Cicada Moving

Chapter 743: Took the bird seat

 Chapter 743 Seizing the Bird's Position

 “Down with the plutocrats!”

 “Eradicate the traitors!”

 “Heaven punishes the traitors of the country!”

 In the early morning of February 27, 1936, countless people swarmed around the Imperial Palace of Japan, raising their right hands and shouting slogans at the top of their lungs.

 Dozens of young men with crew cuts and yellow clothing were the most active, mixing in the crowd and adding fuel to the fire.

For example, the cabinet has ordered a counter-insurgency, and all those who have robbed the property of the plutocrats will die. The locusts are just puppets of some ambitious people.

Or maybe the wise Prince Yongren couldn't bear the suffering of his people and went back to Tokyo from Hirosaki to fight to the end against the evil reactionaries.

 In short, we must completely stink the Locust and let all citizens know that choosing Yong Ren as the new Locust is a blessing for Japan, otherwise the country will not be a country.

 Three people became tigers. In the fanatical atmosphere, many people were unable to think normally and subconsciously believed these carefully crafted rumors.

As time passed slowly, the number of people gathering at the rally became larger and larger, the situation became more and more tense, and the procession gradually approached the gate of the palace.

Seeing this scene, the Guards Division and the Marine Corps responsible for security around the palace were helpless and could only keep retreating.


 Thinking too much.

 There are so many people, so many old people and children. Anyone who shoots is a fool. Taking the blame is not unique to the Republic of China.

Especially those in the navy, they don’t understand why they need to protect the chaebols. After all, when it comes to rebels, the navy has many more rebels than the army.

 Let’s not go too far, let’s talk about the May 15th Incident a few years ago. Coupers attacked the prime minister’s official residence, the Metropolitan Police Department, and Interior Minister Nobuyo Makino.

Prime Minister Takeshi Inukai was killed. The words he left behind, "Listen to my explanation," and the thugs' "no need to say anything, take action" became famous quotations.

Yes, it is the familiar Prime Minister’s Residence, the Metropolitan Police Department and His Excellency Nobuaki Makino, so rebellion is a fine tradition of the Japanese Navy.

 One can imagine the attitude of these people towards the people gathered at the rally. If they did not rebel on the spot and storm into the palace, it would be considered a sign of strict military discipline.

 The navy is working hard but not doing enough work.

The Guards Division was equally distracted.

With the emergence of a traitor, Motoaki Nakahashi, the future of the entire Guards Division is very bleak, and they may be dishonorably discharged tomorrow.

Having lost the trust of the Locusts and losing their status as soldiers, how will they make a living? Everyone's heart is heavy.

More importantly, someone has said that as long as the Guards Division abandons darkness and turns to light or remains neutral at critical moments, there will be rich rewards in the future.

 Specifically, all officers will be promoted and appointed after entering the Army University for further studies, and soldiers can also receive considerable rewards.

Who is the person who made this guarantee? The answer is self-evident. The person is summoning heroes from all over the world at the Sanno Hotel not far away.

On the one hand, many officers and soldiers of the Guards Division were tempted by the idea of ​​abandoning their former master, and the prospect of a generous future boss.

This has nothing to do with betrayal,

 Just seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

 The vacillation of these two teams immediately caused panic among the ruling faction, the plutocrats, and the Locusts, who left them with no troops at their disposal.

There is chaos in Tokyo now, with some communications and transportation paralyzed, and the troops loyal to the locusts outside the city cannot mobilize on a large scale.

If this continues, there is no guarantee that something unspeakable will not happen. Gangcun, the intelligence chief of the General Staff Headquarters who is responsible for front-line counter-insurgency, is in a dilemma.

He has already understood the sinister intentions of the rebels. Ordering the Guards Division and the Navy to forcibly suppress the rebellion is too risky and will easily lose people's hearts.

The tactic of using the rioting people as a shield is even more despicable. The First Fleet in Tokyo Bay has huge ships and cannons but cannot fire them.

