Cicada Moving

Chapter 721: Tokyo (2-in-1)

 Chapter 721 Tokyo (two in one)

After undergoing the inspection, Zuo Zhong walked out of the gate of Tokyo Port. He Yijun looked at the crowd and asked, "Okamoto-kun, where are we going now?"

 “Go to the hotel first.”

Zuo Zhong was carrying two suitcases and glanced at the policeman across the street: "Just stay in the port area. The person we want to see is nearby.

 It is best to go to the embassy and consulate area, where there are many foreigners who come to Japan to do business. These guys are very well-informed and can make it easier for us to find people. "

He Yijun understands that as the number of foreigners increases, the Japanese's control over this place will inevitably be affected, and it will be easier for them to fish in troubled waters.

If you live in an area with only locals, once there is a problem with your operations, the situation will be dangerous when faced with door-to-door searches by the military and police.

The two of them hailed a human-powered three-wheeler and headed to the consulate area along the seaside road. The street scenes they saw along the way made them feel a little heavy in the car.

 Sparkly cars, clean roads, bustling markets, and well-dressed pedestrians all make Shanghai look a bit shabby compared with here.

He Yijun couldn't understand why the Japanese invaded the Republic of China when they were already so rich. Could it be that wealth could only be obtained through plundering?

Zuo Zhong seemed to be aware of her thoughts and patted her hand gently, sneering in his heart. Tokyo looked prosperous, but it was just building a tower on sand.

How long can it last if it relies on foreign debt and borrowing to stimulate the economy? The Japanese government cannot last long without launching a foreign war.

Each of them had their own thoughts, Zuo Zhong and He Yijun came to the embassy area and checked into a hotel. The registration procedures were not as complicated as those in Harbin.

After all, Tokyo is the capital of Japan, and it represents the face of locusts. The Japanese government will not wantonly harass residents.

 But it’s hard to say in private.

Zuo Zhong put his luggage on the ground and glanced out of the window. There were two young men in suits leaning on the telephone poles smoking on the roadside.

 They seemed to be chatting, but their heads moved with the pedestrians coming and going. There were bulging bags on the back of their clothes, so they must be carrying weapons.

 A policeman on patrol passed by and nodded as he passed by the two people. He was obviously very familiar with the other person and knew their identity.

 “What’s the matter, Okamoto-kun?”

He Yijun put away the toiletries, moved to the window and asked softly, with a normal tone, just like a conversation between an ordinary couple.

"It's nothing." Zuo Zhong shook his head and explained with a smile: "I haven't been back to my country for a long time. I feel a little shy about being close to home for a while. I don't know what will happen in the future."

 You need to act cautiously when you are in the enemy camp. Talking less and doing less may not necessarily be safe. What they have to do is to do things that are consistent with their status and say things that are consistent with their status.

 The two discussed the "changes" in Tokyo for a while, went out for a walk, got familiar with the nearby terrain, and returned to the hotel after having lunch.


Zuo Zhong bought a lot of new and old newspapers. First, he wanted to find a job where he could move freely without arousing suspicion as a cover for his identity.

This time he plans to open a small drugstore and let He Yijun be responsible for it alone. Prices in Tokyo are no lower than those in Jinling, and opening a large drugstore is expensive.

What they were doing in the Republic of China and Harbin was just a small business. They shouldn't have so much money. When acting, they had to perform a complete set without leaving any omissions.

Second, he wanted to find information related to Tokyo Station and Fu Ling through newspaper reports, and analyze public intelligence.

 No matter how useless the members of Tokyo Station are, when faced with the arrests of Japanese intelligence agencies, there will always be a few brave men among the more than 100 people who dare to shoot.

As long as a shot is fired, there will definitely be a report in the newspaper of the day. Even if there is no specific information due to news restrictions, you can still look for side news.

For example, abnormal situations in hospitals, firefighting, and transportation. Sometimes clues are hidden in these details, waiting for those who are interested to discover them.

