Cicada Moving

Chapter 887: Evacuate (Happy New Year, have a day off tomorrow)

Chapter 887 Evacuation (Happy New Year, one day off tomorrow)

A mixed formation composed of 27 Type 96 carrier-based fighter jets, 18 Type 96 attack bombers and 10 army aviation aircraft of the Japanese Naval Air Force flew along Changjiang towards Changjiang City, targeting Wangjiadun Airport and Hanyang Arsenal.

"Moses, Moses, each team carried out the attack according to the planned plan, and it has been a mess for half a year!"

On one of the planes, the Japanese commander in charge of the operation took off his goggles and issued combat orders while holding a recently installed radio.

 “Half a year!”


Looking at the arsenal chimneys with thick smoke in the distance, the Japanese pilots all had red eyes, roared with ferocious expressions, and moved the control sticks in their hands to prepare to start the attack.

But before they could disperse, six Red Russian fighter planes emerged from the clouds from high altitude and swooped down toward the Japanese formation like tigers descending a mountain.

The Japanese planes were caught off guard and responded hurriedly, quickly closing their formation and using machine guns to form a fire net in an attempt to prevent the Red War Eagle from attacking.

The fighter planes of the Red Russian Aviation Volunteer Group made full use of their high-speed, flexible performance characteristics and skilled combat skills to run rampant among the enemy aircraft, causing the enemy aircraft to become chaotic.

Once a Japanese fighter plane breaks away from the formation, they will bite the enemy plane tightly and launch close attacks from the tail, back and abdomen. The firelight flashes in the sky and the sound of machine guns is heard.

“The Japanese plane is finished, it’s finished!”

Someone on the ground shouted, and the people who had been hiding ran out one after another, ignoring the danger of shrapnel flying in the sky and strafing by enemy planes, to cheer for the Red Russian pilots.

I saw thick black smoke trailing from the tail of a Japanese plane, staggering like a kite with a broken string, and falling to the ground. After more than ten seconds, there was a loud "boom", and the Japanese pilot's hands were stained with the blood of the Chinese people. He was immediately buried in a field.

Before the cheers fell, the sound of machine guns was heard again in the air. People looked up and saw three Red Russian fighter planes passing overhead and quickly approaching two Japanese planes. There was a burst of machine gun fire, and another Japanese plane emerged from the tail. Red light falls.

 “Beautiful! These Red Russians are really good!”

Gui Youguang hammered the ground hard and watched the fighting in the sky intently. In just a few minutes, two Japanese planes were shot down, and the spectators were all delighted.

Zuo Zhong was also watching the majestic appearance of the Steel War Eagles and was filled with emotion. According to the long-distance monitoring of Wang Jiadun by the Secret Service, the Red Russian pilots were said to be brave and disciplined in combat.

Every morning at 6 a.m., they get up on time to exercise, go for long-distance runs along the road, train for duty at noon, and play football and basketball on the playground after dinner.

During the war, he never went out or set foot in teahouses, taverns, dance halls or theaters, and even actively asked the government to lower his living standards. No wonder he could maintain such a high fighting enthusiasm.

At this moment, more and more Red Russian fighter jets rushed to the battlefield. The Japanese soon became unable to resist them. They were shot down one after another. They were defeated one after another and fled away as hard as they could.

 In this battle, the national government lost 9 to 12 aircraft, while the Japanese losses were about three times that of the national government. This battle played a very important role in stabilizing the air situation in Chicheng.

Unwilling to fail, the Japanese military assembled again a few days later. 18 bombers, supported by 36 fighter jets, launched a new round of air attacks on Qicheng.

The waiting Red Russian aid team quickly dispatched, taking advantage of the aircraft to deal with Japanese fighter jets at an altitude of 1,500 meters. The Russian air force hovered at an altitude of 2,400 meters, responsible for covering and at the same time responsible for attacking Japanese bombers.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Japanese army could only immediately turn around and retreat eastward. The China Aid Air Force and the Guojun Air Force pursued bravely. They shot down a total of 14 Japanese aircraft that day and only lost 2 of their own.

In the first half of 1938, there were frequent good news over Chicheng. During this period, the air forces of the two countries fought side by side and launched several major air battles with the Japanese army. They successfully prevented the Japanese air attack on Chicheng and provided strong support. Frontal battlefield.

On the contrary, the ground battlefield did not go so smoothly. The grassroots officers and soldiers of the Guo army were generally brave and tenacious. They killed a large number of Japanese troops and dealt a major blow to the Japanese troops.

 Judging from the intelligence sent back by Ryosuke Hase, the total casualties of the Japanese Central China Expeditionary Force should be between 55,000 and 70,000, and there were also more than 100,000 slightly injured people. The Japanese were seriously injured. ①

However, due to mistakes in the combat guidance of a certain top decision-maker and some senior generals, the Guo army consumed itself too much while consuming the enemy. More than 250,000 people were killed in the Guo army, and more than 400,000 were injured, and they were unable to fight again. war.

 It is worth mentioning that in order to prevent the Japanese North China Front from attacking in Henan Province, Baldhead, who claimed to love the people like a son, ordered the 275th Division of the 4th to 9th Army to dig up the Yellow River dam at Huayuankou.

Mighty floods swept down, and large tracts of land in more than 40 counties in Xucheng, Northern Anhui, and Northern Jiangsu were suddenly reduced to swamps, causing great disasters to the local people.