 But the situation cannot be allowed to deteriorate. If Yong Ren comes to power, the best result for him is to commit suicide and apologize, and there will be no way to survive.


Gangcun's triangular eyes were full of fierce light. After thinking for a long time, he felt that he couldn't just sit there and wait for death. He immediately went to see Tian Locust and asked to encircle and suppress the rebels.

The chaos of beating, smashing, burning, and looting continues to spread. If we don’t deal with it decisively, even if the rebels are defeated, Tokyo’s decades of development gains will be lost.

The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. He is going to suggest to Tian Locust that the First Fleet deploy elite personnel to cover Tian Locust's boarding and then carry out counter-insurgency operations.

But after hearing what he said, Tian Locust sat on the high throne and was silent for a long time, and finally asked a question slowly.

“You may know that Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty of China worked hard for more than ten years, but he was forced to die by Li Ni in Meishan, Peking. It is very sad.

  At that time, some ministers also advised him to hunt for Jinling in the south in order to make a comeback and ensure that the country's hundreds of years of foundation would not be lost. Why didn't he leave? "

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Gangcun to reply, Tianchu said in an erratic tone: "The emperor will protect the country. This is easier said than done.

Then what is Sheji? Sheji is the people's hearts in the world, and it is the dignity of the royal family. If we lose our people's hearts and dignity, can we still call it a country? "

 “This. I am ignorant.”

Gangcun was speechless as he knelt on the ground. Everyone had different identities and had different considerations. It was difficult to answer this question.

 Ministers have difficulties as ministers, and kings have difficulties as kings. There are some things that ministers can do, but the king who is rich in the world cannot do.

 Seeing Gangcun thoughtful, Tianchu knew that the other party understood, so he smiled and said his plan to defeat the rebel conspiracy.

“Okay, let’s put aside the transfer issue for the time being. You don’t have to worry. The chaebol has already stated that it will immediately reduce Tokyo’s food supply.

 The excess food will be handed over to the empire. Since the rebels can exchange wealth for hearts and minds, we will use food.

There are millions of people in the city, and food is a top priority. You should inform the cabinet and ask the police department to distribute relief food door to door in my name.

By the way, a public notice is posted, asking everyone to stay at home and not go out until the martial law is lifted. Food supply will be stopped for those who violate the rules. "

 “Hai, your Majesty is wise!”

 Gangcun was in high spirits and secretly cursed himself for being so stupid. The chaebols monopolized many industries related to people's livelihood, and they could be said to have great hands and eyes. With their help, the mob outside will naturally disperse without food. This is a standard way of subduing the enemy without fighting.

He wanted to see how the rebels without shields would deal with the navy's cannons, and what tricks the mysterious black hand would come up with.

As for Prince Yongren, Tian Locust didn’t say a word. If he didn’t say anything, it meant he didn’t exist. If he didn’t exist, he could do whatever he wanted.

With confidence in his heart, Gangcun respectfully resigned and went to the entrance of the palace. He gave a few instructions to his subordinates and waited for the show to begin.

 The locusts are in action.

Yong Ren was not idle either.

Standing on the roof of the Shanwang Hotel, Yong Ren looked at the dense crowd of people with interest, and suddenly turned to ask Zuo Zhong, who was accompanying him.

“Sir, the rebels are spreading rumors according to your instructions, but the puppet emperor is very good at winning over people’s hearts. Is this plan really feasible?

I think the response of the security forces is slack. Why don't we directly attack the palace and control my brother to restore the empire?

The longer the time goes on, the more prepared the control troops will be in various places. The Chinese often say that the nights are long and the dreams are many, so I can't help but feel a little worried. "

The position he has coveted for many years is right in front of him. He seems calm, but in fact he wants to kill Zhaohe Tianlu's family immediately and seize the position.

“Your Highness, please be careful not to be impatient.”

Zuo Zhongxin said that if the Locust died, how could he still play? He immediately held the fence on the roof of the building with one hand and pointed at the country with the other.

