Cicada Moving

Chapter 856: A strong man never feels sad

Chapter 856 A strong man never feels sad


The coast of Huangpujiang, north of downtown Shanghai, is deserted. The cold wind blows the reed leaves and makes a rustling sound, making it look a bit desolate and eerie.

Suddenly, a beam of car lights pierced the dark night sky, and a car appeared on the dirt road not far from Zangmian, speeding towards Changxing Island.

In the car, Gui Youguang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, glanced sideways at the target who was huddled in the back seat of the car and had fallen asleep, and made a suggestion.

“Deputy Director, the two of us are taking this little guy with us. It’s easy for the Japanese to spot the problem. Do you want to inform the brothers to come over and join us? It’ll be safer this way.”

“No need, someone will help us when we get to Changxing Island. Let’s take the Japanese Navy’s ambulance directly to Hui Province, get off the ship and then find a way back to Jicheng.

 There is light, you have to remember that there is nothing in this world that money cannot solve. If there is, it must be that the money you gave is not enough. Take the time to rest. "

 Zuo Zhong glanced at the rearview mirror as he spoke, frowned slightly, turned the steering wheel with his hand, drove the car into a side road, parked the car and turned off the engine, pulled out his pistol and loaded it before saying something coldly.

“Get out of the car and be alert, there are lights behind you, something is wrong.”


 Gui Youguang's expression remained unchanged, showing no signs of panic. He opened the car door, jumped out and got into the dense reeds, and soon lost sight of him.

 In such an environment with low visibility and full of obstacles, a rigorously trained intelligence officer can unleash powerful combat effectiveness.

It’s okay that the Japanese didn’t follow. If the two sides really exchanged fire here, the Japanese would definitely pay a heavy price.

After giving the order, Zuo Zhong was not idle. He got out of the car, held the awakened target in his arms, walked deep into the reeds, grabbed a handful of reed leaves and covered him, and handed out a small compass and whispered instructions.

"Xiaobao, if we don't come back later, you should follow the direction pointed by the red arrow of this little toy and wait at the door of Peter's Company in the French Concession. An uncle named Ban will come to pick you up. Do you understand?"

He told the target the emergency contact information of the follower army, and sighed in his heart. It was really the last moment, and it was up to the little guy whether he could go home.

“I understand, follow the red arrow and go to Peter & Co., Ltd. in the French Concession and wait for an uncle named Ben.”

Perhaps the goal is that he has experienced too many life and death separations. This several-year-old child is so mature that it makes people feel distressed. He obediently lay on the ground and nodded, repeating what Zuo Zhong said.

 “Well, okay, don’t make a sound,”

Zuo Zhong smiled and touched the opponent's little head. After speaking, he turned around and walked away, preparing to lead possible enemies as far away from the target as possible.

Crossing a muddy tidal flat, he came to the intersection of a dirt road and a fork in the road, and successfully found Gui Youguang, who was looking out.

When he saw the other party, he picked off a reed leaf and put it in his mouth, pointed at the bald head, and then pointed at his mouth.

The two of them have been together since the 22nd year of the Republic of China. Over the past few years, they have worked together so well that they don’t even need to talk about many things.

With a dark face, Gui Youguang grabbed a handful of mud from the ground and smeared it on his head. He also held a reed leaf in his mouth. He held the gun in both hands and pointed it at the dirt road. His sharp eyes were fixed on the direction they came from.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Zhong walked to the other side of the fork in the road and lay down on guard. Although his movements were a bit awkward, it was enough to save his life.

 In a firefight in the dark, the most terrifying thing is not the enemy, but accidental damage.

 Once gunshots sound, the positions of personnel change rapidly, and no one knows whether the people around them are enemies or friends. The only thing they can do is to avoid conventional shooting angles, such as lying on the ground.

This kind of little skill will not be taught by any shooting instructor in the world. It all depends on personal experience accumulation. The premise is that you are lucky enough to survive from firefights again and again.

After a while, the wind became louder and louder, and the snowflakes that stopped during the operation fell again. White reeds mixed with snow particles swept past, and the sky and earth were vast.


Zuo Zhong was keenly aware of some strange movements in the wind. He immediately took a breath and used a reed leaf as a reed, making a weak whistle.

 Gui Youguang also responded with a whistle. The two of them adjusted their breathing in unison and slowly turned down the Brown 1911 manual safety located on the upper part of the grip.

