Cicada Moving

Chapter 773: Make waves again

 Chapter 773 Another Trouble

“Mother Xipi, Yu just presided over the Supreme Meeting of the National Government at Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, and decided to adopt the strategy of using speed to defeat the enemy quickly and seize the opportunity first.

 Before the Japanese took action, they sank the ship in the Jiangyin waters of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the narrowest area, blocking the waterway and cutting off the Yangtze River's navigation route.

By using the navy and cross-strait artillery fire, we can encircle and annihilate the Japanese ships and even the marines in Jiangcheng and Yichang.

This move will not only prevent the Japanese navy from going up the river, but also deal a heavy blow to the arrogant Japanese government. But what is the result? "

The man was bald and wearing a long robe. He stood there and kept tapping the ground with his civilized staff. He looked at Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong who lowered their heads with a gloomy expression.

“Less than an hour after the order was issued, the Japanese fleet lingering along the Yangtze River immediately weighed anchor, made fire and fled, rushing out of the Yangtze River estuary.

When they drove across the Jinling River, the front-line river defense troops didn't even know what was happening. It was simply unreasonable.

 Let's see, the Japanese spies have all gone to our Supreme Command. What kind of errands are you doing? It really disappoints me. "

 The plan to block the Yangtze River,

when did it happen?

Dai Chunfeng, who was called to be scolded, was confused after hearing this. This was indeed the first time he had heard of this plan, and he had never heard of it before.

 The question is how did the Japanese know about the top-secret information that even he did not have? Could it be that there were spies in the Supreme Command.

 When he realized this, he suddenly broke out in sweat. Many of the country's top military secrets were held there, and there must be no problems.

Compared with Lao Dai, Zuo Zhong seemed shocked, but in fact he was more confused, because this incident happened in the original history of the Republic of China.

The culprits were Secretary-General Huang and his son who were involved in the Tangshan Sanatorium case. He only remembered the traitor father and son after the case.

 But the grass on the other side's grave is three feet high.

 How to report news to the Japanese?

 It can’t be just relying on dreams.

It is impossible for the Japanese to find a second Secretary-General Huang so quickly. To develop a mole of this level is not to go to the street to buy cabbage.

It is very difficult to find a powerful person who is willing to betray the country and is in a high position. In a sense, it requires luck.

According to Huang's confession, it took a long time for the Japanese to instigate him to rebel, and the specific actions even started when he was studying in Japan.

Zuo Zhong immediately realized that the problem was probably not with the Supreme Command. The Japanese must have obtained relevant information through other channels.

This is not surprising. Most intelligence agencies are accustomed to making multi-faceted preparations. For example, the Secret Service developed Ryosuke Hase and Fuichiro Hayashi.

 This ensures that even if one of them is exposed, they can still obtain Japanese intelligence accurately and quickly.

After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong looked at the cheap teacher who was pretending to be an ostrich, and decisively stepped forward to express his guess.

“What you said is reasonable.”

The furious bald man frowned. In fact, he did not think that members of the Supreme Command would be traitors and be left at the mercy of the Japanese.

Of course, there are no absolutes in everything. For example, the man named Wang flirted with the Japanese, so he excluded them from the decision-making team.

After hesitating for a moment, Baldhead sat down on the sofa, looked up and saw the humble Dai Chunfeng, and snorted in anger and laughter.

“Sit down, do you still want me to invite you? Don’t act like this in front of me. It is your responsibility if a leak occurs.

 I only give you three days to find the Japanese spies, otherwise you master and disciple will go to the front line to resist the Japanese. "


 It is really a dog.

Zuo Zhong cursed in his heart, you were not like this on the plane when you came back from Chang'an. It didn't take long for you to turn your back on me and not recognize anyone else.

  I'm afraid you can't even sort out the case clearly in three days, and you still want to arrest people. Why the **** don't you just dream? There's everything in the dream.

Dai Chunfeng also looked sad, but he did not dare to refute, so he could only express his loyalty and left with Zuo Zhong.

On the way back to the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, Lao Dai asked Zuo Zhong to get into his car, and more than a dozen cars encircled the road in Jinling at high speed.

 After driving for a while, he let out a long sigh and ordered the driver to stop on the side of the road, and asked the driver and the accompanying security personnel to get out of the car to be on guard.

A group of spies immediately surrounded the two division chiefs' cars, vigilantly observing the surrounding pedestrians and vehicles to prevent assassination.

 “Thank you, Shen Zhi.”

Dai Chunfeng looked out of the car, his tone inexplicably depressed: "If it weren't for you, the Chairman would definitely not let this matter go easily.

It’s difficult to work in our line of work. The top demands that nothing happen to them, and the bottom expects us to lead them to make achievements. It’s a dilemma.

Have you found anything concrete about the other channels you mentioned in Qilu? If not, find some errands for spies from the Special High School Division.

 With these people, they can explain everything to the superiors and subordinates, and at least they can get through the difficulties, and they can also help Hase Ryosuke win the trust of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Most of Japan's intelligence agencies have repeatedly failed in Jinling, and only his men have successfully taken root. This is a bit suspicious. "

 Monitoring the spies of the Special High School and using these people when necessary is something that the two of them have discussed long ago, and now is the time.

 “Teacher Mingjian.”

