Cicada Moving

Chapter 734: February 25th

 Chapter 734 February 25

  February 25, 1936.

 Late night.

It was dark inside the station of the 1st Infantry Brigade of the 1st Infantry Division, and many soldiers who were supposed to be sleeping were pulled to the school field by the officers.

These young men, most of whom came from rural areas and came from poor backgrounds, looked at their gloomy-faced bosses with confusion but did not dare to ask.

In the frequent incidents of subordinates overcoming superiors in the Japanese army, the word "xia" refers to low-level officers, not to the top soldiers without positions.

Teruzo Ando, ​​the captain of the 6th Squadron of the 3rd Wing, looked at the assembled men, took a deep breath, and walked to the front of the team.

He first looked at his watch. It was eleven o'clock. According to the original plan, the river beast was supposed to assassinate former Interior Minister Makino Nobuhe at this time.

 Unfortunately, the other party was reported, so the corresponding task could only be assigned to a squad leader of his 6th Squadron and eight elite soldiers.

Nine warriors plus three light machine guns were enough to break through the defense of the Yugawara Itoya Hotel where the first-class Earl of the Empire was staying.

Speaking of which, we have to thank two reporters, Okamoto and Ozaki, for defrauding the address in the name of interviews, otherwise it would be difficult to determine the location of Nobuhiro Makino.

This person may have heard the news. He has not been seen in public places, official residences, or private homes for many days. His whereabouts are very secretive.

Ando Teruzo didn’t know that history would change at this moment. In real history, the river beast failed in its assassination and was instead injured.

He was also seriously injured by his own Molotov cocktail, and finally ended his life by disembowelling himself with a fruit knife.

 The failure and the manner of death were dramatic, even comical.

But out of instinct, Ando Teruzo also realized that it might be safer to replace the student Hyōga Beast with a rigorously trained squad leader.

After adjusting his mood, he raised his hand to straighten the big-brimmed hat on his head, looked at the young and hesitant faces in front of him and said loudly.

“Everyone, stand at attention! Everyone, listen to me now. The sisters of the soldiers on the front line of Michou Island have to rely on wheat bodies for food.

The grains planted by the old farmers can not eat one, and can only compete with the animal to compete with coarse grains, even so, it is difficult to fruit.

 Citizens and students in cities also cannot find jobs and suffer from hunger. Many people starve to death in cold homes.

The same goes for your family members, but none of this is what His Majesty Tianlu wants to see. Someone has deceived Your Majesty.

The privileged faction around Tian Locust concealed the plight of the people from Tian Locust, concealed the true national conditions, and attempted to interfere with the political power. "

The scene was in an uproar.

Many soldiers present were empathized by Teruzo Ando’s first two sentences and were recalling the difficult days they and their families had experienced.

Hearing their immediate boss talk about the conspiracy of the so-called privileged faction, the brainwashing education they have received for a long time made them furious.

Hongdao sect ideas have been spreading in the First Division for a long time, especially among the lower-level soldiers, who have certain supporters.

Now when they heard these words again, the soldiers who were illiterate became angry. They had nowhere to vent their anger, but they could only hold their weapons tightly.

Ando Teruzo noticed this scene and glanced at Okamoto Shigenobu with great satisfaction, sighing that the other person's writing style was really good.

There is no need to mention the mobilization document. This mobilization document does not have any profound vocabulary, but it successfully aroused the emotions of the soldiers.


Literati should not be underestimated.

 Then he raised his head sharply: "As soldiers, we have the obligation to dedicate ourselves to the empire and the Locusts, and to eliminate the rebellious officials and traitors around His Majesty.

 If you believe me, please follow me. The target of the operation is to capture the General Staff Headquarters and rescue the arrested comrades. Let us move towards a new Japan~"

Teruzo Ando shouted at the top of his lungs, and then nodded to his subordinates: “Distribute live ammunition, and immediately cut off communications after entering the staff headquarters.

