Cicada Moving

Chapter 718: The final blow (2)

 Chapter 718 The final blow (2)


Gao Bin led his men through the knee-deep snow and climbed up a hill. When he reached the halfway point of the mountain, he held on to a big tree and gasped for breath.

A fat person is tired from walking, let alone rushing through wind and snow. Coupled with the heavy fur coat on his body, he almost collapsed on the road.

Seeing that the unit chief could no longer walk, the agents also took the opportunity to stop and rest. One of them walked to a big pine tree and unfastened his belt and started to drain the water.

Stimulated by the sound of rushing water, people who didn't want to urinate suddenly felt their stomachs swell, and one after another they contributed to the greening.

Gao Bin rested for a while to catch his breath. He also stood under the big tree, solving personal problems while giving instructions to a few of his confidants who came closer.

“As soon as you distance yourself along the ridgeline, shoot me when you see someone, regardless of whether you hit or not, and immediately move closer to the others after shooting.

 This matter is not a big deal today. Although the road is blocked, the Japanese from Harbin and Toadkeng Village will arrive sooner or later, so we must do something.

As you all know, the Secret Service Section has been short of a deputy chief of Manchu nationality. If I can become one, I will never forget you brothers. "

 “Yeah, Chief.”

 “Just take a look.”

"no problem."

 The spies knew in their hearts that it was not important whether they could catch the person or not. The key was to show their attitude. They could not let the Japanese feel that they had done nothing.

That compound is full of Kwantung Army troops. When the time comes, they will probably be pushed out as slaves and dogs as scapegoats.

Of course, it would be better if you can make a contribution, provided that you can survive the anti-alliance gunfire. Everyone present has different thoughts and plans.

After talking, the group of people continued to walk to the top of the mountain. After a long time, a ball of snow next to the pine tree trembled slightly, and then a person emerged from the snow.

 “Niang Xipi!”

Xu Enzeng was angry and afraid. He was angry that these traitors dared to urinate on his head, and he was afraid that he was almost discovered by them.

If he falls into the hands of the Special Service Division, it will be difficult for him to die quickly. The Japanese will definitely squeeze him out before they give up. Even if he surrenders, it will be useless.

Do you think you’ll recruit them all after you’ve recruited them all? It’s impossible. No matter how cooperative the prisoners are, they still have to go through the interrogation room. That’s what the secret service headquarters does.

However, it was an unexpected surprise to be able to overhear the secret agent's arrangements. In the future, when he returns to Jinling to show his merits, who would dare to say that Xu Enzeng is a waste.

 Must go and report the news.

 But I can't stand my own legs.

Xu Enzeng looked at his right leg that was in plaster. After hesitating for a moment, he made up his mind and climbed down the mountain with both hands. A man must be more cruel to himself.

 He was able to become the director of the Secret Service Headquarters not only with the support of Er Chen, but also with his own abilities. Unfortunately, he met Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong.

 In the wind and snow,

A fat guy went up the mountain, and a fat guy came down the mountain. The two passed by each other like this. Even Zuo Zhong did not expect this unexpected situation.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't care. He has no time to care about the bad relationship between the two fat men now, because the battle has reached the most critical moment.

 Lao Hei took advantage of the Japanese's blind confidence in the effect of chlorine gas and taught the guards who came to take advantage of it a profound lesson. The other side suffered heavy casualties.

  A dozen Thomsons equipped with 100-round drum magazines, how powerful the firepower would be, the corpses on the floor in the corridor gave everyone an answer.


His illness could kill him. Lao Hei knew this very well. After firing the bullets in his gun, he put on a new drum and stood up and shouted one word loudly.

After shouting, he was the first to rush out and attack the last fire point. The others roared and followed up with their arms raised.

They all had a blood feud with the Japanese, so they were naturally unwilling to be outdone if they had the chance to take revenge. During the charge, everyone silently recited the names of their dead relatives.

 Parents, friends, lovers.

 Different titles,

 The same thing is unforgettable hatred.

Ishikawa Kon looked at the figure getting closer and closer, and understood that it was time for His Majesty Tian Locust to sacrifice his life. He raised his command sword high and let out a desperate howl.

 “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a black card!”

 “Bang bang bang”

Zuo Zhong, Zhou Mingshan, Lao Hei, Wu Chunyang, etc., everyone present pulled the trigger at the same time, pouring revenge bullets on him.

 Dozens of blood mist bloomed on the executioner's head and chest. The laboratory technicians on the side had pale faces and all collapsed on the ground.

Only two female technicians, perhaps desperate for survival, suppressed the fear in their hearts and started posing in front of the operators.


Zuo Zhong calmly gave instructions to his men. The anti-Union people were disciplined and could not kill prisoners casually after the battle, but they didn't.

The wildfires are not going to burn out, and the spring breeze is blowing and they are rekindled. Why don't you kill these evil-doing beasts and keep them for the New Year? The Secret Service does not need any survivors for this operation.

There was another burst of gunfire, and the bullet casings continued to fall to the ground, making crisp and clear collision sounds. Even Zheng Tingbing came out to play a drum.

This is both for merit and for a vote of honor. Everyone is fighting side by side with the underground party. If he doesn't do it, it is easy for an "accident" to happen.


Zhou Mingshan came to Zuo Zhong and looked at the corpse. He expressed his gratitude in a very small voice. There were some things they couldn't do but the other party could.

The reason lies in his status. It is normal for the brutal Fruit Party agents to kill prisoners. It would be strange not to kill them. No one can find fault in this matter.

 “Small things, small things.”

 Zuo Zhong understood his difficulty, and after speaking, he discussed softly: "The battle is not over yet, we have to rescue the imprisoned human experiment victims.

