Cicada Moving

Chapter 870: red russian

Chapter 870 Red Russians

 “Comrade Blagoveshchensky, it’s such a nice day today, Xibe will never have such warm sunshine.”

On the command podium at Wangjiadun Airport, bomber group commander Polainin looked at the rising sun in the east and couldn't help but smile.

The two of them once served together in the Xiberia region. People who have never been there will never understand how terrifying that land is, with the lowest temperature reaching minus 70 degrees Celsius.

Even in April, the local biting cold wind still blows like a knife on people's faces, and even the sunlight seems to be frozen, like a white hell.

“Comrade Colonel, you are right.”

 Blagoveshchensky agreed. He glanced at the fighter jets preparing to take off next to the runway, looked down at his watch, and frowned slightly.

According to the provisions of the Red Russian Air Force combat doctrine, the ground preparation time should not exceed ten minutes, but now a full fifteen minutes have passed, and his men still have not taken off.

“Comrade Lieutenant, please hurry up. Japanese planes will appear in the airspace of Qicheng at any time. We must compress the take-off time to within five minutes in order to defeat those hateful imperialist minions.”

  Blagoveshchensky, with a calm tone, ordered a Red Russian officer in the tower, and finally added: "Comrades, hurry up, otherwise I don't mind letting the political commissar talk to you."

These words made the tower become extremely quiet. After receiving the order, the lieutenant ran out as if running away. Polenin coughed twice, feeling a little dissatisfied with the other party for mentioning such a thing at this time.

Those people killed their own people without even blinking an eye. The political trials (separation) led by them sent countless people to the guillotine, and only suspicion was needed, without any evidence.

Everyone signed up to join the China Aid Air Force and risked their lives to fight the Japanese. In addition to achieving rare feats, wasn't it just to avoid the intensifying purge (separation) in the country?

Now that the other party says this, the comrade pilots and ground staff will definitely fall into panic. The combat effectiveness will indeed be improved in a short period of time. The problem is that the morale of the military will inevitably become unstable over time.

Porainin, who did not want the atmosphere to be so solemn, thought of this, pointed at the chef who was walking away from the airport barbed wire fence, and asked knowingly: "Comrade Blagoveshchensky, who is that, and why can you leave the camp?"

As a fighter pilot, Blagoveshchensky had very good eyesight. He glanced at it casually and replied: "Comrade on the line, that is our chef Gennady. The people of the Republic of China did not provide many vegetables. I asked him to leave the camp." Buy some carrots grown by local farmers.”

Polenin nodded after hearing this. Pilots need to take in enough vitamins to ensure that their bodies are in the healthiest state. However, according to discipline, they should be accompanied by guards when they go out.

 Because of the existence of the China-Aid Air Force, the Japanese cannot be unaware of it. If the other side finds evidence of their motherland’s participation in the war, European and American countries will definitely take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Just when he wanted to notify the guards to follow him, he suddenly thought of rumors that Blagoveshchensky was related to NK~VD. After hesitating for a while, Polainin finally said nothing.

Compared to Comrade Political Commissar, the reputation of blue hats is even more well-known in Red Russia. Whenever these people knock on the door, it means that your life has entered a countdown.

He once heard a joke. The car of several NK~VD members broke down, so he went to an officer's house on the roadside to seek help. The other party saw them and closed the door without saying anything. A few minutes later, gunshots were heard in the house. .

Although there were fabricated elements, it was enough to illustrate the horror of NK~VD. Polainin shuddered involuntarily, looking at the expressionless Blagoveshchensky, secretly guessing whether the other party had a secret identity. .

at the same time.

At the Hankou Pier, Gui Youguang held up a pair of binoculars and looked at a ferry on the river. His eyes looked a little excited, as if he had seen a predatory beast.

“Team leader, the other party is definitely a professional intelligence officer. From Wangjiadun to Qibian, this guy used a dozen anti-tracking methods, and his action style is very similar to that of the underworld.”

A small agent belonging to the special operations team of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service came over to report.

Gui Youguang grinned. As for underground party members, their will and integrity are worthy of respect, but when it comes to professionalism, he thinks that his special operations team has a complete victory over the other party.

After feeling proud for a moment, he raised his chin towards the opposite side of Zhang and said, "Send someone to follow. Let the brothers on the opposite side prepare for the situation. If necessary, contact Chief Wu for support."

In the presence of the public, the little agent did not stand at attention or salute, but whispered back: "Follow me, there are three of us in total. The ferry will stop at three piers after crossing, and arrangements have been made on the opposite side."

"Yea, very good."

The big bald man nodded slightly in imitation of Zuo Zhong, turned around and said as he walked: "Tell me immediately if there is any news. Now go and see the cook and let everyone be alert. The Red Russians are difficult to deal with."

“Yes, team leader.” The little agent replied, and followed quickly.

 Half an hour later.

Gnadi, the chef of the Red Russian Air Force aiding China, wandered around the town of Wangjiadun, and finally stopped at a vegetable stall, talking to the local villagers in a Chinese that he was not proficient in.

