Cicada Moving

Chapter 723: Integrate 2 (two-in-one)

 Chapter 723 Integration 2 (two in one)

 “Okamoto-kun, see you tomorrow.”

 “Goodbye, Your Excellency, Vice Minister.”

At the entrance of the Tokyo Daily News Building, Zuo Zhong and Ono Satoshi bowed deeply to say goodbye. In front of a large audience, some flattery should be stopped in moderation.

If other people hear him calling the other party's minister, this is not flattering, but putting small shoes on the other party. The best way to use flattery lies in one's heart.

As expected, his behavior made Ono Satoshi very pleased, and he patted him on the shoulder affectionately: "Okamoto-kun, I am very optimistic about you, keep working hard.

 When you pass the trial period, I will find a way to arrange for you to work in the office, so you don’t have to suffer from the wind and sun, so don’t worry. "


Zuo Zhong bowed and thanked him again, but what he was thinking about was that he wanted this job just to facilitate his movement, and he didn’t really want to be a social animal.

The two chatted for a few more words. After that, he watched Ono Satoshi go upstairs, turned around and walked out of the main door of the Daily News holding two items.

Satoshi Ono just took him through the entry procedures, and the general manager of the newspaper gave him a certificate representing the reporter's identity and a map of Tokyo.

Nothing else is given. Expensive equipment such as cameras are exclusive to veteran reporters. You have to help the newspaper make money first.

 Capitalists all have the same virtues.

  If you don't see a rabbit, don't let go of the eagle.

Of course, you can also bring your own. The newspaper company will provide some of the film. Zuo Zhong has already told the Vice Minister that he has an old-fashioned camera.

This is normal. The Japanese economy has developed well in the past few decades. Many young people have the habit of taking photos. Having a camera will not arouse suspicion.

Now that everything was ready, all he needed was east wind. Zuo Zhong walked on the street with a smile. When he saw the phone booth, he immediately went in and called He Yijun.

Finding a job that does not pay well but is quite decent is also good news. It is worth celebrating and, more importantly, it can create a trajectory for action.

After talking to He Yijun, he lightly jumped onto a rickshaw, told the name of a bar, closed his eyes, and stopped looking at what was happening behind him.

 Doing anti-tracking in Tokyo,

 It’s too eye-catching.

Now that there are so many police officers patrolling the streets, it is very likely that their mysterious movements will be noticed. There is no way to do anything without three hundred taels of silver here.

The rickshaw driver wearing a bamboo hat was running **** the streets of modern Tokyo, passing cars that were moving slowly due to traffic jams.

 Feudalism defeated science,

 Manpower defeats machines,

 It’s quite ironic.

 This is just like Japanese society, where an unharmonious balance is formed among various contradictions, and the glue is **** and monarchism.

Zo Shige looked at the elementary school students on the street holding money boxes to raise funds for the navy, and kept sneering in his heart. These are the so-called peace-loving Japanese people.

Pooh, when Japan's war chariot started, there was no innocent person, and all Japanese citizens benefited more or less from the aggressive war.

 “Stop the car, I want to raise funds!”

Zuo Zhong patted the coachman on the shoulder, jumped out of the car and went to the donation office. He took out a 10 yen note and put it in the cash box, shouting "Navy board".

The primary school students looked surprised and bowed to thank him. He waved his hand casually to indicate that it was nothing, and quickly returned to the car and told the driver to leave quickly.

  When things are done, he brushes off his clothes and hides his achievements without a name. It describes a kind person like him who does good deeds without leaving any name and has escaped from low-level tastes.

  Immediately, he looked at the pile of banknotes in the space as if nothing had happened, hoping that these little guys wouldn't cry when they saw those toilet papers when they went home.

This is not stealing. I have gone out of my way to help them understand the dangers of society. What's wrong with receiving a small reward? This is a matter of course.

Zuo Zhong got off the bus at the door of the bar happily, threw a big ticket to the driver, said boldly that there was no need to look for it, and then walked in.

 “Welcome guests.”

 “Well, I’d like a glass of whiskey.”

Facing the waiter's welcome, he casually ordered a drink and found a table to sit down. At the same time, his eyes quickly scanned the seven or eight customers in the bar.

 There seemed to be nothing wrong with him. They were all ordinary people with some spare money. No one paid much attention to his arrival. They were all busy with their own affairs.

This is a small bar with only a dozen tables in the lobby, but its opening hours are very long. It is considered one of the first bars in Tokyo, so it is somewhat famous.

He raised his hand to look at the time, and leisurely picked up the wine glass brought by the waiter and took a sip. Time passed by, and soon the sky slowly turned dark.