 When operating in enemy-occupied areas, PPK ammunition is too difficult to find, and it is easy to expose the identities of Secret Service operators. Using Brown Mine eliminates such concerns and is powerful enough.

Just as the two were getting ready, a truck appeared on the dirt road, with a flashlight shining from the top of the truck to the left and right, obviously looking for something.

This is not surprising to Zuo Zhong. After the Japanese occupied Shanghai, they spent a lot of effort to develop eyes and ears in the market and establish a low-level intelligence network. It is not difficult for the other party to track a car.

Besides, the Blackwood Hotel was attacked, and even a fool would understand that it was to save people. Blocking traffic and searching for passages out of the city were the most basic response methods. It was not surprising that a patrol car appeared here.

As the truck got closer and closer, through the light in the compartment, he actually saw the copper lock in the cab. This guy was talking to a fat man, with a very sad expression.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while, then moved the gun slightly to aim at the opponent. The purpose of surrendering the certificate was not only to kill his own people, but also to be killed by his own people, so as to deceive the suspicious Ji Yunqing.

This is not only to fight the enemy with the enemy, but also to face the bullets from his comrades -in -arms at any time. There was no chance before. Today he will make this lesson for the other party.

Being beaten by yourself is better than meeting a real gunman. After experiencing this kind of thing, Tongsuo will truly understand the hidden dangers. Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong's expression slowly turned cold.

 Tongsuo in the car didn't know that he had become the deputy director's target. He took out a cigarette and handed it to the fat man next to him. He helped the other person light the cigarette and said worriedly.

“Brother Shibao, so many brothers died in the Blackwood Hotel without a single shot being fired. Even seven or eight Japanese were killed by the trap on the door. The person who did it must be the elite of the government.

Would it be too risky for us to come out at this time? I think we should stop the team first and wait until dawn before searching. Anyway, the station, dock, and highway are all blocked, so they can't run far. "

Having been trained by Zuo Zhong for so long, Tongsuo, who was familiar with the operation style of the Secret Service, knew that the person who robbed the target was one of his own as soon as he arrived at the Blackwood Hotel, so he naturally tried to find ways to delay the arrest.

As for the brother Shibao he was talking about, his real name was Wu Shibao. He was from Tongshi, Suzhou Province. He was the husband of Ji Yunqingqian's (separated) daughter. He was also a hard-core traitor and cruel.

Because he had participated in the Fengxi and Guo armies, fought in the Northern Expedition, and had excellent marksmanship, he was regarded as a rare "general" among the Caobang members who depended entirely on luck in shooting, and was highly trusted by Ji Yunqing.

This time the Blackwood Hotel was attacked, and the family members of the secret service headquarters were rescued. Ji Yunqing ordered the other party to bring the "elite" of the Cao Gang to assist the Japanese in the hunt, in order to offset the merit.

After all, if he hadn't evacuated all the traitors near Xihua De Road in a panic and led the Japanese garrison to the direction of the Sioux City River, the "murderer's" actions would not have been so smooth. Besides, when Wu Shibao heard Tongsuo's words, he slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, his fat face trembled, looked at the endless reeds outside the window, and explained confidently.

“What do you know? Soldiers are very fast, and the other party with a child is too conspicuous. They will definitely leave Shanghai as soon as possible. There are only three ways to get out of the city from Hongkou, by boat, train and car.

However, the train route is fixed, the ship's space is closed, and it is difficult to escape once discovered. The weather is so bad tonight, so taking a car becomes the murderer's only choice.

This dirt road is remote. Except for the group of people who take illicit cigarettes, few people pass by it. It is close enough to Changjiang. If I were from the government, I would definitely go here.

Don't worry, Tongsuo, the dozen brothers behind are all good hands in the gang. They are not easy to catch a few spies, so you can just wait for the reward from the Locust Army, haha. "

“I see, Brother Shibao, you are really like this.”

Tongsuo gave a thumbs up and flattered him, secretly anxious in his heart, hoping that the deputy director had not taken this route or had evacuated, otherwise he would be in trouble if he got entangled with these traitors.

At this moment, the headlights of the car swayed through a patch of reeds, and he inadvertently saw a flash of light out of the corner of his eye. He was immediately frightened out of his wits. It was the metal reflection of the muzzle of the gun.

Before he could say anything more, he grabbed Wu Shibao and got under the driver's seat. Then he heard a crisp gunshot. The driver lowered his head feebly and released the accelerator. The truck slowly stopped on the side of the road.



