Cicada Moving

Chapter 886: Closing (Happy New Year’s Eve)

 Chapter 886 Ending (Happy New Year’s Eve)

 “Raise the gun.”


In early summer, a beach outside the city of Chicheng was heavily guarded. Military policemen from six city defense headquarters aimed at four prisoners with their heads covered and kneeling on the ground with their hands behind their backs.

 Some of the four people remained silent and waited quietly for death, some collapsed on the ground, and some screamed at the top of their lungs.

“I not only know the information about the Japanese, but also the information about the Xia Dang in Chicheng. Those addresses and names are all true. I am willing to take the blame and make meritorious service.”

It is a pity that no one cares about what he is talking about. A person who is about to die can say anything as long as he can survive.

Not to mention the intelligence of the underground party, there are people who claim that they are the commission's own sons. The executioners have seen too many things like this and will not believe it at all.



As the starter stood up, several gunshots were fired, and the four prisoners stumbled to the ground. The sound startled several waterfowl hiding by the water, and they quickly flew away against the water.

The people watching the excitement on the polder in the distance immediately let out cheers when they saw this scene. As for who died, does it matter? It doesn't matter. Just watch it if there is excitement.

 “Mom, let me shout again.”

A big bald man supervising the execution cursed, angrily took a few steps forward to the corpse, pulled out the gun from his waist and pulled the trigger repeatedly on the four prisoners who were dying.

               After several shots, blood spattered everywhere. The blood mist was blown by the wind and emitted a strange halo under the sunlight, which gave it a somewhat eerie beauty.

In the open space in the inner circle of the execution ground, Zuo Zhong, who was wearing a major general uniform for a rare occasion, leaned against the engine compartment of the car and shouted at his bald head.

"Youguang, why are you so crazy? You don't need to spend money to buy ammunition. Hurry up and check the prisoner's identity. If there is no problem, leave."


Gui Youguang answered loudly, unloaded the gun and put it back into the holster, then squatted down and took off the hoods on the prisoners' heads, carefully checking whether the four of them had been impersonated.

Looking at his movements, Wu Chunyang, who accompanied Zuo Zhong, asked a question: "Deputy Director, what should I do with the body? Should I find a place to bury it? The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and I'm afraid it will stink."

“Gnadi was sent to Wangjiadun Airport to prevent the Red Russians from thinking that we were holding back. Let someone tell Blagoveshchensky that someone on my side always keeps his word and never lies.”

Zuo Zhong looked forward and pointed at the other three corpses with an indifferent expression: "Dispose of the corpses of Wu Xiaoyi, Zhen Xiu, and Guo Jinyao, and hang them on the city gate to warn some people not to go the wrong way."


Wu Chunyang nodded slightly, glanced at him secretly, and cautiously asked again: "Guo Jinyao relented at the final stage of the interrogation and revealed some information related to the underground party's Jiacheng organization.

According to him, he originally planned to tell it when he retracted his confession to increase the credibility of the false confession and completely confirm his identity as a subordinate. This information has not been found out yet.

Wouldn't it be inappropriate for us to execute him like this? Now is the time when various departments are competing for power. If someone knows about it, they may use this as an excuse to attack you and Virgo. "

Zuo Zhong looked as usual after listening. He couldn't help but recall the secret agents arresting Guo Jinyao on the Zhenchang. At the end of the operation, he had a fleeting figure in the crowd, and he had some guesses in his mind.

Di~ It's not easy to join the party. Guo Jinyao's information was provided by the Japanese intelligence organization. The other party probably discovered the abnormal situation of the Japanese and tracked the oil factory.

After seeing Guo Jinyao being arrested, he decisively evacuated the relevant personnel. Fortunately, otherwise he would have been in trouble this time. It would be a difficult problem for him to arrest his comrades or not.

On the surface, Zuo Zhong snorted coldly: "Didn't he tell me that those addresses were checked? They were all empty, and the neighbors didn't know about the residents. God knows if those people were underground gangs.

 Besides, more sensitive moments are worse than less. Now that the war is imminent, the Secret Service must focus on the military and provide frontline troops with the movements of the Japanese army. "

Having said this, Zuo Zhong waved his hand to strengthen his tone and decided not to create extraneous matters, let alone allow the Secret Service to continue the investigation. Anyway, there was an order from Baldhead ahead of him.

At this time, more than a month has passed since Bald Head held a meeting in Banshanlu. Although the other party requested to end the case as soon as possible, some procedures are unavoidable.

Just like Wu Xiaoyi, he said that he was deceived by Zhen Xiu, so he had to check the confessions of the two and look for side evidence. Torture is a necessary method.

The Secret Service cannot easily kill a person before the last bit of value is squeezed out of the prisoner. Sometimes clues are discovered through post-case interrogation.

 Back to Wu Xiaoyi, this scholar was so disgraced that he even confessed how old he was when he peed his pants under severe punishment, emphasizing over and over again that he was an innocent deceiver.