The neon sign of the bar kept making electric sounds, and the bright lights were like candlelight, attracting groups of people looking for fun like moths.

Zuo Zhong quietly observed the increasingly crowded crowd. After a long time, he took out the banknotes and pressed them under the wine glass, then stood up and walked to the toilet.


He pushed open the dirty wooden door, ignored an alcoholic holding the toilet, walked into the cubicle, closed the door, covered his mouth and nose, and listened to the sounds outside.

After a few minutes, after a few people came in, the toilet was temporarily empty. He quickly pulled the water tank to the sink and turned on the faucet.

 The most important thing about a dead mailbox is its stability. It cannot be used for a few times but needs to be protected by permanent items that exist for a long time and are not easy to change.

For example, in the Jinling radio station case, the Japanese tampered with the beams of the toilet in a hotel, which was a very good location.

Unless it was demolished, no one would touch or replace the beam. From this point of view, the Japanese spies spent some effort to find it.

 In this toilet, the water tank, partitions, mirrors, and water pipes are not suitable for setting up dead mailboxes, as there is a risk of being discovered.

Zuo Zhong put one hand in the water to pretend to wash his hands, and groped with the other hand on the back of the sink, and soon touched a loose cement block.

With a little force, the cement block and a wad of paper fell into his hands. At this time, there were footsteps outside, and he immediately restored the cement block.

Hands his hands and turns off the water. He takes out a handkerchief to wipe his hands and passes by the drunk customer. The customer doesn't even look at him and goes straight into the toilet.

Zuo Zhong walked out of the bar with light steps, away from the hustle and bustle, stood on the side of the road holding a cigarette, blocking the cold wind with his hand and lighting the lighter.

The firelight illuminated the note in his hand, and a string of phone numbers and an address came into view. This was the emergency contact information left by Fu Ling.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and flexibly wrapped the note around the cigarette and lit it. Remembering this content is very simple and there is no need to put it into the space.

If you develop the habit of relying on space for everything, what should you do if you encounter a situation where you cannot use the space? You have to rely on yourself to work.

After getting the information he wanted, he silently finished the choking cigarette, called a rickshaw again and rushed back to the drugstore in the port area without stopping.

Now is not the time to see Fu Ling. Who knows whether Fu Ling is treasonous, surrendered Tokyo Station, and acted with the enemy.

 Don’t trust anyone gullibly.

 Even if the other party is his old subordinate.

He Yijun didn't say anything when he saw Zuo Zhong coming back. They closed the shop door together, went upstairs and spread their bedding, washed up and turned off the lights to rest. When dealing with information, don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, don’t read what you shouldn’t read, and don’t say what you shouldn’t say. These three most basic disciplines and rules do not need to be reminded.

 It’s half past seven in the morning.

 Zuo Zhong stood at the door of Tokyo Daily News with a camera on his back, watching the staff members enter the building one by one. Ten minutes later, Satoshi Ono appeared.

His eyes lit up, and he trotted up to meet it. He bent down and said respectfully: "Your Excellency, thank you for your hard work. I'm here to help you get it."

Speaking, he naturally took Satoshi Ono's bag with both hands, followed him step by step, and walked towards the press department under the watch of a group of colleagues.

Faced with such shameless flattery, even Mr. Vice Minister, who was used to being flattered by others, couldn't help but reveal a faint smile on his face.

 It can be seen that in the field of how to please the superiors, the Republic of China was far ahead of Japan, and may even be at the forefront of the world.

 Arrived at the press department, Satoshi Ono solemnly introduced Zuo Zhong to a group of veteran reporters, and personally asked for some high-value news clues.

 After returning to the office, he explained earnestly: "Okamoto-kun, only good news can help you enter the newspaper office as soon as possible. Do you understand?

Look, there are letters of introduction here for interviewing young army officers, as well as invitations to press conferences from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Be sure to cherish them. "


Zuo Zhong’s tone was full of gratitude. Isn’t this because he fell asleep and hit the pillow? The Japanese military and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are the focus of the Secret Service.

Contacting people in these two areas through formal channels is not only safe, but you can also get inside information, and your flattery is really not in vain.

After thanking him profusely, he took the two rolls of film approval slips given by Ono Satoshi to the general affairs department, but only received one roll. The general affairs devil laughed from ear to ear.

  Convenient to others,

 It is convenient for oneself,

  It’s not your own money you’re spending anyway.

By the time Zuo Zhong loaded the film in the darkroom and walked into the office, the old reporters in the room had long disappeared. They must have gone out to collect news.

