Cicada Moving

Chapter 885: eloquent

 Chapter 885 A eloquent tongue

“Principal, the eldest son has been detained by the Red Russians for more than ten years. Now that Gennadi is involved in the case as an active soldier of the Red Russians, it is a good opportunity to negotiate with the other party. Things may turn around.”

Dai Chunfeng glanced at his proud disciple, and based on the contents of the document he read in the car, he lowered his voice and talked about this extremely sensitive matter.

Zuo Zhong immediately lowered his abdomen, raised his chest and raised his buttocks, pretending to be respectful in response. It was indeed his idea to use the Red Russian soldiers' involvement in illegal intelligence activities as an excuse to rescue the eldest son.

 According to historical inertia, the eldest son should also be back, so why not take the opportunity to get in touch with the other party? As the saying goes, no one is good for a hundred days, and flowers are not as red as ever. The devil knows when Lao Dai will hit the mountain.

Compared with the bald man, this person’s ideological awareness is much higher. At least before he was detained by the Red Russians, he had always been alienated from his life, and even directly participated in the travel (separation) trip.

 The other party was born in 1910 and enrolled in Shanghai Pudong Middle School in 1925. He was expelled from the school for participating in demonstrations of the May 30th Massacre on the grounds of radical action.

 Later transferred to Beiping Foreign Language Tutorial School, and was imprisoned for two weeks for participating in the student movement against the Beiyang warlord.

In October of the same year, he went to Red Russia to study at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow. In December, he joined the Chinese Underground Party Socialist Youth League and officially became what the bald man calls a "dissident".

In April 12, the 16th year of the Republic of China, he publicly issued a statement accusing the bald head of rebellion and demanding that the relationship between father and son be severed, which made the bald head very embarrassed.

 Baldhead’s second dismissal was largely related to this matter. After all, even his own son disapproved of it. How can you convince others?

In short, rescuing the eldest son will not only make Zuo Zhong more trusted by the bald man, but also give the Guo Party and the Underground Party an additional communication channel.

The trouble is that there are many people who do not want the other party to return to the country, such as the Song family. Fights within large families have been common since ancient times, let alone the "first family" of the Republic of China.

 Due to various reasons, Mrs. Bald Head failed to give Bald Head a son and a half daughters, but Bald Head and she will grow old one day, and sooner or later the position of Captain Wei will be handed over to someone else.

By then, it will be unknown whether she and the Song family can still enjoy the dividends brought by their status. As the emperor and the courtiers separate, they must find new investment objects.

 The eldest son who is most promising to succeed (separate) the throne has his own mother. The Song family belongs to outsiders, and there is a layer between them, so they will certainly not be as domineering as they are now.

The second young master with unknown origins and unknown biological mother can only rely on the Song family if he wants to ascend to the throne. He is the most reliable tool. The Song family certainly does not want the eldest young master to come back and disrupt the situation.


On the other side, the bald man was startled when he heard Dai Chunfeng mentioning the eldest son. He raised his hand to stop Lao Dai from continuing. The longing in his eyes fleetingly disappeared. He looked in the direction of the door and sighed.

"Needless to say, Madam will blame you if she knows it. Besides, because of what happened in the 16th year of the Republic of China, the Red Russians will not let my son go easily. This matter is difficult to handle."

We are not afraid that it will be difficult for the superior, but we are afraid that it will not be difficult for the superior. Otherwise, where will the credit come from? Dai Chunfeng shook his hand behind his back, Zuo Zhong puffed up his chest and took the initiative to stand up and shoulder the heavy burden.

“Principal, students understand the pain of being separated from their loved ones. You have promoted Shen Zhi many times. Shen Zhi is grateful in his heart, but he has never had the opportunity to repay you.

  If you don’t leave this matter to a humble person, if something goes wrong during the negotiation (separation), let my wife hold me responsible alone, and it has nothing to do with you or the teacher. "

This passage is easy to understand. In order to reunite your father and son and enjoy family happiness again, he is willing to take the blame and risk being resented by his wife to find ways to promote this matter.

