Cicada Moving

Chapter 772: Angry Wen Yuqing

 Chapter 772 Angry Wen Yuqing

 In 1937, Peiping, which held on for more than half a month, finally fell on July 28. Countless people of insight in the Republic of China were heartbroken after hearing the news.

 General Tong, deputy commander of the 29th Army, and General Zhao, commander of the 132nd Division, died for their country, becoming the highest-ranking casualties in this war.

On the 29th, under Japanese aircraft and artillery attacks, the Jinmen defenders began to gradually retreat until the Pingjin area was completely lost that night.

Since the gunshots were fired on the evening of July 7, China and Japan fought fiercely in North China for more than 20 days, and corpses could be seen everywhere on the land of Yanzhao.

The government lost this war, but the patriotic soldiers gave the Japanese, who clamored for an end to the war in three months, a resounding slap in the face.

 China will not die.

 The Chinese nation will not perish.

Under such circumstances, the Japanese still refused to give up. More and more naval and land troops were stationed in Shanghai, and the city of Jinling was in turmoil.

The streets and alleys are full of patrolling police and gendarmerie teams, and from time to time, police cars carrying "spy suspects" roar through the streets.

It is not clear why these people are either wealthy businessmen with small fortunes or literati who have published articles against the government.

 Time has just entered August,

Yinyangying West Bridge No. 7 Courtyard.

In the conference room located on the roof of the building, middle- and high-level cadres from the Crypto-Interpretation Institute were gathered together, discussing something with each other in small groups.

The sirens of Ula'ula suddenly came from outside the window, and it was obvious that someone was going to be in trouble again. This kind of thing is not uncommon nowadays.

 Hearing the sound of police cars outside, Director Wen Yuqing felt irritated. Seeing his undisciplined subordinates, he became even more irritated. He simply got up and closed the window.

 The thick safety glass① blocked most of the noise, which made his frown relax slightly, and then he coughed twice.

 “Ahem, cough, let me say a few words first.”

Wen Yuqing adjusted his glasses and glanced underneath: "Everyone knows the situation. The Japanese are about to start a full-scale war.

Their embassies and consulates are spread across large and medium-sized cities in the country, and they go deep into the interior to detect various intelligence, which seriously affects the national defense security of the country.

The Consulate General in Jinling even established a high-power radio station without my country's permission and directly communicated with the Tokyo Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Diplomats in some places also send telegrams through the resident telegraph office. They communicate with the outside world very frequently and are very arrogant. "


When he got angry, the doctor who studied in the United States slammed the table in front of him hard, startling the absent-minded people.

 Don’t blame him for being angry, it’s just that the Japanese are too bullying and use civilian telegraphs to send intelligence. This is an insult.

The other party was sure that his coded message would not be deciphered, so he deliberately provoked it in this way, making it clear that he did not take the inspection office seriously.

 “Why don’t you speak?”

 Wen Yuqing finished venting his anger, with an angry expression on his fair face. He pointed at the team leader and captain who lowered their heads and pretended to be dead and cursed again.

“You were very effective in deciphering the underground party’s telegrams in the past, but why was there no movement when we got to the Japanese? You were so arrogant.

 Let me tell you, I don’t care about anything else. Before the 9th, I must decipher all the secret codes used by the Japanese in Shanghai.

It is also necessary to check the international radio communication network of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and determine the locations of all radio stations to ensure that no one is missed.

 The communication network of Japanese military radio stations in China, as well as the radio call sign, frequency, and reporting time, must also be described in writing. "


The staff of the translation office present were all dumbfounded. The director was afraid that he was crazy. No, he must have been crazy, otherwise he wouldn’t have said this.

 Deciphering telegrams is a delicate job that requires hard work. How can it be possible to accomplish so much in just a few days?

The conference room suddenly became lively. Some people shook their heads silently, some looked excited and wanted to speak, and some had narrowed pupils.


 An exact point in time.

