Cicada Moving

Chapter 884: Temple (2)

Chapter 884 Temple (2)

Dai Chunfeng looked at the frightened Mr. Wang and the smiling bald head. He was so excited that he immediately announced Zhen Xiu's identity to the attendees.

“Everyone, this person is the suspect who paid Wu Xiaoyi to publish articles that undermined relations between the two countries, Zhen Xiu, the intelligence section chief of the Secret Service Headquarters.

 According to our speculation, there is a real mastermind behind him. In order to die without any evidence and create trouble for the government, he will definitely get rid of this only hidden danger.

 Fortunately, God was wise and allowed the Secret Service operators to find Zhen Xiu before the murderer. They also discovered that someone had installed an explosive device in his car.

Faced with this situation, we decided to take advantage of the situation and control Zhen Xiu in a hidden place, replacing him with a death row prisoner, and then Li Daitao was killed.

 The purpose is to make the mastermind think that he is safe, buy more time for the subsequent investigation and interrogation work, and create a safer environment. "

After a few pointed words, Lao Dai sharply raised his voice: "With the hard work of the interrogators, we now have evidence to prove that all of this is a conspiracy by the Japanese and Germans.

According to Zhen Xiu, someone assured him that as long as the article could be published in the newspaper and cause conflicts between the government and the Red Russians, the other party would give him a good future. Sure enough, he became the chief of the intelligence section of the secret service headquarters afterwards.

Although the mastermind behind the scenes did not come forward personally when doing these things, but had his subordinates do it for him, it is not difficult to trace it. I can responsibly tell you that that person is in this room now! "


  After hearing the end, the military and political officials in the room were in an uproar. No one who could appear here was stupid. Based on someone's performance, it was obvious who was behind the scenes.

The scene suddenly became quiet. Everyone, either openly or secretly observing, turned their attention to Wang, their eyes full of contempt and anger.

If someone just wants to compete for power with a bald man, that’s no problem, because this is a power struggle within the rules and is in the interests of the vast majority of people.

 The more fiercely the two sides fight, the more they need to win over allies, and the more stable their positions will be. Under the terrifying balance of power, everyone will benefit, and the structure of the government will be stable.

But they cannot accept someone using the hands of the Japanese to achieve their goal of ascending to the throne. That would be a waste of time and would leave everyone with no food to eat.

Everyone present is a big boss, and their room for advancement is limited. Even if the Japanese occupy the Republic of China, what position can they give?

It is impossible to have dozens of Chairman Wei, who take turns presiding over government affairs. You sing and I go on stage. The power will be diluted and it will be worthless.

 On the one hand, you have the tangible glory and wealth, and on the other hand, there are illusory benefits. There is no need to think too much about the choice. After all, the country is not at the end of its rope.

 The atmosphere in the conference room gradually solidified. A waiter responsible for serving tea and water stood shivering in the corner. The tea cup in the tray in his hand collided with the cup lid, making a crisp sound.


At this time, a minister finally couldn't help but slapped the coffee table hard and asked loudly: "Director Dai, tell me, who is that bastard? This matter must be dealt with seriously, otherwise there will be no party-state discipline."

Now it’s time to place bets. Wang’s defeat has been determined. It’s a good opportunity to beat the dog in the water. Of course, they must be on the winner’s side.

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became lively. Officials with upright faces stood up one by one and angrily criticized the mastermind behind the scenes and demanded strict punishment.

Looking at these "messengers of justice" who seemed to be sworn in with evil, and thinking that he actually worked with such people, Wang, who was originally a little panicked, suddenly lost his fear and even wanted to laugh a little.

 “Wang, why are you laughing?”

 “I think you have bad intentions!”

“Tell me, are you colluding with the Japanese?”

  Seemingly irritated by his smile, the minister who was the first to attack jumped up, pointed at Wang and sternly reprimanded him, completely breaking his face.

Zuo Zhong watched indifferently in the crowd. If the information was correct, just a few hours ago, this man was nodding and bowing in front of someone, but now he has turned into a vanguard.

This is cold politics. There are no permanent friends, only eternal interests. The power struggle is more cruel than imagined. If you make the slightest mistake, you will be in catastrophe.


Mr. Lin, the head of the National Government, witnessed all this and knew that he could no longer allow things to develop, otherwise people's hearts would be scattered. He decisively made a fist in front of his mouth and coughed.

The conference room became quiet again. Everyone who was thirsty after talking sat down and drank water. The bald heads glanced to the side with a smile, without any dissatisfaction on their faces.

The face of the old gentleman, the grandfather of the martial arts, still had to give it. The other party joined the order during the former meeting of the former dynasty.

Successively served as Speaker of the Senate and Minister of Foreign Affairs. After Mr. Sun's death, the party was leaderless for a while, and all parties unanimously elected him as the top person in charge of the National Government.

  The important thing is that the other party is frugal, has always lived alone, dresses simply, and has devoted his life to the party and the country. He is an admirable senior, and no one dares to be presumptuous.

“I would like to ask you all to please be patient and listen to what I have to say. Is that okay?”

After the discussion stopped, Mr. Lin looked around and asked with a smile. Seeing that no one objected, he relaxed and spoke slowly. “When Mr. Sun was here, what he was most worried about was that the comrades in our party were not united and could not work together and move forward hand in hand, which ruined the great situation.

