Cicada Moving

Chapter 878: background

Chapter 878 Background

 The time goes back to two days ago.

There was a busy scene inside Wangjiadun Airport. Ground crews pushed trolleys filled with cannon ammunition and aviation bombs and ran as hard as they could to the fighter planes to start loading.

The pilots also got into the cabin early and were making pre-war preparations seriously, ready to fly the Steel Eagle into the blue sky and engage in a life-and-death struggle with the Japanese aviation forces.

 Blagoveshchensky, the commander of the fighter group of the Red Russian Air Force supporting China, looked at his watch with a smile on his face. He was obviously very satisfied with the speed of his men.

“Comrade Polenin, have you seen how enthusiastic everyone is to save lives? The ground preparations were completed in just five minutes, which is half the time required by the regulations.”

He turned his head and said to the commander of the bomber group, as happy as a child weighing more than 100 pounds. The staff in the tower also made happy expressions in agreement.

Polainin smiled and nodded, but his eyes were focused on the figures beside the runway. The dark blue hats and dark brown cowhide holsters were particularly dazzling in the sun.

“Report, there is a National Government major general outside the airport. The other party said that he wants to see the commander and has something important to report.”

At this time, the airport guard with PPD34 on his chest trotted into the control tower, saluted and reported to the two commanders.

 The excited Blagoveshchensky's smile slowly faded, and he looked at each other with Polainin, feeling a little suspicious. Why did the major general come to see them directly? This was against the rules.

According to the agreement between the government and Red Russia, communication between the two militaries needs to be conveyed through the National Military Council to avoid "unnecessary misunderstandings". After all, the two have different beliefs.

After thinking about it, Blagoveshchensky, who had a lower military rank but a higher political status, asked the guards to invite the guests to the conference room, and sent someone to invite the first political commissar of the aviation team.

He has been in China for a few months, and the most philosophical saying he has heard is that if you drive a ship carefully, you can live safely for tens of thousands of years or more.

With the political commissar "accompanying" him, if anyone has objections to this matter in the future, someone will be able to testify for him. The cautious Blagoveshchensky even roped in a partner.

“Comrade Polenin, as the only colonel in the aviation force, I think you should meet the Chinese major general. This is in line with the rules of military diplomacy.”


 In fact, Polainin did not want to get involved in this kind of thing at all, but what could be done? Before the aviation team left the country, the relevant departments made it clear that the other party was the real person in charge.

In the Red Russian army, you may or may not be capable, but you must never disobey orders. Anyone who dares to disobey will be hit with the iron fist of the organization mercilessly.

Immediately, Blagoveshchensky and Polainin, who had different thoughts, came to the conference room and walked in together with the political commissar waiting at the door. They immediately saw a soldier in his twenties looking at the briefing column in the corner with his hands behind his back. .

So young?

Had they not known that the guards must have checked the ID of the person coming and verified it with the national government, the three of them would not have believed that the other person was a major general. This is incredible.

Even though due to the Qing Dynasty (separation), the Red Russian army was filled with many newly graduated officers, there were no such young generals.

It seems that the other party must be a confidant or relative of the leader. It is really not a pleasant thing to communicate with such a person.

As if he heard the footsteps, the young man slowly turned his head and showed a bright smile. He raised his right hand and walked while greeting the three of them in less fluent Russian.

“Major Blagoveshchensky, Colonel Polainin, Comrade Political Commissar, hello, Major General Zuo Chong of the National Liberation Army, I am very happy to see you.”

It turned out that the person who came here had just investigated the Zhenchang oil mill and determined that Zuo Zhong of the radio station might be hidden in the oil mill. He told Gu Qi that he was meeting a friend, but he actually came to meet the Red Russians.

There is a certain political risk for him to come to the airport now. No one in the current national government wants to deal with this group of "saviors" who are in an awkward position, because if one of them is not good, he will easily be classified as a dissident.

 So before coming to the airport, he made a special trip to see Dai Chunfeng and got his permission before appearing here. There was no other way. The official career was dangerous and he had to walk on thin ice with caution.

 Listening to Zuo Zhong's self-introduction, Blagoveshchensky and the other three immediately became alert. It was not surprising that the other party knew their names. The government had relevant information.

What is really strange is the ranking of them by this too young Major General Guo Jun. According to international military practice, the other side should rank Polainin at the top.

As for the reality, he ranked Blagoveshchensky at the front and Polainin at the back. This ranking is precisely the real order of command within the China Aid Air Force.

As for putting the political commissar at the end, I am afraid it is not contempt, but knowing that in the Red Russian army, the political commissar is the "last line of defense", and this is done to show importance.

This guy named Zuo Zhong is so familiar with their situation. He must not be from an ordinary department. He is probably an intelligence officer, or at least has contact with the intelligence department.

