Cicada Moving

Chapter 867: A true double happiness (Happy New Year to everyone)

Chapter 867 A true double happiness (Happy New Year to everyone)

 The world seemed a little lively in March 1938. The German army, under the command of a certain bearded man, rushed across the border and occupied Austria, another sovereign country.

The reason given is that the Austrian government is "controlled by underground party elements". They should send troops to suppress the opponent's request, and then there is nothing they can do to suppress Austria.

The Germans quickly held a referendum on the Anschluss, and the result was that 99% of Austrian citizens were in favor. A certain bearded intelligence agent was working hard to find the 1%.

In this regard, the leader of the old era, the former maintainer of world order, the troublemaker, and the Prime Minister of the Empire on which the sun never sets, declared that when this happens, Austria cannot expect assistance from other major powers.

 American diplomats who are better than others also fanned the flames and said that Washington "completely understands" Germany's plan to change the European map, and the United States has no intention to interfere in Austrian affairs.

A generation was killed in the European War. Today, the peace-loving Gallic Rooster emphasized to the world in advance that it was not opposed to Germany significantly expanding its power in Austria through evolutionary means.

To put it simply, the three major world powers sold Austria, thinking that this would feed a certain beard. However, not everyone was willing to accept this result, and Red Russia became furious.

Austria is bounded by Germany to the northwest, Italy to the southwest, Switzerland to the west, France to the west of Switzerland, and the Balkan Peninsula to the southeast, a battleground for military strategists. It is also very close to the Adriatic Sea, with only a few dozen kilometers to reach the sea breeze.

If it can get through Austria, the Red Bear Navy can avoid the huge trouble of crossing the Black Sea Strait controlled by Turkey and cut its power directly into the Mediterranean.

 It is natural that the Red Russia did not want to see the Germans annexing Austria, but their opposition solidified the Germans' excuse, and various countries applauded the Germans' righteous move to limit the spread of Redism.

I guess Mr. Hu didn’t even expect this result. The people who engaged in aggression turned out to be heroes who maintained peace in the world. I have to say that this thing is full of magic.

So how did the Austrians react to the German invasion?

—Germany~ Wherever the army goes, the people welcome it wholeheartedly. It can be said that they have taken full advantage of the opportunity. The state of vitality and all things competing is still before their eyes.

Well, after all, both countries are mainly Germanic and speak German. Even a certain bearded man was born in Austria. This result is not unexpected.

 In short, Europe began to become unstable, which was bad news for the government. Some of the weapons ordered were requisitioned by the Germans, and the number of artillery shells on the front line was one less.

The Japanese North China Front Army and the Central China Dispatch Army took the opportunity to launch an attack. The Battle of Xucheng officially began. The Chinese and Japanese sides fought fiercely around a small town called Taierzhuang.

Taierzhuang, located at the junction of Shandong and Shandong, is located on the north bank of the Grand Canal 30 kilometers northeast of Xucheng. It is connected to Jinpu to the north, Longhai to the south, and Nansi Lake to the west. It is the southern gate of Shandong Province and the gateway to Xucheng.

It is the last barrier between North China and Xucheng. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal runs across the entire territory. It has been a north-south water transport hub since ancient times. Its strategic location is very important and it is a standard place for the Four Wars.

In order to control this strategic location, the Japanese army invested 50,000 troops in one fell swoop. According to the military plan of the North China Front, they used aircraft and artillery to storm the city.

At the most intense moment of the battle, Bald Head personally went to Xucheng three times to inspect, supervise, and deploy troops. He also observed the battle at Taierzhuang South Station and boosted the morale of the frontline soldiers.

The reason why he was so confident was simple. The Japanese army's offensive plan was drafted by the national government staff department, polished by Commander Li of the Fifth War Zone himself, and the deputy director of the Secret Service entered the enemy camp alone to deliver it.

The enemy fought according to his own expectations, even if he put a pig under his command, he could win. What's more, the commander of the battle was Chief Li of the Guangxi clan who was good at using troops, and Chief Bai, known as Xiao Zhuge, assisted him.

Taking advantage of the Japanese army's mentality of underestimating the enemy, Chief Li first deployed a weak defense line in the outer (separated) perimeter, allowing the Japanese army to break through easily, and prepared to lure the enemy in and annihilate them in one fell swoop.

Everything went as planned. The Japanese managed to occupy Taierzhuang with great effort, but before they had time to be happy, on April 6, 260,000 Japanese soldiers launched a full-scale counterattack.

For a time, the area around Taierzhuang was plunged into a hail of bullets and blood flowed like rivers. At this time, the Japanese army was at the end of its tether, all ammunition and gasoline had been used up, many vehicles were destroyed, and the entire army was devastated and fled in panic.

Chief Li ordered his troops to pursue them fiercely. Corpses of enemy soldiers were everywhere, and the roads along the way were full of leftover baggage. The commander of the Japanese 10th Division led the remaining troops to break through desperately.

After more than a month, the Battle of Taierzhuang finally ended on April 15. As a result, the army killed more than 10,000 Japanese troops and captured more than 700 people at the cost of 50,000 casualties.

 Many cannons, more than ten armored vehicles, eight large and small tanks, more than a thousand light and heavy machine guns, more than 10,000 rifles, and countless ammunition were seized.

This result greatly dampened the arrogance of the Japanese invaders, shattered the "myth" of the Japanese army's invincibility, inspired the entire nation's anti-war spirit, and strengthened the people's belief in the victory of the anti-Japanese war.