 Whether he is moved or not, just be moved. If it were not for completing the latent mission, the change of power in the party would have nothing to do with him. He would not be Chairman Wei, and he would easily commit suicide if he got involved in this matter.

The next moment, the bald head was really moved. He stood up suddenly, shook Zuo Zhong's hand and said seriously: "Okay, Shen Zhong, I'm relieved that you can do things, so please, please."

As the saying goes, a tiger's poison cannot eat its offspring. How can a father not think about his children? Even if the other party has publicly broken with him in the newspaper, the blood connection cannot be severed.


Zuo Zhong was overjoyed. As long as he completed this task, his planned plan would be off to a good start (please note, it is related to Zuo Zhong’s universe, haha).

 After the surprise, he and Dai Chunfeng bowed and resigned. Now that they have spoken, they must implement it as soon as possible, otherwise the bald head will kill someone when he gets angry.

Still in the car, Lao Dai still had a sad face: "Shen Zhong, I have put all my treasure on you this time. Once Madam finds out about this, we will be in big trouble.

And what will happen if the Red Russian government refuses to release him? As you know, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has asked the other party to release the eldest son immediately several times, but the other party has refused for various reasons. "

If other countries had detained important personnel of the government, Dai Chunfeng would have sent people to forcibly rescue them, but it was Red Russia, and every citizen was the country's spy.

 In addition to the different races, it is estimated that the operatives were arrested by NK~VD as soon as they entered the country and sent to dig potatoes. Unlike the national government, the Red Russian side would not give the national government face.

Zuo Zhong was well aware of his concerns. Working in the Guo Party could offend the bald head. Whether it was to win people's hearts or pretend to be generous, the bald head would not necessarily be ruthless.

Offending the bald lady, not to mention other things, but the Song family with their hands and eyes, would be a huge headache. Even a high-ranking and powerful person like Dai Chunfeng would have to carefully consider the consequences.

Zuo Zhong, who had already suspected the case, comforted Lao Dai and said, "Teacher, don't worry, the student has already made a plan. Not only will the Song family have no objections, but they will also thank us." He said mysteriously, Then he categorically assured the other party: "As for the Red Russians, if this happens, they have to agree or agree not to."


Dai Chunfeng narrowed his eyes. As a student, he was never a big talker. Is there really a way to convince the Red Russians and the Song family?

The two slowly stopped talking and the car became quiet. When the car returned to the Pingyue Road office, Zuo Zhong said hello to Lao Dai and set off for Wangjiadun Airport in Hankou.

 Two hours later.

 Blagoveshchensky walked into a war room and frowned at the smiling Zuo Zhong. To be honest, he didn't want to meet this cunning Chinese agent.

Having witnessed the entire case detection process with his own eyes, he knew that the other party was an extremely dangerous figure, and he exposed the Japanese and German conspiracies by relying only on inference.

It is really tiring to deal with such a person. The other person may have set up a trap somewhere during the conversation. He does not want to go to the Xiberian region to repair the earth.

Thinking of this, Blagoveshchensky said rudely: "Your Excellency, Major General, I don't know why you came to the airport. Isn't that case over?

 Our flying missions are very intense. The Japanese have more and more planes, and a large-scale air battle will break out at any time. I have no time to care about things other than war. "

 “Mr. Major, be patient.”

Knowing that he had become a bad visitor, Zuo Zhong smiled kindly: "I came here to report something. Several American media outlets got the details of the case from somewhere.

They want to conduct an in-depth interview with the traitors of the Red Russian Air Force to help China, to find out whether this is a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality, and to reveal the secret behind it. "

 “You! Sugar!”

 Blagoveshchensky was trembling with anger when he heard this. The West is already keen on making Russia look ugly and red. If it knew the identity of the remnants of White Russia in Gnady, it would definitely spread rumors and cause trouble.

