Cicada Moving

Chapter 868: China Aid Air Force

Chapter 868 China Aid Air Force

“Your Excellency, the Attendant’s Office has issued the latest order from Commander Wei, instructing us in the Second Department and the Third Department to conduct technical reconnaissance on the Red Russians who are assisting the China Air Force to prevent people with ulterior motives from taking the opportunity to sabotage them.”

On the internal phone, the staff of the Military Command Department said respectfully.

Zuo Zhong was stunned after hearing this. He had been in charge of the Third Division for a long time, and this was the first time he received a report from his subordinates. This was not because someone was obstructing him, but because of the special status of the Second Office.

Although it is also a business agency, for most of the intelligence work of the national government, the Secret Service and the Secret Service Headquarters are enough. There are really no tasks left to each other.

Moreover, the second hall is under construction, and the internal rules and regulations have not been straightened out. People and equipment are being recruited and dispatched, so there is no time to inquire about information and carry out tasks.

More importantly, Zuo Zhong knew very well that Bald's intention of letting him concurrently serve as the director of the three divisions was nothing more than decentralization and checks and balances. This complex structure was conducive to maintaining the balance of power.

To put it simply, he is just a mascot. The person responsible for the normal operation of the three departments is the deputy director appointed by the other party. This is somewhat similar to the remote collar system of the princes of the Tang Dynasty.

  So he was too lazy to get involved. Today, he suddenly remembered that as the director of the three departments, he must be useful in the Secret Service, otherwise those "emperor's ministers" with eyes that reach their foreheads would not do this.

However, at this time, Baldhead really had no shame in using tactics against the Red Russian Air Force to aid China, and he forgot who helped the government when the war situation was in danger.

 At the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War, the air forces of the two were not on the same level at all, and their strength could be said to be vastly different.

Before the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the Kuomintang Air Force consisted of 9 brigades and 5 independent squadrons, equipped with 296 aircraft of various types and 620 pilots, less than half of whom could participate in the war.

The performance of these aircraft is seriously backward, and they lack corresponding repairs and maintenance. They even had no fuel when they were in Jinling. There are very few aircraft that can actually be put into actual combat.

 In addition, the National Government had no aviation manufacturing industry at all at that time. Aircraft and parts were purchased from foreign countries. One less aircraft was produced and one less pilot was sacrificed. It was difficult to replenish the supply.

On the other hand, Japan, which has long been prepared for war, has subordinated its air force to the army and navy due to military expenditure reasons and has not formed a separate army.

 But its scale is not small. Before the war, Japan's Army Airlines had about 1,500 aircraft, and Hainan Airlines had more than 1,200 aircraft. The number of aircraft was more than nine times that of the Republic of China.

 Among them, the most equipped ones are the Type 96 land attack aircraft and the Type 96 carrier-based fighter. They are both cutting-edge models that have been put into production in recent years, and they are not inferior to the aircraft of Western countries.

Furthermore, Japan has a complete industrial and training system. The losses of aircraft and pilots can be replenished in time from the local government, without having to look at other people's faces.

This resulted in the air battle between China and Japan being an unequal battle. In the Battle of Songhu, the Chinese Air Force fought bravely against the enemy and shot down more than 60 enemy aircraft, but it also paid a heavy price, losing two-thirds of its aircraft. Air superiority was completely controlled by the Japanese army.

 The government is asking for help everywhere in Europe and the United States. The problem is that the Americans and the Japanese are fighting fiercely. They have sold a large amount of steel and other strategic materials to Japan, aiding the evil and making a lot of war profits.

The United Kingdom also sold a large amount of weapons to Japan. The assistance given by these imperialist countries to the Republic of China was more verbal than practical. In a more understandable sentence, they were willing to provide all support except help.

Seeing that there was no hope for help from the United States, the bald man could only turn his attention to Red Russia. Japan's full-scale invasion of China made Red Russia see the ambitions of the Japanese and the security risks in the Xiberian region.

