Cicada Moving

Chapter 866: How can I say that I have no clothes?

  One day in late March 1938.

On the platform of Beiping Zhengyangmen Railway Station, Hiroshi Otsuki looked at Takeo Okada opposite, his expression seemed a bit complicated, he hesitated for a moment and finally gave a half-bow.

“Okada-kun, thanks to your help, we were able to destroy the Secret Service’s intelligence station in Beiping. I wish you a safe journey. I will repay you well if I have the opportunity in the future.”

Listening to the other party's gritted "thank you", Zuo Zhong laughed, pointed at himself, and then at the other party: "Otsuki-kun, you don't have to be like this, you and I are good friends, you can be praised by Commander Juichi Terauchi, I'm happy for you too.

Okay, as the Chinese saying goes, we have to say goodbye after a long journey. It’s almost time. I should board the car. When the Central China Expeditionary Army and the North China Front Army successfully rendezvous, please go to Shanghai to see me and let me show my friendship as a landlord. Then , Goodbye. "

After saying that, he flicked his short cloak, jumped into the carriage gracefully, stood in front of the window and waved to the outside through the glass, staring at the livid moon with a half-smile.

At this time, several whistles sounded, and the train began to move slowly. Hiroshi Otsuki looked at this terrifying opponent, and suddenly had the urge to shout out the opponent's identity.

But thinking about the commendation telegrams sent from China and the promotion hints from the higher-ups of the headquarters, he hesitated. This hesitation train drove hundreds of meters away.

“Your Majesty Colonel, this is the farewell letter left by Lieutenant Colonel Okada before he left. Please ask me to give it to you after he leaves.”

A little spy next to him also joined in the fun, took out a letter, and handed it to Otsuki Hiroshi, who was in a dilemma.


Ot Yue exclaimed, not expecting that the other party would keep this hand. He quickly grabbed the envelope, opened it, took out the letter paper from inside and read it.

“Recently, I discussed the commander of the temple with my brother and gained a lot. In order to listen to my brother’s teachings for a long time, I made a recording without permission. I hope you will forgive me.”

 Baga Yalu, he was clearly threatening himself by listening to the teachings. When he talked about Jiuchi Juichi a few days ago, he greeted the other person's parents and brothers and sisters.

If Juichi Terauchi knew this, not to mention he "caught" the bodies of three Chinese spies, even if he caught the bald leader, the other party would kill him directly.

Da Yue, who was thrown away, was shaking with anger and gave up the idea of ​​dying together. He could only watch the train carrying Zuo Zhong slowly disappear on the ground line.

Those traveling with him noticed that Mr. Colonel was looking into the distance with tears in his eyes. They couldn't help but be moved by the deep friendship between the two officers. They suddenly felt that it was enough to have a close friend in life.



The locomotive emitted a white plume of smoke as it raced across the vast plains of North China. Zuo Zhong was sitting on the sofa in the first-class compartment, holding a book introducing customs from various parts of Japan and looking at it intently.

After a long time, when the train drove out of Beiping, someone knocked on the compartment door, and then a man wearing a puppet army officer's uniform came in uninvited, ducked in and closed the door.

Zuo Zhong gently closed the book, raised his head and smiled at the visitor and said: "Thank you, Chunyang, you and He Yijun cooperated very well. The Japanese always thought that they were hunting the Jia brothers.

Are the wounds on your body okay? Don't take risks like this in the future. Just leave traces of movement in this situation. There is no need to intentionally injure others. Bullets have no eyes. If you miss, you will be in trouble. "

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury. I live in the private room next door, and Miss He is in the second-class carriage. She will come over to meet up in a while." Wu Chunyang reported the situation in a low voice.

 He ​​said that Cao Cao had arrived. Before he finished speaking, He Yijun, dressed in kimono, walked into the box. The three of them gathered together again after evacuating from the sedan alley.

“Deputy Director, I have checked this carriage. There are no listening devices or suspicious persons. The conductor will not appear before the train arrives at Jinmen Station. You can speak with confidence.”

Wu Chunyang stood by the door, looked out and made sure no one was there. He turned back and said that he was always cautious in his actions. Although the possibility of problems was very small, he was still vigilant.

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly and moved his eyes to He Yijun who was pouring water for himself: "Thank you for your hard work this time. Those three traitors handled it beautifully. The Japanese didn't see any problems."

He Yijun shook his head slightly and stood aside without saying anything. Compared to the deputy director who went deep into the tiger's den, what she did was very simple and anyone in the Secret Service could do it.

Wu Chunyang's eyes were full of reverence. To be honest, when he first heard about the plan, he was a little skeptical. He even felt that the deputy director was a little too optimistic.

Different from the money-grubbing Ryosuke Hase and the immature Fuichiro Hayashi, Hiroshi Otsuki is a determined Japanese soldier. According to the investigation, this man takes money very lightly.

And he has been working in the staff department for a long time. He is cautious and cunning. He also holds the rank of colonel. It is difficult for an officer of this level to be incited to rebel and even more difficult to be blackmailed.

