Cicada Moving

Chapter 724: Rendezvous 1 (two-in-one)

 Chapter 724 Rendezvous 1 (two in one)

At the same time that Zuo Zhong and the postman walked into a restaurant, a company called Dayang Fishery at the port area was very busy with people coming and going.

Some people are packing the purchased fish, and some are calculating the accounts. Everyone is too busy to touch the ground, except for the president's office door, which is closed.

Amidst the noise, a police car drove to the door of the company and stopped. Several policemen with pistols on their waists got out of the car and walked in.

This frightened the workers. As monarchism became more prevalent, ordinary Japanese became more and more afraid of uniformed military and police personnel.

 Because the other party could find any reason to punish them if they were slightly offended, everyone stopped what they were doing and seemed a little at a loss.

Two men wearing oilskin waterproof jackets looked at each other, and one of them shouted in Japanese with a Hokkaido accent to continue working.

The policemen didn't pay attention, and were even a little proud. They walked quickly through the damp operation room and came to the door of the president's office and knocked on the door.


The door was quickly opened by a woman in fashionable clothes. She was surprised to find the police coming to the door, and she quickly asked the other party why they were there.

 “Excuse me, Mr. Police Officer.”

“Where is your president? Let’s carry out the national registration. Let all employees gather immediately and temporarily suspend business until the registration is completed.”

The leading Japanese policeman was very arrogant. As he spoke, he pushed the woman away and saw the middle-aged man arranging his clothes behind the desk.

Looking at the red-faced woman, and then at the other person, the police officers immediately understood what had happened, and couldn't help but laugh obscenely.


The middle-aged man's expression remained unchanged, he wiped his head in style and coughed lightly: "Mr. Police, I am an old friend with the Chief of the Hong Kong Police Station."

The leading police officer frowned, cursed the **** businessman secretly, and repeated his intention again, emphasizing the seriousness of the matter.

He doesn't care what the relationship between the other party and the director is, he still has to investigate what should be investigated. If he lets the important suspects go, the military will not let them go.

“Yoshi, Dayang Company will fully cooperate with the police station.” Upon hearing that he was involved in the case, the middle-aged man expressed his understanding and nodded to the woman.

“Mihoko, let everyone gather together and give the workers’ registration information to Mr. Police. On the way, we can pick up some small gifts given to me by Americans.”

The policemen present smiled, and even the leader's expression looked much better. Since the other party was sensible, it would be better for them to delay their business.

With the cooperation of the fishing company and the blessing of small gifts, the registration process went very quickly, and the police did not find any problems.

The workers all came to Tokyo at the start time of the investigation. They have salary receipt records to prove it. The middle-aged president is also willing to vouch for his subordinates.

As for the president himself and his wife, they are natives of Tokyo. Their household registration information shows that their family members were killed in the earthquake and they have never been abroad.

Even so, the leading police officer checked the files of the two people responsibly and confirmed that the secret signs and seals on them were genuine.

 Ten minutes later.

The policemen walked away with "small gifts" and smiles on their faces. The middle-aged man and the woman bowed and watched each other leave, and then their smiles slowly faded.

The two of them turned around and returned to the office. The woman sat down on the chair seat unceremoniously, while the middle-aged man stood aside and said with admiration.

“Team leader, thank you for your foresight and buying a household registration from the police chief. Otherwise, we may be exposed through such a strict investigation.

It’s just whether the other party will take credit from us, or do I need to create an accident and shut up that greedy old guy completely? "

 At this point, he looked at the expressionless woman and carefully made a suggestion. He was worried that there would be problems with the seller.

 That's it in normal times, but now it's no different than usual. They have already heard that the enemy is looking for suspicious people who entered Japan in the past two years.

The matter is of great importance. What if the seller chooses to report on a sudden impulse and involves them? The middle-aged man feels that he should strike first.

 “Don’t add extraneous things.”

The woman shook her head and said without any doubt: "The other party is more afraid than us now. If something happens to us, he will be the first to be unlucky.

 Besides, the household registration that the other party sold was not one or two copies. There were many people making money from it, and these people would never allow him to speak.

 It is better to add icing on the cake than to give help when the time is right. So, tonight you go and give another thousand dollars to show him that we are willing to make progress and retreat together. "

 “I understand, team leader.”

 The middle-aged man replied respectfully. He understood that giving money was both a relationship building and a threat, reminding the other party not to forget that they had received money.

 If nothing goes wrong, everyone can still cooperate in the future. If something goes wrong, neither party to the transaction can escape. The police chief will understand.