Also why American reporters knew the details of the intelligence case? There is no other possibility except that the Secret Service deliberately leaked the information. The other party wanted to use this matter to blackmail the Russian Federation.

 The question is what do the Chinese want? Is it more assistance, more weapons and equipment? It’s impossible. The Soviet Union (Partition) will never accept blackmail!

 Blagoveshchensky lowered his face and was about to protest. Unexpectedly, Zuo Zhong, who was opposite him, walked to the window and watched a plane soar into the sky. Then he turned his head and spoke slowly.

“Mr. Major, do you know why the Japanese and Germans are trying to sow discord between our two countries? Because in addition to conflicts of faith, there is an unavoidable issue between us.

That one has stayed in Hong Russia long enough, and his father misses him very much. If Hong Russia wants the government to block the Japanese for you, then release the other party. This is non-negotiable.

 Otherwise, we wouldn’t mind cooperating with Mr. Trotsky. I heard that he is forming the Fourth International, but unfortunately there is a lack of channels to speak out. In this regard, the government has certain connections in the West.

 All the consequences of this will be borne by you. Don't threaten us with military aid and loans. The Germans will be happy to have an additional ally in the Far East, right? "

 An extremely tough speech came out of Zuo Zhong's mouth. His expression was extremely cold, showing the other party that the government was determined to kill every fish and every fish in the net... Shit, this was of course meant to scare people.

But Red Russia and Bearded Man did not dare to bet. Mr. Tuo was a close comrade-in-arms of the founding father of Red Russia, the actual founder of the Red (Separation) Army, and had huge influence in Red Russia.

After the opponent failed to fight for (separation) position, even if he wanted to shoot him a hundred times, the bearded man only dared to expel him. There was no other way, because the opponent had too many old comrades and subordinates.

Blagoveshchensky felt cold in his heart. The Chinese dared to cooperate with that taboo that cannot be mentioned. If the Fourth International is successfully established and the Americans incite it, there will be big trouble.

“Well, it’s time for Zuo to leave. Please convey these words to Moscow. As long as you are willing to release him, the government will always be a staunch ally of Red Russia and jointly limit the expansion of the Japanese.”

 Speaking diplomatic rhetoric that he did not believe, regardless of the gloomy expression of Blagoveshchensky, Zuo Zhong walked out of the war room with confidence. The Red Russians would definitely agree to his request.

 The political (separation) situation is stable on one side, and on the other side there are insignificant hostages. The other side cannot bear the consequences of the collapse of negotiations between the two parties, so releasing them is the only option.

 The next thing he needs to do is to deal with the Song family. Compared with convincing the Red Russians, this task seems more difficult, but in fact it is just the opposite.

Zuo Zhong returned to Wuchang from Hankou and came to the residence of Minister Song in Luojia Mountain. With just one sentence, he asked the other party to actively join the rescue operation of the eldest son.

“During the Three Kingdoms period, the three brothers Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Jin, and Zhuge Dan of the Zhuge clan served as officials in three places, each with his own master. In the end, the legacy was continued in the cruel and troubled times.

Now that my wife is getting close to the second young master, it might be a wise choice for you, brother, to make good friends with the eldest young master. People who are not worried about the long-term will always have immediate worries. Please give me a helping hand, brother. "

Diversified investment is a common method used by large families to make a living. After listening to Zuo Zhong's heart-felt advice, Minister Song thought about it, held his hand tightly, and said sincerely thank you.

 There is no right or wrong in the adult world, only interests. No one can refuse a big deal that guarantees a profit, and it is a rare commodity.

 Left·Smooth-tongued·Zhong was sitting in the car leaving Luojia Mountain, blowing the warm early spring wind in front of him, showing a faint smile...

 (Is there any show in the Mainland of Jay2023 Carnival? You’ll be old if you don’t watch it)

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