Cicada Moving

Chapter 871: reason

"Deputy Director."

Facing the silent Zuo Zhong in the shadow, Gui Youguang shrank his head and shouted, like a mouse seeing a cat, no longer as proud as before.

 “Well, how was the harvest?”

Zuo Zhong, who was observing Wangjiadun Airport, did not look back. He held up his binoculars and asked lightly, but in his heart he wanted to give this **** a kick.

He can't even learn how to fish. Now, if we really find out that the Red Russians have carried out intelligence activities against the national government, things will be in trouble.

Gui Youguang licked his lips, lowered his head and replied: "The suspicious person who came into contact with the Red Russian chef has followed. The identity and background are not known yet, but they will be found out soon.

The humble job has just conducted a investigation of the chef. The other party was called Ghana, and was responsible for the diet of the China Airlines team. When this person talked to me, he observed my hand characteristics very carefully.

 After entering the airport, he made strange actions within the sight of the tower. I think the other party was sending a signal to his superiors. As long as he can find out who was on the tower today..."

 “Who asked you to stay close to me for investigation?”

Gu Qi broke out in a cold sweat. He was afraid that something might happen. Once the Red Russians discovered the close investigation, there would be big problems. No one could bear the responsibility of destroying the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Gui Youguang was stunned: "Section Chief, you didn't say you can't stay close to the investigation? Besides, investigating a case must be close to the target."

 “Didn’t I say?”

Gucci, whose head was a little confused, touched his half-bald head, and then said angrily: "Do you know that the air defense in Changcheng relies entirely on the Red Russians? If you are discovered, it will sow discord among the allies.

Remember, you can never do this again without my order in the future. In the early stage, we mainly focus on long-distance monitoring, and we will decide what to do next after the situation is almost fully investigated. "

As he spoke, he observed the reaction of the deputy director. Seeing that Zuo Zhong did not object to his statement, he was even more certain of the true meaning behind the three words "speak of politics".

Over there, Gui Youguang heard Gu Qi's instructions and opened his mouth to try to persuade him again, but when he saw Zuo Zhong's back, he suddenly realized something and ultimately said nothing.


Listening to the conversation between the two, Zuo Zhong turned his head after observing the airport, glanced at the faces of Gui Youguang and Gu Qi, coughed lightly and gave instructions.

“Lao Gu, yes, we must not only be passionate (separate) in our work, but also have patience, especially when it comes to cases involving friendly countries. It doesn’t matter if the progress is slower, safety comes first.

I think what you just said about long-distance observation is very good. You must find out the situation carefully and don't miss any details. Did you hear it? There will be light! "

At the end of the story, his tone changed and he glanced at the bald man, warning him not to make his own decisions again. At the same time, he was suspicious, when did this guy become so enthusiastic about grabbing the ground?

If things continue like this, if the other party knows his true identity, wouldn't it mean that even I would be arrested? It would be totally counterintuitive. The Japanese station has never been rebuilt. How about...

Gui Youguang was stared at by his sharp gaze. He felt cold all over for some reason. He trembled subconsciously and nodded quickly.

"Yes, Deputy Director, I understand. I promise not to rely on the investigation, but what to do about the suspicious person? The net has been opened."

Zuo Zhong frowned. If it was fair to say that the Red Russians were involved too much and it was not appropriate to conduct a detailed investigation, there would be less scruples in investigating suspicious persons and they could not be let go easily. The people in the military command department were not fools.

Besides, he is also curious about who is cooperating with the Red Russians. He must know the one in the northwest... But a standard nationalist will never let underground intelligence agents listen to the Red Russians.

After thinking for a moment, he raised his head and looked at Gui Youguang: "Check, but we can't act rashly. It's best to follow the clues and uproot the entire underground party organization.

Captain Wei was so busy worrying about state affairs that he didn’t even have time to eat, but these dissidents sabotaged it. It was really abominable, and they must not be spared lightly. "

Deputy Director Zuo, who was concerned about the country and the people, had murderous intent on his face. He seemed eager to lead his troops to the northwest immediately to eliminate the bald man's serious troubles.