Unexpectedly, the deputy director really broke down the opponent's psychological defenses bit by bit, successfully got Otsuki to cooperate with them, and ordered people to re-formulate the Japanese army's next battle plan. It is a miracle in the history of world intelligence that an intelligence agency led the military operations of an enemy country. Unfortunately, if nothing else happens, this matter may not be declassified for many years.

It’s just that all of this must be attributed to the colleague who voluntarily was arrested and died with the Japanese. Otherwise, there would be no benefits, and Otsuki would not give in so easily.

Thinking of this, Wu Chunyang asked a question in a low mood: "Deputy Director, who is that heroine? Which training class graduated from it? Why haven't I heard of it before?

Also, using a human life to win the trust of the Japanese would be a huge loss. You can also give the address to Hiroshi Ohtsuki through other methods. No need..."

He bravely expressed his opinion. Putting aside his personal feelings, it was not a good deal to send a strictly trained intelligence officer as a dead soldier.

After hearing what he said, Zuo Zhong was not angry. He stood up and stood in front of the window and looked into the distance. After a long silence, he turned to look at Wu Chunyang and He Yijun, and told a shocking news.

 “She is not a professional intelligence officer.”


Wu Chunyang was a little in disbelief. How could he, who was not a professional intelligence officer, survive the Japanese torture without letting go, and how could he trigger dangerous goods without hesitation?

“Training can indeed help a person learn how to deal with pain, but it is not absolute. In this world, the most powerful thing and the hardest thing for people to forget is hatred, unforgettable hatred.”

Zuo Zhong turned his head again, looked quietly at the wilderness that flashed by, and said: "She is an internal clerk at Beiping Station, a Japanese translator, and a native of Baoshi. Her whole family was killed by the Japanese three months ago.

 A total of 21 people, including her father, mother, husband, and two children, were all killed. The family's belongings were plundered, and their bodies were thrown into the wilderness by the devils.

Chunyang, you asked me why I sacrificed a life. Before the operation, I instructed Beiping Station to recruit volunteers and prepare the captives to fake surrender to the Japanese at the appropriate time and provide the address where the bodies were hidden.

She was the first one to sign up and actively requested to be a dead ringer. In her words, as long as more Japanese people died, she was willing to pay for it with her life, because she had nothing but hatred. "

When talking about this matter, Zuo Zhong's tone became lower: "I cannot deprive a daughter, a wife, or a mother of her right to revenge. After careful consideration, I ordered Beiping Station to agree to her request."

He Yijun felt the same after hearing this. Since her parents were killed by the Japanese, she had been thinking about how to take revenge every day. If she had the opportunity to die with the Japanese, she would not hesitate at all.

Wu Chunyang also understood that the other party had long been determined to die. Even if there was no such mission, he would still find other opportunities to use his own life to seek revenge. After thinking about this clearly, he made a suggestion.

“Deputy Director, what’s her name? The Department should build a tomb for her. We must let future generations know that such a group of strong men once gave their lives for the country and nation.”


Zuo Zhong looked forward, moved his mouth slightly and muttered a few words in a low voice. Since the establishment of the Secret Service, many intelligence personnel have died for various reasons every year.

However, due to confidentiality reasons, Chuli cannot commemorate them publicly. Everything about them can only be kept in a heavily guarded archives and slowly covered by dust.

Even their relatives who want to worship can't find a place. It's okay that the time is short. Ten or twenty years later, how many people will still remember their names and deeds.

Heroes should not be forgotten. He suddenly thought of the memorial wall hung with stars in the lobby of the Central Intelligence Agency in the United States in later generations. His heart moved and he replied leisurely with his hands behind his back.

“Just call her eldest sister. Before the case is declassified, her name is top secret. No one is allowed to pry, and you are no exception. This is a discipline and cannot be violated.

But your suggestion is very good. I will let Lao Gu build a memorial wall at the new headquarters in Shancheng. Every comrade who sacrifices his life for the country will have a star that belongs to them.

 When new people join in the future, the first thing to do is to visit the memorial wall. We want these new people to know what they should and should not do at a critical moment.

It also gives the loyal family members a place to express their grief. Every year on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month during the Qingming Festival, the memorial wall is opened for them to worship. In addition to observing rules, the Secret Service must also respect human relations. "

He spoke his plan lightly, hoping that those wandering heroes could go home under the guidance and not become lonely ghosts and still suffer the pain of separation after death.

Just at this time, the strong wind blew up the white curtains. The sun was setting outside the window, and the red sunset fell into the sky. The stars twinkled in the dim twilight, and one of them was particularly bright.

Zuo Zhong stood up straight, raised his hands toward the stars and performed a serious military salute. Wu Chunyang and He Yijun also raised their arms to see off their comrades in heaven.

How can I say that I have no clothes? Be in the same robe as your son. The king raised his army and repaired my spear and spear. I share the same hatred with you!

How can I say that I have no clothes? Tongze with Zi. The king raised his troops and repaired my spear and halberd. Work together with me!

How can I say that I have no clothes? He wears the same clothes as his son. The king raised his troops and repaired my armor. Go with me!

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