Cicada Moving

Chapter 883: Temple (1)

Chapter 883 Temple (1)

 Chaocheng, Banshanlu.

Three days after the bombing, the Bald Man's mansion was extremely busy. Several senior members of the Guo Party (separated) came to the door and questioned him about the theft of state secrets by the Red Russians.

According to the opinions of these old guys, the Republic of China should decisively suspend cooperation between the two parties and arrest some members of the China Aid Air Force who were in contact with the underground party.

Even though the bald head was not normal, he was still shocked when he heard this suggestion. It was a shame that these people could say it out loud to arrest the people of the Red Russian Army.

He did ask the Second Office of the Military Command to investigate the China Air Force, but he was not prepared to directly break up with the Red Russia. The government still cannot do without the other side.

What’s more, according to the latest reports from Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong, there are other forces behind this incident. It’s not that simple, and the case is still under investigation.

After hesitating for a moment, because the people who came were all veterans of the party, Bald Tou introduced the general situation vaguely, saying that it would not be too late to decide the direction of the relationship between the two countries after the case was solved.

Unexpectedly, the Yuan (separation) elders had already prepared. An old man who had served as a military member during the Eastern Expedition immediately called for an enlarged meeting to jointly hear the case and set the record straight.

Others expressed their agreement, saying that the Red Russia matter was of great importance and needed to be handled with caution. Commissioners should not be allowed to bear such pressure alone. It was appropriate to open a public trial.

Their words forced Bald Tou into a corner. Having been tempered in **** power struggles for many years, he suddenly realized that this was not a question at all, but a move to force him to the throne!

  Someone is taking advantage of this matter to put pressure on him, Captain Wei, in order to achieve some ulterior motives. Chunfeng and Shen Zhi really guessed it right...

Rebellious ministers and traitors!

At this time, some people have not forgotten to criticize themselves. Aren't these people afraid of killing each other and causing the destruction of China and the demise of the nation? They really should be killed!

The angry bald head now thought of unity. He pinched the civilized stick, veins popped out on his hand, and he wished he could just order people to drag out the troublemakers in front of him and kill them.

However, as a mature politician, he should have the forbearance skills to eat **** like cake, and then show a look of enjoyment. Small intolerance will mess up big plans.

Moreover, the officialdom has its own rules for the operation of the officialdom. As the biggest beneficiary, he must act within the rules. If he pursues a temporary trend, it will ultimately damage the ruling foundation of the party.

More importantly, these people are just puppets who were pushed out. The real mastermind has not yet appeared. He wants to see if the other person is the person he guessed.

The bald head suddenly smiled. Not only did he agree to the proposal to hold an enlarged meeting, he also set the meeting time for today and ordered the attendants to notify the government officials to come to Banshanlu.

There are some matters sooner rather than later. It is better to expose the sores early than to develop into maggots on the tarsus. He only hoped that the Secret Service would find something. He closed his eyes and waited silently for the attendees to arrive.

The people who came to force him to go to the palace were shocked by his behavior, but there was no turning back. Since they had offended Chief Wei to death, they could only go all the way to the dark side.

The reception room gradually became quiet. During this period, the bald lady came once. After knowing what happened, her knife-like eyes made everyone present restless.

These girls are not easy to deal with. If they get angry, they can't argue with a woman. Fortunately, the bald man persuaded her to go away with gentle words, and the few of them felt relieved.

As time passed, luxury cars appeared one after another on the mountain road of Luojia Mountain where Banshanlu is located. The people sitting in the cars were either important officials of the government or big bosses of the Military Weihui.

Zuo Zhong and Dai Chunfeng were also in one of the cars. They looked at the motorcade whizzing past the window and knew that this matter was going to be a big deal today.

"Shen Zhong, are you sure? If it doesn't work, just push Xu Enzeng out. Zhen Xiu, who was silenced, belongs to him and he should be responsible."

Dai Chunfeng lowered the car curtains, turned around and whispered to Zuo Zhong, "It's better to blame others. It's a must-have skill for party officials, so there's no shame in it."

