Cicada Moving

Chapter 873: The situation has changed

 Late night.

Zhangjiawan Town, Wuchang, where the Zhenchang Oil Mill is located, is peaceful. The moonlight falls on the uneven stone roads, casting a somewhat dark reflection that illuminates the narrow alleys.

Suddenly, there was a faint sound of dog barking in the distance, and then the barking got closer and closer. A few minutes later, a shaking black shadow appeared in the alley, leaning on the wall and stumbling closer to the oil shop.

Through the dim light, you can see that the shadow is holding a glass bottle in his hand, and from time to time he raises his head and puts the mouth of the bottle into his mouth. A strong smell of alcohol slowly spreads in the air.

Evidently he was an alcoholic who drank so much that he lost track of time. When he walked near the oil mill, he shook the empty wine bottle, raised his hand and threw the bottle onto the roof.



Suddenly there was the sound of shattering tiles and a scream, and the lights in the grain store next to the oil mill came on instantly. After a long time, a boy removed the door panel, covered his head and stretched his head to look outside.

Unfortunately, there was nothing in the deserted alley except the lingering smell of alcohol. The young man cursed a few words, retreated into the shop and installed the door panel, looking at the hole above his head and wanting to cry without tears.

The temperature in Jiacheng in April was still very low. A cold wind blew into the room along the entrance of the cave. The boy was soon shivering from the cold, so he had to put the bedding on himself and wait for dawn.

 Early the next morning.

The door of the Zhenchang store opened, and a man in his 30s walked out. It was Guo Jinyao who had been in contact with the Red Russian cook Gennadi.

As soon as he went out, he saw the grain store manager standing under the eaves, holding on to the ladder and looking up to the roof, with a look of anger and helplessness on his face.

"Brother, what's going on? I heard a noise in your store last night. I thought it was a thief. I wanted to come out and have a look, but the noise stopped after a while, so I didn't take it seriously."

Guo Jinyao came to the shopkeeper of the grain store, raised his hands and said hello, then asked with doubts on his face, looking at the craftsman who was busy on the ladder.

The shopkeeper of the grain store quickly returned the salute and replied angrily: "Boss Guo, you don't know. Some idiot smashed a hole in the roof with a wine bottle and almost knocked the clerk unconscious.

Fortunately it didn't rain last night, otherwise the food in my shop would be all gone. Instead, I found a bricklayer back early in the morning and repaired the roof before the customers came. "

As he said that, he shouted to the craftsman: "You have to repair it carefully. There won't be any leaks. If the water leaks and damages the goods in my shop, I will get into trouble with you."

 “Don’t worry, I won’t take any money from the water leakage.”

The young craftsman was not upset at all. He lowered his head and assured the grain store manager below in authentic Qicheng dialect. He seemed very confident in his craftsmanship.

 “Huh, what you say is better than what you sing.”

The shopkeeper of the grain store muttered, turned around and continued to talk to the man: "Shopkeeper Guo, please tell the police station later, we give them so many benefits every month, they must do something serious.

If things are like last night, it will make no difference whether I pay the money or not. I am not one of those rich people from the countryside. I am really desperate. By then, no one will have a good life. "

 “Haha, calm down, calm down.”

 Guo Jinyao smiled and tried to persuade him. He walked to the side and muttered for a long time. Maybe he got some benefits. Finally, the owner of the grain store returned to the ladder with satisfaction.

At this time, the craftsman replaced the tiles and asked the grain store clerk to bring a kettle filled with water and poured the water on the roof. Indeed, not a drop of water flowed in the house.

The grain store owner observed for a long time, and he took out the banknotes and settled the bill with satisfaction. Even though he said something ugly, he deserved a lot of wages.

The craftsman took the money and counted it carefully, making sure that the amount was okay, and put the banknotes into his pocket. He packed up his tools and turned around to leave, not wanting to be stopped.

“Master’s craftsmanship is very good. Can you leave me your address? If my shop needs repairs in the future, I can easily find you. You’re familiar with it, not raw.”

Guo Jinyao said with a smile, his eyes fixed on the expression of the craftsman.

The craftsman was happy after hearing this. It was a good thing to have business come to his door. He gave his address without hesitation. After thanking him again and again, he left the alley and walked into the crowd with his tool bag on his back.

He wandered through the winding streets of Zhangjiawan Town, and finally came to a forest and saluted Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Deputy Director, Section Chief, there is indeed something wrong with the Zhenchang. There are signs of flipping on the roof tiles. It should be caused by the release of the radio antenna. The target asked me for his address before leaving."

After hearing this, Gu Qi sneered: "This is to find out your background. Coupled with the professional anti-tracking operations and the suspected radio station in the store, I don't believe that Guo Jinyao is not a professional intelligence officer.

This guy is either an informant of the Red Russian NK~VD, or a lurker of the underground party. Unexpectedly, Wu Xiaoyi was deceived, and the other party really had no good intentions in assisting the government.

 Deputy Director, what do you think about how to deal with it? Should you arrest him directly? Anyway, the target is not a Red Russian citizen, nor a member of the China Aid Air Force. The Red Russians have no reason to protest to the government. Zuo Zhong signaled the little spy who went to investigate to leave, and then shook his head: "Lao Gu, please be patient. If Guo Jinyao is from NK~VD, if we do this, it will be like breaking our skin."

