Cicada Moving

Chapter 744: battlefield

Chapter 744 Battlefield


Zuo Zhong on the roof of the Shanwang Hotel softly said two words, and the people below broke through the military blockade like crazy.

 Among them are freshly graduated students, factory workers, idle wanderers, and even gray-haired old people.

 The difference is in status, but the same is poverty. Under the oppression of the chaebol, the hidden contradictions in Japanese society finally broke out at this moment.

Upon seeing this, the Guards Division and naval soldiers immediately rushed forward and struggled with the yellow clothes and the mob. The scene was spectacular.

Fights involving hundreds or even thousands of people are indeed rare, but the soldiers are either unarmed or carry their weapons behind their backs.

Conflicts cannot be intensified any more. If military personnel kill or injure ordinary people again, Tokyo today will completely turn into a battlefield.

 “Baga, why did you shoot?”

Gangcun in the rear grabbed the navy lieutenant by his collar and roared. If they were from the same military branch, he really wanted to shoot this stupid guy to death.

Originally, this was a "peaceful" march, but once the other party shot it, its nature changed dramatically, which played into the rebels' ambitions.

 He had to suspect that this person had something to do with the enemy. After thinking about it again and again, he asked someone to detain him and prepare to hand him over to the navy.

The differences between the land and sea have been around for a long time, and now the situation is critical. They must remain united, otherwise they will have no chance of winning against the rebels.

 Gangcun’s choice was not wrong, but without the threat of lethal force, many mobs became more and more bold in their actions, and the army gradually became exhausted.


The smiling Zuo Zhong spoke again. Before he finished speaking, the fight downstairs became more intense, with punches, kicks, and bites, and it was extremely bloody.

In the crowd, a staggering old man fell crookedly to the ground. The naval soldier opposite didn't care and continued to move forward.

On the battlefield, there is only life and death, and there is no difference in age. It is impossible for him to ignore his superior mission and save an unknown enemy.

Suddenly, the seemingly unconscious old man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes full of cunning, and at the same time he took out the military thorn in his hand and lifted it up.

The naval soldier only felt a cold feeling under his crotch, and in an instant he lost all his strength, and his body hit the ground heavily with a muffled sound.

At the last moment of his life, he tried to open his eyes wide and try to see the murderer clearly, but he only saw an old figure from behind.

 Everyone nearby was working hard, and no one noticed this scene. Men, women, adults, and teenagers had already become a mess.

The old man who succeeded in the sneak attack smiled and felt extremely proud. With this hand, he killed many Chinese in Goryeo.

Now it was no problem to deal with these young juniors. He took a breath and found a target again.

 Unfortunately, the old man was wrong this time. After he fell to the ground, the soldier in army uniform gave him a bayonet without even looking.

This is all muscle memory. There is a requirement in Japanese army drills that soldiers must be sure that the enemy is completely dead when clearing the battlefield.

Seeing the bayonet piercing the human body, the army soldier reacted, quickly looked around, and then pretended to leave as if nothing had happened.

 “It shouldn’t be like this.”

 The old man did not believe that he would die like this until his death. While muttering to himself, he was kicked in the head again and fell into a coma.

Mobs and troops came and went, and countless people stepped on his body. Before long, there was a puddle of flesh at the entrance of the palace.

There was more than one such thing. People or soldiers continued to die on the spot. The two sides started to use real fire, and the situation began to get out of control.

  Scattered gunshots kept ringing out, and when faced with life-threatening danger, professional soldiers did not care about any **** orders. Their own lives were the most important thing.

Not to be outdone, the men in yellow clothes who had been fanning the flames also took out rifles and hand grenades and distributed them wildly. Now it became lively.

Although the army is powerful, the mob is no less willing to give in. Many of them are soldiers in the countryside and have experienced actual combat and are quite capable of fighting.

With the same weapons, the same formation, and the same password, the Japanese started a fight in front of their own palace.

 “Da da da da.”

During the fight, one of the parties pulled out a Taisho 11-year-old machine gun. The dazzling flames swept through the crowd, and corpses were everywhere.

This seemed to be the beginning, and soon all kinds of heavy firepower equipment came on stage one by one. The two sides were fighting fiercely, and the fight turned into a war.

The Guards Division and the Navy gradually gained an advantage by relying on the number of machine guns. After all, the mob was not an active military force and was slowly defeated.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the people in yellow clothes looked at each other and felt that there was no need to pretend anymore, so they immediately pushed a 92 infantry cannon.

This is a cutting-edge piece of equipment of the Japanese army. It was put into production in the early 1930s and has just been installed. The first division has only received this gun for a year or two.

 As members of the emperor's army, their mission is to provoke conflicts and provide fire support to the people. Now is the time.


One of the men in yellow clothes yelled for someone to load a 70mm anti-personnel grenade into the barrel, and quickly turned his right hand to close the threaded gun breech.

After preparations for the bombardment, the man stared at the palace gate and defenses a few hundred meters away, and without hesitation pulled the match rope.

 At such a close distance, there is no need to adjust the pitch angle too much. Just aim and fire. After a loud bang, the muzzle flashes with a flash of fire.

The Type 92 infantry gun's projectile speed was 198 meters per second. It took only two seconds for the projectile to fly across the battlefield and hit a pile of sandbags.

The fuse on the top of the shell was activated instantly, detonating the 1.05 kilograms of dangerous goods inside, generating a high temperature of several thousand degrees Celsius.