 Why should we complete the above task before then? The reason is, is it the deadline given by the superior, or is it related to the war.

If it is a deadline, it is because the upper management intends to rectify the cryptography inspection office, and this is why it is given a task that is simply impossible to complete.

If it is related to the war, it means that the intelligence agents of the national government have penetrated into the top levels of the Japanese military. There is no other possibility for this matter.

 Looking at Wen Yuqing, who is not in any panic, the answer is very clear. August 9 should be the time for the Japanese to take action.

 Otherwise, the other party should be at Minister Song's house now, trying to keep his position under his butt, instead of coming to have a meeting with them.

  People consciously guessed the truth of the matter and looked at Wen Yuqing on the stage with different expressions, wanting to hear the specific work arrangements.

 “Everyone, please be quiet.”

Wen Yuqing slammed the table again. He was so angry at these undisciplined **** that he gasped for air.

Finally, when his breathing stabilized, he changed his previous work style of doing nothing and assigned tasks to everyone by name.

 “Chen Shi!”


“Your research team are all Japanese experts, and their task is to study the application of Japanese language in code and find out the organizational structure of Japanese secret code.

 My opinion is to first find the masthead logo at the bottom of the newspaper, classify it into categories, and do statistics, induction, analysis, and research.

 After sorting out the messy changes, understand the idiomatic usage of the words in the telegram based on the number of characters and words.

It would be best to draw a frequency curve of language and text usage and hand it over to Li Si's deciphering team to use it to decipher the full text of the message. "

Wen Yuqing gave Chen Shi a clear direction for deciphering. It can be seen that he is indeed very experienced in deciphering this work.


 Chen Shi, who had a middle parted hair, listened and immediately responded loudly. Since the translation office is not a military institution, there is no need to stand at attention and salute.

 Wen Yuqing nodded, called up Li Si from the deciphering team and Liang Bolun from the reconnaissance radio station, beat them up, and then announced that the meeting was adjourned.

"let's go."

"The next days will be difficult." The people present discussed and dispersed in a hurry, not caring about the darkened face of their boss, and walked out of the meeting room in a swagger.

Soon there were only two people left in the room. Wen Yuqing sighed and turned to look at his deputy and confidant Wang Weiqing.

“Weiqing, that’s it for today. I have a meeting at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Affairs. You should pay more attention in the office to make sure nothing goes wrong.

 The Bureau of Investigation and Statistics has been going crazy lately, arresting people one after another. We must also be careful about the infiltration of Japanese spies. "

“Okay, director, I will immediately arrange for guards to monitor the sensitive personnel in the station. It’s just the task you just mentioned, I guess”

Wang Weiqing, who looked like a scholar, did not finish what he said, but his meaning was very clear. With the strength of the translation office, he might not be able to finish it.

 “You, the scholar is angry.”

Wen Yuqing packed up his briefcase and revealed his true thoughts with a sneer: "Whether it can be completed or not, I have to say it is acceptable in terms of face.

 Let leaders understand our determination. This is a matter of attitude. As for the results, it is a matter of ability. Do you understand? "

 “I understand, director.”

Wang Weiqing suddenly understood, scratched his head in embarrassment, quickly sent Wen Yuqing out, and watched him leave respectfully.

The shiny car slowly drove away, and Wang Weiqing's expression gradually became serious. It was already at this time, why were he still doing superficial things?

Aren't those people afraid that the Japanese will occupy North China, occupy Shanghai, and then occupy Jinling? Where should they retreat to when the time comes?

"vice director."

At this time, Li Si shouted and came from the corner with Li Shu. The three of them were relatives and were naturally the closest to each other in the translation office.

Thinking about the meeting just now, he couldn't help but feel a little worried, so he leaned over his head and whispered in Wang Weiqing's ear.

"The director is really anxious this time. I have never seen him like this before. If you don't decipher the Japanese code, you will be in trouble."