Zo Shige quickly browsed local or national newspapers such as "Tokyo Nichi Shimbun", "Asahi Shimbun" and "Yomiuri Shimbun".

His attention was mainly focused on social news and job recruitment columns. Soon, a line of bold and bold headlines aroused his interest.

  《Central District Fire》

 Central District is located in the center of all districts in Tokyo, hence its name. It is the economic, information, and commercial center of Japan after the Meiji Restoration.

There are many banks here, and the Tokyo Stock Exchange is also located here. According to locals, the air in the central area is full of money.

The Secret Service's Tokyo Station office is located in the Ginza business district in the central area, and its external cover is a movie theater. Zuo Shige also just found out about it.

I have to say that this arrangement is very imaginative. The cinema has a large area and many employees, making it easy to hide weapons, radio stations and staff.

 So Tokyo Station has been running for several years. Except for the sacrifice of a few spies in the past to deal with the families of Japanese spies, no major work mistakes have occurred.

Zuo Zhong recalled the relevant information in his mind and read the report at a glance. His face was not very pretty, and the situation was worse than he thought.

The newspaper clearly stated that a fire broke out at the Rising Sun Cinema in Ginza recently. The 25 people who died were all cinema employees. It was actually a natural disaster and a man-made disaster.

  25 people.

  25 sleeper intelligence agents.

This is basically consistent with the number of permanent personnel at Tokyo Station. Only two people are missing. They either ran away or were captured by the enemy.

 He hated the possible traitor with a passion. Even if these people were not very professional, they had still managed to break into the enemy camp for several years.

The Secret Service spent a lot of money on them, forging relatively perfect identities and backgrounds, but it was all in vain.

Looking at the publication time of the newspaper, it was the third day after Tokyo Station was destroyed by Japanese intelligence agencies. There was a photo below the text.

The photo is a bit blurry, but you can see Western-style buildings with thick smoke, Tokyo fire fighters holding water pipes, and a large group of police.


 Do we need so many police officers to put out the fire?

Zuo Zhong’s eyes were solemn. There must have been a firefight at that time, and the enemy might have suffered casualties. From this, we might be able to figure out the situation that day.

Also, it does not take three days to print a newspaper. The most reasonable explanation is that the matter has been brought to the top of Japan, and the news content must be censored.

This is very reasonable. The Japanese have always attached great importance to intelligence work and regard it as the only way for a small country to win over a big country. This has been the case for hundreds of years.

 Sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty,

 Foreign students,

The monk who traveled across the ocean,

  Japanese pirates.

The identities are different, but the purpose is the same. They are all to obtain Chinese intelligence from various channels in order to one day occupy this huge country.

  In the past, it was they who plotted against others, but now it is their turn to be plotted against. They will definitely take this matter very seriously. Maybe even the locusts in the sky know about it.

I don’t know what instructions this shellfish lover will give. Several people in the Japanese military were scolded. Zuo Zhong continued to flip the newspaper after thinking about it.


What's this.

In the recent Tokyo Daily News, he found an advertisement that the other party was recruiting three reporters to cover news in urban Tokyo.

 reporter, the activity area was still Tokyo. Zuo Zhong perked up and lowered his head to check the requirements. As a result, he was amused by the first treatment content.

 In these years, the monthly salary of ordinary Japanese workers was almost 30 yen, and the monthly salary of intellectual workers and low-level military officers was a bit higher, around 60 to 70 yen.

 Let’s look at the Tokyo Daily News again. It’s only 25 yen a month. I’m so embarrassed that I’m at my grandma’s house. No wonder this recruitment notice has been posted for so many days.

But that’s okay, no one is competing with him for this position. Zuo Zhong originally planned to create a few minor surprises if the competition was fierce.

 Everyone who applied for the job died,

 The work belongs to him.

Zuo Zhong smiled and continued to read the notice. The criteria for applying were simple: a primary school education, being able to use words proficiently, and preferably knowing how to take photos.

Except for the last one, there are no requirements. Also, the salary is so low. If the requirements were higher, only a ghost would be willing to be a reporter.

