Cicada Moving

Chapter 768: Initial investigation direction

Chapter 768 Preliminary direction of investigation

Zo Shige returned to the hotel after his meeting with Ryosuke Hase, and took the Blue Steel Express back to Jinling alone early the next morning.

According to his analysis, there are three ways for the cables to be leaked, one is He Yijun, the other is the bureau headquarters, and the third is higher-level military and political officials.

Based on past experience, it is unlikely that the leaker is He Yijun. If she were a Japanese spy, many missions would not be successful.

For example, the destruction of the bacterial base of the Kwantung Army's water supply and epidemic prevention unit, and the February 26 incident, these are enough to show the reliability of the other party.

Telecommunications staff at the bureau headquarters are also not spies. They have gone through the strictest screening, and their family relationships are checked through three generations when they join.

More importantly, the messages he sent previously have never been leaked, so it can be judged that the problem does not lie with the bureau headquarters.

Then there is only one possibility,

There are insiders at the top of the national government, or the relevant agencies to which intelligence is delivered.

This is easy to understand. Obtaining intelligence is only the beginning. There is still a series of work to be done, such as research, analysis, and recording.

For example, there are many people involved in the departments directly under the Military Commission, the bald attendant's office, and the staff department, and they are a mixed bag.

Want to find out the Japanese spies, Zuo Zhong felt that he had to go back to Jinling to take charge of the investigation work, because this matter could not be delayed any longer.

Seeing that the deadline of August 9th for the Japanese Naval Command to evacuate the nationals is getting closer and closer, it is urgent to solve the internal problems.

 Fortunately, the distance between Shanghai and Jinling is not too far. Wu Chunyang and others have also practiced at this time, so he can come back with confidence.


Zuo Zhong thought like this all the way until he was reminded by the whistle. When he looked up, he saw that Jinling Railway Station had appeared not far away.

 When the train stopped, he put on his hat and carried his suitcase and quickly left the carriage. After leaving the station, he stopped the rickshaw and reported an address.

This address has nothing to do with the Secret Service or the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics. It is a transit point for him to confuse the trackers.

If an enemy is following him, he will be easily exposed whether he is counter-tracking or going to the military and political agencies, so transit is the best option.

This is not a fluke. You must be careful when dealing with Japanese spies. Those who were careless will die.

 Half an hour later, the rickshaw stopped at the entrance of an ordinary small courtyard. Zuo Zhong got off the car, handed over the fare, opened the door and walked in.

This is the outhouse of a smuggler who was shot last time. It has a single house and few neighbors nearby, making it very suitable for hiding.

After watching for a long time at the specially designed hidden observation opening, Zuo Zhong made sure that there was no one behind him, and then he came to a room and moved the wardrobe.

A secret passage suddenly appeared. He took out his clothes from the house and put on them. He adjusted his facial disguise and went straight into the secret passage.

When he appeared again, he was in the back room of a shop. A middle-aged man sat quietly in the room and seemed to not see anything.

“Be careful and blow up the secret passage if there is any problem. As for you, you know what to do.”

 “I know, Deputy Director.”

Zuo Zhong gave instructions before walking out of the house. The middle-aged man's answer was categorical. If you do this job, your life will not be yours.

As for surrender, he never thought about it. The Secret Service's family rules for traitors are very simple. If one person surrenders to the enemy, the whole family will suffer, and no one can be exempted.

The character of the former webmaster of Tokyo Station is still Huangpu student. After confirming that the other party rebelled, his family disappeared overnight.

Later I heard that several floating bodies appeared on the riverside. People from the Jinling Police Department did not check them, so they found a place to burn them clean.

 If you don’t want your wife and children to become a pile of ashes in the wilderness, dying for your country is the only option.

 After receiving a satisfactory reply, Zuo Zhong nodded and left quickly from the store lobby, walking quickly towards the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics building.

He kept stopping, turning around, crossing the road, and counter-tracking, and the journey that was supposed to take dozens of minutes ended up taking two hours.

Having completely eliminated his worries, Zuo Zhong approached the guard post at the door, took out his ID, shook it, lowered his head and quickly entered the compound.

Such a perfunctory behavior, a young guard saw this and wanted to intercept him, but was immediately held down by several pale-faced veterans.

 Don’t give up your life,

 The smiling tiger dares to provoke him.

Even though the other party had put on a disguise, they had been stationed here for several years, so they naturally recognized that the person was the left deputy director of the Secret Service.

Humbling in the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, you can offend anything, but you can't offend this person, otherwise the person may be gone at some point.

Zuo Zhong didn't know what the guard was thinking. He walked to the top floor with familiarity and knocked on the office door of Lao Dai's secretary Li Wei.

The most fearful person is to get carried away. Normally, it would not be a problem for him to get around Li Wei in his current capacity, but if he did so, he would offend others.

Don't underestimate small people. Such people often fail to accomplish much but fail more than they should. There's nothing wrong with taking a few extra steps to build a good relationship.

Sure enough, when he saw Zuo Zhong meeting Lao Dai in the formal procedure, Li Wei was so happy that he couldn't help but ran out after saying a few words.

 After a while, this guy trotted back and brought Dai Chunfeng's order, and then led Zuo Zhong to the door of the director's office.

Li Wei raised his hand to knock on the door and opened it gently. Li Wei turned around and left without waiting for a reply. He was really a smart man and acted in a measured manner.

Zuo Zhong must have important work to report when he comes here. It may be related to the war. The more you know about similar things, the more dangerous it is.

Curiosity can not only kill the cat,

  It can also kill people.

