Cicada Moving

Chapter 733: My childhood days are getting more and more punishing

Chapter 733 The days are getting tougher and tougher

 Tokyo, Minato-ku.

Zuo Zhong pressed the send button on his mobile phone in the bathroom of the drugstore to report the latest information to the bureau headquarters. Dai Chunfeng had urged him several times these days.

It is understandable that Tokyo Station was destroyed by the Japanese and all personnel were wiped out. The reasons behind it must be found out and the traitors must be dealt with. Lao Dai is under great pressure.

However, with the two important gains of detailed information about the mutiny and the memorandum, Dai Chunfeng had the ability to speak even in the face of Baldhead's accusations.

  Putting the mobile phones back into the space, Zuo Zhong and He Yijun ate some food. Then they closed the shop and walked side by side along the breakwater while chatting.

 Even if they check whether there are listening devices in the pharmacy every day, it is still very dangerous to discuss work in daily life.

Hearing the sound of waves hitting the dam, Zuo Zhong helped He Yijun put the scarf on his shoulders, secretly handed out a note in his hand, and said softly.

“The action will take place in five days. At that time, you will retreat to the safe house first. This is the address of the safe house, the retreat route and connection method, and the password. It will be remembered for five seconds.

  If I don't come back, when you arrive in Shanghai, don't stop or go to Jinling, just take the nearest ferry to New Zealand. I've already made arrangements with my family. "

He Yijun bit his lip, opened the note, and quickly memorized the contents under the light of the street lamp, then crumpled the note into a ball and put it in his mouth.

She knows that the most taboo thing about people in their profession is the love between children. After the task is completed, there will be plenty of time to talk. It is useless to talk more now that the task is not completed.

 “Hai, I understand.”

He Yijun chewed the paper and swallowed it, and raised his confusion: "Okamoto-kun, who is the traitor in Tokyo Station and how do you plan to deal with him.

In addition, according to the rules set by the bureau, if one person rebels, the whole family will be severely punished. Do I need to notify the headquarters for secret elimination after returning to China? "

 “Don’t worry, I’m not sure who the traitor is.”

 Zuo Zhong, who was walking side by side with He Yijun, made a surprising statement. He put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, kicked a stone away from the ground, raised his head and explained in a low voice.

“Tokyo Station Chief Zhuang Zili, Operation Team Leader Tan Wei, and Intelligence Team Leader Wang Zhongquan, these three people are all suspected of treason and surrender to the enemy. I will get rid of them all this time.

 We don’t have time and a second chance to screen them. They have too many secrets. Once they reveal everything to the Japanese, the consequences will be very serious. "

Zuo Zhong spoke solemnly and stopped to look at the lighthouse in the distance. The slowly turning light shone on his face and then moved away, making it difficult to see his expression clearly.

These days, he has been thinking twice. In the absence of direct evidence, it would be a good idea to cut the knot quickly, even if he is unwilling to do so in his heart.

 Things have priorities,

 There must be a choice.

He Yijun remained silent after listening. Sometimes the truth is not important, just completing the purpose is enough. Compared with the interests of the country and the nation, personal life is insignificant.

Since the traitor cannot be identified, then kill all the suspects. This is unfair to the innocent people, but this is a life-and-death struggle, and there is no room for kindness among women.

And being able to die happily is a relief for the captive. If she is the captive, she would rather be silenced by her own people than accept torture.

 “Okamoto-kun, please be careful.”

He Yijun didn't say much, and took two more steps towards Zuo Zhong. The moonlight coming from behind stretched the silhouettes of the two of them (it started to sing, what's going on).

The members of Koda Kiyoshi's mutiny gang who were monitoring them from a distance, as well as the special agents of the Naval Intelligence Department and the agents of the ruling chaebol, watched this scene without any doubt.

At the same time, not only Zuo Shige, who was wearing Okamoto Shigenobu's vest, but also all the organizers involved in the mutiny were under close surveillance, and undercurrents were surging throughout Tokyo.

 It’s just that these people didn’t notice that there were some inconspicuous vendors and pedestrians around them. The special team stationed in Japan by the Intelligence Section was seizing the time to collect intelligence.

It is a rare opportunity to obtain information from Japanese professional intelligence personnel at close range. Fu Ling personally led people to conduct secret filming while protecting Zuo Zhong's safety.

Chinese and Japanese agents were fighting fiercely in Japan. Dai Chunfeng, who had not appeared in dozens of chapters, received Zuo Zhong’s telegram and went to Jin to meet the bald head the next day.

  The past 1935 and 1936 were not good years for the National Government. The heavily surrounded Southwest Underground Party kept millions of troops in disarray.

The opponent not only jumped out of the encirclement, but also turned around and defeated the pursuing troops. They wiped out all battalion, regiment, and brigade-level units several times, resulting in heavy losses in personnel and equipment.

 According to the Central News Agency's report, a part of the "bandit army" even fled to the northwest region to "collude" with the underground party troops there. The situation of suppressing bandits is not very optimistic.

  Domestic and foreign public opinion also wildly criticized Jinling’s policy of resisting foreign aggression and stabilizing domestic affairs. The bald man was so battered that Wang, who had been shot several times, jumped out again.

In such a situation of internal and external difficulties, Bald still chose a path to the dark side, constantly mobilized his direct troops to participate in encirclement and suppression operations, and did not forget to micro-manage.

 As for the result

The list of the dead in the JoongAng Ilbo is setting new historical records every day, leaving no space to publish serious news, and the newspaper can only make special exceptions.