The gangsters in the truck bed were frightened by the sudden attack. They jumped out of the truck rolling and crawling, gesturing around with weapons, trying to find the attacker.

But then three more gunshots rang out, and the gangster in charge of the flashlight rushed to the street first. The headlights of the truck were also smashed, and the scene was completely plunged into darkness.

At this time, the cold wind was whimpering, as if the souls of countless people who had died unjustly at the hands of the Japanese were crying together. The faces of the gangsters who had ghosts in their hearts were pale, and their eyes were filled with fear.


A sharp whistle passed by, and the gangsters quickly turned their guns according to the sound and pulled the trigger as hard as they could until the magazine was empty and the weapons in their hands made a clicking sound.

This group of traitors who didn't know what the fire interval was, lowered their heads one by one and began to reload ammunition hurriedly. They didn't even notice that a black muzzle appeared in the reeds behind them.

ˆBang bang bang~

Gui Youguang holds the gun in his right hand, puts his left hand on the wrist of his right hand to offset the recoil, moves with small steps while shooting, and shoots seven powerful .45 bullets out of the gun chamber in one breath.

Having already adapted to the dark environment, he did not rush to observe the results of the battle. After the fight, he immediately hid behind a small mound and used a few tactical moves to quickly get out of the enemy's range.

The bright red blood fell drop by drop on the white reed flowers. A Cao Gang gangster touched the wound on his chest, looked at the blood on his hand, and fell to the ground with a plop.

This was like the beginning. Five or six traitors who were helping the tyrants and betraying the country and seeking glory were killed almost simultaneously. In less than a minute, half of the people in Caogang died.


Immediately, more whistles floated over the reeds. The panicked gangsters didn't know how many enemies there were. They fired hysterically at the surroundings and were on the verge of mental collapse.

Ignoring the flying bullets, Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang walked leisurely in the darkness, blowing reed leaves in their mouths, stopping from time to time to take a shot, and enjoying the lives of traitors.

Tongsuo in the carriage looked at the scene like a slaughterhouse, and understood where the reflection just came from, and also understood the deep meaning behind the bullet.

From this moment on, he will begin to truly fight alone. The enemy is no longer the Japanese and Ji Yunqing, but the Secret Service and the brothers who have shared weal and woe.

He picked up Wu Shibao, who was shaking like chaff, kicked open the driver's body and the door, and dragged him to run away. This man was his most reliable witness and must not die here.

 Running one foot deep and one foot shallow, Tongsuo looked back at the gunfire blooming in the dark night, his eyes heated up, and then he hid all his emotions deep in his heart.

I don’t know how long it took, but the reeds returned to silence.

 There were only a pile of corpses and a truck riddled with holes at the scene. Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang covered each other back to back and checked for those who had been shot, and shot those who were still alive.

"When there is light, drive our car out and I will bring the target back."

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

After making sure that no one was left alive, Zuo Zhong gave Gui Youguang an order, turned around and walked quickly towards the place where the target was placed.

There is no cover around the reed beach, and the sound of gunfire will spread far away. The Japanese will appear at any time, and they must leave immediately.

 But as he was walking, he suddenly stopped, tilted his head and asked lightly into the air.

“Your Excellency has been here for so long, aren’t you ready to come out and say hello?”

  one second,

 Two seconds,

 Three seconds…

More than ten seconds passed, and no one responded in the dark night. Zuo Zhong's brows moved as if he had realized something. He raised his feet and continued walking deep into the reeds. It took him a while to find his target.

Looking at the little guy squatting on the spot holding his knees, he sighed silently. They all said that women and children should go away in war, but when the country is ruined and the family is destroyed, who can stay out of it.

After sighing with emotion, he wiped off the dirt on the surface of his watch and took a look at the time. He roughly estimated the next trip and spoke to the air again.

“I can only give you two minutes. Don’t worry, as a soldier, I guarantee that the little treasure will be delivered safely to your people.”

After saying that, Zuo Zhong walked more than ten meters away, looked up at the night sky, and seemed to hear a thank you through the howling cold wind. He didn't say anything, just waved his hand gently.

It is not the other party that should say thank you, but all the Chinese people. Without these warriors lurking in the heart of the enemy, the Chinese nation will pay a more painful price if it wants to defeat the Japanese.

All I can do is give the father and son some time alone. This may be the last time they meet in this life. Sometimes a separation turns into an eternal farewell, and a good-bye never sees them again.

 (The fever has reached 39 again. It depends on the situation. Let’s hold on for a while.)

 (End of this chapter)

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