You don’t understand the thinking of the Red Russians. Even if the target is not an important person, in their eyes, arresting the target is a demonstration to the Red Russians. One move can affect the whole body, and no rash actions can be taken. "

 After experiencing the brutal Patriotic War and the financial (separation) crisis that swept the world, in just a dozen years, Red Russia transformed from the weak "weakest link of imperialism" during the White Russian period to become Europe's first industrial power.

 According to the intelligence and statistics of the Secret Service, the industrial output value of Red Russia accounts for 17.6% of the world's industrial production. Various industrial indicators are among the best in the world, with power generation of more than 40 billion kilowatt-hours, steel production of over 10 million tons, and coal production of 150 million tons.

 The army has nearly 5 million people, 20,000 combat aircraft, tens of thousands of artillery pieces, 24,000 combat vehicles, and 270,000 cars. It also has a large number of reserves and sufficient reserve troops. It is the country with the largest army in the world today.

In terms of navy, although it cannot be compared with traditional naval powers such as the United States, Britain, Japan, and Germany, it still has more than 400 surface ships and submarines, 2,000 aircraft, and as many as one million officers and soldiers. The overall naval strength ranks sixth in the world.

 In official terms, this huge improvement in strength has given the Red Russian government and people a strong sense of national pride and national honor, and has shed the weak image of the past in one fell swoop.

To put it bluntly, it is domineering. Red Russia’s foreign policy has always been very tough, especially when dealing with countries that are weaker than itself. This is an inevitable result of the rapid rise in national power.

In short, it is easy to arrest people, but they are afraid that the Red Russians will suddenly cut off assistance. Polar bears can do this. After all, in the eyes of the other party, the reason why the government still exists depends on their help.

You are a country that relies on the support of others to even provide air defense to its temporary leader (divided). What qualifications do you have to touch the people of Red Russia? Thinking about the temper of the bearded man, Zuo Zhong has a headache.

"Deputy Director."

At the moment when he was in trouble, Gui Youguang sneaked over and reported a new situation: "The person who paid Wu Xiaoyi to publish an article appeared many times at Sanzhen Wharf some time ago.

More than one person saw the other person traveling by boat between Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang. It can now be determined that this person is a male, about 1.65 meters tall, with a local accent and ordinary clothes.

I have invited all the witnesses to the office, and I am ready to trace the target's movement trajectory as quickly as possible and find the starting point. However, the search may require the assistance of the military police. "

 Finding the target so easily?

Zuo Zhong was a little surprised and asked a question: "The other party's appearance is ordinary. How do the witnesses remember it? There is light, and people's memories are biased. The witnesses' confessions cannot be completely trusted."

Ling Sanping, who has not appeared for a long time, once conducted an experiment. He asked two groups of people to watch the same video. The content was a couple's daily communication, and then ordered the test subjects to recall the content in the video.

One group of testers was told that the heroine was a waiter in a restaurant, while the other group was told that she was an official's wife. After a period of time, they were asked to describe the appearance, characteristics, and temperament of the heroine.

As a result, the two groups of testers came to completely different conclusions. The group who was told that she was a restaurant waiter recalled that the heroine had an ordinary appearance and simple clothes, while the other group said that the heroine was elegant and elegant.

 The same segment of images yielded two completely different descriptions, which proves that people will unconsciously "brain supplement" according to their own judgment in order to make things more reasonable.

This strange phenomenon was summarized by Ling Sanping as the memory bias effect, which specifically means that certain things in the memory are induced by thinking, thereby transmitting wrong information to the brain.

Similar situations are nothing in daily life, but in intelligence activities, they are a bit fatal. Wrong clues will greatly waste precious detection time and even cause casualties.

Of course, Gui Youguang knew this. When he heard Zuo Zhong’s question, he immediately explained: “Deputy Director, don’t worry, these witnesses are all dock workers and their backgrounds are very clean.

At the same time, I identified the sketches and portraits. I did this secretly in the name of cooperating with the police station to solve the case. Outsiders did not know about it at all. As of now, the information is still top secret.

As for the memory bias, the target had a conflict with someone at the Wuchang Pier. At that time, the two of them beat each other to a **** head. Several witnesses had a deep impression and could not be wrong. "

 “What? Fight?”

Hearing what the bald man said, Gu Qi asked in disbelief. He had never heard of any intelligence personnel having conflicts with ordinary people during their missions. Was he afraid that others would not find him?

 No matter which force the person who asked Wu Xiaoyi destroyed the relationship between the government and Red Russia belonged to, the personnel responsible for the operation should not have made such unprofessional, even ridiculous, low-level mistakes.

 Zuo Zhong, who was also surprised, stood there and thought for a moment, then looked at Gu Qi and Gui Youguang: "The retracement of the action trajectory cannot stop, Lao Gu, I will go and report to Virgo, and then go see a friend.

Guo Jinyao and sketching portraits, you keep staring at it, and there is news that you will notify the office immediately. Let me say it again. Do n’t move Guo Jinyao for the time being. If you have any actions, I will talk about it. "

After assigning the task, he quickly walked out of the woods, leaving Gu Qi and Gui Youguang looking at each other. They were confused and secretly guessed who the deputy director was going to see.

Time passed in the blink of an eye and it was night again. Zuo Zhong, who had been missing for several hours, appeared around the Zhenchang Oil Shop. After seeing Gu Qi, he gave an order with a serious expression.

 “Lao Gu, the situation has changed, arrest him!”

  (I got infected again on the plane. I had nothing but chills. I feel like Duzhu in China is fine_`, don’t worry I won’t stop updating)

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