Cicada Moving

Chapter 719: Demon's Den is Destroyed (2-in-1)

Chapter 719: The Demon Cave is Destroyed (two chapters in one)


The windowless building in the Beiyinhe base suddenly emitted a burst of smoke from the exit, and the flames broke through the shackles of the door and burned fiercely.

The fire illuminated the dark night sky, and the wind and snow in the sky blew through the fire, quickly melting and turning into water and falling to the ground, but it was like water and fire.

The Kwantung Army soldiers in the yard looked as if they were dead mothers. Several low-level officers wailed and fell to their knees on the muddy ground.

 They are all in big trouble.

 “Contact Xinjing!”

 “Deploy planes to search!”

A captain howled twice, jumped up and shouted at the messenger, now he must catch the saboteurs if he wants to survive.

Although he didn't know why the enemy had information about the secret passage in the laboratory, after all, he had only heard about it and didn't know the specific situation.

But the other side will always retreat. This is the only chance to make meritorious deeds. Even if the merits are equal to the faults, it would be fine to send them to serve on the Red-Russian border.

 Can live.

Who wants to die?

Hearing the captain's shout, the others looked at the sky. The heavy snow showed no sign of letting up. The plane could not take off in this kind of weather.

Even if it doesn’t snow, by the time the plane takes off at dawn, the saboteurs will have already entered deep into the mountains and forests, making it impossible for them to find them.

However, looking at the captain's ferocious expression, the communications soldier did not dare to refute, lowered his head and quickly went to the communications room to report to the Kwantung Army headquarters.

Let's just follow fate. If the enemy is still lingering nearby, or if the heavy snow stops later, we might be able to find traces of the enemy.

But Zhou Mingshan wouldn’t be so stupid.

 Zuo Zhong can’t do it even more.

After killing people and setting fires, what are you going to do if you don't run away? If you get entangled by the Japanese troops in Toad Hollow Village, everyone will be trapped in this hellish place.

At this time, the personnel involved in the operation were speeding away from the Beiyin River, and everyone was helping the imprisoned human experiment victims across a glacier.

Wearing chemical protective clothing, Zuo Zhong held a child who had lost his eyes and stared at the red-hot sky, muttering to himself: "Lao Shui is a hero."

"Yes, he is a real hero." Zhou Mingshan on the side couldn't help but stop and replied in a low tone, with tears in his eyes.

Lao Shui finally refused the rescue. After the operators entered the secret passage, he lit a kindling in the room filled with glass bottles.

 Everyone understands that there is nothing that can be done. The human test victims they rescued only have physical disabilities and are not infected with bacterial weapons.

 Because people who underwent bacterial experiments died very quickly. After the experiment, the Japanese would take these people directly to the incinerator for cremation.

 Whether alive or dead.

No one knew what kind of bacteria Lao Shui was infected with. Ling Sanping ventured in and looked at the glass fragments, but could not find a label on them.

In order not to be a burden to the team and not to bring danger to his comrades, he chose to sacrifice with a smile and live forever in the fire.

At that time, several people in the Secret Service who witnessed this scene were shocked, and even the way Zheng Tingbing looked at the underground party changed slightly.

 Sacrifice for the country, this sentence only has four words, and it sounds simple. The problem is that anyone can shout the slogan, how many people can do it.

 “So are they.”

Zuo Zhong nodded when he heard Zhou Mingshan's words and looked at the dozens of bodies passing by on stretchers. They were anti-alliance fighters who died in the battle.

It was fortunate that they were in the underground laboratory. Due to the terrain restrictions and the fact that they were caught off guard, the guards did not cause much trouble to the operators.

 The casualties mainly occurred when attacking the cells. The Japanese shot at the high wall and hit many people, but this was a price that had to be paid.

It is impossible to fight without killing people, let alone attack a military important place like Baoyinhe. The Kwantung Army's combat effectiveness is not exaggerated.

 “Thank you very much this time.”

Zhou Mingshan turned to look at him and said seriously: "Especially the fox, if he hadn't killed several enemies in time, the casualties would have been even greater.

If the party’s spies are all like a few, then we will have a headache. How about you, are you interested in understanding our thoughts? "

 When he said this, his tone was a bit ridiculing. It seemed like he was joking. As for whether it was true or not, they both knew it well.

 “Don’t worry, it’s not much.”

Zuo Zhong shook his head and replied, without answering the test. He focused on several approaching figures in the distance and a fat penguin?

On the smooth ice, I saw a person crawling and lying on the ground. He grabbed two stones with both hands and used his strength to cut through the ice. He slid quickly with the support of his belly.

