Cicada Moving

Chapter 715: Chapter 700 Chapter 12: Attack

 Chapter 715 Chapter 700 Chapter 12 Attack

 Somewhere in Beiyin River.

Ishikawa Kon, who wears the rank of Major, walked back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back. His expression seemed a little anxious, and his eyes looked at the phone on the table several times.

 Losing contact at the first level of the secret passage is a big or small matter. It has happened several times before, and it was all caused by phone line failures.

  But for some reason, as the head of security in the underground laboratory, he felt frightened when he heard that the checkpoint had lost contact today.

This feeling is very familiar to him. During the Mite Island Incident a few years ago, if it hadn't been for the sudden reminder of his sixth sense, he would have died in Xinjing.

Ishikawa Kon touched his left shoulder. There was a mark left by a Chinese sharpshooter on it. The bullet missed his heart just a little bit.

 In the memory, half of his body was soaked with bright red blood, and pain came over him like a tide, which made a fierce light flash in his eyes.

Physical injuries caused him to leave the front line and serve in Baoyinhe, so that he could torture those lowly Chinese.

Thinking of the methods in the laboratory, his mind was filled with all kinds of fantasies, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. These days were really beautiful.


The clock on the wall rang. Ishikawa Kon woke up from his imagination and suddenly realized that half an hour had passed and the second level had not been reported to him.

Unable to hesitate any longer, he quickly came to the desk and picked up the phone: "Moses, Moses, I am Major Ishikawa, and I will enter the first level immediately."


Before he could finish his words, he heard a muffled sound, followed by a shaking under his feet that almost knocked him down, and the light bulb began to flicker on and off.

Countless dust fell from the roof, and the room suddenly became a mess. Ishikawa Kon patted the debris on his head and asked on the other end of the phone.

 “Baga, what’s going on!”

“Report to the Major, there was an explosion near the flap, someone threw... bang bang bang bang”

 “Moses Moses? Moses Moses?”

There was another loud noise and gunfire from the microphone. Ishikawa Kon pressed the alarm and shouted loudly, but unfortunately there was no answer.

 He knew that what he was most worried about had finally happened. Someone had found the secret passage and broke into the underground laboratory through the secret passage.

If the outside world, especially the powerful Omni powers, learn about this place, the empire will be in great trouble, and he, the head of the security guard, cannot escape the blame.

Ishikawa Kon pulled out his Nanbu pistol and walked to the door, pushed open the heavy steel door, and entered the corridor of the base, filled with running soldiers everywhere.

 Kwantung Army,

 They are indeed elite.

 The calm corps commanders and cao commanders commanded their men, quickly distributed weapons, arranged tasks, and blocked passages. Everything was in order.

 Obviously, they have conducted corresponding drills on a daily basis, and did not panic at all when encountering emergencies, and were controlling the situation as quickly as possible.

The red warning light flashed silently, illuminating Ishikawa Kon's somewhat darkened face. He looked at his watch several times to express his dissatisfaction.

This reaction speed did not meet his requirements. The guards should complete the deployment in one minute and occupy the key points of the underground laboratory in two minutes.

Being ready for battle one minute or even one second earlier on the battlefield can determine the life and death of countless people, and even determine the outcome of the war.


Ishikawa Kon stepped on shiny leather boots and strode towards the turning board after passing the lights one after another. On the way, he waved his pistol from time to time and urged.

Soon, Kwantung Army soldiers with Type 38 rifles and extremely alert eyes appeared in important locations in the experimental area and living area of ​​the base.

In addition, there are six stout guards armed with MP18 submachine guns who are responsible for protecting Ishikawa Kon. These people all wear upper class epaulettes.

The ranks of soldiers in the Japanese army are from low to high: private, first class, and first class. To become a first class soldier, you must have served in the army for three years.

It can be said that, in addition to non-commissioned officers, privates are the backbone of the Japanese combat troops, which can be seen from the submachine guns they carry.

For Japanese high-level officials, it is absolutely impossible to equip ordinary horses with repeating weapons. Cheap postcards with bolt-action rifles are enough.

 As for casualties,

 The empire is full of cannon fodder.

 Ah no, sources of troops.

 Only veterans of special forces are qualified to use submachine guns. They either guard important locations or protect important people.

These six people were divided into two groups, one in front of the other and separated from each other, tightly surrounding Ishikawa Kon in the middle, with all their fingers on the trigger while walking.

The advantage of this is that you can shoot immediately when encountering a situation. The disadvantage is that it is easy to misfire, which requires the user to have a good understanding of firearms.

Ishikawa Kon looked at their skilled tactical movements, and his face became a little better. Those attackers should not be the opponents of the imperial soldiers.

 Relying on complete defense measures and sophisticated weapons and equipment, as long as they can persist for half an hour, nearby support forces will be able to arrive.

No matter how many enemies come, facing the reinforced squadron in Toadkeng Village and the military police in Harbin City, death is bound to be waiting for the opponent.

 It's just that if the attacker can find the secret passage, he must also know the situation of the reinforcements. Can he use this to do something? He has a plan.

But when they came near the flap, the gunfire suddenly stopped. It was unclear whether the guards fought off the attackers or the attackers killed all the guards.

Ishikawa Kon stopped and pondered for a few seconds, then clicked on a guard: "Go there and take a look. If you find the enemy, fire a warning shot immediately. Don't be reluctant to fight."


