

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