 You are not allowed to fire without orders, and you are not allowed to touch or destroy confidential documents. Remember, we are a locust rebel army, not a rebel army. "


Everyone saluted in return. A pair of red eyes stood out in the night. Zuo Zhong took out his camera in time and pressed the shutter.

With a crisp click, Ando Teruzo's majestic appearance was recorded on the film. This will be the most precious historical material in the future.

Finding that he was being secretly photographed, Teruzo Ando walked to a Japanese car and waved cordially to Zuo Zhong, asking him to come with him.

He felt that being able to establish a good relationship with the writers of the mutiny's proclamation would definitely be useful in the future. There is a saying that people who have no long-term worries must have short-term worries.

Compared with other mutiny organizers, although he had a larger number of men, he joined semi-voluntarily, so his status was somewhat awkward.

 Once the mutiny was successful, there would be so many benefits. Who would receive the fruits of victory? He had to make early plans for the future.

“Okamoto-kun, thank you for your contribution to our common cause. I arranged for the comrades who went to the Tokyo Daily News to do some things.

 Personally, I think it is most appropriate for you to take over the position of newspaper president. After all, we are friends who are in the same boat. "

The car started and drove away from the station. Teruzo Ando suddenly spoke. The meaning he wanted to express was easy to understand, that is, an exchange of interests.


Zuo Zhong looked overjoyed after hearing this, but immediately stopped smiling, looked at the driver in the front seat, and said tentatively.

“Your Excellency Ando is overly praised. You are the biggest contributor to this emperor’s campaign. Okamoto only did some trivial things.

Please rest assured that RiRi News will "truthfully" announce the events of the uprising to the outside world, so that the people will understand your huge contribution. "

 “Hahaha, Xixi!”

Ando Teruzo laughed proudly. It was a pleasure to talk to smart people. Being able to make friends with Okamoto, who controlled public opinion, had no harm at all.

This gave him the confidence to compete with others. After talking about this sensitive topic, the two continued to discuss taking action.

"Your Excellency Ando, ​​are the Prime Minister's Office and Police Headquarters properly arranged? These two places are of great importance and must be occupied decisively." Zuo Zhong asked worriedly. To capture the thief, capture the king first. If the Prime Minister cannot be controlled, let the other party react. That's trouble.

The other party can command the entire police force in Tokyo City. Although these people do not have heavy weapons, their numbers can kill the mutiny team.

 “Don’t worry, Okamoto-kun.”

Teruzo Ando said sternly: "Xiang Tian is responsible for these two goals. He has participated in actual battles in Xiaoliuqiu and will never make mistakes.

ˆAccording to the latest reconnaissance results, the security forces of the Prime Minister's Office and the police headquarters are weak, and they can successfully capture them with a single charge.

Ozaki-kun will also accompany you to identify the target. It won’t be long before I guarantee that you will hear the good news about the execution of the national thief Okada Keisuke. "

  It’s not that he is arrogant, it’s that the guards and police are no match for the regular army, not to mention that our own side has superior firepower and numbers.

"That puts me at ease. Also, if you only send a small team to assassinate that old guy Suzuki Kantaro, I'm afraid it will be a bit risky."

At this time, Zuo Zhong turned around and looked behind him. A small group of Japanese soldiers broke away from the team and walked towards the direction of Sanban Town, Tatsuko Town.

“It doesn’t matter. There are only a few old-fashioned retired police officers serving as guards at the other party’s house. Whether they can even hold the gun is a problem.”

 “Is that so? I’m worrying too much.”

Hearing Teruzo Ando’s casual explanation next to him, Zuo Zhong turned his head and looked at the slowly falling snowflakes, with a smile on his lips.

 I hope His Excellency Viscount Hayashi Fuichiro's bodyguards will be strong. The opportunity to please Kantaro Suzuki is rare, but you must seize it.

 This was a chess piece he made at random. Unlike the other six goals, Suzuki Kantaro's survival value is greater.

