Cicada Moving

Chapter 742: Please teach me, sir

Chapter 742 Sir, please teach me

“Baga, haven’t you seen His Highness?”

 In the crowded military police headquarters, Gangcun roared angrily into the phone receiver, his expression extremely solemn.

 It is the early morning of February 27, and the train from Hirosaki to Tokyo arrives on time. Logically speaking, Yong Ren should have arrived in Tokyo.

 But the people he sent to greet him blocked the train station and failed to find the target among the hundreds of passengers. The Imperial Prince disappeared mysteriously.

It would be fine if something happened, but he was afraid that the other party would run away. Gangcun continued to listen to the reports from his men while thinking about countermeasures.

“Hai, your Excellency the Minister, but we asked the train conductor and learned that dozens of young men got off at the last stop.”


Gangcun muttered to himself, feeling a bit dumbfounded. Did he think he could escape the surveillance of the intelligence department by getting off the train one stop earlier?

 That Prince looked down upon them. With the exact whereabouts, it was only a matter of time before he found someone.

After thinking about it, he whispered a few words and ordered the intelligence network near Tokyo to be fully activated, paying special attention to the passages in and out of the city.

The tasks assigned by Tian Locust himself cannot be delayed for a moment. This is related to the stability of the empire, and the empire cannot withstand a peace battle.

 In short, Prince Yongren must die. He must not be allowed to reach the imperial palace alive to see the locusts. It is best to be killed accidentally or by the rebels.

After arranging the matter, Gangcun did not sit there and wait for news. Instead, he asked the police to check the situation of cars in the city and tighten the blockade.

 Because no matter where Prince Yongren got off the bus, he could not walk to Tokyo. He must need transportation. Where did the car come from?

It is very likely that the rebels provided it. As long as we find out the information about the vehicles that were stolen and hired today, we can find the person along this line.

In addition, why Prince Yongren took the risk and came to Tokyo was naturally to join the rebels, and the blockade must be strengthened.

  After doing this, Gangcun looked at the map on the table with great satisfaction. When this incident is over, he should be promoted to lieutenant general.

 Kill Yong Ren,

 He is the confidant of the Locust.

Although there are certain risks, they are nothing compared to the bright future. The only thing to worry about is whether the locusts will cross the river and burn down the bridge.

But the problem is not big. When the time comes, the specific person in charge will be sent to the Michou and Red Russian front lines. It is normal for a lot of people to die there.

Gangcun raised the corners of his mouth slightly, raised his hand to look at his watch, and decided to finish the matter before dawn and give His Majesty a surprise.

 Tokyo has been in chaos for such a long time, and it’s time to return to its previous calm. By then, the rebels will be wiped out, and the mob will have nothing to fear.

  They killed too many people,

 The people will naturally be obedient.

Just as he was arranging his troops, the snow and wind outside the house became heavier and heavier, and three Japanese-made trucks were driving slowly on the suburban road.

Dozens of masters from the First Division and the Eighth Division sat quietly in the carriage, watching the surroundings with vigilance.

The two parties had just met at the train station and got on the bus and headed straight for their destination, which was the Sanno Hotel, the temporary headquarters of the emperor-revealing force.


Several inches of snow overwhelmed the truck, black smoke billowed out from the exhaust pipe, and the muddy ground caused the wheels to slip.

The drivers drove cautiously towards Tokyo in the distance. After driving for half an hour, the convoy was stopped when it was about to enter the city.

The person blocking the car was a military policeman. The unique short French cloak and white armbands were very conspicuous. Ando Teruzo's men immediately became alert.

 “Prepare for battle.”


  The squad leader of the First Division led the team whispered an order, and the soldiers put down their rifles on their shoulders and gently pulled the bolt to load the bullets.

But before they could get out of the car, machine gunfire suddenly rang out from both sides of the road, and tracer bullets flew toward the unobstructed convoy like a flood.

The military police on the road also drew their pistols from their bodies and fired wildly at the driver's seat of the first truck. The scene was chaotic.

 The First Division is worthy of the veteran divisions. Even in the face of a sudden attack, the mutiny troops still showed superb technical and tactical levels.

While the soldiers of the 8th Division were beaten until they were dizzy, the veterans of the 1st Division quickly climbed out of the truck and got into the roadside drainage ditch.

  The new recruits are afraid of the competition.

 Veterans are afraid of guns.

This sentence is not accurate enough. In such a close situation and lack of cover, all the veterans and recruits have to do is to escape first.

The team leader of the First Division quickly found a bunker, and then immediately organized his men to start defense, regardless of the bullets flying overhead.

 The battle was fierce. One side was well prepared and the other side was extremely combat-effective. The gunfire continued for more than half an hour.


This farce of dog-eating-dog-Japanese soldiers came to an end only when a military police major with a bullet on his head killed the squad leader who refused to surrender.

All the people on the truck were shot dead, and the military police also suffered heavy losses. Half of the operational personnel were lost. The major ordered with a dark face.

“Looking for the target, if you don’t want to hurt your family, don’t reveal a word of what you saw and heard today to the outside world.”

The military policeman who knew the stakes did not answer. He nodded silently and walked to the scene of the battle. He held the photo in his hand and carefully identified it.

