Cicada Moving

Chapter 769: cryptanalysis institute

 Chapter 769 Cryptoanalysis Laboratory

At the end of July, the sun was blazing and it was extremely hot in Jinling. There were few pedestrians on the streets and not many vehicles, leaving only the chirping of cicadas.

At the intersection of Yinyangying Road in the west of the city, where many embassies and consulates are located, two heavily armed military policemen were patrolling back and forth.

Two years ago, Japan's deputy consul general in Jinling, Miyamoto Hideaki, mysteriously "disappeared" here, so the security is naturally tighter than other streets.

This place is full of Western-style Western-style buildings with different architectural styles. Among them, the gate of No. 7 Western-style Building in West Bridge, which is very close to the Dutch Embassy, ​​is locked.

A semi-old Ford sedan was parked on the side of the road not far away. Sitting in the car were Zuo Zhong, Gu Qi, Shen Dongxin and Tongsuo.

“Deputy Director, No. 7 is the Cryptographic Inspection and Translation Institute affiliated to the Electrical Affairs Department of the Ministry of Transport. There has never been a sign here, so it is very mysterious.

 The main body of the western-style building is an office space, with a total of four floors and more than 100 staff members. There are also three bungalow dormitories in the yard.

 Most personnel are not allowed to go out during normal times. There is also a dormitory area near the Central Party Headquarters. The internal security is good and there have been no incidents. "

Shen Dongxin, who was in the driver's seat, turned around and introduced the situation softly. This information was not a secret to the Secret Service.

 “Dongxin is right.”

Gucci in the back row also nodded and opened a document: "This place is relatively hidden and very close to the Japanese Embassy, ​​so it is suitable for detecting radio stations.

I asked the Telecommunications Branch that if you want to completely collect electronic messages during communications, you must be as close as possible to the signal source, otherwise it is easy to miss.

However, since its establishment in the 21st year of the Republic of China, the Inspection and Translation Office has not achieved much results. The reason is that the Japanese often change the secret messages. "


Zuo Zhong on the side frowned. There has been no progress in five years. The efficiency of this work is very Republican, but is it really like this?

 Baldhead is not a generous person, and the organization that allows him to continue funding and paying attention is definitely not simple. This needs to be investigated clearly.

Hushly lowering the curtains on the car window, he looked at the document in Gu Qi's hand: "You will go to Lishan Company later and ask Wei Daming.

 They are all in the telecommunications industry, and they are from the same circle. They may know some information that we don’t have yet.

By the way, let the people from Lishan Company conduct telegram reconnaissance of the translation office and dormitory area, and record the sending time and frequency of all recent telegrams.

By the way, as for the personnel information, I heard that the director here, Wen Yuqing, is Minister Song’s cousin. Is the news accurate? "

 “Yes, that’s true.”

As Gu Qi answered, he quickly searched for information, and finally stopped when he turned to a file with black and white photos.

“Wen Yuqing is a graduate of Qinghua University and a Ph.D. in physics from Harvard University in the United States. His wife has a very good relationship with the wife of the Chairman.

 The First Branch and we have reviewed it, and we have also invited colleagues from the US station to conduct external investigations. Wen's behavior at home and abroad is normal and there is nothing suspicious.

 Formerly served as the principal of the Taxation School of the Ministry of Finance, counselor of the Ministry of Finance, Director of Shanghai International Telecommunications of the Ministry of Communications, etc., with extraordinary abilities.

During the Great War in the Central Plains, he led the team to decipher many secret messages sent by Feng, Yan, Tang, and Li, and helped the national army achieve the final victory.

Last year, he also served as the Secretary-General for Electricity Affairs, in charge of national electricity administration. All government and commercial telegraphs, city telephones, and electric lights are under his jurisdiction. "


 Have a background,

 Have a backer,

 Have an academic degree.

Why was such a talented person unknown before? It would be a bit of a failure to be the Secretary for Electricity and Electronics now.

Although this position sounds like the top is in charge of the sky and the bottom is in charge of the earth, in fact the real power lies in the hands of foreigners and major telegraph and electrical companies.

 Zuo Zhong stared at the man in the photo wearing glasses, with sharp eyes and elegant demeanor, and couldn't help but sigh at the cruelty of the party-state personnel struggle.