There are many foreigners in Qicheng, but the well-informed villagers are not afraid of this big nose from the airport. When they know that a big customer is coming, they will not give up a penny.

While the two parties were bargaining, Gui Youguang, wearing a ragged felt hat, walked towards the target with almonds in his hand, shouting in dialect, speaking in standard Jicheng local dialect. Gennady heard the sound and looked around, and found that the load contained two baskets of eggs. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he ran a few steps to stop him, regardless of the vegetables.

 “Wait a minute, comrade...friend, how much do your eggs cost?”

 Gui Youguang was delighted when he heard this. He put down the pole with a natural expression, took out a dirty sweat towel and wiped the sweat from his head, and then quoted the price honestly.

 Gnady on the other side was quite satisfied with the price after hearing this. To use a Chinese saying, compared with those guys who slaughtered themselves as fat sheep, the other side was not as open as a lion.

By the way, he quickly took a look at the Chinese man selling eggs. He was in good health and had a rosy complexion, which was normal. He could feed so many poultry, so his family conditions should be good.

 The knuckles are thick and rough, indicating that Pingshi is engaged in physical labor, but there are no obvious injuries. It seems that the other person is not a person who is used to "solving" problems with fists.

  Or maybe he has not received combat training, unlike special personnel. After thinking about it, Gennady hesitated for a moment. He did not make a conclusion for the time being, but observed the opponent more carefully.

At this moment, a vegetable vendor next to them jumped up in front of the two of them, and began to curse with both words and gestures: "You're such a bad boy, Zhang Xiaosi, you ruined my business, you..."

Facing the unfamiliar and difficult-to-understand local dialect, Gennady had no idea what the first sentence meant, but looking at the other person’s excited expression, he guessed that it was probably not a good thing to say, and he also knew that the vendor knew the bald man selling eggs.

This made him let down his guard. Vegetable vendors started doing business here before the air force transferred to Qicheng. No matter how powerful the Chinese intelligence agency was, it was impossible to predict the situation.

Gnady, who received a government grant, was very generous. He stretched out his hand to block the two people who were arguing, and bought all the vegetables and eggs boldly.

Of course, these things need to be delivered to the airport kitchen. After coming to China for several months, the Red Russians still cannot master the magical transportation tool of the shoulder pole.

Following Genaji, the smiling Gui Youguang chatted with the vegetable vendor in dialect and walked into Wangjiadun Airport in a grand manner.

 Along the way, he kept his eyes straight and had no intention of observing the internal layout of the airport or the arrangement of sentries. They were not in enemy-occupied territory now. If he wanted to know these, just make a phone call.

His attention was all on Genadi and the person who greeted him. The first thing an intelligence officer had to do after performing a mission was to report to his superiors.

The person in charge of NK~VD at the airport cannot personally deliver the information, so Gennady is only a small player, and the real big fish is yet to come.

Gui Youguang adjusted the burden on his shoulders, his wandering eyes swept over the Red Russian soldiers waving to Gennady, and slowly approached the kitchen.

When he walked to a streetlight, perhaps because he had an itchy head, Gennady raised his right hand and scratched his head, and continued walking deeper into the airport without stopping.

 Gui Youguang, who had been paying attention to him, felt a shiver in his heart. He turned his head slightly and looked at the surrounding terrain. He saw a tall tower standing in the distance, with a triangular flag on the top of the tower fluttering in the wind.


I don’t know how long it took, but the bald man and the vegetable vendor walked out of the airport with an empty load. They walked quickly into Wangjiadun Town and came to an alley to whisper.

“Sir, am I doing well?”

The vegetable vendor turned away from his previous rudeness and asked cautiously with his head lowered. This was because several agents in different costumes jumped out of nowhere and surrounded him.

 “Yes, very good, this is your reward.”

Gui Youguang nodded with satisfaction, took a stack of French currency from his subordinate's hand, and pretended to give it to the vegetable vendor, but when the other party was about to take the money, he raised his hand and added sadly.

"If I know that this matter spreads, not only will you die, but your parents, wife, and two children at school will all have to go down to accompany you."

“I understand, I understand. I only know that your name is Zhang Xiaosi, and I don’t know anything else.”

The vegetable vendor learned to draw inferences from one case to another, and made a promise with a bowed head.

 “Mom, you are really a talent.”

Gui Youguang couldn't help laughing when he saw this, threw the money over and turned around to leave with the spies. After walking a few hundred meters, he turned his head and whispered to one person.

“Keep a close eye on the other party. Don’t let the other party out of your sight before the case is over, including this guy’s family. If there is any change, immediately~”

He made a downward gesture. It is true that the Secret Service does not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but when it comes to tasks, they are no longer ordinary people. They can deal with leaks as they please.

After talking about business, the group of people covered each other and returned to the surveillance point. Gui Youguang opened the (divided) door and was about to report to Gu Qi when he saw a familiar figure standing in the shadow of the room.

 (I landed at the health station and ate three meals angrily. I wanted Chinese food to deathT-T)

①At the beginning of the 20th century, the concept of vitamins emerged.

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