“In the past, Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty succeeded to the throne. Within 17 years of his reign, he had nineteen chief ministers. The reason was all because of his eagerness for success.

If a good prime minister can be chosen and appointed for a long time, the reign of Zuo in the former Ming Dynasty will last only 276 years. This is the reminder that history reminds us.

 If the security forces are slack, they don’t know where to go. A strong attack will win some people to surrender, but it will also disgust others. "

There is no need to rush this matter. We must find a suitable time. We can use history as a mirror to know the ups and downs. We also hope that His Highness Yongren will take caution and be cautious. "

For the sake of the Japanese, Zuo Zhong was really worried this time, and his mouth was almost dry. He had never been so attentive when assisting Dai Chunfeng.

 “I am alone, please follow your teacher’s teachings.”

Yong Ren's expression was serious and he bowed deeply to Zuo Zhong in a dignified manner. He still understood the principle that good advice may displease the ears but help the deeds.

Moreover, all wise monarchs always have a loyal minister who dares to give advice, such as Wei Zheng in the Tang Dynasty, which led to the prosperous era of Zhenguan.

Today this conversation has been passed down to later generations, and it may be a good talk, provided that they can successfully oust the pseudo-emperor Showa from the throne.

He reminded himself that at this time, he must stay calm. With a loyal minister like Mr. Okamoto, there is no need to worry about big things happening.

Zuo Zhong glanced at this guy, nodded with satisfaction, then turned his gaze to somewhere in the crowd and said with a smile.

“Your Highness, isn’t the opportunity coming?”


Yong Ren didn't know why. Following his eyes, he saw seven or eight young people fighting with uniformed naval officers and soldiers.

The most surprising thing is that the professional soldiers who had the numerical advantage actually lost. In the blink of an eye, they were beaten to pieces by young people.

"Baga, let me go quickly, you damned untouchables, His Majesty Tian Locust should order you to be killed, leaving no one behind."

One of the navy lieutenants covered his left eye, cursed angrily, and unconsciously put his right hand on the Nanbu pistol at his waist.

This person comes from a wealthy family and has always looked down on the children of ordinary people, especially after he failed to apply for Etajima and lost to his classmates from ordinary families.

Ever since he got the secret order to come to Tokyo a few days ago, he has been counting on rescuing people to achieve success, and he has long disliked the mob.

Now that he was openly slapped in the face, he could no longer hide the murderous intention in his heart. He pulled out his pistol and fired several shots at the people in front of him.

 “Bang bang bang~”

The masterpiece of Master Nanbu Kijiro, a wonder in the history of Japanese industry. This time, the chain did not drop, and the bullet was fired smoothly.

 But the head of the navy in the distance and Gangcun further away would rather have their guns broken. If the gun is fired at such a sensitive moment, the situation will definitely get out of control.

Sure enough, as the young man who was shot slowly fell into the arms of his companions, the people present became furious and rushed towards the scene of the incident.

Some people who were afraid of chaos in the world also took the opportunity to spread rumors. The yellow clothes they wore were particularly eye-catching, attracting many people to follow them.

“The locusts are about to be wiped out!”

 “The army is killing people!”

 “The murderer has escaped!”

Hearing the deafening cry, the navy lieutenant who was stunned on the spot was reminded by this "run away" sentence, threw away his men and ran into the warning range.

The next moment, the naval soldiers who were standing on the spot were knocked down by the angry people. There was no way for one of them to survive, and they were immediately settled.

Beating people to a pulp was not enough. After venting their anger, the mob headed towards the palace, but were blocked by various defensive weapons.

The barbed wire fence that once left a famous mark in trench warfare in Europe is full of barbs, and if you get caught on it, a piece of flesh will be torn off if you don't care.

Upon seeing this, the people in yellow clothes took wooden boards and ladders from somewhere and put them on top of the barbed wire fence, using their strength to jump over the blockade.

As soon as they landed, some of them separated to stop the army, while others moved away the obstacles and waved their arms to shout slogans.

 “Heaven punishes the national thieves, attack them!”

 (End of this chapter)

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