Cicada Moving

Chapter 872: Wu Xiaoyi

Chapter 872 Wu Xiaoyi

 The courtyard of the Jiangcheng branch of "Sweeping Daily".

 Several middle-aged men who looked like scholars walked into the courtyard from outside, and were led by staff to a venue to take their seats. By this time, the room was already full of people.

I saw a banner hanging above the podium, which read "Jiangcheng Newspaper Association", and a fat man with a 28-inch haircut was talking.

“The doctrine of our party is the doctrine demanded by all the people, the policy of our party is the only policy to save the country, and the party is the political party of all the people of China.

Each newspaper must take its own party doctrine and policies as the highest criterion, use the Three People's (Separation) Principles as the only ideological restraint tool, and serve as the standard for judging the correctness of other political parties and people's thoughts and speeches;

In terms of speech, the party’s program and policies must be explained, and various practical issues must be analyzed in a consistent spirit; in terms of news, implementation must be used to expound the party’s doctrine and policies;

The supplement should try its best to use theoretical, factual and artistic methods to promote the party's doctrine and policies, and eliminate and correct all reactionary (separation) and fallacious doctrines and policies;

In terms of propaganda discipline, all newspapers must absolutely stand on the stand of the party and must not violate the party's principles, policies, charters, declarations and resolutions;

Completely obey the orders of the Party Headquarters at all levels and shall not be used by one person or faction. For documents sent by the Party Headquarters and the government at all levels for publication, newspapers must publish them as soon as possible without delay or rejection;

 Absolutely not publish any secret events. If you violate these disciplines, you will be warned, the person in charge will be removed, the editorial department will be reorganized, or you will be transferred to the police station for punishment! "


Hearing what this person said, many newspaper leaders in the audience were in an uproar. If according to what the other party said, is the newspaper still a newspaper? They should just be the mouthpiece of the Fruit Party.

So someone immediately stood up, pointed at the fat man and yelled: "Wu Xiaoyi, you are also a reporter, how can you say such a thing? It is simply unreasonable.

If you want to be someone's slave, do it yourself. Don't drag us along and do such shameless things. I'm afraid that I won't be able to see my ancestors in a hundred years. Everyone, let's go. "

After speaking, the speaker spat on the ground, turned around and walked out. A dozen other angry-looking newspaper directors followed him, and the venue was suddenly more than half empty.


Just as they reached the door, a fat man named Wu Xiaoyi slammed the table with a sullen face. Several black men in police (separation) uniforms jumped out of the door and pointed guns at the people leaving.

“Humph, if you don’t drink a toast, you’ll be punished with a fine drink. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. For newspapers that don’t accept orders from the party headquarters, newsboys are not allowed to go out on the streets, and supplies are tight during wartime. Don’t even think about getting paper anymore.”

Wu Xiaoyi stood up and glared at the attendees with his hands on his hips: “In addition, according to the wartime press (separation) control regulations, the original manuscript of the newspaper must be submitted for review before it can be published. This matter is not negotiable.

 These counter-activists who are unwilling to accept management and are hiding among us will receive the punishment they deserve. Come, bring them all to me for interrogation. "

Following his order, the police officers swarmed up, tied the opponents together with ropes, and prepared to take them away. This scene did not frighten the people present, but instead aroused everyone's anger.

It is true that among the journalists of the Republic of China, there were many young people who were greedy for life and afraid of death, but there was also no shortage of people with character, especially in this era when the country and the nation are in danger.

They inherited the impassioned and fanatic style of the scholars of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, reported news facts truthfully, exposed social realities in depth, fought bravely against evil forces, and took slander as a no-brainer, even at the risk of death.

For example, Huang Yuansheng, Shao Piaoping, Lin Baishui, Shi Liangcai, Zhang Jiluan, and Xu Zhucheng are journalists of this type who actively engage with the world, regard the freedom of news as life, and work for people's livelihood. They have endured hardships without giving in, and have not spoken even though they have been set off. regret.

One, two, three reporters stood up one by one, silently walked in front of the police officers and blocked the way, expressing their attitude of advancing and retreating together.

 “Rebellion! Rebellious! Arrest them.”

Seeing this, Wu Xiaoyi was extremely angry. He jumped on his feet and cursed loudly. His heart was full of fear. If he couldn't complete the task assigned by Shangfeng, he would be in trouble.

After the official release of the underground party's "Xinhua Newspaper", the government has paid much more attention to news and publicity, and these guys must be made to obey.

On the one hand, he was concerned about his wealth and life, and on the other hand, he was concerned about his so-called character. He quickly made a decision and decided to order the police to forcefully disperse the reporters.

 “Beat, beat me to death.”

"Don't move, the Secret Service is on duty, and anyone who moves will be beaten to death!"

Before Wu Xiaoyi could finish his words, the door of the "Sweeping Newspaper" was kicked open, and a group of men in black rushed into the yard, issued warnings, and began to control the scene.

But the police officers moved faster. As soon as they heard the word "Secret Service", they immediately threw the guns aside and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands. Their movements were unusually skillful.

Wu Xiaoyi, who had the gun pressed against his head, was stunned and didn't know what happened. Of course he had heard of the name of the Secret Service, but why did the other party come here.

The next second, he raised his hands and said tremblingly: "Sir, I misunderstood. My brother is the director of the Changcheng branch of the "Sweeping Newspaper". We are all our own people."