It's all the fault of that **** Chen Shi, who relied on the power of the Chen family to occupy the toilet and did nothing, and wasted so much funds and personnel. "

 “Yeah, this bastard.”

Li Shu also interjected, looking as if he was ashamed to be associated with him, staring in the direction of the research team's office and mumbling something.

“Deputy Director, why don’t Team Leader Li and I go to the research team and keep an eye on it to see what Chen Shi is doing every day to prevent him from dawdling around.”

 Send someone to monitor?

This is a good note.

Although Shangfeng did not really ask the inspection office to decipher the code, if something is gained, it will be a good thing for the overall anti-Japanese situation.

Wang Weiqing immediately made a decision. Without explaining it to Li Si and Li Shuduo, he nodded lightly and agreed to their proposal.

 Even if this does not allow Chen Shi to speed up his research on secret electricity, it is still a good thing to add some trouble to this person, so very good.


 Thank God.

Li Si and Li Shu looked at each other, and a big stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground. The Secret Service also gave a deadline.

But what is different from the cryptographic decryption is that if the time is delayed, the gang of secret agents will really take action, they are sure of this.

 Then, the three of them discussed quietly for a while and then dispersed. After all, they were in an institution, so they still had to pay attention to what they should pay attention to.

 Half an hour later, the Secret Service.

 Gu Qi walked into Zuo's office and said excitedly: "Deputy Director, the Li brothers have convinced Wang Weiqing that the target is about to enter the network.

 Shen Dongxin and Tongsuo are on standby near Courtyard No. 7. They can go in and arrest people at any time as soon as they are discovered. Please rest assured. "

“Well, Lao Gu, Li Shu said that the target has been active in the north. What do you say about Beiping Station? This is likely to be a key breakthrough.”

Zuo Zhong said that he had finished the work, and then said with a worried look: "In addition, Peiping is occupied by the Japanese, and the situation between us and the enemy is severe.

 You ask them to put self-protection as their first priority. If it is really impossible, I allow them to give up this task temporarily. "

 “You and I are thinking of getting together.”

 Gu Qi nodded in agreement: "Before the investigation, I told the Peking Station not to act rashly and to collect relevant intelligence covertly to ensure safety.

Just now, they sent back a message. There was a man named Chen Shi in the Jidong Autonomous Government organized by the traitor Yin Rugeng.

His position is the Director of Foreign Affairs. He went to the Japanese Consulate in Peiping many times to announce the establishment of the committee and begged Japan for assistance.

However, it is still unclear whether this Chen Shi and the Chen Shi in the translation office are the same person due to the lack of photos for identification.

They only knew that the time when Chen Shi disappeared from Peiping highly overlapped with the time when Chen Shi joined the Cryptography and Interpretation Institute in Jinling, and the suspicion was high. "

 Jidong Autonomous Government,

 Director of Foreign Affairs.

Assuming that Chen Shi is a traitor, it makes no sense why he used his real name to lurk in the government. Japanese intelligence agencies would not be so stupid.

 Unless the other party had a reason to do so, Zuo Zhong leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes and thought for a long time, then opened his eyes and gave the order slowly.

“Let the Peking Station wait for an opportunity to secretly arrest a staff member of the Jidong Autonomous Government. The official position and status do not need to be high, just work in the Foreign Affairs Office.

 Send someone to take Chen Shi's recent photos to Peking immediately and give them to the prisoners for identification. Now that faxes and telegrams are not safe, this is the only way. "


Gu Qi understood that it was too late, turned around and left without saying anything more. Seeing that the 9th was coming, the nails within the government must be removed as soon as possible.

It’s just that sometimes I’m afraid that something will happen. The Li brothers and the Peking Station have not made any progress yet, and another leak case has completely detonated the government.

Someone who had just returned to Jinling was furious. He immediately called Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong to Qilu and cursed them.

①Bulletproof glass



 (End of this chapter)

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