Cicada Moving

Chapter 877: new guests

 Chapter 877 New Guests

Zuo Zhong, who had already walked to the door of the interrogation room, heard Guo Jinyao say that he still had something to explain, and immediately stopped and turned to look at him.

The scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone was stunned. What was going on? Why did the target who had previously refused to let go confess when he knew he was released?

Is it true that there are people in this world who actively seek death? Thinking of this, Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang suddenly had an idea flash in their minds, and they all turned around and stared at Guo Jinyao.

 Death time!

 There is only one possibility, this **** is destined to die!

Sun Tzu's Art of War says: Those who die are deceiving others, so that we can know about it, and then spread it to the enemy.

Probably it means that death time is a kind of spies who deliberately spread false news and pass false information to the enemy. When the truth is exposed, they will be killed by the enemy, so it is called death time.

From the perspective of information control, death can be divided into two types, one is uninformed and the other is informed.

The most famous death in history is that of Li Shiqi. Liu Bang sent him to persuade the Qi State to surrender. With his sharp tongue, he really persuaded the King of Qi.

He also patted his chest to the King of Qi and said that if I lie to you, you will cook me. As a result, when he and the King of Qi were drinking happily, Han Xin directly sent troops to attack the undefended Qi State.

Li Shiqi died in a daze, and was boiled in a pot by the king of Qi. The state of Qi was also destroyed by Han Xin. This was the first situation.

 The second situation is relatively rare. It is not an easy task for a person to die willingly. Ants are greedy for life, let alone humans.

This reason leads to the fact that people in death must have great hatred towards the enemy, or have extremely firm beliefs, because they often have to accept severe torture to win the enemy's trust.

In case Shi Jian failed to withstand the torture and revealed the truth, it would be like wasting all his previous efforts. Wu Chunyang thought of the eldest sister from the Beiping mission, who was an informed Shi Jian.

So what kind of hatred does Guo Jinyao have against the government? He insists on sacrificing his own life to destroy the relationship between the two countries, but his whole family is alive and well, even if it is temporary.

 More importantly, who sent him to death, the Japanese? Domestic warlords? Or some other country, this must be clarified.

Judging from the results, it is speculated that the National Government and the Red Russians fell out, and the Japanese benefited the most from it, and were naturally the most suspicious, but this needs evidence to support.

Everyone present understood that given the style of the senior officials, especially Chairman Wei, they would rather believe that the underground party and the Red Russians were working together to target the government than believe that this was a trick by the Japanese.

If you want to handle a case smoothly, evidence is an indispensable part, not to mention that the government is full of pro-Japanese factions, so these idiots must be left speechless.

 “Mr. Guo, why don’t you pretend?”

On the other side, Zuo Zhong put down his notes, leaned on the table and looked at Guo Jinyao with interest, his tone full of sarcasm.

Hearing this, Guo Jinyao said with a sad expression: "Sir, please stop joking. I really can't stand the torture and am willing to cooperate with the government."

After a slight pause, he glanced at Gennady who was incomprehensible and gritted his teeth and said: "I am an intelligence officer of the underground party, and I was ordered to contact the Red Russia.

My first line is Gennady. He gave me the radio, weapons and pistols. My mission is to find out the government’s military, political and someone’s intelligence. "

 “Suga!! Maggots! Scum!”

Before he finished speaking, Gennady jumped up. Being sent to the Republic of China to perform tasks, this guy naturally knew a little Chinese, and could at least understand simple conversations.

 Realizing that he was about to be pulled into the water, Gennadi couldn't bear it. He jumped up and yelled at Guo Jinyao. If the little spy hadn't stopped him, he would have rushed over and bit him to death.

"I just took your money, why did you frame me, **** bastard, do you know that my family will be sent to Gu~rag because of your words."

 Gnady is going crazy. In Red Russia, the families of criminals are also "unstable" factors in society and need "correction" and "education" to ensure the safety and stability of the entire society.

Especially this matter involves the relationship between the Red Russia and the government. Once the incident occurs, the labor reform (separation) camps in the Siberian region and the Arctic Circle are the only places for Gennady's family to go.

Faced with the curse, Guo Jinyao spread his hands and replied helplessly: "Comrade Gennady, there is no need to pretend anymore. Believe me, you won't be able to survive the punishment, so you might as well take it easy.

You are an active soldier of the Red Russia, and the government will not do anything to you. You still have a chance to come out of Gu~rag alive, but if you don't confess, you may die in the interrogation room. "

"you you"

Gnady, who was about to cry without tears, pointed at Guo Jinyao and couldn't even speak properly. His trembling fingers showed how sad and angry he was at this time.


Watching the farce silently for a while, Zuo Zhong clapped his hands three times. When he saw everyone looking at him, he pointed to the roof and said lightly: "You two, have you forgotten where this place is.

It's not up to you to decide who is guilty or not. And Mr. Guo, I have always respected you, but why do you treat me as a fool? This is very bad. "

He had a smile on his face when he said these words. When Gu Qi and others saw this, they immediately took a breath and silently mourned for Guo Jinyao. With the deputy director's smile, he was afraid that he would not survive. Ignoring his subordinates, Zuo Zhong crossed his arms and stood in front of Guo Jinyao, his expression getting colder: "New radio stations, intelligence, weapons, you are really willing to destroy the relationship between Red Russia and the government.