Such superb acting skills directly made Gucci and Gui Youguang stand at attention and shout the team slogan of adhering to the leader's will and empathizing with the leader's painstaking efforts.

Raising his hand to suppress them so that they wouldn't be so excited, Zuo Zhong asked Gui Youguang about the situation of spying on the Red Russian cook from beginning to end, and then looked at the tower thoughtfully.

The person who can stay in the tower is either an air traffic controller or a commander. Considering that the Red Russian cook can be approved to leave the airport, it is more likely that the person in charge of the NK~VD aviation team is the commander.

Just as Gui Youguang said, as long as they can find the person in the tower, they will know who the person is, but what can they do if they know it? They can't lead people into the airport to arrest people.

The more he thought about it, the more boring he became. Zuo Zhong secretly shook his head. He really didn't know what the bald man was thinking. He had to fight against the Red Russians. Without their loans and weapons, how could the Guo army resist the Japanese?

He held his arms and was silent for a few minutes, then turned to ask Gu Qi a question: "Lao Gu, I was out in the field a few days ago and was not in Changcheng, so I don't know much about many things.

During the time I left, did anything major happen in Changcheng, especially related to the Red Russians and the Underground Party? Please tell me one by one. "

 “Okay, Deputy Director.”

 Gu Qi has one advantage, that is, he does whatever his superiors ask him to do, and he never asks too many questions. When he heard Zuo Zhong’s question, he immediately started talking.

“In mid-March, a pilot of the Red Russian Air Force aiding China died. After the news was leaked, there was a lot of discussion, but the Japanese did not express any opinions.”

“At the end of that month, the secret agreement between the national government and the Red Russians was exposed. Many people within the party and state felt that this was a conspiracy to seek skin from a tiger, and they wrote to senior officials many times to express their dissatisfaction.”

“At the beginning of April, two days before you came back, the "Sweeping News" sponsored by the Political Training Office of the Nanchang Administrative Camp of the former Army Weihui published an article questioning the motives of the Red Russians in aiding the government."

“Wait a minute.” Hearing this, Zuo Zhong raised his hand fiercely to stop him, and said solemnly: “Tell me about this matter carefully, don’t miss a word, and ask someone to bring the newspaper.”

 Gu Qi nodded, whispered a few instructions to the little spy, and then continued to report. According to him, the "Sweeping Newspaper" believed that the Red Russia helped the government to hold back the Japanese and safeguard their interests in the Xibe region.

In addition, there are major ideological differences between the National Government and Red Russia. These two points make it impossible for Red Russia to help China completely defeat Japan. Instead, it hopes that the two countries will fall into a protracted war and reap the benefits when both lose.

 Otherwise, why didn’t the other side release the eldest son who was doing “reform (separation) manufacturing” at the Ural Machinery Factory? This shows that the Red Russians were wary of the Republic of China.

  (This book is not a historical article, the eldest son has not returned in this timeline)

More importantly, the underground party, which shared the same ideas with the Red Russians, took advantage of the Sino-Japanese War to secretly develop and grow in the northwest, and obtained a lot of weapons and equipment given by the Red Russians.

 Once the dissident elements gain a foothold, it will be harmful to the party and the country. Especially when the Red Russian Air Force is stationed in Qicheng. If the Red Russian aircraft raid the official residence of the commissioner, something unspeakable may happen.

 The pen is indeed sharper than the sword!

Zuo Zhong was shocked. The person who wrote this article was not a simple person. With just one pen, he fabricated a picture of the country's internal and external troubles. It was a bit like a public account for later generations.