The guard nodded, walked into a corner close to the wall, and then there was no movement, no gunshots, no shouts, and no return.

Ishikawa Kon frowned and sent another guard. The result was the same as the first one. After entering the corner, he disappeared without a trace again. He knew that the two of them were in danger, so he looked at the four remaining guards: "You go in together to look for the enemy, and be sure to block each other.

 The underground laboratory is of great importance and must not go wrong. If the attackers succeed, the empire's years of hard work will be ruined.

If you are unfortunate enough, I will report your heroic actions to the Kwantung Army Headquarters, and your relatives at home will also be taken care of. "

After speaking, Ishikawa Kon put his hands together and bowed close to the seam of his trousers, with a serious tone: "Your Majesty Tianlu attaches great importance to the test results here, please."

 “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a black card!”

The guards were enthusiastic when they heard the word "Tian Locust". They didn't care whether the two people had gone or not, and jumped into the alleyway while covering each other.

After they entered, Ishikawa Kon slowly straightened up, turned around and walked towards the perimeter. This place might not be able to be defended, and the second line of defense must be strengthened.

The opponent can silently control two elite veterans, and their mobility is extraordinary. The only solution for now is to entangle the enemy as much as possible to buy time.

I hope those four superior soldiers will not disappoint me. The longer they block the attack, the more the balance of victory will tilt toward our side.

Moreover, when necessary, he could use that method to attack the enemy. Thinking of this, he headed to the experimental area with a grin on his face.

at the same time,

The four guards, who had high hopes from Ishikawa Kon, moved slowly in the alleyway, approaching the air-tight door at the end. Behind the door was a flap.

As long as they close the airtight door and block the turntable, the enemy will not be able to enter the core area of ​​the underground laboratory, and the mission will be completed.

 Ten meters,

 Five meters,

 Three meters.

 The guards looked nervous and tensed their muscles. MP18's aim was aimed at the door, sweat dripping from his chin to the ground.

Being brainwashed does not mean being brainless. They are well aware of the risks they face. It is honorable to sacrifice one's life for the locusts, but who wants to die if they can live?

Finally, several people came to a place one step away from the airtight door. One of the guards held a gun in one hand and reached for the door handle with the other hand.


At this moment, the air-tight door made a harsh noise and then slowly opened. The four guards followed the sound and looked over, their pupils dilating instantly.

They saw a one-meter-square concrete block standing inside the door, with dense black gun barrels protruding from around the concrete block, facing them.

The guards felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on their heads, their eyes were full of despair, and the trigger on their fingers seemed to be as heavy as a stone and they could not pull it.

Facing so many enemies, they knew they had no chance of winning and would be beaten into pieces if they made any move. Surrender seemed to be the only option.

Thinking about the punishment of surrendering soldiers under military law, and thinking about how their relatives at home would be unable to hold their heads high due to this, a few people gradually regained their composure.

Imperial soldiers cannot accept the indignity of being captured and imprisoned while alive, and even in death they cannot leave behind a bad reputation of sin and cowardice.


 “ding ding ding”

"Da da da"

The four guards shouted and pulled the triggers, trying to die with each other. However, before they could finish speaking, they were hit by more than a dozen Thompsons.

 And the submachine gun bullets they fired before they died all hit the heavy and hard concrete blocks, and they didn’t know where they bounced.

Light blue gunpowder smoke lingered over the bodies riddled with holes, the ground and walls were filled with craters from bullets, and bright red blood flowed freely.

 “The fight between trapped beasts.”

Wearing a mask, Zuo Zhong walked out from behind the concrete block, commented lightly on the other party's behavior, and then looked at the two prisoners squatting aside.

Who said the Kwantung Army didn't have cowards? The two Japanese soldiers who came to explore the road surrendered happily. Unfortunately, they didn't need prisoners.

 “Fox, clear.”

 He ​​raised his hand and made a throat-cutting gesture to Wu Chunyang, and then said to Zhou Mingshan: "Old gun, breaking in is the first step, and the next step is the tough battle.

Let your people pay attention. Every time you capture a room, you must first find chemical protective clothing and put it on. No matter what situation you encounter, you must not take it off at will.

This is a bacterial weapons base. If you are not careful, you will be infected with deadly bacteria. For the sake of everyone's life safety, you cannot be careless about this.

If you don’t know how to wear it, just ask my people. We all received chemical defense training before the operation and are very familiar with the Japanese anti-gas equipment. "


Zhou Mingshan nodded, looking out of the corner of his eye at the Japanese prisoner with blood spurting from his neck and the fox wiping his dagger as if nothing had happened, and secretly thought that he was really cruel.

Ever since he came into contact with this group of spies, his professionalism and keen observation have refreshed his understanding of the Fruit Party's intelligence personnel time and time again.

Especially this leading tiger, without his command and advice, they would not have been able to break into the underground laboratory so easily.

Also, after the flap exploded, what kind of grenade did the opponent throw into the gap, and why did the nearby enemies quickly lose their ability to resist?

Looking at the scattered Japanese on the ground, Zhou Mingshan looked solemn, and then called Lao Hei and other leaders of the operation and issued the order.

 “Continue the attack and leave no enemy behind.”

 (End of this chapter)

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