Cicada Moving

Chapter 881: Carrots filling holes

Chapter 881 Carrots filling holes

“The ends of the earth and the ends of the earth,

Looking for a close friend,

Little sister sings and plays the piano~"

As the music of "Tianya Song ~ Female" by Zhou Xuan, the most famous female star in the Republic of China, walked in at the door of the nightclub, two men wearing plaid windbreakers quickly approached Xu Enzeng.

Through the colorful lights, the two of them stared closely at the fat man hugging him on the sofa in the distance. One of them took out an item from under his clothes, and his steps became more and more rapid.

Perhaps he has done too many immoral things, or he has killed too many people, and he is afraid of being retaliated by his subordinates. Xu Enzeng always cheers him out every time he goes out, and brings many bodyguards overtly and covertly.

As soon as these two people appeared, they were discovered by the relatively dedicated bodyguards. They quietly surrounded them and threw them to the ground when they were still more than ten meters away from Xu Enzeng.

“Ouch, let go, let go quickly, I’m here to see Director Xu.”

"Misunderstanding...misunderstanding, I will accompany...accompany the chief to pay a visit to the director."

Being pushed down by someone and holding the muzzle of a gun to their head, the two people shouted loudly. Seeing this scene, all the guests in the nightclub immediately ran away, and screams of various tones could be heard.

Xu Enzeng was not afraid. He drank a glass of wine quietly and ignored the frightened dancing girl beside him. He glanced at the person coming and waved his hand.

"Okay, don't be rude, let them go quickly. This is Zhen Xiu, the new chief of the Intelligence Section in our department. He used to work at the Jinmen Party Headquarters. You have never seen him before."

 He ​​pointed at the older of the two and said, as for the other, he didn’t say anything. He was just a small person and not worth the extra effort.

Hearing this, the bodyguards let go and looked at Zhen Xiu in Xu Enzeng's mouth with a strange look, thinking to themselves that this person is really... bold enough to even be the head of the intelligence section.

You must know that not just one or two people died in this job, but each died more miserably and more viciously than the last, with the mortality rate reaching 100%.

 “Thank you, Director, thank you, Director.”

Zhen Xiu got up in embarrassment, nodded and knelt down to thank Xu Enzeng, placed a gift box on the coffee table in front of him, and introduced what was inside with a low eyebrow.

“Virgo, this is a century-old wild ginseng that has been brought in from outside the country. It is said to nourish yin and yang, lighten the body and prolong life. You work hard every day, so it’s time to take a good supplement.”

As he spoke, he opened the gift box, and a ginseng with all beards and tails was introduced to everyone's eyes. Everyone present took a breath. This was a standard priceless treasure.

Since the loss of the Northeast, the number of specialties flowing into the pass has dropped by 80%. Just this ginseng can be exchanged for a villa in Qicheng or a mountain city, and the market price is priceless.

Nourishing ~ yin and nourishing ~ yang?

It doesn't matter whether it's money or not. If you tell me this, I won't be sleepy anymore. Xu Enzeng sat up straight, pushed the woman beside him away, lowered his head and carefully observed the gifts in front of him.

After a long time, he closed the lid with a satisfied smile on his face. He leaned back on the sofa and crossed his legs. He held a cigar in his mouth and said to Zhen Xiu.

“I don’t know how you entered the secret service headquarters, but as long as you are honest and don’t cause trouble, Xu will not target you in particular. Do you understand?”

Zhen Xiu almost lowered her head to her crotch after hearing this, and nodded repeatedly: "Understood, Virgo will let you go east, but lowly positions will never go west. Virgo, you ask me to beat the dog, but I will never chase the chicken."

“Hahahaha, yes, he is a smart man. Smart people must have a bright future. Work hard and I will not treat you badly.”

Putting the cigar on the lighter in the dancer's hand and lighting it, Xu Enzeng smiled and blew out a puff of smoke, then looked at the younger man next to him and asked Zhen Xiu.

 “What does he do? Is he unreliable?”

