Cicada Moving

Chapter 720: End and Beginning (2-in-1)

 Chapter 720 The End and the Beginning (Two in One)


The Belarusian Toleta man arrived before he was heard. After getting off the car, he shouted and then hurriedly walked into Jiren Pharmacy, looking around with his eyes.

The room was deserted. Only Zuo Zhong, whose pseudonym was Okamoto Shigenobu, was settling accounts at the counter. When he saw him coming, Zuo Zhong looked up with a smile and made a joke.

“My friend, I knew it was almost time for you to come. As long as something happens in Harbin, you, the taxi driver, will be busier than the police department.

I know what you are going to ask. Xia Zi and I went out yesterday afternoon and came back after dark. We just went out for breakfast. Someone can testify.

Tell me, what big thing happened? Why are there so many police and imperial soldiers outside? Did the Red Russians come over? "

The two parties have been together for such a long time, and Torretta's true identity is not a secret. Pretending to be stupid will only be counterproductive, so it is better to get straight to the point.

 Be strong without desire. He is a Japanese doing business in the "colonies" and there is no need to fear the spy of the puppet Manchukuo government or other agencies.

"Ha ha."

 “You misunderstood.”

Torletta laughed dryly, put his hands on the counter and leaned his head over his head, saying mysteriously: "I heard that something happened in Xiaoniujiaogou Village.

A group of anti-Manchurian and anti-Japanese elements set a fire nearby last night, and this morning all the military and police in Harbin went out into the mountains to encircle and suppress it. "

While the Belarusian was introducing the situation, he observed Zuo Zhong's expression. He felt quite confident in such a blatant temptation.


Zuo Zhong waited for the other party to finish and asked anxiously: "Are the medicines okay? Damn it, I can't bear the cost of buying medicines from other places.

Why can’t these people just build the Locust Road Paradise with peace of mind and insist on destroying it? No, I have to go to Xiaoniujiaogou Village to take a look at the situation. "

As he spoke, he walked directly out of the counter to the clothes rack, raised his hand to take off the coat and hat, and waved to Torletta.

“Let’s go, take me to Xiaoniujiaogou quickly. I’ll pay you double the fare. Set off early and try to come back at night to avoid danger.”

"no no."

Torletta shook his head rapidly: "The Japanese checkpoint outside the city has been put under martial law, and no one is allowed to enter or exit, even if they have a pass.

 And I don’t want to go there. There is no wine and no women. You can go by yourself in the future, but the favor fee you promised me cannot be less.

 Okay, it’s time for me to go about my business. As a friend, I’d like to remind you not to have anything to do with Xiaoniujiaogou again. Do you understand? "

  After saying something without any beginning or end, Torrieta patted the counter gently, turned around and left Jiren Pharmacy, got in the car, stepped on the accelerator and drove away quickly.

A row of clear wheel marks were left on the muddy ground, and a few green pine needles were stuck in the slush, which looked particularly eye-catching in the sunlight.

Zuo Zhong's eyes narrowed, and then he frowned slightly. He always felt that the other party's performance today was a bit awkward, especially the last sentence.

 Stay away from the calf horn ditch,

 This is a reminder,

 Or a warning?

He went there to do business. Many people knew about it. When he went there for the first time, there were even Japanese and puppet personnel monitoring him, so he couldn't hide it from others.

So it doesn't matter whether he goes now or not. If the Japanese suspect him, the spies will definitely come to his door. Obviously this is not a kind reminder.

 It can only be a warning.

But who is the other person warning for, and what is the purpose of the warning? Could this scoundrel be under the instruction of the Puppet Manchukuo Police Department? This seems very reasonable.

Zuo Zhong thought seriously for a while, then returned to the counter thoughtfully. While continuing to pretend to be the drugstore owner, he kept tapping the screen of his mobile phone with his fingers.

With the mission completed, he needs to ask Lao Dai what to do next. Whether they evacuate or hold on for a period of time requires the other party's approval.

 Not long after, the telegram came back.

“As soon as we see the news, there will be personnel to take over the lurking work in the near future. The Wolong and Fengchu teams will return to Shanghai by sea, and the East China District will be responsible for the response.

In addition, Tokyo Station was destroyed by Japanese intelligence agencies, resulting in heavy losses of personnel. Only three members of the intelligence team were left, and the whereabouts of station commander Zhuang Zili are currently unknown.

The Intelligence Section's team in Japan also lost contact with Jinling that day. The leader has ordered you to go to Japan to investigate the matter and execute rescue or sanction orders. "

 There was an accident at Tokyo Station.

 Fu Ling and the others lost contact.

Zuo Zhong looked at the translated message and his heart suddenly jumped. How did the Japanese find Tokyo Station? The Bureau of Control and the Secret Service were about to be shaken.