  Tell me, are you Japanese behind the scenes, or some other shameful thing? I know you don't care about the life and death of your family, but you have to think about yourself. If you die, everything will end. There is no need to seek your own death. "

Guo Jinyao slowly raised his head and grinned: "Sir, I really don't understand what you said. I am really an intelligence officer of the underground party, and I have been ordered to cooperate with the Red Russia..."


Before he could finish his sentence, Zuo Zhong immediately kicked the opponent in the chest. Ever since he joined the Secret Service, Zuo Zhong had not stopped physical training. The force of this kick was so strong that the interrogation chair fixed to the ground was almost overturned.

“Humph, Goudong, we have found out your details very clearly, including your life trajectory from childhood to adulthood, what you have done, what you have said, and who you have made friends with, I know them all.”

Took back his kicked right foot, Zuo Zhong looked at Guo Jinyao, who looked in pain, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and smiled coldly.

“Yes, you have made anti-separation remarks, but after so many years of dealing with the underground party, I have never seen a dissident as bold as you.

 You seem to be afraid that others will not know your true identity, and you want to use such clumsy and low-level means to deceive the Secret Service. Do you think too highly of yourself?

Honestly, why do you want to destroy the relationship between the government and Red Russia? What good will it do to you? My patience is limited and I don’t want to ask you a second time.

To tell you the truth, those previous punishments were just an appetizer. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will let you taste the feeling of not being able to live or die today. "

Faced with Zuo Zhong’s threat, Guo Jinyao chose to close his eyes and say nothing. He seemed to be determined to carry it to the end, and dropped the **** basin to the ground on the heads of Xia Dang and Hong Er.

Everyone in the Secret Service was furious at his appearance. What kind of spy was he? He was simply a scoundrel. His conspiracy had been exposed, so what was the point of continuing to remain silent?

 We are all colleagues, and the other party should understand that even if there is no evidence in the end, the other party, Gennadi, has some things in their hands, and some things are easy to handle.

To put it simply, if you really can’t find evidence, why can’t you “create” evidence? Don’t forget that when it comes to national (separation) security, the trial of spies does not need to go through a court.

 Whoever the Secret Service says is a spy is a spy. After the case is concluded, he will be beaten to death and buried in a random grave. No one will come out to cry out for Guo Jinyao.

 “Deputy Director, give this guy to me!”

Gui Youguang geared up and looked at Guo Jinyao with extremely sharp eyes. The other person not only insulted his IQ, but also despised his torture skills. He couldn't stand it.

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly and ignored him. He turned around and found Gennady who was in a daze. He pulled him to a chair and sat down, and started chatting in a friendly manner.

“Mr. Gennady, I didn’t scare you just now. Haha, don’t worry, we won’t believe Guo Jinyao’s frame-up of you. Our two countries are allies. Come on, please have tea.”

As he spoke, he handed over the tea cup. His tone was gentle and refreshing, but he did not ask anyone to take off the opponent's weapons. After all, this was an interrogation room.

Genadi, who was feeling dizzy, took the tea cup and held it in his hand. He gradually regained his composure, and with a smile that was uglier than crying, he thanked her repeatedly.

“Thank you, thank you. The Republic of China and Red Russia have an unbreakable friendship. Guo Jinyao will never succeed. The conspiracy of the imperialist dog-legger will eventually go bankrupt..."

Mr. Chef, who is well versed in political and ideological work, opened his mouth, but at the end of the sentence, he realized that the government seemed to be one of the losers, which was a bit embarrassing.

Zuo Zhong pretended not to hear what he said, and then changed the topic and asked about the other person's basic information, such as where his hometown is and who else is at home, and he helped him light a cigarette.

“Thank you very much. I am from Ukraine, which is a beautiful place. My parents were killed by the evil White bandits during the fall of Belarus. Now I only have my wife and three children at home.”

 Gennady took a cigarette and took a sip, and told the whole story of his situation happily. He didn't dare to hide it at all. After all, Guo Jinyao next to him was being hoisted into the air and being beaten in the spiral.

"This is really a tragedy." Zuo Zhong sighed sympathetically, patted the other party's shoulder and comforted him: "But don't feel bad, you will be reunited with your wife and children soon."


Gennady, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth, was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why the Chinese intelligence officer said that. According to the rotation order of the China Aid Air Force, he still had one year to return to China.

 Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang, who were listening quietly, were also confused. Why did they keep talking about the Red Russian Army? Even though the Secret Service has overwhelming power now, it can't control others.

At this time, Zuo Zhong stood up and said in a deep voice towards the door: "My friend, after watching the show for so long, why don't you come in? It's up to you to preside over the next interrogation."

Before he finished speaking, a stranger stepped into the interrogation room and took off his hat in the dim light, revealing a cold face.

Seeing each other, Gu Qi and others frowned, but Gennadi fell directly to the ground, his face pale, his lips moved slightly, and he kept swallowing saliva.

 (Spoilers, the case is not that simple, to be continued)

 (End of this chapter)

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