 It’s just that this person had deciphered warlords’ telegrams many times before. Why did he seem to be a different person when he arrived at the translation office? The gap was too big.

 There are excuses for not being able to do so.

 I am afraid that there is something wrong with my attitude.

Just as he was thinking about it, Gu Qi took out several more personnel files, took out one and spread it out in front of the two of them, and continued to speak in a deep voice.

“According to our personal understanding, Wen Yuqing is busy with work and received education from a church school since he was a child, so his Chinese language skills are very poor.

 The daily work of the Cryptozoology Inspection and Translation Institute is presided over by a deputy director named Wang Weiqing, who is in charge of specific business, economics and some personnel.

 Information shows that Wang is from Chuzhou, Suzhou Province. His family relationships, experiences, words and deeds, and trajectory have been verified and there are no signs of concealment or forgery.

  Graduated from the Chemistry Department of Guanghua University in Shanghai in 1932. After being introduced and guaranteed by the professor, he successfully entered the International Telecommunications Bureau.

Through this, he met Wen Yuqing, who was then the Director of Telecommunications. Wen valued Wang's progressive thinking and brought him to the Interpretation and Interpretation Office. "

 Wen Yuqing, Wang Weiqing.

Zuo Zhong lowered his head and read the information about the two people carefully. Judging from the information, their relationship was a bit like the relationship between Dai Chunfeng and himself.

It's a pity that the thousand-mile horse picked out by Bole Wen Yuqing doesn't seem to be very good, at least on the surface, and it remains to be verified in detail.

In addition, if Wang Weiqing has no problem, he will be a good internal candidate. A deputy director in charge can do a lot of things.

 With their cooperation, the screening speed will be very fast. What the Secret Service lacks most is time. It seems that it is necessary to contact the opponent head-on.

 “The following are the middle-level cadres.”

 Gu Qi didn't notice the thoughtful Zuo Zhong, so he took out all the remaining four files and started talking from the first one.

“The Interpretation and Interpretation Institute has four main organizations, one is the cryptography team, the other is the research team, the third is the reconnaissance radio station, and the fourth is the general affairs team.

The head of the deciphering team is called Li Si, who is also originally from Chuzhou. He also graduated from Guanghua University in Shanghai. He is extremely intelligent and studious.

As a top student in the Department of Mathematics, this person has done a lot of research on number permutations and combinations. After graduation, he went to Guangxi University to teach mathematics.

Li Si and Wang Weiqing were cousins, and received many recommendations from Wang, so he left Guizhou University and came to the Crypto-Interpretation Office of the Department of Electronic Affairs. "

 “It turns out to be another related household.”

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "This alone is not enough, Shen Dongxin, you will be responsible for reviewing the personnel information of the translation office later.

 Start with friends and classmates. It is best to find people who are not in your place of birth or in Jinling to verify the authenticity of their files.

 Don’t contact the other person’s family. If a Japanese spy is at the translation office, a security post will be set up. If you are alerted, you will be in trouble. During the review process, special attention should be paid to the blank period on the timeline. It takes time for the Japanese intelligence organization to train the mole. "

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

Shen Dongxin nodded. He was better at intelligence gathering than action. With the cooperation of the local district station, this job was not difficult.

 After several years of development, the Secret Service has eyes and ears all over the country. It does not take long to investigate a person in the country.

Zuo Zhong naturally knew this, so he didn’t say anything more. After arranging the relevant tasks, he turned his attention back to Gu Qi.

 “Lao Gu, please continue.”


 Gu Qi sat upright and reported in an unhurried manner: "The director of the reconnaissance radio station is named Liang Bolun, and he has some connections with the Secret Service.

He was originally the director of the radio station of the Guangdong Provincial Air Force, but was later instigated by his uncle Liang Zhaogui, a veteran of the Renaissance Society who was as famous as the bureau chief.

This person has been to France and the United States for further study before. He has no professional skills, otherwise he would not be able to take on this important task and his life is relatively Westernized.

Lian Shan, the leader of the general affairs team, is in a similar situation to him. He has returned from studying abroad. His political attitude is pro-European and American, and he dislikes Japan and Red Russia.

The family background of Mr. Lian is not simple. His grandfather was a wealthy businessman in Nanyang. He helped the former president organize fund-raising activities in the local area and was owed to the party and the state.

at last."

