Cicada Moving

Chapter 879: Is it a loophole?

  Is Chapter 879 a loophole?

Looking back to the interrogation room of the Secret Service office in Changcheng.

 Blagoveshchensky took off the hat on his head, glanced at the frightened Gennadi with his emotionless blue eyes, turned around and handed a document bag to Zuo Zhong.

“Comrade Major General, due to the confidentiality involved, the conversation between you and me today is limited to this room. Gennadi is indeed responsible for part of the collection of public intelligence.

Here is his file. As you may have guessed, this shameful traitor had sent all his family members away a few months ago, and his final destination was probably Western Europe.

The head of internal screening and censorship in Ukraine was shot three hours ago, and Moscow's commissioners will launch an in-depth investigation into all of Gnady's relatives.

Comrades in NK~VD Europe will also find each other’s wives and children as quickly as possible. As for him, we will leave it to you, but please keep it confidential. "

 Speaking of this, he looked solemn. The honor of Red Russia cannot be tarnished. There are traitors within the China Aid Air Force, and this matter must not be known to the outside world.

“Major, I am not a traitor, and my family has not defected. Please believe me. This is a Chinese trick. They want to frame the great Soviet Union.”

 Hearing that his relatives and family members were being investigated by NK~VD, Gennady, who was being held down by several spies, yelled desperately and loudly denied that he was a traitor.

“Thank you, don’t worry, we will fully cooperate with you.”

Zuo Zhong didn’t even look at Gennady. He took the document bag with both hands and replied seriously. Then he took out the information inside and read it ten lines at a time.

Their conversation made Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang's expressions change again and again. Before they could recover from the news that Guo Jinyao was dead, they were shocked by the information that Gennadi was a traitor.

What is going on? After the arrest, the other party cooperated with the interrogation of the Secret Service. He firmly denied that the Red Russians were stealing intelligence from the government and called him a traitor. What was his purpose?

If Genadi has a problem, what he should do is admit that he colluded with Guo Jinyao to conduct illegal intelligence activities against the government. Only in this way can the relationship between the government and Red Russia be destroyed.

 Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang, who were thinking a little confused, looked at each other, then looked at Zuo Zhong who was looking down at the information, and patiently prepared to wait for the deputy director to explain to everyone.

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On the other side, Zuo Zhong quickly flipped through the file and quickly read the contents. He slowly closed the file and looked at Gennadi, who kept shouting injustice, and shook his head helplessly.

“Mr. Chef, there is no need to hide it at this time. You should know very well how powerful NK~VD is. The little secrets you hide cannot be hidden from them at all.

According to this newly verified file, your parents were not killed by the White (Separation) bandits at all, but were shot by Red Russian officials for sabotaging their lives.

Your family is a famous serf owner with cruel methods. Countless farmers and herdsmen were buried in that vast wheat field. In order to prevent retaliation, you were sent to other places at a young age.

 After the establishment of Red Russia, for unknown purposes, you forged a file to join the army. Even NK~VD did not see the problem and absorbed you as an outstanding performer.

The production of fake dossier that can deceive intelligence agencies requires professional skills. It is definitely not something you can do as a teenager at the time. There must be someone secretly helping you behind the scenes.

 Confess quickly, and I can plead for your quick death. Otherwise, we don’t mind handing you over to your government. I’ll give you 5 minutes to think about it. This is your last chance. "

Red Russia has four main methods for dealing with traitors. One is shooting, which is the lightest. One shot can save life. It is not painful for the prisoner and the treatment is relatively quick.

  The second is to bury alive. The executioner will dig a big pit, push the victim into it, and bury the victim in the soil. The person will continue to struggle in the soil until he suffocates to death.

If the above two ways of death are considered normal and pleasant, then the remaining two ways are not so simple. They not only kill people, but also cause heartache.

  Most of the land in the north and west of Red Russia is an extremely cold place with very low temperatures. Rebels will be escorted to the coldest places, such as the Arctic Circle.

They then took off their clothes and were frozen to death under the surveillance of guards. People struggled in the extremely cold environment and suffered unparalleled physical (separation) and psychological pain.

 Finally, those members of the military or party who have made serious mistakes are regarded as national scum and should be nailed to the cross of shame forever.

The Red Russian Society will hang these people and record the entire execution process in newspapers to let everyone know the fate of being a traitor.

As for how many interrogation methods the victim will undergo before death, it depends on whether the victim is honest when confessing and the mood of the interrogator.

As a member of the Red Russian army, Gnadi should be very aware of these things, but in the face of persuasion, he insisted that he was wronged and avoided talking about his own problems.

“I did receive benefits from Guo Jinyao, but I did not betray the great motherland. My parents were not evil serf owners, they were just ordinary people.

This file was forged by the national government. They killed so many Chinese comrades a few years ago. They are standard imperialist scoundrels. "

Gennady, whose head was pressed to the ground, cried bitterly and tried to convince Blagoveshchensky of his loyalty. Unfortunately, the other party just glanced at him indifferently and turned away.