 As an overseas Class A station of the Secret Service, Tokyo Station has several departments including the Intelligence Group, Operations Group, General Affairs, and Telecommunications, with more than 100 personnel.

With so many intelligence officers trapped at once, he, the deputy director, and even Lao Dai, the director and director of the department, would all be in trouble.

 It’s not because of the dead people,


 The government has plenty of them.

The key is that the government’s channel for obtaining Japanese intelligence is gone. In the future, if officials want to know Japan’s local intelligence, they will have to read newspapers.

Of course, it is possible to set up another intelligence network, but it will take a long time, and if the Japanese intelligence agency discovers it, all the previous efforts will be wasted.

Zuo Zhong tore up the message from the telegram, hid it in the palm of his hand and quickly stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it, and began to recall the information about Tokyo Station in his brain.

 First of all, there is the webmaster Zhuang Zili. His real name is unknown, his background is unknown, and his past history is unknown. Only Lao Dai can contact this person directly.

 It is said that he is also a student of Huangpu and is deeply trusted by the bald man. He is now in his thirties and takes charge of a party. He is not an ordinary person.

When Zuo Zhong first entered the industry, he sent the spy's relatives to the port city through the other party, using this as a condition for the spy to speak, and solved the Japanese radio case.

After taking office as deputy director, he also received information from Zhuang Zili. It can be seen that he is very capable at work and his position is relatively correct.

Such a seasoned veteran who leads people to lurk in the crisis-ridden Japanese mainland will definitely act cautiously and not be easily exposed.

However, there are also hidden dangers. Tokyo Station was established relatively early, and its personnel have complex backgrounds. Many of its members are from the world and are not professional intelligence personnel.

These people each have their own connections, their own backers, and their own interests. They are quite a bit like a mini version of the secret service headquarters.

 It seems the problem lies with the people.

  A traitor to be precise.

He is also a traitor with a high status.

This can be inferred from the heavy losses of personnel in the message. When fighting behind enemy lines, ordinary front-line personnel will be isolated from the command organization.

  Grassroots intelligence agents will not know the situation of their superiors, higher-ups and other personnel. So how did the Japanese destroy the entire Tokyo Station.


This is impossible.

It's okay to track one or two people, but it's difficult to track more than a hundred people. Even if the opponent has home field advantage and cooperates with the traitors, they can't do this.

For example, Zhuang Zili, whose cover identity in Japan is that of a returned Japanese overseas Chinese, does not usually participate in specific intelligence operations and has deployed special carrier pigeons.

 When it is necessary to convey orders or receive reports, carrier pigeons go to secret mailboxes to deliver and receive them, and security posts monitor the secret mailboxes 24 hours a day.

Unless someone reveals all the personnel information of Tokyo Station, the Japanese will have a chance to catch them all. There is no second possibility. Who knows this information?

Zhuang Zili is one of them. His whereabouts are unknown. He may have defected and is doing intelligence work in the Japs' base camp. If he is not careful, he will be arrested.

This kind of mental pressure is not something ordinary people can bear. It is not unimaginable to choose to surrender to the enemy when you can't think of it.

In addition, Wang Zhongquan, the intelligence team leader at Tokyo Station, and Tan Wei, the operations team leader, also know information about most of the personnel, and they are also suspected.

Zuo Zhong silently kept the names of these three people in mind, and decided to start from this point when he arrived in Japan, to find out the moles first and deal with them.

As for Fu Ling and others, he didn’t think the problem was big. He told them at the beginning to keep a certain distance from Tokyo Station to avoid being involved.

The result is now a prophecy. The Intelligence Section's team in Japan should have known that Zhuang Zili was exposed and went into hibernation for security reasons.

 In this case, it is normal to be temporarily unable to contact her. Fu Ling cannot use the radio under the strict search of the Japanese. That is courting death.

 Japan’s domestic radio management system is very complete. Any radio station must be registered. Unregistered radio stations will be traced as soon as they appear.


Zuo Zhong tried to contact Fu Ling on his mobile phone, but as expected he didn't get any response. He sighed silently and had no choice but to contact Fu Ling when he got there.

 Fortunately, they had anticipated this situation at the beginning of the plan and set up an emergency connection, hoping to see each other there.

  Then, he turned his attention to a green test tube in the space, and after a while, he found He Yijun in the backyard and explained the situation.

This time when they go to Japan to perform a mission, the two of them must go together, so that they can both confuse the enemy and take care of each other.

If Fu Ling is not found, one person will have to investigate for as long as possible. One more person will add more strength and we have to prepare for evacuation.

 In fact, there is nothing to prepare for.

 Hand over the pharmacy, you can leave.

But before the arrival of his successor, Zuo Zongjiang had to solve one last thing, which was to kill Torletta, the Japanese bastard.

 Three days later,

 Late night.

The Belarusian residential area in Harbin was full of drunken drunkards. A taxi slowly stopped in front of a new building.