 In a sense, the nature of the work of journalists and intelligence personnel is the same. They both rely on intelligence to make a living. The difference is that reporters are safer.

He was thinking randomly and took out the news clues given by Ono Satoshi, and after careful analysis, he selected the first interview subject-a postman.

Clues show that this postman was very conscientious. He arrived earlier than everyone else in the morning and left later than everyone else in the evening. He was dedicated to his work and worked hard without complaining.

   summed up in one word,


Of course, whether Juan or not has anything to do with him. The reason for this choice is that this person’s work scope is in Ginza, where Tokyo Station is located.

 According to the attitude of the other person who wanted to work 24 hours a day, this guy might have heard or seen something on the day of the accident at Tokyo Station.

Zuo Zhong prepared some tools needed for the interview, hurriedly walked out of the building, and first went to the central post office where the interviewer worked.

As a result, everyone said they didn't know in a weird way and asked him to go to the business district to find it by himself. It can be seen that no matter where he is, the Struggle Wall is not popular.

no way,

Then look for it.

Zuo Zhong took a rough look at the delivery line on the wall of the post office. After walking for two hours in the cold wind, he finally found the other party under a residential building.

 After hearing his self-introduction, the postman looked embarrassed and said that he only had time during lunch break and would have to wait for a while if he wanted to be interviewed.

Zuo Zhong felt sad for his colleagues. With this kind of king, how could he live a good life? It would be better to just put him in a sack and throw him into the sea.

But on the surface, he smiled and nodded, followed the person to deliver the letter, and took a few photos to accompany the news.

Then, he discovered that the other person might not be as wishy-washy as he appeared, and would quietly make some moves in front of the camera for him to take pictures of.


 You can never escape the word fame and wealth.

Since they were so cooperative, what else was there to say? Zuo Zhong quickly consumed the expensive film until they came to a place.

A burnt-black Western building stood on the street. The postman opened the mailbox on the roadside and sorted letters, looking attentive.

Zuo Zhong moved his steps and stood beside the opponent, facing the burned-out building. He opened the shutter with his hand and lowered his head to observe the situation in the viewfinder.

This is the Rising Sun Cinema, the former residence of Tokyo Station. If he guessed correctly, there must be intelligence agents left by the Japanese around.

 The purpose is to find the suspicious person who came to peek at the scene. This is also the reason why he did not come here before. He can be easily exposed without reasonable reasons.

 Looking at it for a while,

 He made a discovery.

A waiter in a coffee shop at the intersection only serves customers at the window and ignores customers in other places. This is very abnormal.

There is also a cosmetics store not far away. The female clerk inside has been cleaning the glass. It happens to be the best place to observe the Rising Sun Cinema.

In addition, there are also problems with a few moving vendors. So many people are crowded into a small place, and there is no business.

 The professional level of our colleagues in Tokyo is obviously not as good as that of front-line spies. No one dares to touch the tiger’s butt. Where do they get practical experience?

But this time he touched him and gave him a hard kick to let the Japanese know that the homeland was not safe either. Zuo Chong smiled and waved to the postman.

 “Mr. Postman, don’t move.”


He kept pressing the shutter, deliberately avoiding the Rising Sun Cinema, and only captured the interview target with a firm gaze to avoid getting into trouble.

Facts have proved that his worries were not unfounded. The two were stopped by the "police" just as they were about to leave after taking the photo, and asked about their identities and the reason for taking the photo.

Zuo Zhong and the postman had no choice but to show their respective IDs and explain in detail. The other party carefully recorded the relevant information before letting them go.

 Obviously this is a test, using the special identity of the police to conduct preliminary screening. After all, Ginza has a large flow of people and it is impossible to follow them one by one.

Watching the police walking away, Zuo Zhong knew in his heart that with the Japanese's attention to detail, they would definitely find a way to get the roll of film in the camera.

Thinking of this, he smiled slightly, turned to the postman and said, "It's already noon, why don't we find a restaurant and have a good chat about your work."

"Well, Mr. Reporter, it's really a waste of money." The postman rolled his eyes and put the responsibility of paying the bill on Zuo Zhong.

"Haha, it's okay."

Zuo Zhong showed his white teeth and looked very kind. The last person who tried to take advantage of him was Torretta, a Belarussian. This must have been a disaster.

 Forget it, these are all trivial matters. Once you get something out of this guy's mouth, you can decide whether to meet Fu Ling or not. I hope there won't be any problems.

Having an argument with someone and feeling bad. (; 一_一)



 (End of this chapter)

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