Strange things happen every year, especially today. When did Director Xu from the Secret Service Headquarters start studying bionics? He is such a talented person.

The other party is probably surrounded by people sent by the Anti-Union to disrupt traffic. How did they get together? Could it be that Xu Enzeng joined the underground party?


Just as he was thinking about it, Fat Penguin had already arrived. He made a beautiful drift and stopped in front of the team. Then he raised his head and cursed loudly at Ling Sanping.

“Surnamed Ling, do you know that I was almost captured by the special agents of the Special Service Division, but in the end, if I was captured, it would be the end of me.

I want to report your bad behavior to the Military Commission, no, to the chairman of the committee. None of you can escape, even if Dai Chunfeng comes, it will be useless. "

While he was angrily scolding Ling Sanping, he raised his hand and slapped the ice with all his strength. His eyes were red and he looked a bit scary. He obviously hated the other person very much.

Facing the accusation, Ling Sanping was really helpless. If he really wanted to harm him, there were so many opportunities to attack him, so why should he use drugs?



Zhou Mingshan, who was watching the excitement from the side, was heartbroken. It turned out that the woodpecker's surname was Ling, and this fat man whose codename was Wild Boar could also directly contact someone.

As expected, he guessed it right. The Tigers were not simple people. They must be high-level members of the Kuomintang intelligence agency. No wonder they could mobilize so many weapons and equipment.

Then why should we take the opportunity to keep the other party? Zhou Mingshan was a little tempted, but then gave up this touching idea. This was not in line with discipline.

The two sides have just cooperated to destroy the Japanese bacterial weapons base. They must not kill each other. The enemy will be happiest in that way.

Not only did he understand the meaning of Xu Enzeng's words, but people like Lao Hei also kept looking at the people in the Secret Service, and the atmosphere became a little weird.

All fools understand the importance of senior intelligence personnel. Of course, it is impossible for roommates to fight each other. There is no problem in inviting the other person back to the mountains as a guest.

Everyone made friends, and the Anti-League "borrowed" some supplies by the way. Who made the Fruit Party rich? Several warriors with former bandits licked their lips.

 “Shut up!”

Zuo Zhong shouted angrily in a low voice, Xu Enzeng, a bastard, was really stoned and dumbfounded. He dared to say anything, he was looking for death.

Even if Ling Sanping's pseudonym is Ling, they cannot be revealed casually. Their identities are top secret, and if they don't do it well, they will lose their lives. Don't be careless.

From time to time, a thief appears in a place, and the root of the problem lies with the person named Xu. It's just that he leaked the secret to his own side before, but this time he leaked it to the underground party.

After cursing, Zuo Zhong pointed at Xu Enzeng’s head with a smile on his face and said to Zhou Mingshan: “Brother Qiang, please don’t mind, this person is mentally ill.”

"hehe, ok."

Zhou Mingshan chuckled to express his understanding. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the fox with his hand on the submachine gun and understood that the other person was ready to fall out.

  That’s all, forceful confrontation is not sweet. The two sides are at war with each other and it is easy to get into trouble. It’s time to act separately. The anti-union communication lines must also be kept secret.

So he cupped his hands and said: "Mr. Tiger, there is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever. Once the mission is completed, it's time for us to leave here. See you again if we have the chance."

I have something to say before I leave. Now is the time when our country is in danger. You should focus more on protecting your home and country. I say goodbye. "

  “Wait a minute.”

Zuo Zhong stopped the opponent and asked Wu Chunyang and others to take out all the weapons and ammunition on their bodies, including the radio station He Yijun was carrying.

They moved and attacked so fast that the operators in the underground laboratory only burned the code book and the military radio did not have time to destroy it.

 His original idea was to leave it to his successor, but he changed his mind. It would be better to leave it to the Anti-Japanese Alliance than to leave it to the spies, which would play a greater role.

Moreover, Xu Enzeng had done this, and he had enough reasons to explain it to Shang Feng. Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong stood next to the weapon and the radio and clasped his fists.

“Old gun brother, I’m grateful for your help this time. A mere gift would be disrespectful. We are destined to meet again. I hope everything goes well on my return trip. Goodbye.”

 “Thank you, see you later.”

Zhou Mingshan sighed inwardly. The other party had already made his attitude clear without relenting. Sending weapons and radio stations was just a polite refusal.

He turned around and ordered the anti-union soldiers to carry supplies, shook hands again and said goodbye, then led the people into the forest by the river, and disappeared into the darkness after a while.

This heroic force, which used weapons from the last century and fought to the death with the Japanese outside the customs, arrived quietly and left quietly.