 Because the other party's wife is a famous Japanese educator and a royal nanny. She is a person whom Tian Locust regards as being closer than her mother.

Moreover, this man not only served as Prime Minister twice before the end of the war, but also served as President of the Privy Council twice after the war.

If a gap can be opened from this line, it is hard to say how far Hayashi Fuichiro can go in the future, but it is worth a try.

Sazo made a rough estimate of the time. This guy should have left a bar near Sanbancho, Tatsuko Town.

At that time, as soon as the gunfire rings out, Hayashi Fuichiro will lead the bodyguards like magic soldiers descending from the sky to save the Suzuki family from fire and water.

 The worst result is that the other party will be beaten into a sieve by the Japanese. But what does this have to do with me? I am not familiar with him.

 Ando Teruzo, Zuo Shige and less than two hundred Japanese troops moved quickly on the snowy streets of Tokyo and headed straight for Miyake-Zaka.

It is very close to the Imperial Palace. The Ministry of War, the General Staff Headquarters, and the official residence of the Minister of War are all located here. It is the nerve center of the Japanese Army.

In addition to rescuing the unlucky beasts of the river and controlling the transmission of military orders, they will also blockade the Ministry of War and surround the official residence of the Minister of War.

With the concealment of thoughtful people, the Japanese military knew nothing about this, and the detention center of the General Staff Headquarters was still crying like ghosts and wolves howling as before.

 All cases of violations of military law and crimes involving military personnel are within the scope of the military discipline department, including treason and rebellion.

 You can imagine the level of defense here, but in this heavily guarded place, there is one person who can enter and exit freely.

 “Arigado, please open the door.”

 Tan Wei, the operations team leader of the Tokyo Station of the Secret Service, held a few plates of food and nodded and bowed to two Japanese soldiers with live ammunition.

Since he has chosen to be a dog, he must have the consciousness of being a dog. He understands that he can only survive now if he hugs the Japanese thigh tightly.

According to the rules established by the Secret Service, those who defect to the enemy and rebel will be killed without mercy, and even their family members cannot escape. He has no other choice.

"take inspection."

 “Hai, hai.”

Although Tan Wei was placed in the detention center by the Ministry of Intelligence, the required procedures were indispensable, and the guards performed a body search diligently.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the other party and the items he was carrying, the guard opened the iron door and put him into the dark and damp prison area.

Tan Wei thanked him again and again, walked to a cell with a smile, looked at his former colleagues who were **** and **** on the execution rack, and smiled sadly.

“It is said that those who know the current affairs are heroes. Why are you competing with yourself? It is easier to bow your head than you think. Just do it quickly.

 You are from the Intelligence Department, and there are things you should know about the personnel sent by the Intelligence Department to Japan, such as their appearance.

By the way, I heard that you and our deputy director Zuo are classmates. What does he look like? Brother, can you satisfy my curiosity? "


The young man on the execution rack tried to raise his head and spat out **** spit, and looked at Tan Wei fiercely: "I'm waiting to see how you die.

I want to see Deputy Director Zuo. I'm afraid you, a bastard, will wet your pants. Do you know how Chief Zuo dealt with the Japanese? Haha.

We are all in this business. If you need anything, just say hello. If I frown, it will be your mother who gave birth to me. I am a traitor. "

 “Haha, tough talk.”

Tan Wei wiped the blood on his face and said proudly: "You are not smart, we are on Japanese territory now.

I don’t believe that Zuo Zhong has the ability to come here and kill me. If he dares to come, have you seen those instruments of torture? I would be just as dare."

 “Da da da da~”

He didn't finish a sentence. He only heard loud gunshots outside the detention center. Tan Wei's face suddenly turned pale and his legs were trembling.

On August 15, 1945, the Emperor of Japan announced his unconditional surrender to the whole world. Surrender is surrender, not a **** final battle. Long live the countless heroes who sacrificed their lives for the independence of the Chinese nation.



 (End of this chapter)

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