Cicada Moving

Chapter 771: Lee Brothers

Chapter 771 The Li Brothers

 This evening.

After a busy day, Li Si, the leader of the cryptography team, and his cousin Li Shu walked tiredly to the dormitory area, chatting as they walked.

“Cousin, the superiors asked us to decipher the Japanese secret messages as soon as possible. They said they wanted to support the battle in North China. I think this is a dream.

 The man named Chen in the research team has never done anything serious for a minute every day except reading newspapers and drinking tea. How can we expect him? "

Li Shu kicked away a stone in frustration and muttered something about Chen Shi's lack of professionalism, with a very disdainful tone.

Li Si chuckled twice and said nonchalantly: "Okay, it's not like you don't know that his surname is Chen. This is his confidence.

 Don't say you don't do serious work. Being able to work at the institute every day is a favor to the two directors, Wen and Wang. You should learn more, you kid. "

 “No wonder everyone says the party-state is not good”

 “Shut up!”

As soon as Li Shu wanted to help Guodang tell his fortune, Li Si quickly interrupted him sharply, then looked around carefully and scolded with a frown.

“I know you are dissatisfied with the Guo Party, but this is Jinling, and there are military and police officers everywhere. If you have anything to say, it’s not too late to say it back to the dormitory.

Have you forgotten the trouble you caused in Chahar? If it hadn't been for luck, you would have been shot by the Japanese and traitors by now.

Your father has entrusted you to me, and I will be responsible for your life. You must never say these words in the hospital or in public. "

 “I’m just talking.”

Li Shu knew that he was being rash, so he lowered his head after explaining: "I know, cousin, I just can't stand that person surnamed Chen.

Now the front line is a critical moment that determines the rise and fall of a nation. Like him, when can we decipher the enemy's code?

And could he have done it on purpose? The file said he was from Zhejiang Province and went to study in Japan after graduation. He was probably a traitor. "

 “You, you!”

Li Si looked at the other party helplessly. He was too lazy to say anything to his overly advanced little cousin, and simply quickened his pace.

To work as an errand in the cesspool of the government, you don’t have to know how to do things or have any background, but you can’t offend people you shouldn’t offend.

Don't he know that Chen Shi is just messing around? Of course he knows, but what can he do if he knows, he can only pretend not to see it.

When he walked to the door of the dormitory, Li Si took out the key from his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole. After thinking about it, he turned around and gave a warning.

“Pay attention to the Secret Service Headquarters and the Secret Service, especially the Secret Service. Those people are ruthless and we will all be in trouble if we fall into their hands.”


The door to the room where he was speaking was opened. As the door panel slowly turned, someone pulled the light cord in the room with a snap, and the dim light came on.

Deep in the room where light and shadow intersected, a dark figure stood up from the wicker chair and slowly approached, followed by a faint chuckle.

“Thank you for the compliment, Team Leader Li, but we only attack saboteurs who pose a threat to the country and will not harass talents like these two.”


Li Si reacted immediately and took a step forward to block his cousin Li Shu behind him. The next second he wanted to call for help from the guards in the distance.

But before they could open their mouths, several men in Chinese tunic suits quickly came over, holding their mouths with one hand and holding a gun with the other to threaten them.

In this regard, the guards were as if they hadn't seen it. If they turned their heads without any matter, they moved into the distance, and soon the back was left.

Li Si and Li Shu were desperate. They could only enter the house obediently, wrapped in Chinese tunic suits, and the door behind them was closed heavily.

 “Deputy Director, no problem.”

After entering the house, a man in a Chinese tunic suit searched the two of them very professionally, not missing any part of their clothes, belts, or mouths.

“Hehe, let go of my guests and be careful. They are not Japanese spies. If they get hurt, I will only ask you.”

The man in the room walked up to the light and said something with a smile. He was wearing a suit and looked to be in his twenties. He was very elegant.

Li Si's heart skipped a beat. Deputy Director, what the other party said before they entered the door was that this person could only be one person.

 Deputy Director of the Secret Service,

 Deputy leader of the sixth group of the Second Division of the Attendant's Office,

 State—military colonel officer,

 The famous Zuo Zhong.

