Cicada Moving

Chapter 716: Sticky

Chapter 716: Stalemate


Following Zhou Mingshan's order, the anti-alliance operatives quickly organized their equipment, and several soldiers with accurate marksmanship went out to occupy the corner first.

 Because once the Japanese take advantage of the terrain and suppress them in the lanes, the battle will inevitably fall into a long stalemate.

 Today’s actions,

 Speed ​​is key.

 If they are delayed by the enemy, not to mention destroying the laboratory, obtaining technical data and rescuing victims, the operators themselves will also be in danger.

These soldiers quickly came to the corner. One of them leaned against the wall and looked around. Two long corridors appeared in front of him.

Under the dim light, not a single Japanese was seen. This scene made the anti-alliance personnel a little confused, and they quickly waved towards the air-tight door.


Zhou Mingshan saw the signal and patted Zuo Zhong on the shoulder. The two of them moved to the corner with their bodies low, listened to the other party's report and took a look in person.

The enemy's reaction was indeed strange. According to previous expectations, they would definitely have a large-scale firefight with the opponent when they broke into the laboratory.

 As a result, the other side not only gave up the first line of defense decisively, but also evacuated all the people. Did the Japanese want to cover the retreat of the technical personnel?

 It is possible,

 The core of the base is technical personnel.

It can be repaired if the building explodes, and it can be redeployed if the guard dies. It doesn't matter if the data is gone, as long as the scientific researchers are there, you can start over.

Zhou Mingshan looked at the time and saw that three or four minutes had passed since the explosion. Could the enemy have run away? Should he send someone to intercept him?

He frowned and thought for a while, feeling that things would not be that simple. Based on his understanding of the Japanese, it was impossible for the other party to admit defeat so easily.

The Kwantung Army once chased them in the ice and snow for half a month. In the end, these people were chewing tree bark and drinking dirty water like the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

With such a difficult enemy, and with reinforcements expected to arrive at any time, the first thing you want to think about is probably not retreat, but how to destroy the intruders.

has a problem,

 This is a trap.

Zhou Mingshan immediately concluded that the Japanese might know that they were eager to complete the task and tried to take advantage of this to keep them in the laboratory.

If you really send people to intercept, you will have fallen into the opponent's trap. When the time comes to respond hastily, the losses of the operators will be considerable.

And after being ambushed, they needed time to reorganize their attack. The enemy commander was smart and understood that the best defense is to attack.

 “Old gun.”

At this time, Zuo Zhong pointed to the two passages on the left and right, and proposed action: "According to the topographic map you provided, this place is a circular building.

These two roads should be the main passages, surrounding the basement laboratory. I think you can see that the little devil is setting a trap for you and me.

I suggest that the troops be divided into two groups. I will lead the people from the left, and you will lead the people from the right, gradually squeezing the Japanese's movement space and positions.

There is no need to fix the combat tasks of both of us. We can attack whichever side is easier to fight. The deployment of personnel will follow the battle situation. This is called a flexible attack. "


Zuo Zhong loaded the submachine gun as he spoke, and seriously told Zhou Mingshan: "In short, if the enemy retreats, we advance, and if the enemy advances, we defend, without giving the enemy a chance to breathe.

Moreover, the intelligence said that there are only two detachments of Japanese troops here, less than thirty people. When dealing with so many of us, we will definitely lose sight of one thing.

If you don’t have any objections, let’s just act like this. Don’t worry. Again, your people have the right to reject my wrong command. How about that? "

"I agree."

Zhou Mingshan did not hesitate too much when he heard the words. It was now time, and there was no point in worrying about other things. The most important thing was to successfully complete the task.

So he divided his men into two groups, and the elite, including Lao Hei, followed Zuo Zhong, both to show sincerity and out of public concern.

 After a few hours of brief contact, regardless of differences of faith, he had great trust in this person's commanding ability and professional level.

 Besides, the flexible attack was a suggestion made by the opponent, who must be more familiar with its application than I am, so what he has to do is to cooperate, not to restrict.

 Good spirit,

 Lao Qiang is not simple.

Zuo Zhong secretly admired him and sent Wu Chunyang and Zheng Tingbing to each other. These two guys, especially Wu Chunyang, would definitely be able to help.

As for Ling Sanping and He Yijun, they followed him. They both had tasks today, one was responsible for screening technical information, and the other was responsible for finding a radio station.

It goes without saying that technical information is important. The radio is prepared for subsequent lurkers, which is safer than transporting it from other places to the Northeast.

"Take care of yourself."

"Take care of yourself."

 The battlefield is ever-changing, and no one knows whether they will live to see each other again. Zuo Zhong and Zhou Mingshan solemnly shook hands and turned to leave.

 The two sides quickly divided into groups, leaving another group of people to protect the retreat channel, and the remaining personnel formed two columns and walked into the curved corridor.

 The leading soldiers are walking at the front of the team. Their task is to detect whether the base layout is consistent with the schematic diagram and to check where traps are laid.

This job is to dance on the edge of a knife, and it is easy to be ambushed by the enemy, so it must be performed by the most experienced operations veterans.

Zuo Zhong was in charge of the left lane, and the leader was an old man. This man came outside a room, listened for a while and shook his head.

"no one."