With his own life at stake, no wonder Baldhead ordered the military command department to investigate the China Air Force. After all, no one wants to sleep soundly and be bombed into the sky by planes. This move is really vicious.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind. Zuo Zhong turned his hands behind his back a few times and scolded the "Sweeping Newspaper" from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing the name, Sweep, it seems that it is not a serious newspaper at first glance. It is simply that if the world is not in chaos, irresponsible media like this should be closed down for rectification.

Unhappy, he snorted coldly and said meaningfully to Gu Qi: "Who is the reporter who wrote this article? Have you checked the details? The government and the Red Russia are falling out. The happiest people are the Japanese. I think they will be fine." Check this person to see if he is the instigator."


Gu Qi hesitated for a moment and then explained: "Deputy Director, as soon as the article came out, because it involved current affairs, I sent Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong to check it out, but nothing suspicious was found.

The reporter who wrote the article is a senior party (separation) member who joined the government in the twelfth year of the Republic of China. He has often criticized the underground party in the past, and he can be sure that he is not a Japanese spy.

However, as you said, I thought that there were indeed omissions during the investigation. Don't worry, I will immediately ask Lao Song and Lao Wu to restart the investigation, and we will definitely find clues about the other party's espionage involvement. "

These words are a bit revealing. What does it mean to find clues? The clues are not crops growing in the field. You can find them if you want to find them. The meaning is self-evident.

“Lao Gu, it’s over, it’s over. Although the "Sweeping News" made alarmist remarks, damaged the relationship between the government and the Red Russia, affected the overall situation of the anti-Japanese war, and brought us such big trouble, it is still a colleague."

Zuo Zhong seemed to be reprimanding, but the corner of his mouth almost reached the back of his head. He patted Gu Qi on the shoulder and said seriously: "Just punish the first culprit, don't make the city full of trouble."


 Gu Qi gritted his teeth and agreed. He was now awakened by the left point. If it weren't for the nonsense of those penmen, the Secret Service and himself would not have to monitor the Red Russians here.

If the relationship between the national government and the Red Russia breaks down and someone needs to take the blame, as the person in charge of the investigation, he will definitely not be able to escape.

The biggest grudges are those of killing one's parents, taking away one's money and ruining one's official career. If he cannot become the section chief, he will not be able to earn money. Without the money, his parents, wife and children will starve to death.

 So the "Sweeping News" had offended him three times. If the reporter had not been killed, others would have thought that he, the intelligence section chief of the Secret Service, was a fool.

As for whether he should resent Zuo Zhong, Gu Qi felt that it had nothing to do with the deputy director. The investigation was an order from above. Besides, without the deputy director, he would not be where he is now. Repaying kindness with enmity is what animals do.

Looking at Lao Gu with a ferocious expression, Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. It is indeed the most terrifying thing for an honest man to get angry. Now the "Sweeping News" will be in trouble.

If the head of an intelligence agency wants to cause trouble, it will be useless even if you are as clean as water and as honest as a mirror, not to mention the virtue of the party elites, haha~


At this time, someone shouted softly outside the door, and then a small agent came in and saluted Zuo Zhong, Gu Qi, and Gui Youguang respectively.

“The details of the suspicious person have been found out. After arriving in Wuchang, he went to an oil shop called Zhenchang Hao. We secretly learned from the local police station that this person’s name was Guo Jinyao and he was the shopkeeper of the oil shop.

It is said that the target had made remarks about revolt (separation) not long ago, but there is no solid evidence. In addition, the person surnamed Guo is very familiar with the official, so the local government did not arrest anyone. Please ask the deputy director for instructions on how to deal with it. "

  There are excessive negative (separating) verbs.

 Be friends with officials.

Listening to the briefing of the little agent, Zuo Zhong frowned. No matter from which aspect, the other party was very suspicious. The Red Russians were too arrogant and were not even willing to pretend.

 In this case, it would be better to teach the other party a lesson, lest something develop to an irreversible point. At most, he could tell Old K in advance, so he straightened his face and issued the order.

“Monitor Guo Jinyao closely and arrest him directly if necessary!”


 Everyone saluted and responded to the order.

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