Cicada Moving

Chapter 876: freed

 Chapter 876 Release

Guo Jinyao looked at Zuo Zhong and others who came in with a wry smile, and begged in a very humble tone: "Sir, please let Guo go. I really don't know who the superiors are. This must be a misunderstanding."

Coupled with the scars all over his body, this scene is really sad for those who hear it and sheds tears for those who see it. People can't help but feel pity.

But Zuo Zhong and the others are used to seeing this. To describe it in a cold-blooded way, if they see it too much, their hearts will naturally become hardened.

"Really? Then the new Russian-made radio stations, military intelligence and weapons we found in your store are also misunderstandings. Don't treat us as fools."

After hearing this, Gui Youguang was so angry that he raised his hand and slapped him hard. What does it mean to tell lies with open eyes? This is called lying with open eyes.

If it is possible to hide weapons privately for self-defense, then as for strictly controlled radio stations and intelligence, there is no other possibility except that the other party is a spy.

"What, this has nothing to do with me. I don't understand why they are in my store. Maybe someone wants to frame me. Please investigate, sir."

The shocked Guo Jinyao gave an explanation that even an idiot would not believe. Leaving aside the intelligence, a radio station on the market in Jiacheng now costs at least a thousand dollars.

Who would spend such a high price to frame a small boss who runs an oil mill? With this kind of money, just a few Pao Ge① can kill (separate) his whole family several times.

The bald man almost laughed out loud. He had seen someone with a tough mouth, but never one with such a tough mouth. He picked up a bottle of epinephrine while grinning, preparing to let the other party know how powerful he was.

"There is light, please be patient and don't be impatient. Haha, Mr. Guo, don't talk nonsense. I will give you another chance. If you still don't cherish it, then don't blame us for not following the rules of Zihu."

Zuo Zhong interrupted Gui Youguang's movements and said with a smile: "You are from Gan Province, right? The police station file says that your parents, wife, and children all make a living working as farmers in the countryside.

This is not good. My people have invited my uncle, aunt, sister-in-law, and eldest nephew to come to Changcheng. Wouldn’t it be nice for you and your family to be reunited? Don’t you think so? "

When Guo Jinyao heard this, his expression suddenly became tense, his body twisted a few times unconsciously, and he looked at Zuo Zhong pitifully.

“Sir, Mr. Guo always makes money in a friendly manner, both in life and in business. He has never offended anyone. Please give me some guidance and let me know where I went wrong. I will definitely change it.”

 Gu Qi shook his head at the side. Some people just couldn't give up until they reached the Yellow River. They were not sure how they could arrest people. The other party was questioning the professionalism of the Secret Service.

Wu Chunyang picked up some clues from it. He found that the target did not seem to care about the safety of his family, because the other party always emphasized that he had not made any mistakes.

 What should a person do when a family member is threatened? It can be anger, threats, or begging for mercy, but it should not be a shirk of responsibility.

With such a reaction, Guo Jinyao is either a beast who does not recognize his relatives, or he is so confident that he has no fear of his family being settled by the government.

“Guo, you’re still pretending to be stupid, right?”

Being provoked again and again, Gui Youguang grabbed the opponent's collar with his left hand and raised his right hand high to give the guy a heavy punch to show off the power of the great memory recovery technique.

In his mind, murder and heart-wrenching are all pointless. Interrogation is to use the most brutal means to completely break down the suspect's psychological defenses, and to talk less nonsense and beat people more.

 “Wait a minute.”

However, before his fist could land, he was stopped again by Zuo Zhong. Then Zuo Zhong came to Guo Jinyao, remained silent for a moment and bent down, his eyes fixed on the target.

At this time, the distance between them was only a dozen centimeters, and they could clearly hear each other's breathing, and their breathing rhythms were surprisingly in sync.

 “You are controlling the pain.”

 In the quiet interrogation room, Zuo Zhong suddenly spoke and looked into Guo Jinyao's eyes quietly.

 “Sir, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Guo Jinyao denied without changing his expression, his posture still very low, for fear of angering Zuo Zhong.

“Well, okay, let’s take it as what you said. You should know about NK~VD, right? Let me remind you of two more keywords, Wangjiadun Airport, Red Russian Chef, have you thought of anything now?”

Hearing the other party's quibbles, Zuo Zhong smiled lightly and showed his trump card straight to the point, wanting to hear how the other party would explain.

Guo Jinyao did not panic when he heard this, but asked in surprise: "How did the commander know that Guo had been to Wangjiadun Airport? I have not told anyone about this."

Then he explained in a seemingly honest manner: "I am an oil shop owner. Of course, the meeting with the Hong Russian chef was for business. To be honest, I gave him a lot of benefits for this matter.

As for N...KV, this is the first time I have heard of it. What is it? Is it a foreign thing? I'm really sorry. I have never been interested in those foreign things. "

 Doing business? That’s a good reason. The response to NKVD is also very clever. Firstly, it shows that his memory is not good, and secondly, an ordinary person really shouldn’t know the English abbreviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of the Russian Federation.