 The fighting ability and firm will they showed made Zuo Zhong understand that a team with true faith cannot be defeated or delayed.


Zuo Zhong said silently. After a long silence, he lowered his head and looked at Xu Enzeng, who looked angry. Although this man shut up after being scolded, he had a look of dissatisfaction.

I really don’t know where the other party’s face comes from. Several of them have been through life and death, and they asked this guy to stand guard from the outside. As a result, he couldn’t do even this little thing well. Waste, a standard waste. If he were not afraid that he would not be in Jinling, no one would hold back the Guo Party and the Secret Service Headquarters. Even a dog would be better than him.

But how could the people from the Secret Service bump into the person named Xu? Aren't those Gou agents investigating the scene of the Korean attack on Beiyinhe?

Zuo Zhong walked up to the other party and asked this question. This matter must be clarified. Who knows if Lao Xu is a mole that was released.

 If the explanation is not clear, kill them.

  There is plenty of room to bury this fat man anyway.

Besides, when Xu Enzeng heard that Zuo Zhong suspected that he had surrendered to the enemy, his nose almost became angry: "Bah, you surnamed Zuo, you are surrendering to the enemy by having an affair with the underground party.

I hid well under the tree, and the people from the Secret Service peed on my head a few times, saying they were going to intercept the people who were blowing up railways and highways.

If I hadn't risked my life to climb down the mountain and stop those idiots from the Anti-League, all of you would have been targeted by the Puppet Manchukuo spies. "

 “Oh, that’s right.”

Zuo Zhong pressed the button on his cell phone in his pocket and turned off the recording. Xu Enzeng personally admitted that he had protected the underground party. This news was shocking enough.

After collecting the dirty information, his face suddenly changed and he sneered: "Idiot, do you know that we almost died here just because of your words?

Is the leader visible to anyone? You might as well tell the underground party directly that I am the deputy director of the second division and you are the director of the first division.

When the other party is happy, they may be able to reward you with an official to do something for you. Do you want me to call your dear comrades back, Director Xu Da? "

 “You, you, you are so slanderous!”

Xu Enzeng was so angry that he couldn't speak clearly anymore. He trembled and said: "I am completely devoted to the Chairman of the General Assembly. The sun and the moon can tell me, so don't talk nonsense.

I endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden to save you, but instead of thanking you, you even framed Xu as a bandit. Even if I die and become a ghost, I will not let you go. "

Speaking of this, Xu Enzeng touched his head to the ground in grief and anger, looking like he was dying, but his eyes were furtively aimed at Zuo Zhong and others.

 “Okay, stop acting.”

 Such poor acting skills are embarrassing, Zuo Zhong frowned: "Giving those weapons and radio stations to the Anti-Japanese Alliance is paying for lives.

People have already guessed our identities from what you said. If the other party kills him, can the six of us defeat more than a hundred people?

Spent a small amount of money to save your life, do you think it is worth it? Let me tell you, the radio station is regarded as the secret service headquarters. When you return to Jinling, you have to send an American product to the Northeast. "

Wu Chunyang and Zheng Tingbing even glared at Xu Enzeng. They had previously noticed that some people in the Anti-Japanese Alliance were ready to make moves, which was indeed too dangerous.

Ling Sanping looked indifferent. No one would kill a doctor, especially a good doctor. There are only a few people like Prime Minister Cao in the world.

 “This has nothing to do with me.”

Xu Enzeng was a tough talker. After speaking, he turned his head and stopped talking. This person in the wilderness made the people of the Secret Service anxious, and he was the one who suffered.

At the same time, I secretly feel cruel in my heart. If I can't bear it, I will mess up my big plan. When I get back to Jinling, I will let you **** know how powerful I am.

Zuo Zhong was too lazy to pay attention to him, so he took a road with dense trees and walked towards Harbin. It was almost dawn, so he had to finish his business as soon as possible.

The crowd followed closely behind. Xu Enzeng had difficulty moving, so he was dragged along by two young and strong men, Ling Sanping and Wu Chunyang, like dragging a dead pig.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the fire was no longer visible, the sky was getting darker and darker, and it would be dawn in an hour or two, and a new day was coming.


He shook the snow off his collar and ordered: "Find a place to sort out your clothes later. Bury the replaced clothes deep and do not burn them."

 We split up when we arrived at the outskirts of the city. The Wolong group went to the train station and took a bus to Xingjing. After arriving, we used Xingjing’s phone number to call the Tanjong Hotel.