As a result, the Republic of China and the Red Russia quickly came together. More than a month after the outbreak of the all-out war of resistance, the two sides quickly signed the "Mutual Non-Aggression Treaty" and formed a "quasi-alliance" relationship.

 Following this came a large amount of Red Russian military equipment assistance, including aircraft, tanks, tractors, cars, artillery, light and heavy machine guns, rifles, bullets, etc.

 Among them, the largest and fastest was air force assistance. In September 1938, a total of 231 I-15, I-16, СB bombers, and TB-3 flew directly from Red Russia to the Republic of China.

  Accompanying them were 86 technical experts responsible for training national aviation personnel. In order to avoid angering the Japanese, Red Russian pilots from two aviation groups participated in the battle as volunteers.

By October, the Red Russian Volunteer Air Force added a СB bomber group and an I-15 group, allowing the Russian Air Force to quickly regain its strength after retreating to Qicheng.

Without these equipment and pilots, Changcheng would have been blown to pieces by Japanese planes, and it would be impossible to achieve the "shattering victory" in the Battle of Xucheng.

Objectively speaking, the reason why Red Russia is willing to assist the government is that it hopes that China will resist longer, drag the main force of the Japanese army on the Chinese battlefield, and avoid being flanked by Germany and Japan from the west and the east.

 Most of the weapons were purchased with war loans and were not given away free of charge. However, judging from the results, Red Russia's "selling help in the snow" did indeed make a huge contribution to the Anti-Japanese War.

After all, the Westerners, who have always been regarded as life-saving straw by the bald heads, have not sold a single bullet to the government, especially the group of pilots with superb flying skills, who cannot be bought with money.

These members of the Red Russian Volunteer Air Force set a record for the world's longest-distance bombing on the Chinese battlefield - starting from Hankou, Jicheng City, and attacking Songshan Airport in the north of Xiaoliuqiu.

  Xiaoliuqiu was occupied by Japan during the Sino-Japanese War. After the war, it became a springboard and base for Japanese aircraft to attack the Republic of China. A large number of Japanese bombers were stationed there to support the Japanese military operations in central China.

The straight-line distance between Hankou and Songshan is nearly 1,000 kilometers. The maximum combat range of the 28 bombers of the Red Russian Air Force is only 1,200 kilometers. This means that they must return immediately after dropping the bombs. Any mistakes may lead to the failure of the operation.

In order to increase the concealment and surprise of the long-distance attack, they even gave up fighter **** and bombed a heavily guarded target like Songshan Airport without protection. It was precisely because of this surprise that the Red Russian Air Force successfully bombed Songshan Airport. 280 aerial bombs fell from the sky. Thick smoke rose from the airport apron and runway, and the explosions were deafening.

 After dropping the bombs, the Red Russian pilots fired all the ammunition from the aviation rapid-fire machine guns before returning calmly. In this battle, more than 40 Japanese aircraft were destroyed, and enough aviation fuel for the airport to be used for three years was burned up.

Even though the Red Russian Volunteer Air Force, like the later Flying Tigers, supported the Republic of China out of consideration for the political interests of their respective countries, the lives lost and sacrificed one by one are real.

 Now the bald man ordered to monitor the de facto savior. At best, it is repaying a favor with revenge, and at worst, it is betrayal. The government's only ally at this stage is so stupid that it is incomprehensible.

As Zuo Zhong was thinking about this, the members of the Three Branches on the other side of the phone continued to report. The other party said that the Three Branches did not have enough personnel and equipment to carry out this mission, and they hoped to get assistance from the Secret Service.

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately agreed to the other party's request. His position must not be shaken. Besides, it is better for the Secret Service to intervene than to leave it to the Secret Service headquarters.

By limiting this matter within his own jurisdiction, he can also better control the development of the situation to avoid causing any major problems. At least in the near future, the government cannot do without the Red Russians.

As for whether the Red Russians have arranged intelligence personnel among these pilots and experts, this is almost certain. There is a saying in Red Russia that every Red Russian citizen is the eye of NK~VD①.