So when the bald man got the Tokyo information brought by Dai Chunfeng, he immediately sat up from the sofa, held up a telegraph newspaper and shouted loudly in the living room of Qilu.

“Shen Zhi has done a good job. It is urgent to punish the traitors. There will be chaos in Japan. The government can take the opportunity to concentrate its forces to completely eradicate the banditry.

When the underground party is eliminated, I will lead millions of athletes to fight the Japanese. This will live up to the president’s entrustment and the ardent expectations of countless people.

Chunfeng, the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics must meet all the requirements of Shen Zhi, and all intelligence personnel in Japan must obey his command. You can handle this matter. I know that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Navy, and the Military Commission have more or less personnel posted there. Now it’s time to use them. Don’t begrudge the rewards. "

 “Yes, principal.”

Dai Chunfeng straightened his back. The leader's reaction was as he expected. At a time when there is bad news on the front line, any piece of good news is precious.

Just after fighting Southwest for so long, he finally understood that it would not be easy to wipe out the underground party, and the mutiny would probably not cause chaos in Japan.

This is a reasonable analysis based on intelligence. First of all, Japan's social structure is relatively stable, and it is difficult for the people at the bottom to stand up against the rule of locusts and the government.

In addition, there were only more than a thousand people in the riot. Compared with the hundreds of thousands of military police around Tokyo, it would not affect the overall situation at all. At most, it would make the Japanese look ugly.

However, Dai Chunfeng would not be stupid enough to tell the truth to the bald man, and he was not prepared to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Navy, and the Military Commission, because it would be a waste of effort.

Why should people hand over agents trained with countless funds and resources to the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics? There are no such fools in the government, even if this is an order from the leader.

 Everything depends on Shen. I hope that his proud disciple can complete the task of hoeing the traitor at the minimum cost. The rest will be done according to fate, Dai Chunfeng thought to himself.

 “By the way, there’s one more thing.”

The bald head didn't know what his confidant was thinking, so he walked around in circles twice and said, "Shen Zhong led the team to carry out the mission after graduating from the higher education class at Mainland University. His hard work has made him great achievements.

He is still in the rank of colonel now. He made great contributions to the destruction of the Japanese bacterial weapons base. Unfortunately, it is a secret and it is not convenient to reward him publicly.

  Let him have a name in the special class so that he can be promoted in the future in a logical manner. He cannot let the people in charge feel cold. Tell Shen Zhi that I am waiting for the news of his victory.

  Okay, I won’t keep you here. You must learn the lesson from the destruction of Tokyo Station and take care of the daily work of the Secret Service and the Secret Service Headquarters instead of herding sheep.

 You all say that Xu Enzeng is a waste. I think Xu Enzeng’s performance in the Northeast is very good. In the final analysis, we still have to rely on the township party and our own people to run our business. "

The bald man chattered a lot and walked away with a civilized stick accompanied by the guards. Dai Chunfeng wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his head and left Qilu.

Zuo Zhong soon received the "good news" from Jinling. He was about to meet the minimum requirements for admission to Gongdelin University. These days were getting more and more painful.

But he has no time to care about this now. In addition to going to Nippon News to report the rebels' movements to Ono Satoshi every day, he also perfects the plan with Xiang Tian Qingzhen and his gang.

What is intriguing is that according to his personal investigation, the Japanese military police who usually show off their power on the streets seem to have disappeared, and there is no trace of them at all.

 To say that this was not a deliberate arrangement by senior Japanese military personnel, even if Zuo Zhong was killed, he would not believe it. It seems that many people hope that this mutiny can unfold normally.

This is normal,

 Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

 In the hearts of most people, interests are more important than faith and loyalty, and the Japanese are no exception. It is not difficult to understand that some people choose to go with the flow.

Zo Shige will naturally not be idle enough to remind Xiang Tian Qingzhen. He will just silently inquire about information, such as obtaining the internal structure of the staff headquarters through people who have been to it.

Especially the information about the detention area, Hayashi Fuichiro said that the Japanese placed traitors and captured personnel in the staff headquarters for protection, so which place is the safest.


 First, the space is large and convenient for placement.

 Second, there is an iron gate to prevent attacks.

  Third, the interrogation can be conducted nearby.

Finally, he found a second lieutenant who had been on duty at the General Staff Headquarters. After drinking, he said that the cells of the General Staff Headquarters were on the underground floor and were heavily guarded.

Not to mention low-level officers like them, even those at the deputy commander level must provide documents and passes to enter, with the exception of Prince Xianyuan Gong Zairen.

 This is nonsense. If Zuo Zong can tie up the head of the Japanese General Staff Headquarters, why bother about eliminating traitors? It seems that the mutiny team must be used.

 The problem was how to use the Japs. As the time got closer and closer to February 25th, he finally thought of a good way and started to implement it immediately.

 In the twenty-fifth year of the Republic of China,

On February 24, 1936, Hisashi Kono, the core organizer of the mutiny and an operational scientist at the Army Flight School, was reported by enthusiastic citizens and was immediately arrested.

The other party was transferred by the military police to the Military Discipline Department of the General Staff Headquarters for interrogation that day. The other mutineers were immediately in panic, feeling that the end was coming.

At this critical moment, Shigenobu Okamoto, a reporter from the Tokyo Daily News, stood up and said that if you die now, you will die, if you make a big plan, you will die, and if you wait for death, you will die in your country.

Everyone was enlightened after hearing this. There was no chance or intention of shrinking back. A mutiny involving the intelligence personnel of the Republic of China was about to break out in the city of Tokyo.

 (End of this chapter)

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