He thought about it and thought he could give it a try. His file was reviewed by the Shanghai Residency Group and reviewed by the Special Higher Education Course, so he was not afraid of investigation.

Moreover, the place of origin registered in the cover identity is Tokyo, and all his family members died in the Great Kanto Earthquake, so there is no relationship network that can be investigated.

A major earthquake is good. If you can’t explain it, just blame it on a major earthquake. The school you attended collapsed in the earthquake, and the people you were related to were killed in the earthquake. The key is that apart from some special background screening, ordinary police officers will not be suspicious after seeing this information. After all, 140,000 people died in the earthquake.

Nearly every household has several relatives and friends killed. In addition, the fire destroyed a lot of household registration information, making it impossible to investigate many things.

As for being proficient in using words and taking photos, they are the basic skills of an intelligence officer. From this look, this job is tailor-made for him.


Zuo Zhong, who was too deeply involved in the drama, muttered something in a low voice, and then looked for some job advertisements, planning to go to them all before going to Tokyo Daily News.

His purpose cannot be too strong, and it cannot make people think that he is going to this extremely low-paying job. This is illogical.

Zhuge was always cautious in his life, while Lu Duan was not confused about major matters. He had to take precautions step by step when he was in danger. Tokyo Station was gone, so it was useless to be anxious.

 While Zuo Zhong was reading the newspaper.

In a beautiful Japanese-style garden in Chiyoda District, Tokyo, two men sat facing each other in the tea garden, with different expressions on their faces.

One of them was sitting on the ground wearing a black patterned kimono. He was about forty or fifty years old, with a thin face, dark skin, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

 Another middle-aged man with a Chinese character face who was slightly younger was restless, his face and neck were covered with scars, and he was wearing a Japanese military uniform without a rank.

The man in black-striped kimono turned to look at the courtyard on the right, pointed at a bonsai that had been blown by the cold wind, and spoke in very standard Chinese.

“Zhuang Sang, please look at these few jade jade plants planted in shallow pots, with different heights and heights. They are paired with boxing stones and decorated with moss. Isn’t it unique and interesting?

Just wanting to appreciate it requires long-term care. Avoid exposure to the scorching sun in summer, prevent night dew at night, and keep away from severe cold in winter.

Even so, its most beautiful appearance only lasts for a few months. This is true for bonsai, and so is it in our lives. "

  ".General Gangcun."

The Chinese-character face raised his head and showed helplessness: "What exactly do you want to say? I am a rough person and don't understand these metaphors. Please get straight to the point.

I betrayed the staff at Tokyo Station and there is no turning back. If I don't get your protection, I will be killed by a gunman when I go out.

 The style of the Secret Service, as the Intelligence Minister of the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters, you should be very clear about. They will not let any traitor go.

Especially Deputy Director Zuo Zhong, this person is bound to retaliate. I have killed so many brothers, and the killer who executes the order may be outside. "

The two people talking to them were Zhuang Zili, the head of the Tokyo Station of the Secret Service, and Major General Okamura, the director of the Second Department of the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters.

 The truth is similar to what Zuo Zhong guessed. Zhuang Zili, the leader of the station, actually chose to betray the country and the nation and became a dog of the Japanese.


 Gangcun smiled indifferently, reached out and took off the kettle with steam floating on the charcoal stove, added some tea for himself and the other party, and then spoke slowly.

“Zhuang Sang, you are a second-term top student at Huangpu Military Academy in the Republic of China. Don’t you even understand that beauty is fleeting? This is not the attitude that cooperation should have.

Although you helped us capture all the Tokyo Station of the Secret Service, those are all dead people. In the intelligence industry, dead people are worthless.

 So if you want to obtain the protection of the empire, just having a Tokyo Station is not enough. You must lure the Chinese named Zuo Chong to Japan. "

  At the end of his speech, his eyes were sinister. He placed the tea cup on the table without hesitation, and looked at this despicable traitor with piercing eyes.

Even if the other party is willing to cooperate with the empire, Gangcun still looks down on this kind of person in his heart. A soldier should not surrender no matter what the reason.