The only advantage of working in a cryptographic interpretation office is that you are well-informed. The interpretation office can be regarded as an intelligence agency after all.

He has heard rumors about the other party countless times. He kills people like crazy and skins Japanese spies alive. The rumor is that they have noses and eyes.

Some people say that the first thing this smiling tiger does when he wakes up is to kill a few people to cheer him up, otherwise he will feel uncomfortable all over. He is simply a devil.

Such a murderer came to the door, it must be up to no good, Li Si breathed slowly and quickly, swallowed his saliva and asked with difficulty.

“It’s Deputy Director Zuo, I don’t know what business you are here for this time. Your humble position is the leader of the deciphering team of the Cryptographic Inspection Institute, not a spy.

Next to me is my cousin, who is also a staff member of the translation office. He is a Qinghua student with a clean background. Please be aware of this. "

 “Well, please sit down.”

Zuo Zhong did not express his opinion after hearing this, but pointed to the stool with a smile and asked them to sit down first. You have to be polite when dealing with cultural people.

 After the two of them sat down, he slowly pulled out the ppk, neatly twitched the slide to load it, then put the gun in his hand and said kindly.

“I believe what Team Leader Li said, otherwise I wouldn’t have met you in this way and at this place today.

As for your cousin Li Shu, you will know for yourself whether his background is really clean, but this has nothing to do with our Secret Service.

I am here this time because I need your help with a small matter. Don't worry, it's not a dangerous task. What do you think?

It doesn't matter if you don't agree. I'm a reasonable person and I never force anyone to do something they don't want to do. I swear to God. "

 After speaking, he raised his head and stared at Li Si and Li Shu. Seeing that neither of them raised any objections, he couldn't help but reveal a kind smile on his face.

 Be reasonable?


Li Si almost laughed angrily. If you can, put down the gun first before talking. But thinking about his wife and children at home, he had to hold his hands and smile bitterly. "Deputy Director Zuo, please let me know if you have any questions. As long as the confidentiality of the translation office is not involved, the two of us will definitely cooperate, right, Li Shu."

 Speaking, Li Si touched his ugly cousin with his shoulder, fearing that the young and energetic young man would cause trouble and offend the Secret Service.

At the same time, I was relieved. It didn't sound like the Smiling Tiger was looking for trouble, and I didn't know what the other party wanted them to do.

 “Good, happy.”

Zuo Zhong glanced at Li Shu, raised his hands and applauded and looked at Li Si: "I just like talking to smart people, there is no need to waste bullets.

So to make a long story short, a top-secret intelligence about the movements of the Japanese navy in Shanghai was leaked a few days ago, and the Chairman was very angry.

The task assigned to the Secret Service was to find the person who leaked the information. After investigation, it was found that not many people were qualified to have access to the information at that time.

Members of your office are among them. Chen Shi, the leader of the research team, is currently the most suspected. I want you to cooperate with us in investigating this person. "

 Chen Shi could be a spy?

 What a joke.

Li Si looked in disbelief and glanced at Li Shu subconsciously. As a result, Li Shu also opened his mouth wide and his eyes were full of shock.

He just couldn't stand Chen Shi, so he made a joke: Why did the other party really become a spy suspect? Could it be that he was a crow's mouth.

The two of them were stunned for a long time, looking at me and me at you. Finally, Li Si came to his senses first and immediately frowned.

“Deputy Director Zuo, we have indeed received the information you mentioned. I remember it very clearly that Director Dai of your bureau personally sent it to the translation office.

 According to the procedure, the information must first be handed over to the research team, but this is just a rule. In fact, everyone in the institute knew the news that day.

Hinshi didn’t understand why the Secret Service only listed Chen Shi as a suspect in the espionage case. Could it be because he had studied in Japan.

I am not defending him, but the translation office is very important. He is proficient in Japanese, and the current deciphering work cannot be separated from him. "

Out of public interest, Li Si raised the question directly. There was indeed something wrong with Chen Shi's work attitude, but his Japanese talent was real.

Talent is rare,

 Talents who are familiar with Japan are even rarer.

