Cicada Moving

Chapter 882: Kill and silence

Chapter 882 Murder and Silence

As night fell, several cars drove through the streets of Changcheng with their sirens on, and finally stopped slowly in front of a crowd.

The driver pressed the horn as hard as he could to disperse the spectators, and the vehicles forced their way through a small path and came to the vehicle frame that was smoking.

The car door opened, and Zuo Zhong jumped out of the car accompanied by Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang. Gu Qi took out an ID card and showed it to the police officer in charge of the scene.

“From the Ministry of the Interior, what’s the situation? How many people died?”

Hearing that the person coming was the superior of the superior of the Qicheng Police Station, the police officer immediately ran over and stood still, raising his hand to salute in a standard military salute.

“Sir, I have seen that a car suddenly exploded while driving, killing a total of 3 people. Their identities are temporarily unknown.

But we detained a suspicious person nearby, who had weapons and two gold bars on him. According to him, he was a member of the Secret Service Headquarters.

In addition, Director Xu from the Secret Service Headquarters also came to the scene after the incident and is now waiting for the investigation results with the suspicious person in the car. "

The police officer glanced at a black car on the corner of the street and quickly introduced the situation, with a nervous expression on his face.

This is the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the secret service headquarters. They are all high-ranking gods. His small body cannot stand it.

While he was narrating, Wu Chunyang put on gloves and a mask and carefully looked inside and outside the frame, especially the most severely deformed areas.

When the police officer finished speaking, Wu Chunyang also finished the preliminary inspection, took off his gloves on his hands, walked quickly towards Zuo Zhong, and spoke in a neither high nor low voice.

“The report states that the three deceased were burned alive by the fire caused by the explosion. There were many fracture marks on the skull, ribs and leg bones, but the overall shape was basically intact.

 The murderer should have used some kind of low-speed explosive. The amount was not too large but very precise. It could ensure the death of the people in the car without affecting the surrounding pedestrians and vehicles. He was a good hand.

  (See if it will be blocked)

Based on preliminary judgment from the traces, the other party placed the explosive device in the fuel tank under the car and used timing or delayed ignition equipment, which requires extremely professional technology.

 The source of the explosives, I suspect, is pyrotechnic fillers. The specific type will have to wait for the test results of technicians to come out. The difficulty is that this type of explosives are easy to make and difficult to trace. "

As the best agent in the Secret Service, it only took him a few minutes to figure out the basic situation, and the police officers on the side opened their mouths.

 The so-called low-speed explosives refer to explosives that undergo rapid chemical reactions below the speed of sound, such as old-fashioned fire (separation) explosives, fireworks, etc.

 The disadvantage is that it is less powerful, but the advantage is that it is relatively safe to use and operate, and it is easy to extract and make from daily items. (This is a fictional novel, do not imitate it.)

 Zuo Zhong, who was listening to the report, held a handkerchief in front of his nose, covering half of his face. He scanned the dense crowd with his eyes and gave two serious orders.

“Lao Gu, expand the scope of the lockdown and tell the onlookers that there may be bombs at the scene, so they should stay away while conducting interrogation and identity registration.

Chunyang, it’s really strange that you called Xu and the suspicious person here. This guy is always there every time something happens. You might as well just join the fire brigade. "


 Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang responded and prepared to execute the order.

Unexpectedly, Xu Enzeng and a young man came over on their own initiative. After seeing Zuo Zhong, Xu Enzeng raised his hand with a shy smile.

"Which gust of wind brought you here? I'm glad to meet you. My brother was on business not far away. He heard the noise and came to take a look at the situation.

Since you are here, we will leave first. Major cases are within your jurisdiction. We will see you later. We will say goodbye. "

 After saying that, he raised his hand and waved a few strong men in Chinese tunic suits to leave, fearing that others would not know that they were spies, and wanted to escape.

Finally grabbed this guy's pigtails and wanted to leave without explaining the matter clearly. How can it be so cheap?

Zuo Zhong winked, Wu Chunyang nimbly avoided the strong man's obstruction, and put his hand on the shoulder of Xu Enzeng, who was about to run away.