However, he looked down upon him, and he still had to use him. He hoped that there would be as many weaklings as possible, so that he could annex the Republic of China.

the other side.

When Zhuang Zili heard what Gangcun said, he really wanted to give the Japanese major general a big slap in the face and lure Zuo Zhong to Japan, but the other party could not say it.

Everyone knows that Zuo Zhong rarely goes out. During his stay in Jinling, he was in front of the Secret Service and the dormitory area. When he was performing tasks, he was always cheering for him.

Such a guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death, as timid as a mouse, would come to Japan just because of his own words? Even if you think about it, it's impossible.

 At the same time, he was frightened by the Japanese's intelligence-gathering capabilities. His graduation from Huangpu Phase II was top secret and few people knew about it.

 In the entire Secret Service and Bureau of Statistics, only Dai Chunfeng has real information about him. Could it be that there are nails planted by the Japanese around Director Dai?

He thought quickly for a while, moved his lips and said tentatively: "That's not what you said when you persuaded me to surrender. How can you break your word?

 I understand that if you want to be treated favorably, you must show your values, but I am cautious and will not go out easily for things that are not particularly important.

Even if I send the message as the head of Tokyo Station, the other party will not believe it. According to the rules of the Secret Service, lost contact in the field must be screened.

 Before the screening is completed, the message I sent will have no effect. General Gangcun, please believe me, what I say is the truth. "

 “I know about this, wait a minute.”

After hearing this, Gangcun laughed happily and clapped his hands mysteriously outside the tea garden. A tall middle-aged man walked in with a bow and a nod.

This man was holding a wooden box in his hand. He came to the tea table and knelt directly on the ground. He handed the wooden box to Gangcun with both hands and kowtowed flatteringly.

 “Your Excellency General, the stuff has arrived.”

 “Tan Wei!!”

Zhuang Zili on the side was spitting fire with his eyes. He wanted to kill this **** with one shot. How could he be exposed if he hadn't surrendered to the enemy and betrayed his country.

The No. 3 action team leader at Tokyo Station rebelled, and the consequences were so horrific that no one at the top of the intelligence station was spared and all were arrested.

Under severe torture, he had no choice but to speak. As a result, almost all the brothers who had known each other for many years were killed, and only a few escaped.

Now that he saw the culprit, Zhuang Zili could no longer suppress his murderous intent. He clenched his hands under the table, eager to try.

 “Stationmaster Zhuang, Lao Zhuang.”

Being stared at with murderous eyes, Tan Wei didn't care at all and tapped the wooden box with his hand: "I advise you to be smart, do you know what this is?

 Your Excellency General, could you please allow me to open the box? This will help Mr. Zhuang understand his situation as soon as possible and concentrate on serving the empire. "

He warned his former boss and then asked the current owner in a rude manner. After speaking, he raised his head and observed Gangcun, who nodded slightly.

Tan Wei was delighted when he saw this. He carefully opened one side of the wooden box and slowly turned the contents around. A strange smell immediately filled the air.

Zhuang Zili gritted his teeth and watched this guy's movements. He was also curious about what was in the box, so he turned his attention to this box, which was not too big.


The result was that after just one glance, he could no longer hold back the tears, because what was inside was the head of Wang Zhongquan, the leader of the Tokyo Station Intelligence Team.

The other party was still staring at death, his face was covered with traces of torture, and his open mouth had two ears stuffed in it. This scene made people shudder.

 “Zhuang Sang.”

Gang Cunpi smiled and said: "I know that Zuo Zhong once sent a group of people to the empire. If something happens to these people, he will probably come to Tokyo.

I want to know where they are. If Wang Sang is unwilling to cooperate, he has no choice but to die. Dear Zhuang, please don’t let me and the empire down. "


Zhuang Zili burst into tears and burst into tears.

The transition should be over. I still have to think about how the plot will unfold.

There shouldn’t be too many transitions, otherwise many book friends will find it watery.



 (End of this chapter)

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