“President Wu has such great official power, Gu dare not compare with you.” At this time, Gu Qi Shiran walked in from the door and said lightly with a cold snort. Looking at the ugly Wu Xiaoyi, he wanted to kill this **** with one shot. Even if this person wrote that **** article, he would not be in a dilemma.

Thinking of this, he slowly walked to the other party, remained silent for two seconds and smiled: "Introduction, I am Gu Qi, the head of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service. I am here today to ask President Wu to go back and understand some issues, please."

 “No, no, I’m not leaving.”

Wu Xiaoyi's calf went weak. If the little secret agent hadn't been holding him up, he would have almost collapsed to the ground. As a reporter, he was well-informed and knew that no one could come out of the secret service alive.

When the government retreated from Jinling, hundreds of people were shot to death in this notorious devil's cave at one time. This matter had spread long ago. If he had gone there, there would be no way to survive.

Whether it is the favor fees collected by Pingshi, or privately helping certain officials to build momentum in newspapers, if either of these two things is known by the other party, he will inevitably die.

But Gu Qi did not give him a chance to explain. He waved his hand and ordered the secret agent to drag him to the car outside. Before leaving, he glanced at the police officers and reporters who were watching and said a few words coldly.

“Everyone, I think you should know very well what our secret service does. Originally, you had to follow us today to prevent the news from leaking.

Considering that everyone is very busy, our Deputy Director Zuo once again said that we would only punish the culprits, so forget it this time. You can leave here later.

Remember to keep your mouth shut. As long as word of what happened today is spread, everyone present will go to accompany the person surnamed Wu. Do you understand? "

Then he told his subordinates: "For those who come, register their identities, take photos and file them, and check their details by the way. Don't leave out any family members or relatives. Go ahead."

Hearing that he only punished the first culprit, the reporters swallowed their saliva. They all rely on words to make a living. Everyone knew that the word "Zhu" has two meanings, one is to blame, and the other is to kill.

The secret service mobilized troops and mobilized troops, naturally not to arrest Wu Xiaoyi and scold him, so the answer is obvious. President Wu Da, who was showing off his power just now, may not survive for a few days.

 This is really great!

Wu Xiaoyi relied on his position as the branch director of the "Sweeping Newspaper" to target newspaper staff everywhere. This time, he also used chicken feathers as arrows in an attempt to attack those newspapers that strictly adhere to news neutrality.

Evil people still need to be punished by evil people, so let the Secret Service fight with the dog named Wu. No matter what the final result is, it will be a good thing for them. The reporters looked at each other and smiled.

Let’s talk about Wu Xiaoyi. After being brought into the car, he kept shouting that he was wronged. Gu Qi was upset and asked someone to take off his socks and stuff them into his mouth. Only then did the car become quiet again.

More than ten minutes later, the convoy quickly drove into the Secret Service office on Pingyue Road. After parking the car, the agents drove the target straight to the interrogation room on the basement floor.

 As soon as he entered, he saw the torture instruments all over the wall, and Wu Xiaoyi gave up. He did not dare to hide anything about taking money from people to delete articles, or making up news to attack his opponents.

Zuo Zhong outside the interrogation room was speechless. Good guy, there is something about the man named Wu. He refers to a deer as a horse and confuses right and wrong. He has figured it out.

If this kind of person were placed in future generations, he could be called a famous expert or something like that. Unfortunately, this is a time of war, and the one with the gun is the one who really calls the shots.

 Raising his hand to push open the iron door of the interrogation room, Zuo Zhong walked into the room, nodded to Gu Qi, then sat down and yawned, not preparing to intervene in the interrogation work.

Japanese spies were all honest in the Secret Service. It was not easy to deal with a reporter. Just as he was thinking about it, Gu Qi started questioning him.

“Wu Xiaoyi, I won’t say much else. I only want to ask you one thing. Who asked you to publish the article that sowed discord between the Red Russia and the government.”

Gucci stood next to the brazier, picked up the red tongs and glanced at the other party, then casually put them into a bucket filled with chili pepper water. The tongs made a sizzling sound and white smoke came out.

Wu Xiaoyi trembled when he heard the sound and stammered: "I said, someone gave me two small yellow croakers and asked me to write an article attacking the Red Russians and publish it in the newspaper.

 But I really don’t know him. He suddenly came to my home and said that he was introduced by a friend. I was just checking whether the little yellow croaker was real or not, without asking too much. "

As he spoke, Wu Xiaoyi burst into tears. If he had known about this, he would have summoned the Secret Service. Let alone two, even twenty, two hundred. Well, maybe he would have agreed.

On the other hand, Gu Qi was not too surprised. Since he dared to come forward in person, he must have made complete preparations, and immediately asked Wu Xiaoyi to describe the other party's appearance.

"Tell me what the person who asked you to post the article looks like. I'm warning you, don't talk nonsense. If you can't find someone, you will be responsible for destroying the diplomatic relations between the two countries."

Wu Xiaoyi turned pale with fright and immediately began to recall. A young agent who was good at sketching listened and drew quickly, and the pencil in his hand drew quickly according to his description.

After a long time, Gu Qi came to Zuo Zhong with a piece of white paper. Looking at the featureless face on the paper, Zuo Zhong frowned, touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

 (End of this chapter)

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