Before the people at the secret service headquarters could react, he strangled the opponent's neck with his left hand, took out a gun with his right hand and pressed it against his fat belly, and whispered a warning.

“Director Xu, please ask the brothers from the first department to stay away. The safety on the low-level gun has been turned on. If they scare me out, the gun doesn’t have eyes.

 Shooting at such a close distance, the bullet will shoot directly through your liver, and you will die from excessive bleeding in less than five minutes. You must trust my expertise. "

While he was talking, he ignored the agent from the Secret Service Headquarters who had already drawn his gun, and forcefully pulled the pale Xu Enzeng to the left.

“Believe, believe, I have a hundred brothers who believe in Wu. We are all life and death buddies who have been to the Northeast together. Don’t shoot, don’t shoot.”

Huttering to himself that a good man will not suffer the immediate consequences, Xu Enzeng explained while waving his short arms desperately to tell his men to get away, and he was brought to Zuo Zhong obediently.

Looking at the fat man being kidnapped, Zuo Zhong glanced at the gorgeous woman next to the car and snorted in his heart. He's already on his way to bed.

Too lazy to care about the other party's affairs, he stood next to the wreckage of the car and asked calmly: "Tell me, who is in the car? Don't say you don't know. If it had nothing to do with you, you wouldn't be here.

 Don’t say I didn’t remind you, Lao Xu, Chicheng is the temporary capital (divided) of the government. Any major events that happen here will eventually be reported to Captain Wei. Don’t try to lie to me. "


Xu Enzeng's eyes almost flew away, and he quickly realized that Zuo was right. He couldn't hide the fact that Zhen Xiu went to see him tonight, so he might as well take the initiative to tell him.

After thinking about this, he coughed slightly: "To be honest, I suspect that one of the dead people in the car is the new intelligence section chief of our special agent headquarters, named Zhen Xiu. This person is from Su Province and once worked in Jinmen I worked in the party department and came to Qicheng after the fall of Jinmen. I was recommended by my superiors to work in a department we just met an hour ago.

I am not familiar with him, so I have no idea why he was killed by the bomb. Oh, by the way, this is Zhen Xiu's subordinate Xiao Xie. You can ask him if you have anything.

He was the first to arrive at the scene, and he still had weapons and gold bars with him. This guy might have done this after receiving benefits. No wonder he knows people but not their hearts, so he needs to be interrogated carefully. "

Xu Enzeng is a professional when it comes to passing the blame. He sold the frightened Xiao Xie without hesitation. Let alone a stranger whom he had only met once, even if he was a close relative or friend, he had to sell it.

Zuo Zhong turned his head and glanced at the dazed young man. He thought to himself that you are in bad luck, and immediately signaled the little agent to control Xiao Xie.

"Unjust...unjust accusation, I...I just came to see what happened. The bars were given to me by Section Chief Zhen, in order to prevent me from talking nonsense."

The incomprehensible Xiao Xie shouted for help, even his intestines turned green. He was pressed to the ground twice in just one day. If he had known this, even if he was beaten to death, he would not come to join in the fun.

Listening to this stammering explanation, thinking of the person's surname Xie, and thinking of gold bars, Zuo Zhong, who was originally casual, looked at the other person seriously, and then lost interest.

Since he came to this era, he has seen too many famous figures in history. There is no need to pay more attention to a small spy and intelligence dealer.

But after thinking about it, he still asked the little spy to stop temporarily, then dismissed the police officer casually, walked slowly to Xiao Xie, and asked a question related to Zhen Xiu.

"I am Zuo Zhong, deputy director of the Secret Service. I have something to ask you now. You'd better answer truthfully. Has Zhen Xiu ever had any grudges with others? Who is most likely to do so."

 Special Service.

Of course, Xiao Xie knew what these three words represented. He was a little confused despite being nervous, and didn’t understand how an ordinary bombing case could attract these murderous gods.

Aware that the matter was serious, he honestly said that Zhen Xiu was a good person and had a harmonious relationship with her superiors and subordinates. He had never heard of Zhen Xiu having any enmity with others.