However, it is not up to him to decide whether he is guilty or not. Shooting three people is not as spectacular as shooting four people, so President Wu became an accomplice of the Japanese spy. Wu Chunyang thought about it for a while and found that this was indeed the case. What Guo Jinyao said could not be verified. He didn't know if he would gain anything if he continued to investigate, so it was better to end it here.

“By the way, has Old Wu gone to Banshanlu?”

I don't know what he thought of, but Zuo Zhong suddenly asked Wu Chunyang about Wu Jingzhong's whereabouts, and he stretched leisurely while talking.

 After the long cold winter in Changcheng and the intrigues at work, he was bathing in the warm sunshine and felt that his whole body seemed to be alive.

Wu Chunyang bowed slightly, with a smile on his face: "Here we go, the eldest son has just returned to China, and he called Lao Wu before he settled in. It seems that the two of them have a good relationship.

But Deputy Director, it was you and Minister Song who pushed for the release of Hong Russia. Why don't you go and take a look? It's a taboo to say something humble, because the commissioner will eventually get old. "

The two of them have been through life and death together, and they are brothers of life and death who can safely hand over their backs, so he speaks outright about some things.

 After the eldest son came back from Red Russia, Captain Wei did not meet him for several days. The reason was naturally the incident where the eldest son "severed the relationship between father and son".

Seeing this situation, many officials did not dare to act rashly even if they had plans to burn out the situation. They all waited patiently and did not dare to take the lead.

But with the patient persuasion of Minister Song, the eldest son and Chief Wei finally settled their differences. After all, they are father and son, so there is no such thing as an overnight feud.

This incident caused a huge sensation. The number of fruit party members who came to visit the eldest son was like a crucian carp. After all, they were placed in the former dynasty, and this was a standard prince (separation).

Wu Chunyang didn't understand why others went to show their kindness to the eldest son, but the deputy director who facilitated the matter was so low-key and not in a hurry.

 “Chunyang, come with me for a walk.”

Faced with Wu Chunyang's question, Zuo Zhong did not answer directly, but softly called him to walk to Chang'an. Standing beside the vast mist of Chang'an, he said leisurely to his old subordinates.

“You know Ji Gang, Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty was very fond of this person. He first appointed him as a loyal guard of thousands of households. After he came to the throne, Ji Gang was promoted to the commander of the Jinyi Guards, in charge of the pro-army and in charge of the imperial edicts and prisons.

Ji Gang was able to hold the power of Jinyiwei for 14 years and control the situation in the court. He relied on Chengzu's trust. Without Chengzu, this person would be nothing more than a loser.

His failure and death had a lot to do with the battle to seize the land. As a knife, the knife should not have other ideas before the previous owner completely let go of it. "

Leaning down to pick up a stone, Zuo Zhong threw it into the distance. When the water splashed, he patted the thoughtful Wu Chunyang on the shoulder with a very serious expression.

“Chunyang, you have to remember that I want the eldest son to return to the country only to repay the support of the commissioner, not to cling to the so-called prince (separate). This world is still headed by Mr. Wei.

Going to see the other party now, if the committee thinks too much, it is tantamount to asking for death. What's more important is that the eldest son has been in Red Russia for such a long time and has been more or less influenced by red ideas.

Coupled with the existence of the red Russian concubine, if people like us get close to each other rashly, people will definitely think that it is an ulterior motive and something that is unpleasant inside and outside, so there is no need to do it.

Even if people don't think so, rushing to get results will only make people look down upon and be treated as a tool. To put it more harshly, it is just a dog that specializes in doing dirty work. So why bother.

Lao Wu went there just in time. Do you think the eldest son really cares about the friendship between his classmates? He just saw the huge power of the Secret Service and wanted to use it for his own use. What should I say then?

I heard that in 1934, this person met with a high-level official from Red Russia, not because of his identity, but because of his outstanding performance, which is called high ideological consciousness in local parlance.

 A hostage can actually be received by Red Russian No. 1 because of his good behavior. How can such a person be a simple person? Our eldest son has a profound moral character, and there is no benefit in getting close to him. "

  After a few words from Wu Chunyang, Zuo Zhong added: "In addition, don't send people to monitor the concubine Hong Er Tai (separate), it is not our turn to take care of the family affairs of the envoy.

There is no credit if you manage things well, and there is no credit if you do not manage them well. If there is an order, just ask Lao Wu to say hello to the other party, show off, and give him an explanation.

Everyone has an evil scale. For the eldest son, his wife, who has accompanied him through difficult years, is undoubtedly an evil scale. Anyone who dares to touch her will die. "

Wu Chunyang understood and stopped worrying about the matter. Just when he was about to ask about the next work arrangements, he heard a buzzing sound in the sky in the distance, and small black dots appeared on the horizon.

“It’s a Japanese plane! Evacuate quickly!” someone shouted fiercely.

 The military police, spies, and civilians present were immediately frightened and dispersed. They skillfully looked for bunkers and shelters, and burrowed in or crouched under a big tree to avoid possible air attacks.

Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang, who were running madly, dragged Zuo Zhong and jumped off the bank, and came to a depression and lay down. The three of them raised their heads and watched dozens of planes with plaster flags on them roaring past.

 (End of this chapter)

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