In the distance, a few naughty children were setting off fireworks on the roadside, and a woman with a scarf on her face walked quickly around the corner with her head lowered.

Torletta hummed a little tune and got out of the car. Holding the key in his hand, he walked to the second floor. He looked down at the mark on the door and opened the door with a smile.

After entering the door, he pulled the light cord. The moment the lights came on, a firework exploded in the sky outside the house, and several faint gunshots rang out inside the house.

Zuo Zhong was sitting on the sofa facing the door, holding a Browning in his leather-gloved right hand, and the silencer on the muzzle was emitting gunpowder smoke.

"Da da da"

Looking at the White Russian who was constantly pouring blood from his mouth, he stood up and walked step by step to the other person's side, squatted down and spoke softly.

“Are you from Lubyanka①? Yes, the information on bacterial weapons was originally provided by you. This is using us as a knife, haha.

The pine needles on your wheel were probably stained on the Beiyin River. The NKVD is indeed well-deserved, and it can even sneak into such an important crime scene. "

 “You are the Secret Service.”

Torletta lay on the ground and spat out a few words intermittently. His eyes were full of disbelief. This Japanese turned out to be a Chinese intelligence officer.

Zuo Zhong looked at him quietly, lamenting that there are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends. After thinking about it, he pointed his gun at his Red Russian counterpart.

"Good night."

 “Bang bang bang”

A minute later, he appeared at the door of the building. Fireworks exploded, lighting up the street. Residents who had been disturbed from their sleep yelled at their children.

Zuo Zhong smiled slightly, raised his hand to press the brim of his hat, and walked into the unknown darkness ahead. He didn't know how long it took before an explosion suddenly sounded.

Suddenly, the piercing sirens floated over the city of Harbin. The death of an informant was insignificant at this sensitive moment.

 The more you do, the more you make mistakes.

 This rule of officialdom is applicable everywhere.

The first task of the Police Department is to escape from the Beiyinhe Incident. If the Belarusians die, they will die. In this world, it would be strange if no one dies.

  When the time was about to enter 1936, Jiren Pharmacy changed to a new owner. No one cared where the original owner had gone, and life continued to be the same.

This world is still running as usual without anyone, such as the Tanjong Hotel where the owner returned to Penang, and the Risheng Liang Store which was taken over by a new shopkeeper.

Only the socialites in the city occasionally think of the handsome shopkeeper Ling Er, and the shopkeeper Xu Da who never forgets to take care of business even if his leg is broken.

 One day, early in the morning.

A passenger ship bound for Tokyo from Kanto Prefecture sailed into Tokyo Port under the guidance of a pilot boat. Passengers pointed at the shore under the signal flag.

 A young couple who went on a trip to Mite Island to get married stood at the door of the cabin and said goodbye to another couple, leaving each other's mailing addresses.

In transportation, narrow spaces, close distances, and long-term contact will make people more emotional and make it easier to make friends.

 As for whether there is a chance to continue to communicate with each other after the journey is over, it depends on whether they have similar interests, otherwise it will just be an interlude.

Reluctantly, the four people walked to different gangways separately, because passengers who have not entered the country for a year are subject to inspection, and Japanese citizens are no exception.

Zuo Zhong and He Yijun saw off their "good friends" they had met on the boat. They stood in the queue and looked at the city in the distance, thinking a lot for a while.

 Tokyo, located in the middle of the Kanto Plain, facing Tokyo Bay, is the seat of the Edo shogunate and became the political and cultural center after the Meiji Restoration.

 It has 35 districts and a population of 3.63 million, which is the same as New York and London. It has more than 40,000 police officers and more troops stationed around it.

For example, the 1st Garrison Brigade, the 2nd Garrison Brigade, and the 3rd Garrison Brigade are all fully equipped elite troops, and their combat effectiveness is no worse than that of the Kwantung Army.

Also, the Japanese army, navy, and diplomatic intelligence agencies are all located here, and the total number of intelligence personnel is no less than several thousand.

Starting a new mission in such a huge and dangerous city, the two people inevitably had mixed feelings until the inspectors started asking.

"your name."

 “Okamoto, Okamoto Shigenobu.”

 “Why haven’t you returned home for so long?”

“I did business in Hui Province in the Republic of China for several years, and stayed in Harbin for a few months.”

 “Reason for returning to the country.”

“The situation in the Republic of China is unstable. There are many saboteurs in Michou Island, which is very dangerous.”

The inspector in police uniform raised his head after asking, glanced at the smiling target, picked up the seal and punched "passed" on the information.

①The Red Russian intelligence agency and the seat of the NKVD, the Internal Affairs Commissariat of Internal Affairs.

The transitional chapters are all combined into one, so as not to waste everyone’s subscription money. It’s not easy to make money, but I will measure it and won’t separate it if necessary, okay?



 (End of this chapter)

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