Even the Japanese once said that the biggest problem in China is that everyone has selfish intentions and is like a loose plate of sand. Therefore, internal disputes have been constant from ancient times to the present. "

Hearing this, some of the officials who had just taken the lead blushed, and some didn't take it seriously. People cannot escape the word "struggle" in this world. If they don't fight, they might as well go home and take care of their children.

 Mr. Lin pretended not to see their reactions, paused and praised Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong: "The work of the Secret Service is very effective, especially this young man named Zuo Zhong.

I have heard of his name. He has caught many Japanese spies. He handled the Red Russian case very well this time. With such a latecomer, we old guys can rest assured. "

Unable to figure out what kind of medicine the other party was selling in his gourd, Zuo Zhong did not dare to be careless when he was named. He bowed deeply and looked frightened.

“Mr. Lin, you are so complimentary. Everything you do in your humble position is out of duty. In the final analysis, it is the leadership of Captain Wei and you that makes the work of the Secret Service so smooth.

 As a Chinese and a soldier, it is our duty to protect our country and our country, so we should not praise you so much. In this humble position, we must take your words as our goal and strictly demand ourselves. "

Little Fox!

Mr. Lin, who had a smile on his face, secretly cursed. On the surface, he nodded and followed Zuo Zhong's words and continued: "It's just out of duty. If everyone is like this, what do the Japanese have to fear.

 You have responsibilities, and I am no exception. My responsibility is to follow the will of the founding fathers, mediate the internal conflicts within the party and state, and ensure that the party does not split and let others take advantage.

Everyone is bound to make mistakes. As long as they know their mistakes and can correct them, as long as they repent, we still have to give the other party a chance. It is not easy for the party-state to train a senior official. "

He didn’t say a word to plead for Mr. Wang, but he seemed to have said everything. With the two big labels of carrying out Mr. Sun’s will and undermining unity, who would dare to target someone named Wang again.

At this moment, Wang's eyes filled with tears, and he couldn't help but regret that Pingshi had been too dismissive of the old man. Who would have thought that at the critical moment, only the other party would come forward to intercede for him.

However, he was not completely out of danger yet. The participants looked at the bald head and realized that the only person who could decide Wang's fate and the future direction of the country's politics was the other party.

According to their expectations, this committee would definitely not let go of their biggest political opponent. As a result, the bald man smiled and said something that shocked everyone.

“Look at what I’m doing. What Mr. Lin just said is very good. The Japanese say that we Chinese are a mess, so we just unite to show them.

 Let this case end here, Chunfeng. All persons involved in the case shall be executed as soon as possible. All confessions and records shall be sealed. No one may access them without my order. "

 “Yes, principal.”

Dai Chunfeng leaned forward slightly and replied without hesitation that intelligence serves politics. This sentence is an eternal truth. Since the top management has a consensus, they can just execute the order.

Zuo Zhong was not surprised by this. Wang seemed to have escaped, but he only escaped. Does the vice president of Guodang, who was criticized in public by his subordinates, still have any prestige?

If a bald man pursues and beats such a bereaved dog, firstly, he will appear weak-minded, and secondly, his hands will be dirty. It would be better to nail him to the pillar of shame and let him die a complete social death.

As for those officials who attacked Mr. Wang, if they do not want to be retaliated against in the future, they must unite around the bald head and do their best to prevent Mr. Wang from making a comeback. They have no choice but to do so.

Besides, if the vice president of the Guo Party colludes with the Japanese to frame an ally, how do you want the people to think? The underground party knows whether they will take advantage of the situation, so letting Wang go is the best choice.

In short, there is only one biggest beneficiary of this incident, and that is the bald head. It not only eliminates the troubles in the heart, but also creates an image of open-mindedness and magnanimity. It is simply like Qin Shihuang touching the wire and winning (win).

 “Mr. Wei, you are so generous.”

 “Yes, yes, it’s a humble job that I didn’t consider.”

 “Just follow Captain Wei’s advice!”

The solution was decided, and the conference room became peaceful again. The flattering actors immediately started performing, and they rushed to flatter each other. The bald head was beaming with joy.

He enjoyed the mental health for a while, and after realizing that it was getting late, he kindly announced the adjournment of the meeting. He sat on the sofa and watched the participants leave one by one.

Hashish and angry, Mr. Wang walked out of the conference room with his head lowered at Mr. Lin's greeting, jumped into the car and hurried away. Obviously, the pots and pans of Wang's house were going to be unlucky tonight.

Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang also dragged Zhen Xiu, who looked relaxed, to leave. It is not difficult to imagine that after several days of torture, death was a kind of relief.

This is the position of Chief of the Intelligence Section of the Special Agent Headquarters. It is estimated that no one will dare to hold it in the future. Didn't you see that Zhen Xiu was executed before he took office? No matter how important the future is, his life is not important.

Not long after, there were only two people left in the conference room. The bald man looked at Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong in confusion and asked casually.

"Chunfeng, Shenzhu, you did a good job this time. Do you have anything else to report? There is no one else here. Please tell me quickly."

Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong looked at each other, and finally gritted their teeth and made a decision. He took a few steps forward and leaned against the bald man's ear. He opened his mouth and softly said three words - eldest son.

 (End of this chapter)

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