He suddenly thought about the Tokyo Station and couldn't help but sigh: "Team leader, you said section chief, no, deputy section chief, why didn't you send someone to contact us?

Tokyo Station was destroyed, so many warriors were killed by the enemy, and contact with their hometown was cut off. The brothers were as panicked as a child without a mother.

 Sigh, the information of those top students in colleges and universities has been sent back a long time ago, and we don’t know when we can evacuate. This place is really not for people. "

Hearing the complaints from his men, the woman recalled Jinling, Honggong Temple, the deputy director, Lao Gu, Wu Chunyang and others in her mind, and she also felt a little homesick.

She is Fu Ling who was sent to Japan by Zuo Zhong. This year she has been under much more pressure than middle-aged people and can hardly sleep at night.

 Select suitable top students, monitor targets, and record details. If anything goes wrong, it will bring disaster to them.

Why didn't she want to return to the Republic of China, where she could walk on the streets openly without worrying about being captured by the enemy or having her identity exposed?

The problem is that Fu Ling understands that the deputy director is not not sending people to contact him, but is worried that people like her are related to the destruction of Tokyo Station by the Japanese.

  If this matter is not made clear, returning to Jinling will mean death. Not only will they die, but their parents, relatives and friends will also be implicated.

She quickly adjusted her mood, raised her eyebrows and scolded: "Stop complaining, no matter how serious the situation is, I will be the last one to withdraw.

Let’s get down to business. What happened to the matter I asked you to check? Is there any whereabouts of the three senior executives at Tokyo Station? This matter is very important.

After finding them, let the telegraph operator sail to the sea to send the message. It is too dangerous to send the message on land. The nose of the Japanese intelligence agency is sharper than a dog. "

 “No news.”

 The middle-aged man smiled bitterly: "I sent out all the people I could use, and Zhuang Zili, Wang Zhongquan and Tan Wei disappeared without a trace.

There is no movement in the Tokyo Station safehouse we have. In addition, I feel that something is wrong in those places. I can’t explain the reason, it just feels wrong. "

 Something wrong?

Fu Ling was shocked when she heard this. She would not think that the other party was arrogant. The deputy director said that an intelligence officer should trust his own feelings.

She stood up, crossed her arms and turned around, raised her head and asked warily: "Did you go alone? Is anyone following you when you come back?"

 “Absolutely not.”

  The middle-aged man’s tone was very certain: “The first safe house I went to by myself by boat, even if there were enemies, they couldn’t trace my specific whereabouts.

Going to other safe houses and returning to the company, I changed clothes and transportation many times, and finally lit a fire in the market and left in the chaos. ” ˆ ˆ “Well, well done. "

Fu Ling praised the other party. The only advantage of being behind enemy lines is that there is no need to worry about casualties. You can do whatever you want while ensuring safety.

 She walked to the window and looked at the men cleaning up the fish outside. After a moment of silence, she turned around and ordered: "Ignore Tokyo Station, the personnel will withdraw.

One or more of those three people must have become traitors, otherwise the Japanese would not have thought of tracking down the people in Japan in the past two years.

 Tell the brothers in Osaka and other cities to pay attention to safety and continue to hibernate. I will go to the emergency contact channel in a few days to see if there is any news from my hometown.

 At the necessary moment, I will send a report to the deputy director and bureau chief to explain everything that happened here, so that everyone's hard work will never be in vain. "

 “Thank you, team leader.”

The middle-aged man stands at attention with his chest raised. Working under such a superior officer is a blessing for him and others. They are luckier than their colleagues at Tokyo Station.

 After persisting behind enemy lines for so many years, he did not die in the hands of the Japanese, but in the hands of his immediate superiors. It is really chilling to think about it.

But these three people will not end well, and they will not live too long. The deputy director will definitely find a way to avenge the sacrifice of his brothers.

The middle-aged man had confidence in the old chief. What he didn't know was that Zuo Zhong had already arrived in Tokyo and was drinking with people not far from them.

 North of the city

Central District.

Zuo Zhong and the postman chatted while eating in the restaurant, and asked a few questions calmly, such as whether the postman had ever encountered danger at work.

The postman did not doubt that he was there. He sipped his sake happily and talked about a few small things. Finally, he talked about what happened on the day when Tokyo Station was attacked.

According to this person’s description, Ginza was suddenly blocked that day, and police and military personnel surrounded the theater from all directions and rushed into the Rising Sun Cinema.

 Later, multiple gunshots were heard from inside, and the exchange of fire lasted for several minutes. After the gunfire stopped, more than 30 bodies were carried out.

