Cicada Moving

Chapter 880: Revealed (Happy New Year in the North)

Chapter 880 Revealed (Happy New Year in the North)

 Gennady firmly denied his identity as a spy on the grounds that he did not cooperate with Guo Jinyao's accusations, and his words were quite arrogant.

Zuo Zhong smiled slightly, got up and came to Gui Youguang, who was torturing Guo Jinyao with water torture, and picked at the torture rack for a while.

Finally, he picked up a few bamboo sticks, fiddled with the sharp tops of the bamboo sticks with his fingers, turned his head and looked at the other party with a half-smile and said.

“Actually, when I learned that there might be a radio station hidden in the Zhenchang oil mill, I realized that Guo Jinyao was just a smoke screen thrown by some people, and he was just an insignificant little character.

To be blunt, I have been engaged in intelligence work for several years, so I have some experience. I have never seen such crude radio concealment techniques. It seems that I am afraid that others will not discover it.

Then the question is, what is his purpose for doing this? Well, death is a possibility. Using his own life to destroy the relationship between the Republic of China and the Red Russia is indeed a very clever method. "

 Gu Qi on the side suddenly understood. No wonder the little agent pretended to be a craftsman and went to investigate next door to the Zhenchang. Immediately afterwards, the deputy director went to report to the director. It seemed that he had already seen the fraud.

Then he quietly looked at Blagoveshchensky. Could it be that what the deputy director said at that time was to meet a friend, but to meet the other party? But what does this have to do with Gennady being a traitor?

Under Gu Qi’s confused gaze, Zuo Zhong returned to the middle of the interrogation room holding a handful of bamboo sticks, leaned over and looked directly into Gennadi’s eyes, asking and answering himself.

“But a small businessman who runs an oil mill has no status at all, and has no access to high-level intelligence. From this, I suddenly thought of a question, is he really that important?

 The answer is no. Even if he confesses or admits his identity as a Red Russian spy, it will not cause fatal damage to the relationship between the two countries, because aiding China is the national defense needs of both countries.

From the outside world, it seems that the government turned to the Red Russia for help. I do not deny this, but from another perspective, it is not the case that the Red Russia needs the government to hold back the Kwantung Army and other Japanese troops.

Once the Republic of China was defeated and had sufficient mineral and human resources, the millions of Japanese troops armed to the teeth had two choices, either to go north or south. There was no third way.

And going south will inevitably damage the interests of the European and American powers. The two powers are mutually harmful, whichever is the lesser. The Japanese cannot bear the consequences of an all-out war with the West, so going north becomes the only option. "

Zuo Zhong gave a general introduction to international strategic geography for the people present. When everyone was lost in thought, he helped up the solemn-looking Gennady and patted the other person's shoulder with a smile.

“It’s cold on the ground, get up and talk. What I just said determines that ordinary minor conflicts cannot interrupt the cooperation and exchanges between the Republic of China and Red Russia. This is due to fundamental interests.

So if you want the two countries to completely fall out, is there any way? The answer is yes. For example, if a major incident occurs that the government will never tolerate and accept, then it will be possible. "

Hearing this, Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang and Blagoveshchensky's eyes lit up. The cooperation between the government and Red Russia is beneficial to both countries. Under this premise, it is difficult to destroy the cooperation.

The mere Guo Jinyao is obviously unable to achieve this goal. The opponent is at best an introduction, and the real killing move is still hidden behind, and the person responsible for making the move is Gennadi.

“Haha, why don’t you let me guess your original plan.”

Zuo Zhong and the little agent asked for a dagger, and while sharpening the bamboo stick, he lowered his head and said leisurely: "If I guess correctly, Guo Jinyao is the first step in the plan, and he is responsible for the death.

 The purpose is to attract our attention and energy, and at the same time give out false information about the cooperation between Red Russia and underground parties, and by the way, bring you, a member of the China Aid Air Force, into our sight.

 Step two, when the two of you insist on your own opinions, Guo Jinyao, who is full of flaws, is obviously even more untrustworthy. Then after being tortured again, he will wait for an opportunity to confess, right?

He will admit that he is a Japanese intelligence agent and that everything he did was to frame the Red Russians and the underground party. As a member of the China Aid Air Force, he is naturally an innocent victim.

At this point, the case seems to be closed. The Japanese intelligence agency is the culprit. The government and the Red Russia continue to cooperate. It seems that everyone is happy, but what if someone suddenly recants their confession. "

Having said this, Zuo Zhong paused and glanced at Guo Jinyao, who was only half alive. Then he grabbed Gennadi's right hand and pressed a sharp bamboo stick against the opponent's nails. His tone gradually became colder.

“A certain member of the China Aid Air Force would say that he had a special mission and participated in illegal intelligence activities against the national government. After being arrested by the Secret Service, he cooperated very well and admitted his identity as a red spy.

As a result, he was hinted by some people with ulterior motives in the government that he must be bitten to death because he was unjustly accused. Hong Russia did not conduct any secret reconnaissance against the government. Out of self-protection, he could only agree.