Even if you have conflicts with certain people at work, it is not like letting people use explosives to blow up cars. As long as such a major case is discovered, the murderer will have his head cut off.

 In response to his explanation and speculation, Zuo Zhong did not make any response, and ordered someone to send Xiao Xie to the office. There were many people at the scene, and some things were not convenient to ask here.

Xu Enzeng, who was standing next to him with his ears pricked up, sensed something fishy. Although serious and major cases in the government were under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service, these people named Zuo came too quickly.

Moreover, the other party did not know that among the dead was the Intelligence Section Chief of the Secret Service Headquarters. There must be other reasons for moving so quickly. He hesitated and leaned over.

“Deputy Director Zuo, Brother Zuo, forgive me for my words, is there something wrong with Zhen Xiu? No wonder I felt something was wrong as soon as I saw this guy. Don’t get me wrong, he is really not my person.”

Xu Enzeng seemed to have forgotten the century-old wild ginseng, and cried bitterly in a serious voice: "The order from the mountain asked him to take charge of the intelligence department. I, a small director, cannot refuse.

 We all work for the party and the country, and we should support each other. If there is anything that needs cooperation between the two offices, just say it without being polite. The top and bottom of the first office will never refuse or delay. "

Having been tricked by his subordinates so many times, Director Xu has gained experience. He can ignore anything else and stay out of it first and protect himself.

And Zhenxiu really has nothing to do with him. The worst he can do is burn the ginseng and return it to Zhenxiu. If the underworld can receive it...

Zuo Zhong was not surprised at all that Xu Enzeng would shirk his responsibility. If he didn't do this, he would not be Xu Enzeng. Thinking that the case would be reported sooner or later, he pondered for a moment and said slowly.

"We are investigating a case. Someone paid a newspaper to publish an article to sow discord between the government and Red Russia. According to the investigation, that person was Zhen Xiu, but he just wanted to arrest him."

Pointing to the several charred corpses with hideous faces in the car wreckage, his expression was a little helpless. Any intelligence officer would have this reaction when encountering a similar situation.

Xu Enzeng almost laughed out loud after hearing this. He thought to himself, Zuo Zhong, Zuo Zhong, you also have today. An important witness was killed and silenced. Now let’s see how you explain to the boss.

 In the past, there were always problems in one place, but now there are problems in two places. What does this mean? It shows that the person named Zuo is nothing more than a lucky person.

But on the surface, Xu Enzeng still pretended to comfort him: "Oh, how could it be like this? I think there might be a thief in the second place, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence. Brother Zuo, you have to be careful."

If I had to use an idiom to describe what he said, it would be yin-yang and scolding. Even a fool could hear the gloating in his words.

Zuo Zhong snorted, looked at Wu Chunyang and raised his chin to the woman beside the car: "Make a "detailed" record for that lady, and ask Director Xu what official business he discussed with her.

As for Director Xu, please go ahead. It’s a dark and windy night, so be careful of being slapped. If the case requires your confession, the Secret Service will formally notify your secret service headquarters. "


Wu Chunyang took back his gun, let go of Xu Enzeng and left. His eyes were full of coldness, and he didn't know where a loser who had repeatedly failed in battles could find the courage to provoke the deputy director.

Xu Enzeng, who had been defeated by an army, turned red and wanted to plead, but when he looked at the two agents with guns and ammunition around him, he immediately decided to follow his heart, winced his neck and wiped the soles of his feet.

More than ten minutes later, Wu Chunyang returned to Zuo Zhong after finishing the notes and calmly handed over a piece of paper with the scent of powder.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the woman in the distance with his peripheral vision, nodded imperceptibly, held the note in his hand, turned around and got into the car and looked down.

Through the dim moonlight and lights, you can see two lines of faint text written on the note. The font is very thick, and it should be written with an eyebrow pencil.

 The first line says that Zhen Xiu bribed Xu En to buy a wild ginseng. The second line says that Zhen Xiu was recommended for a position with a complicated background.

 Silently lighting the lighter and burning the note, Zuo Zhong rubbed his chin and narrowed his eyes. He turned around and stopped at the wreckage of the car, with a smile on his lips.

 (End of this chapter)

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