For the first time, the top military leaders also realized the huge role of the Secret Service and intelligence. The Fifth War Zone Commander's Department specially sent a message to Dai Chunfeng to thank the Secret Service for its contribution.

Lao Dai was so excited about this that he held several celebration meetings in succession. On the surface, he was to reward the proud students for their hard work, but in fact, he was to promote his ability to recognize people.

Not only was Dai Chunfeng proud, but everyone in the government was dazzled by this victory. Bald Head, who was addicted to food, ordered the fifth war zone to concentrate its forces in Xucheng, preparing to annihilate the Japanese army again. At the same time, after confirming that the Japanese army was acting in accordance with his own plan, he directly mobilized the 74th Army of the direct line, which had just completed its rest, and wanted to personally command it for a "strategic decisive battle to determine the basis for victory."

Upon hearing the news, Zuo Zhong had only one thought: Wanniao, with the joining of micro-managers and their passionate performances, the advantages he had worked so hard to create would soon be eliminated.

The victory of the Battle of Taierzhuang did not change the situation where the Japanese army had an advantage on the frontal battlefield. The Japanese army was still far inferior to the opponent in terms of organizational system and equipment level. This victory was a fluke in a sense.

 Hiroshi Otsuki is only a staff officer to the colonel. It is no longer easy to urge the frontline troops to strictly implement the combat plan in the first stage. Now that the Japanese army has been defeated, many things will change.

 First, the Japanese will definitely make changes to the original combat plan. Second, the Japanese will definitely conduct internal screening to ensure that the Guo army hits the key points of the Japanese army every time.

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. He wrote a report and tried to remind the bald head and other officials. Unfortunately, after handing in the report, it seemed like nothing happened.

 Everyone was immersed in the joy of victory, almost forgetting the huge gap between the Chinese and Japanese armies, thinking that the Japanese army was nothing more than this.

What happened next was just as Zuo Chong thought. The commander of the North China Expeditionary Army, Juichi Terauchi, took over the command and quickly adjusted the strength of the troops. The Japanese army quickly stabilized its position.

This is just the beginning. Under the orders of the Tokyo Base Camp, the Japs from the Central China Dispatch Army attacked from south to north to support the northern front. The total strength of the Japanese army gradually reached 8 divisions and 2 brigades.

 When the more and more tragic battle reports from the front continued to reach the bald case, this man realized that the purpose of the Japanese army was to encircle and annihilate the main force of the Guo army around Xucheng, and the situation between the enemy and ourselves reversed.

Since then, the Guo army once again began to advance victoriously. Thanks to the 68th Army at the rear who refused to retreat, most of the participating troops successfully retreated to the mountainous areas on the borders of Henan and Anhui.

What was more difficult was that the 68th Army used battalions and companies as combat units to break out from the weak points of the Japanese army's blockade. Due to their timely response, they broke out before the blockade was tightened.

Therefore, they did not suffer much losses. Only a few hundred officers and soldiers were captured. The highest-ranking officer was only a lieutenant and company deputy. This was a rare highlight of the Guo army in the Battle of Xucheng.

The Japanese army spent huge manpower and material resources to capture Xucheng, but their goal of trying to eliminate the main force of the Chinese army in the Xucheng area was not achieved, and it was a strategic failure.

Whether others believe it or not, this is what the government propagated anyway. Lanterns and colors were decorated everywhere inside and outside the city to celebrate this great victory, and by the way, meritorious ministers were rewarded for their merits.

Zuo Zhong received his first Blue Sky (Separation) White Sun Medal in the auditorium of the Temporary State House in Qicheng. Through hard work, he finally became an important war criminal certified by Baldhead.

Hearing the roaring applause from the audience and looking at countless envious and jealous eyes, he really wanted to ask if he could return the product. This thing was like a reminder!

Before he could react, the smiling bald head gave him another "surprise". He had never attended a day of class and graduated from the special class of the Army University - so his military rank was promoted again.

“National Government Order No. 1577, promoted Zuo Zhong to Major General of the National Revolutionary Army.”

As the promotion order was read out, the bald man took the golden general's collar badge from the tray, put it on for Zuo Zhong himself, patted the little fellow's shoulder affectionately and said.

“Shen Zhi, I hope you will continue your efforts and make new contributions to the party and the country.”

“Yes, thank you principal for the promotion. The student will definitely live up to your expectations.”

 Zuo Zhong, who was "double happiness", subconsciously expressed his loyalty, then declined the staff's invitation to shoot, returned to the stage in a daze, and sat down blankly next to Dai Chunfeng.

Lao Dai glanced at the student who was extremely happy. After all, he was still young at heart. How could he be like himself, who could not change his face even if the mountain collapsed in front of him? After thinking about it, he raised his hand to dust off the non-existent dust on the lieutenant general's collar badge. .

All the students have been promoted. As a teacher and director of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, he naturally has many benefits. Not only has he been promoted to the rank of lieutenant general, he has also been promoted to the position of deputy director of the Second Office of the Military Command Department.

Compared with another timeline, Lao Dai reached the peak of his life a few years earlier and took the top spot in the intelligence system without being shattered to pieces. History has changed beyond recognition.

After the grand ceremony, the days had to go on. Facing the increasingly approaching Japanese Central China Expeditionary Army and North China Front Army, the pressure on the government not only did not decrease, but became even greater.

 The Secret Service has also received the latest order to establish an intelligence network and set up multiple radio stations in important cities and villages in the direction of the Japanese offensive, as well as near airports, to strengthen intelligence activities.

With the slogan of defending Dazhang City, Zuo Zhong had no time to rest and was busy with his new work again, until one day a mysterious phone call came to his office.

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