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong realized that the enemy had suffered casualties. There were only more than 20 people stationed at Tokyo Station, and the newspaper also said that 25 people were burned to death.

 The extra corpses must be Japanese. He felt very heavy. Intelligence officers were not gods or supermen and could not be invulnerable.

Those Tokyo Station staff members who sacrificed their lives are all warriors. It is indeed not easy to kill so many enemies at such a disadvantage.

However, what Zuo Zhong is most concerned about is whether women will appear in the Rising Sun Cinema. There are not many female agents in the Secret Service in Tokyo.

In addition to Fu Ling, there are only a few telecommunications personnel. If there are women at the scene, the possibility of Fu Ling surrendering to the enemy will be greatly increased.

Of course, you can’t ask directly.

 The intention is too obvious.

 After thinking for a while, he changed the subject with a smile, kept filling the postman's glass, and asked about the post office in a serious manner.

 After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Zuo Zhong expressed some curiosity that he heard that the police and the military had caught many beautiful women that day.

The postman burped and waved his hands, denying the statement and swearing to Amaterasu that there were only men at the scene and no women were present.

 It’s better if you don’t have it.

 It’s fine if you don’t have it.

Zuo Zhong felt relieved. When the Japanese attacked Tokyo Station, they would inevitably bring traitors to identify important personnel. At present, it seemed that Fu Ling was not a big suspect.

But it cannot be completely ruled out. If the Japanese place people around the scene or in hidden places to identify them, it would not be surprising if the postman cannot see them.

Should we meet Fu Ling? He quickly analyzed the pros and cons and finally decided to go. Overall, the risk was not great, so he just had to observe more.

Having made up his mind, Zuo Zhong stopped talking and left after eating with the postman. After returning to the newspaper office, he wrote the article and gave it to Satoshi Ono.

 Accustomed to writing official articles of the Guo Party, he naturally wrote this kind of thing easily, and it took him more than an hour to write hundreds of words eloquently.

 In short, sensationalizing to death.

 Hands on the Locust by the way.

Satoshi Ono was very satisfied after reading it. The purpose of this kind of manuscript is to boost the national spirit and let the people understand how hard it is for civil servants.

So with a stroke of his pen, he added a few obvious minor errors, and immediately handed it over to other departments for proofreading and review, and published it as soon as possible.

It is worth mentioning that at Zuo Zhong’s strong request, the name of Mr. Vice Minister also appeared in the report. After all, he helped revise the draft.

  something will happen,

 Can do things,

 Understand kindness.

 Ono Satoshi feels that he is very lucky. Being able to flatter is nothing. A subordinate who can flatter and be able to do business must be used well.

 Happy, he asked Zuo Zhong to hand the film to the printing room and go home. Special people should be treated specially. This is the art of being a boss.

Zuo Zhong's back has been very sore these days, because he has to bow and thank him every time, but he can't stop flattering him, so he hurriedly bent down again and said a few beautiful words.

After the two parties exchanged business information, he gave the film to the printing room, took the receipt and walked downstairs, passing a stranger on the way.

Zuo Zhong's expression did not change, and he smiled coldly in his heart. The other person was the waiter in the coffee shop, and the purpose of coming here should be to recycle the film.

The other party may have verified the authenticity of his identity through the newspaper. It must be said that the Japanese have done a good job in details.

From another perspective, the enemy only sent one surveillance personnel to follow up, indicating that they did not suspect him and that this investigation was just a routine matter.

 After Zuo Zhong walked out of the newspaper office door and walked around on the road to make sure there was no one following him, he became more certain about this guess.

  Wait another two days,

 No problem, just go see Fu Ling.

Zuo Zhong called a rickshaw and returned to the drugstore. He Yijun saw that he looked relaxed and knew that things were progressing, and there was a smile on his face.

But the two still didn't discuss work. They talked about some business and family matters and went to bed. There were some things that there was no need to ask. You would know when the time came.

 A few days of ordinary life passed in this way without any accidents. Zuo Zhong's report was successfully published and accompanied by photos.

 Apparently Japanese intelligence officers returned the film without finding anything suspicious, while the printing room was calm, as if nothing happened.

 Early this morning,

Zuo Zhong left the newspaper office and headed to the Tokyo Pier. There was a local news clue worth exploring, and the address Fu Ling left was also here.

He wanted to take the opportunity of the interview to investigate the surrounding situation. If there were any problems, he and He Yijun must evacuate Japan immediately.

 (End of this chapter)

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