Zuo Zhong was not angry either. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip. He did not immediately order the torture. After all, he was a member of the China Air Force, and he had to give Red Russia some face no matter what.

 Speaking of it, the Secret Service has not tortured the Red Russians yet, so it is considered open this time. The relevant data can be handed over to Ling Sanping for research. He lowered his head thoughtfully and took another sip of water.

Seeing this scene, Blagoveshchensky seemed a little impatient and didn't understand why the Chinese didn't take action. He raised his hand several times to look at his watch, as if waiting for something. “Report, there is a call from Wangjiadun Airport.”

 At this moment, a small spy came in to report.

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong raised his hand to signal Blagoveshchensky to help himself. This should be a new progress in the investigation of the Red Russians. It must be said that NK~VD's response speed was not slow.

In just two days, the details of Genadi were clearly understood. Since Genadi’s family kept him secretly outside, they must have made complete preparations.

 Birth certificates, doctors who delivered babies, caregivers, etc. must be handled properly, otherwise problems will be easily detected. Do not underestimate any state (separation) machine.

I don’t know what means NK~VD used to find out the facts so quickly. It seems that many people were involved in this case, and Xibo’s potato harvest will be bumper next year.

While Zuo Zhong was thinking wildly, Blagoveshchensky came back after answering the phone, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. It seemed that there was good news.

“Comrade Major General, our intelligence agents in Germany discovered the traitor’s family in the mountains of Bavaria. There is a situation that deserves attention.

 The people responsible for protecting and monitoring the other party are members of the Gestapo. We have reason to believe that the German government played a disgraceful role in this matter.

 Half an hour ago, an action team directly under the NK~VD headquarters raided there and successfully captured Gnady's wife and children. They are currently retreating.

The Ukrainian side also restricted the freedom of the other party’s relatives and friends, numbering about 300 people. Hundreds of personnel related to him in the army were also suspended from their duties. "

 Blagoveshchensky politely informed Zuo Zhong of the latest situation, and then stared at Gennady fiercely, almost breaking the teeth in his mouth.

This bastard, if he hadn't been needed for cooperation with the government, he would have been suspended from his duties. Who made Gennady his direct subordinate in the intelligence team?

Moreover, even if you escape this disaster, after this incident is over, you will still be punished. Don't even think about it. It is a good thing not to be demoted as a lieutenant colonel.

Angry Blagoveshchensky raised his foot and kicked Gnady, then grabbed the opponent's collar and warned him in a frightening tone.

“Did you hear what I said? If you want your wife and children to be safe, then answer our questions truthfully. You should know how NK~VD will deal with the traitor’s family members.

Camping is a must. The difference is whether you want them to camp in the harsh Arctic Circle or in the warm Black Sea. Whether they live or die depends on you. "

After speaking, he pushed Gennadi away hard, and the man leaned back and sat on the ground. He slowly raised his head and looked at everyone in the room. His eyes were calm and he didn't care about his family at all.

At this point, it would be purely insulting to the Secret Service and NK~VD to argue that he had no problem, so Gennadi chose not to say a word and resisted the interrogation with silence.


Zuo Zhong was secretly stunned after hearing this. The Red Russians were so ruthless. Hundreds of people were arrested as soon as they were asked to be arrested. Hundreds of officers were asked to suspend their duties and then resume their duties. He felt a little sad.

If the national government has such strength, how can anyone dare to be a traitor? It's a pity that Baldhead does not have this courage to deal with the Japanese, unless it is to seize the ground and join the party.

As usual, he complained about the bald head. Zuo Zhong thought of the unparalleled Taibao mentioned by Blagoveshchensky and frowned. Changcheng was getting more and more lively, and even the Germans showed up.

From a military perspective, if Red Russia falls out with both the Republic of China and Japan, it will inevitably maintain a large force in the Xiberian region just in case. This is naturally a good thing for Mustache.

 The Germans have the motive and the strength to do this. Since before the last European War, Germany has developed many intelligence agents in Red Russia, and Gnady may be one of them.


 Red Russians…

 Republic of China…

After connecting countless clues in his mind, Zuo Zhong seemed to have figured out something. He slowly came to Gennadi's side, knelt down to help him fasten the torn buttons and asked with a smile.

“Mr. Chef, let’s not discuss whether there are Germans or Gestapo behind you. Don’t you want to know where your plan went wrong?”

 After calming down for a while, perhaps because he didn’t want to admit defeat, the silent Genadi suddenly asked a key question, which was also something that others couldn’t understand.

“Chinese, I don’t know what the plan is. If I am really a spy as you say, why should I deny what Guo Jinyao said? Isn’t it strange?”

 Feeling that he had discovered a loophole, his expression became lively and he looked provocatively at Zuo Zhong, but then faded again when he saw the expressionless Blagoveshchensky.

 No matter whether the Chinese have evidence or not, Moscow will not let him go. Now it depends on whether that person... will keep his promise, Gennadi thought silently in his mind.

  (Is it really a loophole?)

 (End of this chapter)

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