Zuo Zhong nodded in understanding. This was also the reason why he handled the case in a low-key manner. Fighting the Japanese was the overall situation and must not be undermined.

 It's understandable, but he couldn't reveal the details of the case, so he just smiled and shook his head lightly without giving any explanation.

Suddenly, he noticed that the young man named Li Shu had hesitant eyes. He quietly opened his mouth and then closed it immediately, as if he had something to say.

“Li Shu, Mr. Li, if you have anything to say, just say it. Zuo will never let a bad person go, and he will never wrongly accuse a good person.”

Zuo Zhong solemnly made a guarantee, but there was nothing that could be done about it. Students would always have some inexplicable sense of justice in their minds.

If you cannot stabilize the opponent, you may miss an important clue, and no one will be able to bear this big blame.


Li Shu was still a little hesitant. The official espionage accusation was not that they were chatting on the road. That would lead to lives, so we must be cautious.

 Thinking for a few minutes, and finally with Li Si's whisper of encouragement, Li Shu gritted his teeth and told a little thing about Chen Shi.

“Sir Zuo, although I am from Jiangsu Province, my university and first job were in the north, so I know the customs and habits of the north quite well.

Chen Shi said that he was from Zhejiang Province and went to Japan after graduating from college. I think this guy was not telling the truth. He must have been to the north.

The reason is simple. He goes to the Park Road Stadium to play badminton every day off, and one time he went to a northern restaurant after the game.

That day was July 15th. I got together with some classmates and happened to bump into each other. Chen Shi followed the northern rules when eating.

For example, pouring wine only eight-percent full. The so-called "tea for seven and wine for eight" is an older generation custom that only people in Peking will abide by.

 Furthermore, when he sat down, he avoided looking at the wood grain on the tabletop and faced him without even looking at it. This was exactly where the banquet table in the north was.

 Finally, that day he ordered a bowl of dumplings, but he didn’t drink any of the soup. They all fell to the ground toward the door, his movements very subtle. "

 “This is also a custom in the north.”

Before Li Shu could finish speaking, Zuo Zhong squinted his eyes and said that he had learned relevant folklore information when he went to Peking to sanction Zhang Jingyao.

It is common to pour wine on the ground during worship. Pouring dumpling soup on the ground is only done in Peiping and a few nearby cities in Hebei Province.

This is an offering to the Kitchen God and the deceased elderly people in the family to show respect and memory. It also means to feed hungry ghosts to pray for luck.

 It’s a bit interesting~

This is not talking about Chen Shi, Zuo Zhong is interested in Li Shu, and the observation skills displayed by him are not like that of an "ordinary" student.

Besides, Chen Shi is not a fool. If he found out that his colleagues were present, he would definitely not be so unscrupulous. Then there was only one possibility.

 Li Shu successfully hid himself from a suspected spy. He either had rigorous intelligence training or was gifted.

 So which kind is the other party?

 What is your identity?

Zuo Zhong waved the little agent out, crossed his arms and stared at Li Si and Li Shu for a long time, making the two of them tremble with fear.

Li Shu, in particular, has begun to regret telling Chen Shi's suspicious behavior. Who knows whether these agents will bend the law for personal gain.

Under high tension, he kept rubbing his palms with his trouser legs in an attempt to wipe away the sweat. His breathing gradually became more intense and his body leaned back slightly.

Li Si was not much better either. His earlobes and the tip of his nose turned red quickly, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead and temples down his chin.


A trace of doubt flashed through Zuo Zhong's mind. There were no traces of training on either Li Si or Li Shu. He was very sure of this.

If the other party has such good acting skills, it would be a waste to lurk in the cryptanalysis station. Wouldn't it be better to go to Shanghai to stage a civilized drama?

  After scaring the Li brothers, he put the pistol back into the holster. From the corner of his eye, he saw the two of them letting out a sigh of relief, and the corners of their mouths immediately raised.

At this time, the contents of the cryptographic interpretation office are in place. With their cooperation, Chen Shi's fox tail will soon be revealed.

I went to bed and got up at three o'clock to take the bus to the airport.



 (End of this chapter)

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