At this time, Guo Jinyao, who once claimed to be a Japanese intelligence officer, would change his story and reveal that he was a member of the underground party, and that he had been framed as a traitor after confessing. "

Before Zuo Zhong finished speaking, Wu Chunyang clenched his fists and said solemnly: "These **** don't want to destroy the relationship between the two countries at all. They want to frame you, Deputy Director, and the entire Secret Service!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Secret Service present changed drastically. They immediately reacted. Assuming that things develop as the deputy director speculated, what do the superiors and the committee think?

The suspect clearly admitted that he was an underground party and a Red Russian intelligence agent. Why did the Secret Service insist on describing the other party as a traitor and a victim? There is only one reason.

—The most elite intelligence agency of the government has been infiltrated by dissidents and is no longer trustworthy. The so-called investigation and interrogation are just a show performed by people like myself.

Once this matter is confirmed, everyone knows how panicked the top leaders of the party and state will be. It is inevitable to interrupt the contact with Red Russia, because this will shake the foundation of national security.

The two sides have only been cooperating for a long time, and the entire intelligence agency has turned into a mole. If this continues to develop, it will be okay, what if one day the Secret Service comes to check on you?

This has to make people think a lot. You must know that the Secret Service has mastered countless secrets and has a team like the Special Operations Group. It is not difficult to repeat 226.


 Gu Qi was shocked and frightened. He gritted his teeth and cursed fiercely. Is it easy for him to get to this point? Seeing that the Secret Service was expanding, he was about to become the director, but he almost died without a burial place.

In any country, there is only one outcome for intelligence personnel who rebel against the country, and that is death. What's more, when it comes to the struggle between faiths, if you are not careful, you will be in a situation of no return.

The furious Gui Youguang punched Guo Jinyao on the torture rack, but Guo Jinyao had no time to pay attention to it at the moment. After Zuo Zhong said the above words, the guy became ashen-faced.

Apparently Zuo Zhong guessed correctly. The mastermind behind the case wanted to use the Secret Service as a lure to arouse the National Government's fear of the Red Russia. This was a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

First, it can damage the relationship between the two countries, and second, it can frame the Secret Service. If the other side's conspiracy succeeds, the consequences will be serious. In the upcoming battle of Qicheng, the Guoguo army will lose more than it will win.

However, after the anger, everyone also thought of one thing. Who was controlling all this? The Germans. It is easy to understand that they destroyed the relationship between the Republic of China and Red Russia, but why did they target the Secret Service?

 The only conflict between the two sides is that Zuo Zhong led a team to Germany two years ago and stole the weapons blueprints on the train. The problem is that this matter is highly confidential by the military and the Germans should not know about it.

Even if the other party knows about it, it is debatable whether he will go to such extreme lengths for pure revenge. Intelligence operations must be cost-effective and cost-effective, except for lunatics, of course.

Guchi, who couldn't understand, raised this question. After hearing this, Zuo Zhong smiled and poked the bamboo stick into the gap between Gennadi's nails, and asked a question in response to the other's painful roar.

“Who said that the Germans were the only ones behind this incident? Don’t forget that in October of the 25th year of the Republic of China, Germany and Italy reached an alliance treaty to coordinate foreign policies and established the Berlin-Rome axis.

In November of the same year, Japan and Germany signed the "Anti-Ground International Agreement." Last November, Italy also joined the agreement. These three countries are all on the same page. Isn't it normal to join forces?

The Japanese have suffered so many losses, and they have long wanted to do harm to me, but they just failed. This time they are not tough, and they want to kill people with soft knives. This style is very similar to that of an old friend of ours. "

Ignoring the blood splattered on his face, Zuo Zhong picked up the second bamboo stick, drove it unhurriedly into the fingers of Gennady who was being held down by the little agent, and then said a name in his mouth.

"Doihara, I have a hunch that this person should lead this operation. The other party has always acted step by step, has a good sense of politics, and is good at starting from outside the chess game. To undermine the cooperation between the government and Red Russia , which is beneficial to both Japan and Germany. Therefore, their collusion has a realistic basis of interests, and at the same time, both sides can also draw on each other's strength.

 Within Red Russia, the Germans were stronger than the Japanese, and conversely within the national government, the Japanese were stronger than the Germans. The combination of the two would have a greater chance of victory.

The Japanese had two purposes for doing this. They were to create trouble for the Secret Service, weaken the air power of the Guojun Army, prepare for the Battle of Chicheng, and end the war as soon as possible to avoid a protracted war.

The purpose of the Germans is simple. The more Red Russia garrisoned in the Siberian region, the fewer troops there will be on the Western Front. Mr. Blagoveshchensky, you should pay attention to your next door neighbor. "

Left Key emphasized the Red Russian. As for whether the other party believed it and whether they would respond, that was not something he could worry about. The mess in the government was enough to give him a headache.

And looking at Blagoveshchensky's casual expression, either Red Russia is already prepared, or the bearded man doesn't believe that the Germans dare to stroke Red Russia's tiger beard.