A wave of air was generated at the explosion site and swept in all directions. The mixed shrapnel turned everything in front of it into flying ash. The sudden bombardment knocked away the courage of the Guards Division and the navy to resist, and some people secretly ran towards the palace behind them.

They have undergone rigorous training, but using their flesh and blood to block cannonballs is what fools do, and besides, this is a royal civil war.

No matter who wins or loses, the empire will still be led by descendants of Amaterasu from the eternal lineage. It doesn’t need to be so clear-cut.

 “Stop! Stop.”

Only Gangcun looked ferocious, holding up his pistol and ordering the defeated troops not to retreat. However, he was carried into the palace gate by the surging crowd.

Then without waiting for him to give the order, the soldiers who came in first ignored the pleading of their colleagues and forcibly closed the heavy iron-clad wooden door.

 Having lost their outer positions, the fortified palace city became their last hope. Without large-caliber artillery, the rebels could not capture this place.

 When the Qinwang troops from various places arrive, the people present may have a chance of survival, otherwise they can just clean their necks and wait for Yong Ren to be liquidated.

 The problem is that they are safe, but the officers and soldiers who have been turned away are dumbfounded, unable to fight or run, what should they do?

 You can only vote.

 There is no second way to go.

So the soldiers dropped their weapons one after another and raised their hands to signal surrender. The mob, under the command of the yellow clothes, did not kill any prisoners.

The Japanese are not fools. They know that killing prisoners now will only make the troops in the encirclement fight against the enemy, making the encirclement and suppression more difficult.

Since this is the case, it is better to let it go first. Not only can it disturb the enemy's military morale, but it can also recruit a group of professional soldiers for one's own use.

 Ando Teruzo and others who had been watching the battle saw the opportunity to show up, chatted amiably with the prisoners, and promoted the ideas of the Imperial Way Sect.


On the roof of the building, Prince Yongren put down the telescope in his hand and sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect that the citizens would be so effective in fighting.

Taizong of the Tang Dynasty once said that water can carry and capsize a boat. I have seen it today, and I will definitely treat the people and citizens well in the future. "

This man was a little carried away and seemed to have forgotten that there were thousands of enemy troops in the palace, and the number one enemy, Showa, was not captured without mercy.

In case the other party comes to reinforcements, it should be unpredictable under the inside and outside, which will start to imagine how the future is. It is really stupid.

 “Your Highness is wise.”

Zuo Zhong sniffed, smelled the smell of blood in the air and smiled, flattering Yong Ren while making suggestions.

“Your Highness, the next step can begin. We cannot give the puppet emperor a chance to breathe. We must rush into the palace and kill the national traitors.

I think the first wave of attacks should be handed over to the common people. The purpose is to consume the opponent's ammunition and kill as much of the enemy's strength as possible.

 There is no shortage of food and fresh water in the palace. What is lacking is medicine and weapons and equipment. By doing this, we can limit the strength of the puppet emperor.

 After the people are exhausted, let the rebels organize an elite commando team and go straight to Huanglong to capture the puppet emperor. Next, you should consider the reign name. "

"Ha ha ha ha."

Yong Ren laughed when he heard this, took Zuo Zhong's hand and said seriously: "I can't get what I want, all thanks to your proper planning, sir.

If Yong Ren can ascend the throne, he will be given a high position as a gift. When the time comes, you and I will work together and we will be able to achieve a good story between the king and his ministers.

 This statement can be learned from heaven and earth. If you regret it and heaven abandons it, your husband will not let me down, and I will not let you down. The reign name will be Guangzhi. How about it? "

This turn was too sharp, and Zuo Zhong almost didn't react. He was stunned for a while and nodded quickly: "Your Highness is knowledgeable about the past and the present, and I am ashamed of myself.

 Guangzhi, taken from the Chinese Book of Songs, means that the bright moon shines and the body is strong, which means that the Japanese Empire will be invincible in the world. "

“Yoshi, sir, you still understand me.”

Yong Ren was very satisfied, and then he covered his mouth and yawned. He had not slept for many hours since the mutiny.

I did n’t feel sleepy before. This time it ’s determined. I felt exhausted when I was relaxed, and I could n’t wait to fall asleep.

 “Your Highness.”

Zuo Zhong bowed respectfully and reminded in a low voice: "Your holy body is important, why not take a nap by the fireplace. I will call you when the palace is destroyed."

"That's fine, then thank you for your hard work, Mr. Yong Ren." Yong Ren was indeed very tired, so he walked down the roof of the hotel without saying anything and came to a room.

Zuo Zhong personally put several sofas together into a small bed, found a few quilts, and finally lit up the fireplace before resigning and leaving.

“Your Highness is afraid of the cold, please add more firewood.”

Before leaving, he gave instructions to the guard outside the door, confirming that he would add firewood every half an hour and then walked out of the Sanno Hotel building.

Looking at the gloomy sky, he raised his hand to look at the time on his watch, pondered for a moment and walked towards Teruzo Ando and his party.

At the same time, a green test tube was placed upside down in a hidden corner, and the wax seal on the seal melted little by little and slowly dripped.

"Da da da."

I’m ready to end the quarantine and go home~ The plot in Tokyo is about to end, and there will be a few transitional chapters to enter the war of resistance.



 (End of this chapter)

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