Cicada Moving

Chapter 869: Wangjiadun Airport (on the way tomorrow, one day off)

Chapter 869 Wangjiadun Airport (rushing tomorrow, one day off)

After Gu Qi and Gui Youguang left Zuo Zhong's office, they went to the big office and called a team of small agents. They took a car to the pier and took a boat straight to Hankou.

On the way, Gu Qi's worried look attracted the attention of the big bald man. He thought that the other party was worried about the mission, so he scratched his shiny forehead and said carelessly.

“Section Chief, what’s wrong with you? They’re just a bunch of Red Russians. Don’t worry, leave them all to me. I promise to investigate them thoroughly.”

Gu Qi was too lazy to pay attention to him. He was thinking about how to achieve the low-key and political approach mentioned by the deputy director and make others have nothing to say.

Dealing with the underworld is hard work, and dealing with the Red Russians is even more dangerous. If you are not careful, you will become the scapegoat of the higher-ups, so it is inevitable to turn a blind eye.

 It's just that this is a task assigned by the Second Department. The other party will definitely pay attention to the investigation of the case. If it is found that they are not working hard, the two of them and the deputy director will be in trouble.

After thinking for a long time, he thought that maybe there could be some means to let the Red Russians know that they were being monitored. Once the other party went dormant, their work would be easier.

Thinking of this, Gu Qi turned his attention to Gui Youguang, who knew nothing about it, and suddenly realized that the deputy director probably thought so too, so he sent this guy here.

After understanding this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and took the people off the boat to move towards Wangjiadun Airport. At this time, several planes buzzed over everyone's heads. The blue sky (divided) white badge on the wings and the blue and white The stripes are clearly visible.

In order not to irritate Japan too much, the Red Russian Air Force to aid China moved to the territory of the Republic of China, and all related signs and logos of the Red Russian Air Force were erased. In appearance, they were no different from the aircraft of the Republic of China Air Force.

The only difference is that Chinese pilots are stationed in Wuchang and Xiaogan, and the people flying over Chicheng are basically red Russians. It has to be said that it is a bit sad that the temporary capital of a country is handed over to foreigners for defense.

Ten minutes later, Gu Qi, who was in a complicated mood, arrived at Wangjiadun, a relatively prosperous town. To the west of the town is the airport. Standing at the entrance of the town, you can clearly see the barbed wire fence surrounding the airport.

Wangjiadun Airport has been under construction since the 20th year of the Republic of China. It has been expanded many times in recent years and includes a runway, hangar, fuel storage warehouse, pilot dormitories, and ammunition depot.

 After the government retreated to Qicheng, the area was handed over to the China Aid Air Force for closed management, and an infantry battalion and air defense troops were dispatched to take charge of surrounding security work.

  Strangers will be detained as soon as they approach the airport. With the recent exposure of the local Japanese espionage organization, the security has become even tighter.

"If there is light, go and rent a yard in the west of the town. It must be a single-family house. You can directly see the inside of the airport. It would be better if you can answer the phone line. Make a good disguise and don't reveal your identity."

 Gu Qi glanced at the busy street, lowered his voice and spoke to Gui Youguang, and then warned: "Don't contact the local police station, those black men have looser mouths than cotton waistbands."

 “Okay, got it.”

Gui Youguang nodded and waved to a female agent. The two walked around the town pretending to be a couple, and finally found a house that met the requirements two to three hundred meters away from the airport.

This is an independent small courtyard, with an additional two-story building and two or three square rooms. It is not a problem to accommodate a group of them. From the second floor, you can see the entire airport from a high position.

The only drawback is the need to connect a telephone line. After all, in a rural place, ordinary people have no money to install a telephone. Fortunately, there is a telephone pole not far from the house.

Relying on the government employee certificate printed by the Secret Service and without even using a guarantor, Gui Youguang successfully rented the house and passed the inspection and registration at the police station.

After the sky darkened, Gu Qi and others, who had almost figured out the situation in the town, came to the surveillance point in batches and began to set up lines, open observation windows and set up defensive measures.

Even though they are now on the territory of the national government, they must take the necessary precautions. The Red Russians not only have pilots, but also ground crews, all of whom are equipped with light weapons.

In case of a serious conflict between the two sides, the surveillance point would bear the brunt and had to be on guard. After checking the measures, Gucci went to the second floor and looked out through a small hole.

But after watching for a long time, he saw nothing. There were no searchlights, no patrols, and even the Red Russian pilots' dormitory area was dark.

This is normal. According to the requirements of the Jiangcheng Air Defense Command, all military facilities are under light control after dark to prevent Japanese air attacks.

Although the Japanese army did not have night bombers at this time, they were capable of launching surprise attacks at dusk and dawn. This had happened several times in previous battles.

Looking at the dark night, Gu Qi raised his head and told the surveillance personnel to take a break. He also called Gui Youguang aside and asked him to collect information on the personnel of the China Aid Air Force, especially the information on the top brass of the air force.

If NK~VD installs intelligence personnel among pilots and technicians, for the purpose of protecting personnel safety and facilitating operations, cooperation from the commander will definitely be needed.

 Because this is the military, if intelligence personnel have an urgent mission and need to leave the airport, they must obtain approval from their superiors, otherwise they will be deserters. It is impossible for the higher-ups of the air force to be unaware of this.

Gui Youguang understood what he meant, and left the surveillance point with a slight disguise. Military Wei would have personnel files provided by the Red Russian side. The information was not difficult to collect, but the accuracy was difficult to guarantee.

As long as the Red Russian military is not stupid, it will not give complete information to the government. Deletion, tampering, and forgery are routine operations. This kind of thing is the same in any country.