With the case in his mind, he used bamboo sticks to help Gnady do his nails. When Gnady’s fingers were all injured, Zuo Zhong nodded with satisfaction as he looked at his work.

 He ​​did not expect that Gennady would confess. A spy who could be entrusted with important tasks by the Germans would not speak easily. He didn't even care about his family, so why did he care about the pain?

He doesn’t care about the traitor’s psychological process of cheating the Red Russians even to death, but he must be severely punished if he dares to cause trouble to the Secret Service. This is just the beginning.

The bald man looked on with enthusiasm and volunteered: "Deputy Director, leave the rest to me. I promise to make them tell you how old they were when they peed their pants."

 “Don’t worry, the case is not over yet.”

Took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood on his hand gracefully, Zuo Zhong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stretched out **** to everyone and said in a deep voice.

“There are two issues that must be resolved in the speculation I just mentioned. The first is when and on what occasion Genadi will change his story. Someone in the government must be cooperating with him.

Otherwise, how would he know that this matter would not be kept secret? To put it bluntly, someone from my left also has a certain influence within the party (separation) and the intelligence system.

 It can be seen that this person has a high status and can directly participate in the case, and can review and retrial the case without raising suspicion, so that they can retract their confession.

Then, don’t forget the mysterious person who bribed Wu Xiaoyi to publish the article. Why didn’t he pretend to be disguised, exposed his appearance, and still had a conflict with a stranger? "

 “Death without proof!”

Wu Chunyang answered first. After a short brainstorm, he thought everything through and expressed his conjecture quickly.

“Whether it is the Germans or the Japanese who frame us, the person who contacts Wu Xiaoyi is a loophole. This person must die, otherwise it will inevitably cause complications.

The enemy may have used some excuse to order the other party to reveal his appearance and whereabouts so that we can find him, but by then he was probably already a corpse. "

As he spoke, Wu Chunyang became more and more confident, and finally he boldly speculated: "If I were an enemy, I would also work **** the identity of the mysterious person."

 “Oh? Tell me your reasons.”

Hearing these words, Zuo Zhong couldn't hide the smile on his face. He smiled very happily. Wu Chunyang was his first subordinate. Of course, he hoped that the other party could play a greater role.

“Yes, Deputy Director, you said that there is someone among the top leaders of the party and state who cooperates with Genaji and Guo Jinyao. Is there a possibility that the mysterious person who contacted Wu Xiaoyi is this person’s subordinate?”

Wu Chunyang was not timid and explained the reason for such speculation seriously: "Gnady and Guo Jinyao are equivalent to death. Intelligence personnel of this level are rare and there are not many.

No matter how many agents the Japanese and Germans have, they will not be so wasteful, spending countless money and resources to train spies to perform an unimportant fatal mission.

Looking at the division of labor on the case, the Germans may have sent Gennady, and the Japanese have sent Guo Jinyao. The top management must also have done something. This is the basis for cooperation.

Based on the current intelligence, the mysterious man was probably sent by him. Firstly, it would make the case unconfirmed. Secondly, there would be government officials involved in the case, which would complicate the case.

Even...someone will use this reason to criticize the director and the committee. A high-stakes case is very suitable to be used as a trigger to detonate the already chaotic situation in the government.

I think that finding the mysterious person is equivalent to finding the high-level person. We must save this witness before the enemy does, so that we can remain invincible in the whirlpool. "


Everyone raised their hands and applauded Wu Chunyang's wonderful reasoning, including Blagoveshchensky, who had only a little knowledge. He had a new understanding of the national intelligence agency.

Bold assumptions and careful verification are the basic ideas for solving problems. This is easier said than done. The key is to be logical and consistent with the clues we have already grasped.

Looking at his old subordinates who were now able to stand alone, Zuo Zhong looked around with a smile: "Okay, since Chunyang has clarified the detection ideas for everyone, let me also share my thoughts.

 The targets we are looking for next have the following two characteristics. Government servants whose departments have a high probability of having conflicts or competition with the Secret Service.

The reason is very simple. The enemy will not let go of such a good frame-up opportunity. If the person is missing during the arrest, and the other party has conflicts with us, who is most suspected of killing and silencing us?

Needless to say, it is naturally the Secret Service. So in the national government, which department has a deep hatred against us, and there are often moles, and more importantly, internal management is chaotic. "

 “Agent Headquarters!”

Gu Qi and others said without hesitation, speaking of moles, if one of the men named Xu killed one of them, he would definitely be unjust, but if he killed the other one, he would definitely slip through the net, and it was him!

At the same time, in the largest nightclub in Jiacheng a few kilometers away, a fat man hugged several dancers tightly, raised his head and drank a sip of strong wine, and let out a long breath.

Under the intoxication of alcohol, Xu Enzeng, whose pseudonym is Boss Xu, was blurry in drunkenness. He raised his hand and waved to the dance floor where the demons were dancing, and shouted loudly in time with the beat.

 “Then play music, then dance~”

 (Friends from the north, happy New Year)

I could have written two chapters, but I feel dizzy just thinking about it.



 (End of this chapter)

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