In the room, Dai Chunfeng was reviewing documents with the gold pen given by Zuo Zhong a few years ago. Hearing the sound, he looked up and saw Zuo Zhong, with a smile on his face.

“Be cautious, sit down quickly, is there something wrong in Shanghai? Don’t worry, monitoring Caobang is a long-term job.

If you have any difficulties, you can tell the Chairman and me directly. As long as it is conducive to the task, I will support you even if it is a slander. ” ˆ ˆ “The students thank the teacher. "

Zuo Zhong automatically filtered these words, sat half-assed on the stool, considered it for a while, and said to Lao Dai's doubtful eyes.

"The student has come back this time to report an important situation to you. Before that, I would like to ask who has read the Shanghai intelligence."

 “Who has read the Shanghai intelligence?”

Dai Chunfeng frowned and repeated. He naturally knew what his disciple meant. Could it be that he was afraid that someone would leak the secret? This was impossible.

Yesterday, I received Zuo Zhong's intelligence, and the telecommunications room was immediately sealed. Apart from him, only the Chairman of the Generalissimo and the military personnel knew about it.

By the way, there is also a cryptographic interpretation office. The chairman of the committee asked him to hand over information to the other party in order to decipher Japanese secret messages based on the telegraph signals.

 But these people and institutions are either the head of state, the backbone of the party-state, or top-secret institutions, so there should be no problems.

At the same time, he also knew that Zuo Zhong must have a reason for asking, so he told the story of yesterday from beginning to end without hesitation.

Bald head.

 Confidential Room of the Central Military Commission.

 Organizations above the military level.

 Cryptographical inspection institute.

Zuo Zhong frowned after hearing this. The first thing he excluded was the bald man. No matter which angle he considered, the other party had no reason to do this.

What about the Military Commission’s Confidential Room? If all the Party’s military documents are uploaded and distributed from here, it would be troublesome if there were Japanese spies here.

But think about it from another perspective, if there are Japanese spies here, they will not just pass on a piece of information, but will definitely leave clues.

It is impossible for the Secret Service to not be aware of this. Zuo Zhong has this confidence. From this point of view, it can be judged that the suspicion of the members of the confidential room is not high.

The rest are agencies above the military level and cryptographic interpretation institutes. One is crowded and the other is a highly confidential technical unit.

At first glance, the probability of a spy appearing in the former one is higher, but intelligence warfare cannot be based on common sense, and preconceptions are the most taboo.

And what level would the officers who have access to the strategic intelligence of the Japanese navy in Shanghai be? At least they must be brigade commander or above.

 At present, the National Government has a total of 191 army infantry and cavalry divisions and 52 brigades. How long will it take to find out so many officers, big and small?

There are only a few people in the Crypto-Interpretation Office. There are about one or two hundred people. They can be screened quickly. If no one is found, it will not be too late to check the army.


 There is another reason to check this place first.

From the time the intelligence was sent to the time it was leaked, it took less than 24 hours. The Japanese spies could only report to the Naval Command in Tokyo through the radio.

  The Cryptographic Interpretation Institute is an institution that specializes in deciphering telegrams. The work is inseparable from the radio station, and being able to receive and send telegrams is the most basic requirement.

In short, based on the existing clues, the Cryptotranslation Office of the Department of Electrical Affairs of the Ministry of Transport is a key target and needs to be investigated as soon as possible.

Of course, this does not mean giving up investigation in other directions. Things are just priorities, and the military side is just taking a step back.

Having roughly determined the direction of the investigation, Zuo Shige truthfully stated Hase Ryosuke’s feedback, as well as his previous speculations.

 “What, the intelligence was leaked.”

Dai Chunfeng, who was resting against the back of his chair, suddenly sat up straight. How is this possible? Who dares to leak such sensitive information.

Once found out, it would be a crime punishable by beheading. He didn't think any high-ranking official would risk his wealth and surrender to the enemy.

After all, he has been in control of the overall situation of the Secret Service and the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics for a long time. After being panicked, Lao Dai calmed down and gave decisive instructions.

“Be careful, I will go to the rest house immediately to report the matter to the chairman of the committee. Don’t move at the translation office for now, so as not to alert Hase Ryosuke and expose him.

If there is really a spy, he must be observing our reaction. No movement is worse than silence. All actions must be carried out covertly. "

"Yes, the teacher is wise, and the students think so too. In addition, it is best to find one or two reliable people from the translation office as internal agents."

Zuo Zhong bowed and replied respectfully, feeling relieved in his heart. As expected of Lao Dai, he immediately grasped the key point. It was true that he couldn't do anything without permission.

 First, it is easy to alert Japanese spies.

  Second, the cryptography verification station is very important.

At this critical moment when the Sino-Japanese war is in full swing, the deciphering of messages is related to the outcome of the war, and the inspection and translation office must not be messed up.

 The most reliable method now is to cooperate with internal departments to find suspicious persons, screen them one by one secretly, and try to keep a low profile.

 “Very good, you can take care of this matter.”

As Dai Chunfeng walked out quickly, he ordered that as a superior, it is best to leave professional matters to professionals.

The Japanese bayonets are almost reaching the chest of the Nationalist Government. To act randomly is to help the evil tyrants. He understands this truth.

Looking at Lao Dai Fengfenghuo's back, Zuo Zhong picked up the phone and notified Gu Qi, Shen Dongxin and Tongsuo who were left behind to come and join him.

Since ancient times, there have not been many soldiers. To deal with a Japanese spy, there is no need to transfer people from Shanghai back to Jinling City. These three people are enough.

 (End of this chapter)

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