The meaning of this is obvious. If it is reliable, forget it. If it is not, then it must be dealt with. After all, if the matter is spread out, they will be in trouble if they accept such an expensive bribe (separation).

Now that all the people in the nightclub are gone, only the confidants who have been with Xu Enzheng for many years and a few dancers who are old friends with him are left. There is only one with a strange face, so naturally I have to ask.

I didn’t want the young man to be unafraid after hearing these words. He raised his neck and stammered: "Hello, Director Xu, my humble... humble position is with the Jinmen Party... Xie... Xie~"

 “Okay, okay, stop talking.”

  Hearing his intermittent words, Xu Enzeng's uncomfortable goosebumps rose. He immediately scratched his itchy scalp, interrupted the other person's self-narration, and looked at Zhen Xiu.

Zhen Xiu was still very loyal. She immediately patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, Virgo. This is Xiao Xie. He is from Jinmen. He graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Nankai University and is very successful in his work.

Has unique insights into intelligence collection, intelligence analysis, and intelligence verification. Although it has not been long since I joined the Jinmen Party Headquarters Investigation Office, she is already my right-hand man.

 Don't mind if the young man is a newborn calf and is ignorant. He didn't see or hear anything tonight. If something goes wrong, you can ask me. "

Speaking, he pulled the sleeves of his subordinates and motioned for them to quickly apologize to Xu Enzeng. Even if the commander wants to kill you and silence you, what can he do? Those who should bow their heads must still bow their heads.

Perhaps because he didn’t want to embarrass his boss, Xiao Xie reluctantly bent over and muttered some compliments.

On the other side, Xu Enzeng suddenly became nervous when he heard that the other party's registered residence was in an enemy-occupied area. There had been so many spies in the secret service headquarters before, and nothing could happen again.

Zhenxiu seemed to notice his concerns. Zhen Xiu leaned into his ear and whispered that Xiao Xie's parents were big businessmen and were killed by Japanese soldiers during the July 7 Incident (Partition).

 What’s more important is that the Zhen family and the Xie family are well connected and are familiar with each other. It is impossible for the other party to be an informant of the underground party or the Japanese side. Zhenxiu is prepared to use her head to ensure that. “No, forget it.”

Xu Enzeng stopped him again. I don’t know why, but when he heard the promise with his head, he would think of the dead ghost Wang Aofu. This was so unlucky.

 Then he looked Xiao Xie up and down again, thinking that if what Zhen Xiu said was true, he was indeed a talent, he pushed a wine glass over and refused to refuse.

“Come and drink, we will be a family from now on and serve the party and the country. Sooner or later, the government will be able to drive away the Japanese and avenge your parents.

They say the Japanese are difficult to deal with, but I don’t think that’s the case. Back then, my division chief led a team to lurk in the Northeast, and they came back safely. "

Xu Enzeng kept talking about things, blaming Zuo Zhong's deeds on himself, speaking triumphantly, seeming to have completely forgotten that he was in a public place and that confidentiality was required.

At this time, the dancing girl who helped him light his cigarette flashed her eyes and pressed her whole body against his chest, looking at this great anti-Japanese hero with eyes full of reverence and admiration.

Even Zhen Xiu and Xiao Xie were stunned. They didn't expect that the other person, who looked fat and big-eared, and who was said to be a hungry ghost in lust, could be so responsible.

Thinking that he had met a master who kept his secrets, Xiao Xie picked up the cup with both hands and drank it down in one gulp, then put the cup back respectfully, showing no trace of the rebelliousness or stubbornness he had just shown.

Seeing that he had restrained this person, Xu Enzeng was satisfied and took a puff of his cigar. He raised his chin to signal the other person to get out of here and not delay him from continuing to have fun.

Zhen Xiu heard this and knew that the following occasion was not suitable for them to appear. She pulled Xiao Xie and left the nightclub. When the two of them went out, they were blown by the cold wind and woke up instantly.