Whether it is collecting internal intelligence of the Republic of China or grasping the war situation between China and Japan, it is of practical significance to Red Russia. Luby~Yanka’s blue hat colleagues will definitely arrange moles.

In this case, the investigation must be carried out, but it must be done within a certain degree. It should not only let the Red Russians know that they have been monitored, but they must not break their faces. It is the Japanese who are so happy.

Hang up the phone, Zuo Zhong tapped his finger on the table and thought for a long time. He picked up the phone and called Dai Chunfeng to make a report. Then he called Gu Qi and Gui Youguang and prepared to hand over the task to these two people.

It is impossible for him to keep an eye on all cases. With the intelligence section chief of the Secret Service taking the lead, and the first action experts personally participating in the battle, no one can say that the Secret Service does not pay attention to it.

He knows Lao Gu well. He can be said to be a high-end version of Zheng Tingbing. He has good working ability but low enthusiasm for work, especially for tasks that are not profitable.

When dealing with Red Russian intelligence personnel, you can know what attitude the other party will have by thinking about it with your heels. It is good whether you work hard or not, and maybe they will just show off.

 As for Lingui Youguang, he looks reckless but is actually rough and subtle. However, intelligence investigation is not his specialty after all. The people in NK~VD are not weak hands and should be aware of it.

Just as he was thinking about it, Gu Qi and Gui Youguang, who were wearing military uniforms, knocked on the door and walked in. They were old brothers for many years and were not so particular. They saluted and found a place to sit down.

Zuo Zhong took out two cigarettes and threw them over. He lay on the chair and said calmly: "There is a task in the Second Hall of the Military Command that requires our help. The committee decided to secretly monitor the Red Russian Air Force to aid China.

As you know, these big noses are stationed at the Wangjiadun Airport in Hankou. There are many residents nearby and several agencies are located nearby. The leaders are worried that they will take the opportunity to steal the government's intelligence.

Although the other party has helped the party and the state, it is necessary to be on guard against others. Lao Gu, you and Youguang will lead a team to have a look. If you find that the other party has done something that is not consistent with your status, come back and report it immediately.

We can't serve the Second Office in vain. Give me the list of brothers who participated in the operation. They will post their names in three places and receive double military pay. The Locust Emperor is not short of hungry soldiers, so this advantage will be in vain. "

 Supervise the Red Russian Air Force.

Gu Qi and Gui Youguang's expressions changed, and they automatically filtered out the issue of double military pay. They looked at each other. After following Zuo Zhong for so long, they also understood the sensitivity of this matter.

ˆ Once the surveillance process is not handled properly, it can easily escalate into a diplomatic dispute. Without the support of the Red Russians, can the national government really face the Japanese attack alone?

 Gu Qi hesitated for a moment, then hesitantly expressed his worries, and by the way, he also expressed his own opinion. What he meant in his words was whether it was a real investigation or a fake investigation.

 “Of course it’s Zhencha.”

Zuo Zhong was unambiguous on this matter, waving his right hand to emphasize: "Lao Gu, we are knives, no matter who the target is, if the above says to investigate, we must complete it without compromise, and we cannot bargain.

I just want to remind you that it is best to be smaller in your actions and keep a low profile. Intelligence work is also political. The Red Russians are not that easy to deal with, and your identity must not be exposed. "

 Gu Qi accurately grasped the words low-key and political, and nodded understandingly, saying that he would definitely complete the mission assigned by Shangfeng to the letter.

Zuo Zhong smiled with satisfaction and looked at it. It was comfortable to talk to smart people. Then he looked at the dull Gui Youguang. He suddenly lost his temper and sent the two of them away with a dark face.

Then he came to the window, looked at the three China Aid Air Force planes that were patrolling in the air, and sighed. It was a troubled time, I just hope everything goes well...

 (Go home in two days, have a day off on the 4th)

①The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of the Red Russian Federation is located in Lubyanka.



 (End of this chapter)

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