Zuo Zhong handed over a document respectfully and replied with a smile: "Teacher, please rest assured that the student has a complete plan. Please take a look."


Dai Chunfeng became interested. He took it and read it carefully. As he looked at it, his face became extremely ugly. Finally, he closed the document and cursed you in the local dialect of Ganshan.

After a while, his mood gradually calmed down, and he said with a sullen face: "Very good, let's arrange it this way. I will explain it to Captain Wei, and we will see how the clown explains it."

Following Lao Dai's harsh words, the car went through several strict inspections and stopped outside the porch of Banshanlu. Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong got out of the car and were led down to the reception room by the attendant's room staff.

At this time, there were more than ten people sitting or standing in the reception room, which was more than 100 meters tall. It seemed a bit crowded and chaotic. The bald head was discussing something with Mr. Lin from the National Government and Mr. Wang.

Seeing the arrival of the two men, he knocked the floor with a civilized stick and made a clear impact. The wise men of the party and state immediately stopped talking to each other and stood at attention.

Dai Chunfeng took the opportunity to come to the other party and muttered for a long time. He straightened his bald head and listened to the report with an expressionless face, showing no emotion or anger.

Mr. Lin and Mr. Wang on the side were a little curious when they saw this, but they didn't want to ask more questions. They could only lower their heads to study the patterns on the floor, and they seemed to be able to see a flower in it.

 “Everyone, please sit down first.”

After a long time, the bald man raised his eyelids slightly and pressed his hands down, motioning the ministers and generals who had backaches to sit down, and then calmly explained the reason why they came to the official residence.

“Some time ago, some people complained about the cooperation between the national government and the Red Russians, thinking that the other party had bad intentions. For this reason, I specially issued an order to the Second Office of the Military Command Department to investigate the matter strictly.

 The Second Hall had just been built and was short of manpower and equipment, so the task was handed over to the Secret Service. The person in charge of handling the case was Zuo Zhong. Everyone should know this, so let him talk about it. ”    After speaking, the bald man looked a little relaxed and made a joke: “If it were placed in "The Case of Bao Gong", this would be the imperial case heard by Shang Datian. Let's listen to how Bao Longtu of the national government solved the case. "


 “It’s the extreme, it’s the extreme.”

  “Captain Wei is right.”

The Gungun princes present laughed or responded loudly. Your boss is joking with you. How dare you not laugh? Even Mr. Lin and Mr. Wang raised the corners of their mouths reservedly.

When Zuo Zhong heard the order, he first looked at the cheap teacher. The county magistrate might as well take charge now. When he saw the other party nodded slightly, he walked out of the crowd with his head held high, looked around and saluted the masters.

“Sirs, your time is precious, so I will directly state the case. As soon as I received the order from the Second Office, the Secret Service started monitoring the China Aid Air Force under the command of Director Dai.

Since allies were involved, in order to avoid diplomatic conflicts, we only conducted long-distance surveillance, and on the same day we discovered that Gennaji, the chef at Wangjiadun Airport, and Guo Jinyao, the owner of the Zhenchang oil mill, were under serious suspicion. "

  He told the investigation process from beginning to end, including the fact that Wu Xiaoyi of the "Sweeping Daily" was bribed to publish an article to incite (separation) in the name of deliberately damaging the relationship between the two countries.

 And the subsequent discovery of intelligence, weapons and radio stations in the oil shop, Guo Jinyao was suspected of death, Gennady's confession was a trap, there were signs of Japanese and German involvement behind the case, etc.

At first, the bald head nodded repeatedly when he heard it, thinking that Chunfeng and Shen finally understood politics. The relationship between the government and the Red Russia was complicated, and it could affect the whole body, so it must be handled with care.

It is good to observe from a distance like this, and there is room for tact when things go wrong, but when I heard that the Germans and Japanese were working together, my face instantly became clouded.