But after turning over all the corpses, Prince Yongren, who was supposed to be here, was nowhere to be seen, and the gendarmerie major's forehead was covered with cold sweat.    The target is running away,

 Still not accompanying me at all.

This matter was not something he could decide. The man jumped into the car and flew away. He wanted to report it to the Minister of Intelligence, Okamura, immediately.

When Gang Village received the news, a ray of sunshine happened to shine from the sky. A new day had arrived, and the whole of Japan was on the verge of losing control.

“Baga, why is His Royal Highness not in that convoy? How did you collect the information? Send someone to find it immediately!”

Gangcun banged the table and vented his anger at the intelligence officer. There was a reason why he was so angry. He would die if Yong Ren did not die.

  Once the emperor and his courtiers, especially for the heads of intelligence agencies, the coming of a new master means the end of their lives.

 “Minister, there is something new.”

Before he could continue to curse, someone opened the door and shouted: "Five minutes ago, an unknown vehicle broke through the blockade and entered the Sanno Hotel.

At that time, the rebels in the blockade sent out elite troops to respond. The troops responsible for the blockade were unable to withstand it. Please make it clear to the Minister. "

Gangcun's eyes were darkened, but he had to take precautions and let the man join the rebels. Soon, the mutiny would turn into a fight for the throne.

Military rebellion is easy to suppress. It is nothing more than putting pressure on the Imperial Dao faction to give up supporting the mutiny team and sending troops to annihilate it.

 No one will follow this group of lunatics all the way. Without all kinds of external support, the so-called rebels will not be able to hold on for long.

 This is a purely military issue.

The battle for the throne is different. Some people bet on wealth and wealth, not just ordinary soldiers, but even the cabinet and senior generals are no exception.

Once the two royal families confront each other, careerists who are greedy for profit will always jump out to take sides. By then, it will be difficult to wipe out the rebels.

 This is a political issue.

 Gangcun gritted his teeth and secretly became fierce. He must not give the other party time to react. He had to quickly cut through the mess and get rid of the rebels and Prince Yongren.

He immediately decided to dispatch the army to attack the Sanno Hotel. If he did this, he would be kept in cold storage for a few years to avoid the limelight.

As long as His Majesty the Emperor is satisfied, there will always be opportunities to come forward in the future. He can still distinguish what is important and what is important. This deal is a good deal.

Okamura picked up the phone and was about to inform the army about the operation. Suddenly, cheers came from the window, and the words "His Royal Highness Yongren" could be vaguely heard.


 The rebels announced the news about the prince!

 Gangcun’s eyes were split open. Who was commanding the rebels? He had anticipated every move he made. This opponent was not an easy one.

Just as he was about to attack by force, the other party let the people in Tokyo know Yong Ren's whereabouts, forcing them to give up the plan due to the impact.

Those mutiny organizers definitely did not have such tactical literacy, otherwise they would have been admitted to the mainland. Could it be that they were some staff members of the Huangdao faction.

After much deliberation, he couldn't think of a way to break the situation. He couldn't get rid of Yong Ren secretly. It was up to Tian Locust to decide what to do next.


 Gangcun sighed and hurriedly went to find his master. He was in a gloomy mood, but the Sanwang Hotel was filled with laughter and joy.

“Hahahaha, Mr. Gude’s help is really like a fish in water. Come on, Okamoto-kun, please tell me the next plan.”

Prince Yongren looked quite handsome. After smoothly meeting and learning the relevant situation, he immediately held Zuo Zhong’s hand tightly and wouldn’t let go.

The opponent was applauded for being able to play with Locust's men and horses, which was exactly the talent he needed, and he immediately acted like a polite and virtuous corporal.

 “Your Highness has given you too much praise.”

Zuo Zhong calmly pulled out his hand and said seriously: "The false emperor has the advantage of strength and justice, and he will definitely not be captured without mercy.

If His Highness wants to ascend to the throne, he must first make the pseudo-emperor lose these two advantages, so that he can turn passivity into initiative and gain a chance to win. "

 “Please, sir, teach me.”

Yong Ren even forgot to take off his coat and hurriedly asked. If it were not for his lack of strength, he would have raised the flag of rebellion a few years ago.

Now some people say that they can weaken their emperor brother. How can he not be in a hurry? This is related to his position above tens of millions of people.

At the side, Ando Teruzo, Ozaki, Koda Kiyoshi and others were also very curious and listened attentively to how "Okamoto Shigenobu" would explain.

 “Haha, it’s easy.”

A smile flashed across Zuo Zhong's face, and then he said sadly: "Strength and righteousness actually complement each other, and righteousness must be dealt with first.

If people outside gather to demand that the puppet emperor eliminate the plutocrats, but are shot and massacred by the army, what will happen to the puppet emperor? "

   “Ten thousand people are referring to it!”

Yong Ren's eyes lit up after hearing this. The monarch enjoys supreme power and also bears heavier responsibilities than ordinary people.

“Yes, without righteousness, legally speaking, you are legally qualified to inherit the throne, and the other party’s forces will automatically divide.

In this way, the power of the false emperor has been transferred to you. With the help of propaganda and mobilization, victory is just around the corner! "

Zuo Zhong looked at the crowd confidently, his hand under the table quietly placed a glass test tube upside down in a hidden place, and he made an assertion.

ps: The quarantine is almost over and I’m catching a cold~



 (End of this chapter)

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