 But something is better than nothing. The agents previously sent by the Secret Service to Red Russia have either "disappeared" or have gone to dig potatoes in the Xibei area, and cannot be transferred out. Anyway, it’s just a show to show to outsiders. With these basic information and the cooperation with surveillance, a decent surveillance operation can be announced, and the second office can be explained.

Gucci rubbed his chin and reviewed his arrangements. After making sure there were no omissions, he yawned, slowly closed his eyes, sat on the chair and fell asleep.

 Early the next morning.

Gui Youguang, who had disappeared all night, hurriedly walked in, took out a document bag from his purse, and handed it to Gu Qi's hand.

"Section Chief, these files are stored in the confidential room of Junweihui. If it weren't for the names of the deputy director and the second department, it would be impossible to retrieve them. Please take a look first, and I will take the time to take a rest."

 After saying that, the big bald man found a random place in the house and slept with his clothes on, and soon began to snore. It seemed that he had been grinding his teeth with the bureaucrats of the Junwei Association all night.

  Gu Qi shook his head, opened the document bag and looked at the personnel files. The first thing that caught his eye was a major officer named Alexey Sergeyevich Blagoveshchensky.

 This person was a fighter commander of the Red Russian Air Force aiding China. He was born in Brest in 1909. He graduated from the Kursk Institute of Industrial Economics and Technology in 1927. In the same year, he participated in the pilot selection and successfully passed the test.

In 1936, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star for outstanding personal achievements in mastering aviation technology and for his skillful leadership in combat and political training.

  In December 1937, he was ordered to come to the Republic of China. At that time, Jinling had been lost, and Blagoveshchensky led the team to station at Changcheng Airport in Gan Province.

At that time, the first batch of air fleets to aid China had already fought against the Japanese army in Jinling. Since the first fighter group captain was killed in an accident in Lancheng, northwest China, the Red Russians were actually engaged in air combat with the Japanese army under the coordinated command of the Republic of China Air Force.

 Affected by the restrictions on the command capabilities of the Fruit Army and the loose atmosphere, the fighter units of the Air Force assisting China lacked strong leadership and lacked tactical application in air combat. As a result, they suffered heavy losses and the morale of the pilots was very low.

 Blagoveshchensky took over the command forcefully as soon as he took office, formulated some rules and regulations, quickly reversed the situation of the war, and flew into the air many times to engage in air battles with the Japanese.

On December 22, 1937, during the air battle at Changseong, this person shot down a Ninety-Six Ship Battle, and the captain of the Japanese Navy's Thirteenth Air Force, Major Obayashi, crashed and died.

On February 25, 1938, he damaged and forced the landing of another 96 aircraft. This was also the first time that the government seized an aircraft of this type. Last month, the aircraft was awarded the Order of the Red Banner by the Red Russian government.


 Gu Qi chewed his teeth after watching the show. He is a 30-year-old major in the air force and a recipient of the Order of the Red Star and the Red Flag. He is not only an excellent commander, but also a skilled fighter pilot and an absolute pride of heaven.

If they went to investigate such a person, once they were discovered by the Red Russians, it would definitely cause an earthquake. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. He put the information aside and decided not to conduct a close investigation on this person unless it was absolutely necessary.

Then he looked at the second file. The person on it was Fyodor Petrovich Porynin, the bomber commander of the China Aid Air Force, with the rank of colonel. He was born in 1906 and joined the army in 1928.

Gu Qi's scalp suddenly went numb. The 32-year-old colonel had been promoted from private to this level in less than 10 years after joining the army. If the opponent was not a key talent cultivated by the Red Russian Air Force, he would not believe it even if he was beaten to death.

He continued to scroll down, and his face gradually turned darker than the bottom of the pot. One by one, none of the top officials of the Red Russian Air Force aiding China were simple.

There are a lot of majors and lieutenant colonels in their twenties and thirties. It is obvious that the Red Russians sent their aerial elite to the Republic of China for actual combat training so that they can be promoted and reused in the future. In other words, they are here to be gilded (separated).

What should I do? Gu Qi swallowed and felt that the position of his buttocks was not stable. After pondering for a long time, he gritted his teeth and slapped the table hard.

Damn it, let all the investigators monitor the airport from a distance, stop monitoring the traffic, and try to let the Red Russians discover their actions in the shortest possible time.

With no tracking, no monitoring, and no specific personnel involved, the other party will not go to war. They are all engaged in intelligence, and they should understand that there is no malicious intent in this level of investigation.

It was easy to explain to the second hall. Naturally, one had to be cautious when investigating a case. How could one do it without getting the basic information clear? Gu Qi encouraged himself and felt that there was no big problem in doing so.

But sometimes you are afraid of what will happen. As soon as dawn broke, the little spy responsible for surveillance discovered a suspicious situation. The Red Russian chef at the airport was in contact with unknown people near the airport.

The reason why I say it is suspicious is because when the two of them passed each other, the chef handed something to the other party. His action was very covert, and it would not have been noticed if the spy hadn't been observing carefully.

After hearing this, Gu Qi's eyes darkened, but Gui Youguang was extremely excited. He quickly asked for instructions to lead someone to follow the suspicious person and find out the details of this person.

Gucci couldn't refuse this reasonable request, so he forced a smile and agreed. Seeing the bald man go out, he immediately drove away the little spies in the room, picked up the phone and reported to Zuo Zhong.

If the current situation continues, maybe something will be found out, and then they will have to report it even if they don’t want to. You must know that working hard but not doing your best and not reporting what you know are two different concepts.

As a result, Zuo Zhong said that everything was up to him and hung up the phone. Listening to the sound of electricity coming from the other side, Gu Qi put down the phone with a sad face, feeling that he was going to die this time.

 (Going back to China during the day, on the way, taking a day off on the 4th)

 (End of this chapter)

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