Cicada Moving

Chapter 857: Take a sharp turn (modified version)

Chapter 857: A sudden turn of events (revised version)

 The evening after the incident at the Blackwood Hotel.

Kuang Fuan dragged his tired body back to his residence, but the moment he opened the door, an unsigned letter suddenly appeared on the floor.

He exited the room vigilantly, made sure everything was normal, returned inside and closed the door, bent down to pick up the letter, casually tore open the seal and took out the letter paper.

 “It won’t happen next time.”

There were only four words on the letter, but it made Kuang Fu'an feel warm. He understood that he could not hide it from the organization by going to see his son without authorization, and he was ready to be dealt with by his superiors.

 Because what gives the party a strong fighting capacity is none other than iron-like discipline. No one can be an exception. Unexpectedly, an exception was made for him this time.

  After setting the envelope and letter on fire and watching them turn into ashes bit by bit, Kuang Fuan slowly walked to the window and opened it, staring blankly at the southwest for a long time without making any sound.

at the same time.

Off the coast east of Anqing, Hui Province, a Japanese navy rescue ship converted from a civilian ship slowly stopped in the center of the river, and then a lifeboat was lowered from the side.

As soon as the lifeboat entered the water, the two oars began to paddle rapidly, and the boat quickly headed towards the shore like an arrow off the string.

The people sitting on the boat were Zuo Zhong, Gui Youguang and Target, and the rowers were the captain and first mate of the rescue boat.

As Zuo Zhong said, there is nothing in this world that cannot be done with money. If there is, it must be because there is not enough money.

As long as they are given enough money, even the arrogant Japanese officers will take the initiative to serve as boatmen and hostages, helping the wanted criminals garrisoned in Shanghai to enter the area controlled by the government.

Of course, if they are unwilling, Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang will naturally have ways to "persuade" these half-hearted soldiers who have been urgently recruited into the army.

Soon after, the ship hit a rock on the shore. Zuo Zhong went ashore first with his target. Gui Youguang held a gun in one hand and dropped a thick stack of banknotes in the other hand, and stepped back from the ship.

In this way, the three people left Changbian in a state of high alert, then climbed over the mountains and ridges, crossed the Japanese blockade, and successfully entered the Guojun defense area. The hardships and dangers involved need not be described in detail.

 Fortunately, the local garrison cooperated with the work of the Secret Service. When they learned that they were anxious to return to their posts, they immediately arranged for a small steamer to go upstream and carry Zuo Zhong and the others straight to Jiacheng.

 Three days later.

At the gate of the lower party office in Changchengdi, Zuo Zhong, dressed in military uniform, stood next to the car, watching his target turn around and walk into the yard step by step. He breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was a little reluctant to give up.

 Human beings are not ruthless. From Shanghai to Qicheng, a journey of nearly a thousand kilometers, they have experienced so many things together. Not only has the other party become dependent on them, but he also likes this sensible little guy.

There is no other way. The battle between faiths is cruel. The best outcome is for the target to go to the northwest, where there is a group of people who have the same ideals as his parents.

 Under the care of those people, the little guy will definitely become a useful person to the country and the nation in the future, and build a new China.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong turned around and got into the car without looking back, and ordered the driver to drive. The Japanese in Xucheng were very dishonest, and he, the deputy director of the Secret Service, was very busy.

 Time flies by, and it’s mid-March 1938 in a blink of an eye.

On this day, the Military Council's temporary office building in Qicheng was bustling with activity. A large group of lieutenant generals, major generals, and school-level officers lined up to greet the bald head and the senior government officials.

Zuo Zhong and Yiyi teacher Dai Chunfeng were also in the crowd. The purpose of their coming here was to attend the reorganization meeting of the Military Weihui. Yes, the highest military command organization of the Guo Army had changed again.

Within half a year of the outbreak of the all-out Anti-Japanese War, the government's million-strong army was defeated and large cities such as Beiping, Jinmen, Shanghai, and Jinling were lost one after another. Large areas of land in North China and coastal provinces were lost.

It was only at this time that someone thought of establishing a complete wartime command system, changing the wartime headquarters back to the Military Council, clarifying the duties and responsibilities of each department, and clarifying their respective responsibilities.

 Establish and rebuild military administration, military orders, military training, political and logistics departments, and reduce the command hierarchy so that military orders can be communicated quickly and smoothly to adapt to the wartime system.

 Specifically, when it comes to the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics and the Secret Service, it is to establish the Second Department of the Military Command Department, the highest intelligence agency of the government, to guide and lead all intelligence agencies to perform their tasks.

This department is different from the bald Attendant's Office 2 and 6 Group. The latter is just a coordination agency and is pragmatic but not pragmatic. The former is a business agency with actual power.

 More importantly, the Second Office of the Military Command Department is also an executive agency and can recruit field personnel to directly participate in domestic and foreign intelligence collection activities.

According to Bald Head’s instructions, the Second Office is divided into four divisions. The first division is responsible for Japanese intelligence, the second division is responsible for international intelligence, the third division is responsible for domestic intelligence, and the fourth division is responsible for telecommunications intelligence.

According to the above-mentioned division of labor, the powers of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics and the Secret Service have been decentralized a lot, and they are no longer the only intelligence departments in the national government that carry out investigations into Japan.

Zuo Zhong was sitting under the stage, looking at the senior officials above who were smitten by Zhu Peizi, frothing at the mouth, and secretly glanced at Lao Dai who was beside him as if nothing had happened, feeling a little suspicious. For an official who values ​​power more than life, why did Dai Chunfeng act so calmly when he heard someone decentralizing power? Is there something fishy in this?