 Germany is the largest supplier of armed equipment to the Korean army. Cooperation with Japan not only affects the subsequent war preparations, but also illustrates changes in Germany's overall foreign policy.

The other side is leaning towards Japan from a neutral perspective, at least from a neutral perspective. This change may cause huge changes in the situation in Asia and the world.

Mr. Lin and the military and government officials next to him were also shocked. They did not expect that the truth of the case turned out to be like this. Everyone could not help but worry about the future of the national government. Without German weapons, how would this war be fought?

 “Zuo Zhong, Zuo Deputy Director, right?”

At this time, Xi, the deputy chairman of the National Defense Supreme Council (separate), the vice president of the Guo Party, the top person in charge of the Political Participation Committee, Wang, who was second only to the bald man in apparent power, opened his mouth to ask.

This was purely a matter of knowingly asking. Zuo Zhong slapped the tigress several times when his wife beat him up in the hospital. In addition to the East Asia Club case, how could he not know Zuo Zhong.

In addition, he also deliberately emphasized the word "deputy" in his title, as if to remind Zuo Zhong to recognize his position. A mere deputy director who is as big as a sesame seed and a mung bean is more than the **** in Changjiuli.

Zuo Zhong looked at the man named Wang and did not give him a chance to attack. He responded with a low eyebrow and said: "Report to "Vice President Wang". His humble position is now the Director of the Third Division of the Second Department of the Military Command Department."

This soft-but-hard answer made many people laugh secretly. Few people thought highly of this vice president who had a wavering political attitude, was incompetent in his subordinates, and acted weakly.

Hearing the faint snickering, Mr. Wang was so angry that he wanted to start a fight, but when he saw the bald head that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, he could only suppress the resentment in his heart and get back to business.

“Okay, Director Zuo, what you said is all speculation. Although there is intelligence as circumstantial evidence, there is no direct evidence to support it. I think we cannot rule out the possibility of collusion between the Red Russians and the underground party.

Germany is our country’s staunchest ally and has repeatedly helped the government in military training and weapons innovation. It is a bit arbitrary for you to conclude that the Germans are suspected.

 Unless your Secret Service can provide conclusive evidence or witnesses, I cannot accept this result. I request that the entire case be retried to prevent anyone from using power for personal gain. "

He stood up righteously with a righteous look on his face, as if he had turned back into the life-saving righteous man who assassinated the previous Locust clan on the execution ground, shouting, "You can live up to your youth with a sword."

The bald man slowly turned to look at him, his eyes a bit complicated, including disdain, sneer, ridicule, excitement, relief, and regret. His hands holding the civilized stick tightened.

 “Report, with witnesses.”

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded in everyone's ears. Everyone looked around and saw that it was Dai Chunfeng who was standing in the corner of the reception room. After speaking, he strode to the center of the room.

Zuo Zhong silently took two steps back and gave up the stage to Lao Dai. The most important thing for a subordinate is to know when to advance and when to retreat. Not knowing how to advance or retreat usually does not end well.

On the other side, Mr. Wang shouted with great emotion: "It's impossible. As far as I know, your witnesses have been silenced. Don't think you can deceive someone by just finding a scapegoat..."


Before he could finish speaking, Dai Chunfeng raised his hand and patted it twice. The door of the reception room was slowly pushed open, and Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang walked in carrying a humanoid creature covered with bruises.

The participants were not all soldiers who were accustomed to fighting, but also some literati. Seeing this scene, they involuntarily frowned and expressed their dissatisfaction with the agents in low voices to the people around them.

Possibly hearing the commotion around him, the humanoid creature raised its head, revealing a relatively intact face. If Xiao Xie were here, he would definitely recognize the other person as Zhen Xiu, who had been burnt to coke.

I don't know if he was "scared" by the blood on this person's body. Wang, who had just made an impassioned speech, saw the other person's body swaying for a second, and then he collapsed on the sofa as if his bones had been removed.

①Lin (separation) Sen, the nominal person in charge of the government



 (End of this chapter)

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