You told the waiter that you were going to Xinjing to discuss business. You need to have a good alibi. I don’t care how you do it, but you must deceive everyone who knows about it. "



Wu Chunyang and Zheng Tingbing replied, and then thought about specific measures. There were more puppet Manchukuo spies in Xinjing than in Harbin, so they had to round out their lies.

For example, how to prevent people on the train from remembering their appearance, such as how to forge accommodation records, these things need to be thought about carefully.

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he turned to Ling Sanping and the mangy dog ​​Xu Enzeng: "It's easy for you two, just buy some wine and drink them all, and then go back to the grain store drunk.

If anyone asks, Dr. Ling, just say that you accompanied Xu Haer to have fun near the train station. The girls there are very mobile and difficult to trace.

 If you are targeted, you must not retreat without permission. If you are arrested, I think you all know what you should and should not say. "


  Everyone nodded. It was impossible to get arrested. The most important thing in this business is to always keep a bullet for yourself.

 It is difficult to survive torture and confession. You thought you could face all kinds of torture calmly, but the reality is that the enemy gave you a whip and you confessed.

Rather than being caught and tortured by the Japanese, it would be better to die happily and avoid injuring relatives and friends at home. Military law is ruthless, and offenders cannot escape death.


So far, except for Zheng Tingbing, an old turtle, everyone in the Secret Service, including himself, has the courage to die for his country.

Xu Enzeng is enough. Those who love **** must be passionate, and those who are lustful must be ungrateful. If the other party is both, the possibility of being a traitor is not small.

He glanced at Lao Xu and Lao Zheng who were being dragged forward, and felt that he had an obligation to help them when things got too much.

When we arrived in the underworld, it was great that everyone was reunited. At least he had a companion on the road. Thinking about it this way, he had done a great thing.

 More than two hours later.

God help, the wind and snow did not stop until they reached the outskirts of Harbin, and all traces and footprints along the way were buried in the heavy snow.

Zuo Chong was still a little worried, so he found some pine branches and tied them to Xu Enzeng's body to drag him along, so that the traces they left behind could be completely destroyed.

The main reason for being so cautious is that Xu Enzeng's footprints are so distinctive. If the Japanese follow the line of leg injuries, they will inevitably encounter twists and turns.

 After all, killing someone is quite troublesome.

This guy is so heavy.

After bypassing the Japanese checkpoint on the country road and entering the city, the few people dispersed naturally, just like a few drops of water blending into the sea, silently.

At six or seven in the morning, Zuo Zhong and He Yijun appeared near the pharmacy, arm in arm. Instead of going back in a hurry, they found a breakfast stall and sat down.

  After a busy night, the two of them were already very hungry. They didn't even count on eating. They also picked up some snacks when they left, and walked openly to the hiding place.

The neighbors I met on the road thought they were out for breakfast. Although this happened rarely, it had happened before, so they didn’t pay attention at all.

 Lurtting requires forging living habits in order to facilitate movement. Whether it is eating noodles at home or occasionally having a dental ritual, it all serves this purpose.

 Be careful not to be deliberate.

 Deliberately represents a plan.

 Can't hide it from the cunning Manchukuo spies.

Only an acquaintance asked what they were doing yesterday afternoon. Several patients came over without buying any medicine, so the knocking on the door was inevitably louder.

Zuo Zhong smiled and explained that he took his wife to visit Harbin yesterday and came back at night. He said some kind words to thank him for his concern.

The other party didn't think much about it. When he got up at night, he saw the lights in Jiren's medicine house were on. It must be that the couple came back. It was indeed a bit late.

 Have a little chat.

The two of them are busy working separately, both doing business to earn a living, and neither of them has time to care too much about others. The so-called small talk is just to find something to say when there is nothing to say.

Zuo Zhong took out the key and opened the door of the pharmacy. He picked up the teapot on the counter and walked to the door. He pretended that it was too hot to drink and took a few sips.

Those who don’t know will definitely think that this is the hot tea he made just before going out. Sometimes the illusion caused by the subconscious is more profound than the memory.

Under the sun, the snowflakes fell to the ground one by one and slowly melted. He Yijun came to the room in the backyard and reached out to pull down the light cord and turn off the light.

Go to the window and take down a curtain that is neither thin nor thick. In fact, it is not difficult to create the illusion that someone is home at night, and no complicated mechanism is needed.


 The light is inconspicuous in sunlight.


 Lights are easy to see in the dark.

People's eyes are the most deceptive, and seeing may not necessarily be believed. Zuo Zhong looked at a dilapidated car approaching in the distance, turned around and showed a smile.

I could have written three chapters, but I wanted to streamline it and not divide it into chapters.



 (End of this chapter)

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