 After hearing this, Zuo Zhong first flattered and expressed his attitude, then changed the subject and cautiously offered additional opinions.

"The students suggest a two-step approach. The first step is to conduct investigations as usual and conduct screening and review of all personnel who come into contact with the Yangtze River blockage plan. It is good to be able to find Japanese spies, but even if you cannot, you can create momentum and let the leaders know that you are strictly implementing it. His command.

 Assuming no results are found in the investigation, it is not too late to introduce spies from the Special High School, especially those at middle and low levels whose intelligence value is not high. "

 “Okay, let’s do it.”

Dai Chunfeng nodded repeatedly. He had to perform all the tricks to find a scapegoat. It was impossible for the chairman of the committee to order today and he would arrest someone tomorrow.

No matter how you behave or do things, there is a golden rule that you must never forget. You cannot treat others as fools. If you do, you will be the unlucky one.

To put it bluntly, as long as the details are handled well, even if the chairman knows that they are looking for someone to blame, he won't care too much.

 At any rate, we are arresting Japanese spies.

 It is enough that it is true.

In this way, the master and the apprentice decided on the next plan, and then parted ways. Lao Dai drove quickly towards the bureau headquarters in the car.

Zuo Zhong watched the other party go away and stood on the roadside, lost in thought. Seeing this, Gu Qi stepped out of the car and came to him to ask.

 “Deputy Director, are you okay?”

“It’s okay, the Chairman is very angry and gave us three days to find the spy who leaked the information.”

 “What, three days?”

Hearing Zuo Zhong's answer, Gu Qi was shocked and didn't know what to say. It would be difficult to solve the case in such a short time.

“Well, three days, but you don’t have to worry about this. There is nothing new in the code decryption. Has the target used the radio in the past two days?

In addition, the person carrying the target photo should go to Peiping. If the Peking Station has caught anyone with knowledge, the identification results should be released as soon as possible. "

Zuo Zhong bypassed the sensitive topic, asked about Chen Shi's movements, and became concerned about the identification of this person. This was very important.

Baldhead said that it only took an hour for the Yangtze River blockage plan to be leaked. The spies most likely used the radio to warn Japan.

If Chen Shi had served as the Director of Foreign Affairs in the Jidong Autonomous Puppet Government and had touched the radio station in the past two days, the case would have been basically solved.

The lurking personnel of the Jinling Special High School are valuable assets. If you can move them, they may be able to play a greater role in something.

 For a failed plan,

 Consumption of such rare resources,

 It’s not worth it and it’s not necessary.

“The Cryptoanalysis Institute is normal. The Li brothers stay in the research team 24 hours a day, and the staff inside are doing their best to study Japanese secret messages.”

Gu Qi said and shook his head again: "The target did not contact the radio station. Lishan Company's monitoring has not stopped and no unknown signal was found.

 The photos have been sent. The Peiping Station found several traitors who had worked in the puppet regime, but there was never a suitable time.

After the Japanese took control of Peiping, they immediately conducted a census. The brothers did not dare to go out at will to avoid being discovered by the enemy.

I asked them to look for people in surrounding counties and cities who might have seen Chen Shi in Peiping. They didn't need to take the risk of doing anything in Peiping. That would be too dangerous. "

 “Very good, let’s do it.”

Zuo Jian glanced at his watch and realized that it was almost time to get off work, so he walked towards the car and said to Gucci as he walked.

“Let’s go to the cryptographic interpretation office together. Didn’t Li Shu say that the target would go to the golf course to play ball every weekend? Today happens to be the weekend.

Let’s follow him in person to see if this guy is up to anything. The war has been tightening recently, and the Japanese spies will definitely take action. "

“Yes, according to reports from local district stations, not only Jinling, but also the intelligence markets in Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces have seen changes during this period.

 Information about the mobilization of the national army and weapons and equipment has doubled in price. There must be someone behind this. "

Gu Qi followed him into the car and said that the so-called intelligence market sounded exaggerated, but it was actually not as mysterious as laymen imagined.

There will be a market if there is a need. The information collected by intelligence personnel may not be used by themselves, so they can use it as waste.

 The first is to raise funds for activities or to enrich one's own pockets. People have desires. No matter how good the intelligence officers are, they still have to eat and support their families.

 The second is to exchange the information that one's own side needs. This is the most common situation. Useless information will only gather dust in the archives, so it is better to exchange.

 “Old ancient, like this.”

Of course Zuo Zhong knew about this situation. He sat in the back row and said with a smile: "You contact Cao Gang Ma Tianchang and sell the Japanese information.

Opportunities are rare. It is not easy to make more money and share it with the brothers. It is not easy for everyone to keep their heads in their belts and fight the Japanese.

 It’s up to you to decide what you want to sell and what you don’t want to sell. I have only one requirement: the buyer must be a patriotic group that is sincerely anti-Japanese. "

 “Humble position understands.”

Gucci naturally has no objection to this. Many intelligence agencies are doing this kind of business. It is not a big deal, let alone treason.

Moreover, it is beneficial to the anti-Japanese cause. Even if Shangfeng knew about it, what could he do? The law does not punish the public. This sentence is extremely appropriate to put here.

Zuo Zhong stopped talking and began to think about the leak of the Yangtze River Blockage Plan in his mind, trying to sort out the key clues from it.

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