As he spoke, Gu Qi took the files aside and left one behind. He tapped the name on it with a slight frown and said.

“Finally, the leader of the research team, Chen Shi, is from Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. He graduated from Zhijiang University in Hangcheng and then studied in Japan to learn Japanese.

 Returned to China and worked in the translation department of Shanghai Japanese Radio. He claimed to have participated in the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Association on 128 and visited the 19th Route Army.

 We have not verified this statement. The Japanese are very careful about radio stations, and the Japanese police officers in Hongkou often patrol around.

 The work of the research team is to count, summarize and analyze the known Japanese base reports, and find out the usage habits and frequency of words and sentences in them.

The guarantor of Chen Jin Inspection and Translation Office is said to be the Central Audit Director. It is unclear what the relationship between the two is, and their background is indeed somewhat sensitive. "

 Study in Japan.

 Enter the government.

 Recommended by the Central Audit Director.

Zuo Zhong, who originally had a relaxed expression, gradually turned serious. The one named Chen Shi sounded the most suspicious, but this requires evidence.

The best secret code deciphering agency in the government has implicated a wide range of people. Without real evidence, it is impossible to arrest people and it is easy to alert others.

 Furthermore, he had never seen such an obvious Japanese spy before, so he almost wrote "I am a bad guy" on his forehead, which made him hesitate.

The most troublesome thing is the Audit Director. This person is a veteran of the Fruit Party, an old member of the Alliance, and the brother of the bald sworn brother. It is not easy to offend.

After thinking for a moment, Zuo Zhong went through the names and positions of the senior cadres of the Crypto-Interpretation Institute introduced by Gu Qi in his mind.

 Director Wen Yuqing

 Deputy Director Wang Weiqing

Li Si, leader of the deciphering team

 Liang Bolun, director of the Investigation Radio Station

 Lian Shan, leader of the general affairs team

 Chen Shi, leader of the research group

One of these people is a relationship household, and the feet are deep. Only that Li relied on his own talents and the background was slightly weak.

 Should we start investigating this person first, and then contact Wang Weiqing? As the saying goes, pick the weakest persimmons, Zuo Zhong couldn't help but think of it.

This is definitely not based on the heart, but a strategy. Those who want to do big things must not stick to trivial matters. Besides, Li Si has never studied abroad, and his background is easy to identify.

  Reading his attention, he glanced at the copper lock on the passenger seat looking around, showed a kind smile, and patted the other person on the shoulder.

“Tongsuo, you must have heard what Section Chief Gu just said. I have given you a task. Follow Li Si around the clock to find out the details of this person.

You can choose the manpower yourself. I will ask the monitoring room to cooperate and find out Li Si’s relationship network and living habits in the shortest possible time.

Work hard, and I will give you a difficult task after a while. If you do it well, you may be able to sit in my position in the future. "


Gu Qi always felt that these words seemed familiar, as if he had heard them somewhere. Just when he was about to ask, Zuo Zhong ordered Shen Dongxin to drive.

They stayed for a long time. The two military policemen had already looked over. In order to avoid trouble, it would be better to evacuate as soon as possible.

A burst of green smoke came out of the exhaust pipe of the car, and it quickly left Yinyangying Road and drove along the main road to the prepared transfer point.

Zuo Zhong put his hands on his lower abdomen, his eyes calmly scanning the streets with anti-Japanese slogans, and thought about Chen Shi's information again.

The other party once said that he went to the front line to express condolences to the 19th Route Army who heroically killed the enemy and severely damaged the Japanese army. The authenticity of this is a good breakthrough.

You can try to send someone to check, just collect basic information. If there are dates or not, it will be a good thing to rule them out.

 Japanese patrols are easy to deal with.

 Just avoid it.

 There is no need for investigators to go to the radio station to understand the situation. There are many members of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Federation, and there will always be someone who will remember whether he has been there.

  Relevant work can be left to Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong. These two old fritters cannot approach the Japanese Third Fleet’s station and are currently idle.

 Their business capabilities are more than enough to perform this task. If they fail, there will be candidates for the future deputy director of Shanghai Station.

 Fighting behind enemy lines,

 There is a shortage of such talents.

 (End of this chapter)

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