But he soon understood the reason. General Xu, the new minister of the Military Command Department and one of the first second-level superiors of the Guo Party, stood up and read out the personnel appointments.

“Appoint Dai Chunfeng as deputy director of the Second Department of the Military Order Department.”

It turned out that there was another official title. No wonder Lao Dai was so relaxed. Zuo Zhong suddenly realized it and was about to flatter him, but he heard his name being read before he even opened his mouth.

 “Appoint Wu Shi as the first director of the Second Department.”

 “Appoint Zuo Zhong as the director of the third division of the Second Department.”


Zuo Zhong was holding back his flattering words. Director of the Third Division of the Second Office? The bald man really thought highly of himself, and actually gave him such a sensitive position.

The so-called domestic intelligence actually refers to the intelligence within various warlords, underground parties and even the Kuomintang. The source is regardless of military and political sources, and can be collected as long as it is useful.

 This means that all the government's arrangements for these forces, including top-secret information including personnel information, weapon configurations, and secret codes, are all in his hands.

 Coupled with the military intelligence in charge of the Secret Service, the national intelligence system will have no secrets from him. This is great news.

But why did he get promoted again? If he continues to be promoted like this, I'm afraid he won't be able to go to Gongdelin in more than ten years. Killing him on the spot would be considered preferential treatment.

Then he thought of another thing. Why did the name of Director Wu from the first department sound familiar? Did he hear it somewhere?

  (Do you know who it is?)

Zuo Chong thought for a long time to no avail. On the surface, he straightened his back, looked at the bald head with tears in his eyes, and silently said in his heart, I thank you for eight generations of ancestors~

The bald man who was observing the little fellow's reaction smiled and nodded. With such a trustworthy hometown man in charge of the intelligence system, he could focus on the military.

Dai Chunfeng is also very satisfied with this result. The higher Zuo Zhong climbs, the more stable his foundation will be in the party-state. As for whether the other party will rebel, he has confidence in his disciple.

 In addition to Zuo Zhong, all parties involved in the meeting also gained a lot of benefits. The adaptation conference ended successfully in a joyful and peaceful atmosphere, and a grand celebration reception was held that night.

Zuo Zhong, of course, would not let go of this situation where the front was tight and the rear was tight. With a mouth full of food, he returned to the Secret Service office in Changcheng and started to deal with official business.

The Second Office of the Military Command Department is still being established. With the efficiency of the national government, it may not be until next year until the things are straightened out. The Secret Service is the real foundation of his career, and he cannot distinguish priorities.

As soon as he finished signing an application for execution, He Yijun knocked on the door and came in, handing him a telegram reporting to him any unusual movements in the Japanese troops stationed around Teng County.

According to the investigation of local intelligence personnel, the 63rd Regiment under the 33rd Brigade of the 10th Division is building fortifications in the south of the county, and the 10th Regiment is gathering in the north of the county. The Japanese are about to take action.

Teng County and Yizhou are the two northern gates of Xucheng, especially Teng County, which is more than 100 kilometers south of Xucheng. In order to guard the throat of the Tianjin-Shanghai Railway, it has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.

Now it is a strategic point that China and Japan are competing for. Once the Japanese occupy this place, they can rely on Teng County to attack Taierzhuang and Xucheng southward, and then they will be in trouble.

Zuo Zhong did not dare to be careless and went to Dai Chunfeng's residence with the telegram. After some discussion, the master and apprentice decided to continue reporting. They were only responsible for collecting intelligence. How to fight was the job of the generals.

When the bald man and the top military officials learned of the news, they immediately called an emergency meeting. After some troop deployment and micro-management, the Sichuan Army's two Type B troops were transferred to Teng County.

Although the Guo army responded quickly, the gap in strength between the Chinese and Japanese armies could not be made up by time. Facing artillery and aircraft, the defenders fought fiercely for four days and nights before Teng County fell.

During the battle, the commander of the 122nd Division Wang Mingzhang, the Chief of Staff Zhao Weixian, the Deputy Chief Luo Jiaxin, the Major Staff Officer Xie Danyong, the Chief of Staff of the 124th Division Zou Mutao and more than ten of their entourage died heroically.

 When the news came out, countless people shed tears. At the same time, the atmosphere inside and outside Qicheng became increasingly tense, rumors spread, and some agencies were already considering moving to mountain cities.

In this case, Dai Chunfeng called Zuo Zhong to the office and assigned an important task. Bald Head ordered Zuo Zhong to lead his team to the Pingjin area to investigate the movements of the North China Front.

The North China Front was adapted from the Chinese garrison stationed in Jinmen, with Juichi Teruchi as its commander. The headquarters is located in Beiping. It has about 200,000 people. It is the main enemy of Xuchengguo Army.

It has jurisdiction over the 1st Army and the 2nd Army, and directly administers the 5th Division, the 109th Division, the 11th Mixed Brigade, and the Provisional Aviation Corps. It has strong strength, a higher degree of mechanization and higher quality of soldiers than the Japanese army in Shanghai.

Taking people to the home base of such an army to conduct intelligence activities can be described as a narrow escape from death, but Zuo Zhong did not hesitate and accepted the task happily because it was a soldier's duty.

 Besides, the dignified theater commander is keeping an eye on the front line, so what reason does a small colonel and deputy director have for not going?

Coming out of Lao Dai's office, he walked slowly to the edge of the river with his hands behind his back. He looked at the endlessly flowing water of the river under the fiery red sunset. He raised his head and said softly, "Beiping, I'm back."

 (Again, this book is a spy novel and has nothing to do with the history of real time and space)

 (End of this chapter)

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