Under the dim street light, looking at his subordinates who still looked admiring, the flattery on Zhen Xiu's face gradually faded, and she looked back at the bustling Gold Pin Cave and smiled.

“Why, you weren’t really deceived by that guy’s words, were you? If he was really as brave and fearless as he said, he wouldn’t still be the director of the Secret Service Headquarters today.

 Dai Chunfeng, who is less qualified and weaker than him, has become the director of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, but he has stayed put. I think you can understand the reason for this. "

Xiao Xie looked at the old officer who promoted him in disbelief. It was unbelievable that such a dignified division chief could blatantly lie in front of his subordinates. How could there be such a shameless person in the world.

 “Do you think he is shameless? That’s right.”

Zhen Xiu sneered and took out two small yellow croakers and threw them to the dumbfounded opponent. Then she pointed at the gold bars and said meaningfully: "Today you just came with me to meet Director Xu, and you don't know anything else.

 As someone who has been there, I have to remind you that when you are running errands in the government, you can talk about doctrines, but what you have to care about in your heart is business, because doctrines will change with people, but money will not.

Put two gold bars here, tell me which one of them is noble and which one is dirty. Xiao Xie, you should remember four words in life - be like light and dust. Okay, let's go now. "

 After speaking, the philosopher Zhenxiu got into the car. A burst of white smoke came out of the exhaust pipe. The car turned right at the intersection and disappeared, leaving only the faint sound of the engine.

 Xiao Xie, whose outlook on life had collapsed, stood stunned in the cold wind. He was a little confused as to why the good government had become like this. Can these people really defeat the Japanese?

 Night ~ in a club.

The dancer who lit the cigarette earlier stood behind Xu Enzeng, holding the big and useless head with her slender fingers, and talked about the incident that just happened in her mouth.

“Boss Xu, forgive me for talking too much. Could it be that the person surnamed Zhen was sent by your opponent to accept him for a piece of ginseng? Aren’t you afraid that he will sell you in the future?”

Xu Enzeng was immediately happy after hearing this. He pulled the dancing girl into his arms by his arm, scratched her nose with his fingers, and talked about what was on his mind without hesitation.

“Hahaha, little beauty, you are really my female Zhuge, but my opponent’s nickname is Smiling Tiger. He is a ruthless character and does things ruthlessly. He will not do such childish things.

Speaking of Zhenxiu, this person's background is very complicated. There are big characters behind him, and you can't offend easily. The words I say are nothing more than stabilizing him. For him, I have to keep a distance. "

Possibly because he drank too much, Xu Enzeng said everything in a nonchalant manner: "Since he wants to be the head of the intelligence section, he should go for it. Anyway, he is a carrot filling a hole. To tell you the truth, this guy will not survive..."


Before Chief Xu finished his sentence, he heard a dull loud noise in the distance. The ceiling of the nightclub shook slightly, and the bodyguards swarmed up to block the parents behind them.

Eager to know what happened, Xu Enzeng refused the protection and hurried to the door. He was dumbfounded as he stared at the smoke column hundreds of meters away, and suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

The explosion happened just a few minutes after Zhen Xiu and Xiao Xie left. It couldn't have been such a coincidence. Then he would have become a crow's mouth, and Xu Enzeng's fat face wrinkled together.

He was not the only one who was struggling. There was also a person at the explosion site who looked at the car that had been burned to a skeleton and several corpses and fell into panic. His whole body could not help but tremble with coldness.

Xiao Xie, who almost turned into a barbecue, didn't know whether he should be happy or sad. Fortunately, if he had taken Zhen Xiu's car earlier, he might have gone to the West together.

What is sad is that without the appreciation of his old boss Zhen Xiu, how far can he go in his official career? Can he avenge the hatred of the country and the family? Suddenly, countless thoughts flooded into his mind.

But when he touched the two cold but heavy gold bars, thinking about what the other party said, especially the words about doctrine and business, Xiao Xie had a deeper understanding of this in a daze...

 (End of this chapter)

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