Zuo Zhong’s smile did not diminish, he straightened up, clapped his hands toward the door, and turned to look at the target: “Mr. Guo, it’s not that I don’t believe you, as the saying goes, there is no basis for it.

What is the truth? Let us listen to what your business partner has to say. Come on, please invite our second guest in quickly. "

Following his order, a man wearing a Red Russian military uniform was pushed into the interrogation room. He stumbled and fell to the ground. The rough cement floor immediately scratched the other person's palm.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Zhong shook his head, came to the man's side and helped him up, saying angrily: "Oh, Mr. Gennadi, how could you be so careless? Come on, get up."

 “Suga Bulie!”

Faced with his kindness, Gennady, the chef at Wangjiadun Airport, said "Red Russian ~ the essence of the country". If he didn't have weapons on his hands and feet, Zuo Zhong would have to do anything.

"Who are you? I am a Red Russian soldier. I came to the Republic of China to help you resist the Japanese invasion. You should not be treated like this! I want to accuse you of your atrocities to Mr. Wei, Commander-in-Chief!"

I saw Gennadi raising his shackled hands and shouting loudly amidst the clattering sound, just like a revolutionary martyr who was persecuted by the counter-partitioners.

It is understandable that he reacted so violently. Anyone who went out to buy food and was knocked unconscious by a group of men in black and taken to the interrogation room would be angry, let alone a member of the Red Russian military.

 “Haha, Mr. Gennadi, don’t be angry.”

The smiling Zuo Zhong seemed to be a bit self-indulgent. He raised his hand to let the little agent who was about to teach him a lesson leave first. Then he told the reason for inviting him here in not fluent Russian.

“Let me introduce, this is the Secret Service of the Military Council of the Nationalist Government. To put it in a more understandable way, it is equivalent to the NK~VD of your country. I think you are familiar with the name, right?

 The reason why I invited you here today is to verify something. According to the investigation, you had private contact with Mr. Guo. At the same time, we found radio stations, intelligence and weapons in his residence.

The Chinese believe that a drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring. Your country helps us, and the government will remember it in their hearts and dare not forget it. However, this does not mean that we can accept illegal intelligence activities from our allies.

I don’t know what Mr. Gennady’s explanation for this is, and I have to remind you that according to current international practice, spies cannot enjoy prisoner-of-war treatment, even if you are an active-duty Red Russian soldier. "

The interrogation room became extremely quiet. Gennady, who had been shouting about accusations just now, closed his mouth, and his tall body began to tremble slightly.

Anyone with a little common sense will understand how serious the crime of engaging in illegal intelligence activities is. He was not shot dead on the spot because the government was giving Red Russia face.

Thinking of this, Gnady trembled and shouted: "No, I am not a spy, I just asked Guo to purchase some cooking oil, yes, this is what you allowed, it is not an intelligence activity.

I have no idea who Guo is, and I promise not to disclose any of your secrets to him except for a piece of paper containing the daily amount of cooking oil required for the airport kitchen. "

His reaction confused Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang. They couldn't help but wonder if they had found the wrong person. How could the members of the most elite intelligence agency in Red Russia be so miserable.

But then I thought about it, could this unbearable performance be a disguise? In that case, it would be understandable. After all, the other party is also a well-known NK~VD in the international intelligence community.

Those who dared to look down on each other went to dig potatoes in the Gula~Gershu~ crime camp. The three of them immediately heightened their vigilance and decided to treat the following interrogation work with the most rigorous attitude.

Zuo Zhong glanced at his subordinates, with a smile on his face. He turned around and walked to the chief judge's seat to sit down. He took a cigarette and lit it. He took a deep breath and exhaled the smoke to look at the calm Guo Jinyao.

“Mr. Guo, okay, it’s okay. You can leave after you finish your subsequent confession. I’m very sorry to have delayed you for so long because of our work errors. Please understand.

 In addition, please do not leave Changcheng in the near future. The matter of the radio station and weapons still needs to be investigated. If necessary, we may ask you to cooperate with us. Do you understand?

The same goes for Mr. Gennady. Our Secret Service is not interested in the financial transactions between you and Mr. Guo. For diplomatic reasons, we will not notify the China Aid Air Force. "

 After saying these words, he closed the inquiry transcript, tightened the pen cap, put the pen in his outer pocket, stood up and prepared to leave.

Gu Qi and the other three were stunned on the spot. Are they going to be released now? Is it really okay to end the case so hastily? You must know that both the committee and the director are paying attention to this case.

Leave them alone, even Gennadi and Guo Jinyao looked in disbelief. The spy case should have been fought to death without even opening a word. Why did it end so hastily?

But Genadi, who had narrowly escaped death, quickly reacted and expressed his gratitude to Zuo Zhong with tears in his eyes, and patted his chest and promised that he would never cooperate with people of unknown origin in the future.

The strangest thing is Guo Jinyao. As the first suspect in the espionage case, he was not happy after being released. Instead, he had a solemn expression and held back his last sentence for a long time.

 “Actually, I have some things to explain...”

①Brother Pao is passed down from Ge Laohui and is an active group. It originated in Hubei and Hunan provinces and is not only found in mountain cities.



 (End of this chapter)

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