After saying that, he opened the door directly. There were a few iron beds and some personal belongings in the empty room. It should be a Japanese dormitory. What is surprising is that there are several sets of chemical protective suits hanging on the hangers at the door. These are the enemy's emergency supplies and there are no traces of use.

The old man was not polite at all. He picked one set first and threw the rest to the anti-union action personnel, ignoring Zuo Zhong and the others.

Not only this room, but also the chemical protective suits found in the next few rooms were all in the hands of the Anti-League, which made Lao Hei a little embarrassed.

 “Haha, that’s interesting.”

Zuo Zhong was not angry when he saw this scene. Instead, he asked Lao Hei with interest: "What did this friend do before joining the Anti-Japanese Alliance? Can you tell me?"

  He has always respected people with abilities, such as Gao Jiayi who can distinguish the special smell in smelly mandarin fish, and Lao Hei, the master of explosives.

This old man can confirm that no one is in the room just by hearing. He is definitely a capable person. He doesn't know where the Anti-League can find talents.

 “You’re talking about Lao Shui.”

Hearing the inquiry, Lao Hei did not hide anything and introduced in a low voice: "He was originally a brat. He has been doing perfumery for decades and has very good ears.

  You can hear whether a fast horse is running by a few miles away. He is considered the number one figure among the bandits in the Northeast, and he was once a master in gold and silver.

 Later, the Japanese massacred the village and killed more than a dozen members of his family, including his one-month-old child, so he joined the Anti-Japanese War.

 If it weren't for these gangsters, our lives wouldn't be great, but at least we wouldn't have our families destroyed. "

The more Lao Hei spoke, the angrier he became. He clenched his fists and his eyes were slightly red. He looked at the corridor in the distance fiercely, wishing he could rush over and kill all the Japanese immediately.

 It turns out to be water fragrance.

Zuo Zhong suddenly realized that Shuixiang was a slang term. Bandits were plundering property, so they had to set up roadblocks and post sentries at high places to monitor the actions of the government, military and police.

This kind of person who is responsible for detecting the enemy's situation and doing Buka sentry work is called Shuixiang. He is one of the four beams and eight pillars. It is no wonder that he can be the vanguard of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

Faced with Lao Hei's anger, he looked at the team that continued to advance and said only: "Tit for tooth, this is the only thing we can do."

 “Bang bang bang”

While the two were talking, continuous gunshots came from ahead. The news quickly spread to Zuo Chong, and the Japanese finally appeared.

In two adjacent rooms, several Kwantung Army soldiers used the door frames as cover and fired several shots at the point soldiers, but they did not hit anyone.

The leading soldier named Lao Shui heard the sound of a gun being loaded before the opponent fired, and promptly reminded the people around him that the two sides were still exchanging fire.

 “Old Hei, go over and take command.”

Zuo Zhong immediately appointed Lao Hei to lead the anti-alliance people, adding: "With grenades, the Japanese are afraid of damaging the base, but we are not afraid.

The next time you encounter an enemy blocking the road, deal with it in this way. Tell everyone to time the explosion and don't let the opponent throw the grenade back. "

 “Sure, no problem.”

This suggestion is very in line with Lao Hei's temper. There are so many plans, just kill every one when you see them. Anyway, the Kuomintang Party gave you a lot of grenades.

He quickly came to the firefight area, roughly observed the enemy's position and distance, took out a grenade, bit the fuse and pulled hard.

The grenade hissed. After a few seconds, he flicked his arm and the grenade flew out, hit the door frame and bounced into the room where the enemy was.


With a loud noise, the body of half a Japanese soldier flew out from the fire. The screams in the room proved that there was more than one person inside.

Before the enemy in the other room could react, Lao Hei followed the same pattern and threw a second grenade, and the corridor was suddenly filled with smoke.

In less than half a minute, several enemies blocking the road were wiped out. They were really wiped out. Jinling Arsenal finally regained its strength.


Zuo Zhong, who was watching the battle from behind, was very satisfied. He could throw grenades to this level, which was comparable to grenades. The Anti-Japanese Alliance was really full of talents.

I really want to swap that **** Gui Youguang with Lao Hei. Everyone is bald, but they are talented in literature, military, and artillery. There is no comparison. There is no comparison.

the other side.

Zhou Mingshan listened to the explosion behind him and breathed a sigh of relief. Just exchange fire and eliminate the enemy's effective forces, and the task would be simple.

They were afraid that the Japanese would hide and attack secretly, which would be very troublesome. They would not be able to thoroughly search such a large underground facility.

He was happy. Ishikawa Konori, who heard the sound at the same time as him, felt something was wrong. The opponent's attack speed was so fast, which was a bit unexpected.

It seems that the final plan can only be used. Ishikawa Kon whispered something to a middle-aged man wearing a white lab coat. The man nodded and left.

 The fighting is lively here.

 Other places are not peaceful either.

Gao Bin was sweating profusely when he heard the news and came to Yinhe. The Japanese gatekeeper refused to open the door and only allowed the spies to guard the door.

Guard, guarding, the enemy was obviously inside. He looked up at the probe lights on the wall with his waist, and as a result, he fried at this time.

There were several loud bangs in the direction of the road and special railway in Beiyinhe, and flames shot into the sky in an instant, which meant that this place became an isolated island.

 (End of this chapter)

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