 Brother Lao Qiang, except for Woodpecker, everyone else on my side is following you. We need to fight quickly. The Japanese army in Toad Hollow Village will arrive soon.

In addition, I always keep my word, and I always stick to my words. You choose the technical information you find first, and both parties will keep a copy. "

 A spy with integrity?


Zhou Mingshan raised his eyebrows and made a condition: "Yes, but my people must be present, just Lao Hei. You just had a great time cooperating. It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that what your party has done before is hard to convince." I’m convinced, I hope we can have a happy cooperation this time, how about it?”

 “Okay, I agree.”

Zuo Zhong had no intention of playing tricks on the information and letting the Fruit Party and Baldhead master bacterial weapons. This was absolutely impossible to do.

 Weapons of mass destruction are not terrible. What is terrible is that weapons of mass destruction are in the hands of a madman, and someone is a standard madman.

It is safest for both parties to keep the information separately like this. He gave an explanation to the above and prevented a possible tragedy.

 “Okay, let’s go rescue people.”

Zhou Mingshan nodded after hearing this, and left the underground laboratory with most of the operatives. The exit here was already under the control of the Anti-League.

 The next battle will not waste too much time. Although there are many enemies left in Beiyin River, the defense facilities are all facing outside the high wall.

 The operators attacked from the inside out. As long as they destroyed the cells where the human experiment victims were held, they could retreat without having to fight the Japanese.

 “Let’s take action too.”

Watching his comrades go to kill the Japanese, Lao Hei was a little unhappy and said to Zuo Zhong in a deep voice. Next to him stood Lao Shui, who had been a bandit for many years.

 The gangsters are most prone to internal strife when dividing the spoils. This is somewhat similar to the current situation. Zhou Mingshan's arrangement is to borrow the other party's experience.


Zuo Zhong raised his hand to indicate that he and Ling Sanping were walking in front. They randomly found a laboratory and walked in, quickly looking for paper documents with writing on them.

  The essence of bacterial weapons research is biological experiments, which follow the three most basic principles, namely control of variables, control and repeated experiments.

 To obtain the desired strains and research results, we need to constantly compare, experiment, and record. There are no shortcuts.

 This resulted in a large amount of information in the basement. Ling Sanping's job was to pick out the valuable parts and destroy the rest on the spot.

 “Estimation method of plague transmission effect.”

 “Basic examination of spreading in rain.”

 He quickly browsed through the documents one after another, repeating the titles in his mouth, putting aside the important ones alone, and throwing the unimportant ones on the ground.

Zuo Zhong and others were not idle either. They collected information everywhere and sent it to him. However, as they kept searching, everyone's anger could no longer be suppressed.

In Japanese laboratories and dormitories, they saw many photos and specimens, which recorded countless crimes.

The Kwantung Army's water supply and epidemic prevention troops used the Chinese people known as "Malu Da" as guinea pigs to conduct experiments, and there was no trace of humanity at all.

For example, these beasts often remove human organs while people are still alive, and the victims can only watch the process of their own death.

The Japanese army would also freeze people's arms in extremely cold air, and then pour hot water on them to test whether the skin could be completely removed.

There is also the so-called maternal love experiment, which involves putting a mother and child in a gas chamber to see what the mother will do in order to study human psychology.

 “Beast! Beast!”

An anti-Union fighter suffered a nervous breakdown. He rushed to a corpse and fired all the bullets from his submachine gun. He continued to pull the trigger until he was knocked unconscious.

Zuo Zhong's mind was also a little groggy. He walked into a room full of test tubes with an expressionless face and looked up somewhere through the corridor light.

I saw a row of large glass bottles, some of which contained babies at different stages of growth, and some of which contained the heads of men, women, and children with painful expressions.


At this time, Lao Shui, who followed him in, gritted his teeth, couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes, and held the weapon tightly in his hand.

These babies reminded Lao Shui of his own grandson, who was also of this age and was also killed by the Japanese. He was in a trance and almost fainted.

Zuo Zhong did not comfort the other person, but just watched quietly. He stayed there for an unknown amount of time, then turned around and prepared to leave, his eyes sweeping across the ground.

glass shards?

glass shards!

His body instantly stiffened, and a chill ran down his back. This was a bacterial weapons base. What bacteria would have been in the glassware before?

 Typhoid fever? Or the plague? Or cholera? It's possible that he can't stay here any longer, he shouted at the confused Lao Shui.

 “Get out quickly.”

 “There’s a leak!”

Hearing the sound, Lao Shui slowly turned his head and walked behind him numbly. When he reached the door, Lao Shui suddenly pushed Zuo Zhong out and closed the door.

Zuo Zhong reacted quickly. He rolled on the ground, turned around and pointed his gun at the opponent, wanting to see what the old bandit was going to do.

"Feel sorry."

 Lao Shui in the room shook his head and pointed to his sleeve through the glass. There was a small hole on it, which should have been caused by a stray bullet.

After saying these two words, he returned to the row of glass bottles, pulled a chair and sat down, took off his gas mask and hummed a Kanto tune.

“The sky is late and the moon is due east, and the stars are shining all over the sky.

 There was a little baby in the room, which made me feel sad for a while.

 What a pity and pitiful thing.

 What's the pity for?

Poor Japanese ghosts, they kill people without blinking an eye.

 Whether you are old or young,

 The killing is complete. "

The singing became louder and louder, seeming to pass through the dark corridors, through the fertile and thick land, and float over this land of white mountains and black waters.

The last part is a tune played by two people. If you have a meeting, you can record a message and contact me or post it in the comments. When I checked the information, I saw a lot of tragic stories, which made me feel a little uncomfortable.

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