So what does the other party mean when they come to see them? Is it because they want to instigate rebellion? This is simply ridiculous. The brave and fearless Red Russian soldiers will never betray their motherland. In the blink of an eye, the three Blagoveshchenskys, representing the China Aid Air Force, had countless speculations in their minds, and their expressions became grim. They made up their minds that as long as the other party started to instigate rebellion, they would lodge a protest with the government.

However, on the surface, Blagoveshchensky, as the representative, still stretched out his hand to shake Zuo Zhong's hand, said hello lukewarmly and asked about his intention.

“Hello, Comrade Major General, I’m glad to see you here. Does your country have any combat missions that need to be deployed? Please rest assured that the China Assistance Air Force will definitely carry out the mission immediately.”

This is a bit interesting. After asking, directly ask if there are any tasks. This is to limit the conversation between the two parties to business matters, implying that it is okay to talk about business matters, but not about other things!

Old Riddler Zuo Zhong knew the meaning very clearly. He also shook Blagoveshchensky's hand and said straight to the point.

“Comrade Major, to be frank, I am the deputy director of the Secret Service under the Military Council. My work content is similar to that of your country’s NKVD, and I am responsible for the important task of counterintelligence.

 I am here today to inform you of something. Someone reported to us that the China Aid Air Force and certain forces in the northwest of our country are conducting illegal intelligence activities against the national government. "

 “What? This is a shameful slur!”

 Blagoveshchensky instantly threw away Zuo Zhong's hand, his tone was very angry. This was a matter of principle, related to the national credibility of Red Russia, and there was no room for ambiguity.

Polainin and the political commissar also looked at Zuo Chong seriously, hoping that he would give a reasonable explanation, otherwise they would not mind suspending the flight, and no one could frame the great Red Russian.

Faced with such a situation, Zuo Zhong shook his head calmly: "You three, please don't be anxious. Since I can come here, it means that the whole government believes in you.

Furthermore, collecting open intelligence on allies is an unspoken (divided) rule in the international intelligence community. This is true for all countries. The Secret Service has no intention to investigate this normal intelligence activity.

What I want to say is that this matter is not as simple as it seems. There may be a bigger conspiracy hidden behind it. Now we need the help of your country, NKVD to be precise. "

The meaning of his words is very simple. I know that there are intelligence officers among you. Now someone is trying to sow discord between the two countries. If Red Russia does not want to be framed, it must stand up.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and Blagoveshchensky and the other three frowned. The difference was that some people didn’t know how to answer at all, while others were hesitant to answer.

This is not a trivial matter. At a small level, it is a diplomatic issue, and at a large level, it is a political issue. Originally, the top leaders of the Red Russia had different opinions on aiding the Republic of China.

 An imperialist dog-legger who has killed so many local party members, what qualifications does such a reactionary (separation) regime have to receive help from Red Russia?

Had it not been for the push of the "loving father", the air force to aid China would not have appeared at all, and the military aid loan would not have been approved at all. Red Russia would just sit back and watch China and Japan fight to the death.

Of course, helping the Republic of China will indeed help improve the defense situation in the Xibo area, but there are millions of Red (Separation) Army soldiers guarding there, and the Kwantung Army has nothing to fear.

Anyway, the big shots in Moscow, whose shoulders and chests are covered with stars and medals, think so. The mere Japanese will surely surrender to the great Red Russia.

Now that this matter comes out, if it is not handled well, it will give some wild (separation) people hidden within Red Russia an excuse to cause trouble. This is a fatal thing.

  Although they have never heard the famous saying of the former Queen Mother, whoever makes me unhappy will be unhappy for the rest of his life, but according to the temper of a "loving father", the ending will be the same.

Aware of the seriousness of the problem, Blagoveshchensky looked at his two companions, took a small step forward and said something to Zuo Zhong.

"Sorry, we need to report this matter to our superiors. Comrade Major General, please take a break in the conference room. If necessary, please ask the guards directly."

 After saying that, he quickly left with the other two people, leaving behind the guard with a submachine gun, staring at a certain spy.

Zuo Zhong didn't pay attention. He found a chair and sat down and waited quietly for more than an hour. Finally, he saw Blagoveshchensky again, but this time he was alone.

 “You go out first.”

 Blagoveshchensky waved to the guard, waited for the other person to go out, sat down opposite Zuo Zhong, and began formal negotiations in a serious manner.

“Our government is willing to cooperate with the national government in various forms, but the final decision on whether to cooperate or not rests with Moscow. Please understand this.

In addition, where can we help you? For the sake of bilateral relations, NK~VD has not deployed intelligence forces in the Republic of China. "

Regarding his statement, Zuo Zhong smiled noncommittally: "First of all, please ask Mr. Blagoveshchensky to help me check a person's background..."

 (5 people, 3 pounds of liquor and countless beers, okay, that’s too much)

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