According to preliminary statistics provided by intelligence stations in various places of the Secret Service, more than 800,000 people drowned in total, millions of people were displaced, and a large yellow flood zone was formed.

Even if the **** digging actually broke the Japanese army's two-line attack plan of Chicheng and bought time to defend Chicheng, as the war progressed, the war situation was still unfavorable to the government.

 In early October, the Japanese army captured Xinyang and cut off the connection between Pinghan and Pinghan railways, putting a serious threat to the city of Chicheng. The city began to evacuate in full.

Mr. Lu Zuofu, the first-generation shipping king, was ordered to direct the evacuation operation. He used the segmented transportation method to first gather the people and goods that needed to be transported to Yichang before transshipment.

In the near future, the other side successfully transported 1.5 million wounded soldiers, refugees and other personnel, more than 100,000 tons of goods and machines to the mountain city in just 40 days. These include 2 steel plants, 230 machinery factories, 41 electrical appliance manufacturers, 42 chemical factories, 115 textile factories, 46 catering factories, 81 educational supplies factories, 8 mining factories, and 54 other industries.

These factories and materials left precious sparks for the Chinese nation’s anti-Japanese cause and provided economic support for the continued resistance. At the same time, Qicheng gradually turned into an empty city.

When the last evacuation ferry was about to leave the Changcheng Pier, the Secret Service office on Pingyue Road was busy, with a large number of civilian staff burning documents in a brazier.

Amid the smoke, there was a different scene in the director's office. A dozen armed agents, led by Zuo Zhong, rushed into the office and carried an angry Dai Chunfeng out.

This is of course not that Zuo Zhong has stopped pretending and wants to take advantage of the cheap teacher, but that the Japanese troops are only half a day away from Chicheng, and Dai Chunfeng, who has many secrets, must leave.

"I won't leave! Let me go! The commission has not left Jiacheng, and the anti-capitalist sabotage has not yet been carried out. How can I leave my post without permission as a subordinate? Be careful! Let them let me go."

The furious Dai Chunfeng struggled desperately against the door frame and shouted to his proud disciple. The passing agents lowered their heads in fear, and no one dared to care about the matter between master and disciple.

The anti-capitalist enemy sabotage mentioned by Lao Dai refers to the relocation of all military-related factories in Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang in order to implement the strategic needs of the long-term war of resistance.

 Jun Weihui requested that the industrial facilities, factories, mines, and materials of those who refused to be relocated should be completely destroyed by means of explosions and burnings to prevent them from being used by the enemy.

 It was Dai Chunfeng and the Secret Service who were responsible for commanding and executing the sabotage mission. They planned to blow up 38 targets and set 37 targets on fire, for a total of 105 targets.

With so many targets, the preliminary work was extremely complicated. He originally planned to evacuate on his own after completing the mission, and handed over the command of the Secret Service to Zuo Zhong.

Unexpectedly, the disciple who had always been well-behaved led someone to take him away by force. This made Lao Dai touched and angry at the same time. He was moved by the student's friendship for him, but angry because the other student did not obey orders.

Hearing Dai Chunfeng’s shout, Zuo Zhong explained softly: “Teacher, the commission and life-saving work cannot be done without you. Don’t worry, the commission has left Qicheng on a transport plane transferred from the mountain city.

 I have entrusted the affairs of the office to Gu Qi, the chief of the intelligence section, and Song Minghao, the deputy chief of the section. They are good at internal affairs management and have rich practical experience. They will definitely be able to lead everyone to Ping'an.

I am younger than you and am used to field operations, so I should be responsible for sabotage tasks. Since I joined the Secret Service, I have been prepared to be buried in horse leather. Please board the ship as soon as possible. "

After speaking, without waiting for a reply, he looked at Gui Youguang and He Yijun, who had heavy expressions on their faces: "You two must protect Virgo, even if you lose your life, you must safely **** Virgo to the mountain city."


The two of them bit their lips and replied that staying in Qicheng at this time would mean a narrow escape. They wanted to fight side by side with the deputy director, but as soldiers, they must obey orders.

Then Gui Youguang put Dai Chunfeng on his shoulders and left quickly. He Yijun and Dai Chunfeng's secretary Li Wei followed behind. The group got into the car and headed straight for the dock.

   “Presumptuous, let me go!”

 “Be careful and go with the teacher.”

“Zuo Zhong, I order you to retreat!”


Dai Chunfeng's shouts floated in the air, and the civilian staff also left in trucks under protection. Only Wu Chunyang and a dozen spies who were good at sabotage were left in the originally crowded office.

Looking across the faces of the people with resolute expressions, Zuo Zhong gave the final order: "To be loyal to the leader, we must implement his ideas, never retreat in the face of danger, and do not tolerate hypocrisy and prevarication.

Even if they are shattered to pieces, they are still happy to be unknown heroes. Everyone changes clothes and goes to contact the demolition team responsible for the execution. After completion, they go to the predetermined location to assemble and evacuate. "

 All the operational personnel saluted, changed into civilian clothes on the spot, and then took out military oil barrels and splashed them everywhere. After dousing, they quietly walked out of the office door in pairs and merged into the crowd.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the small building, silently took out a match, tore it out, struck it, and gently threw it to the ground. The flames suddenly rose. He turned around and said two words coldly to Wu Chunyang.

"Set off."

  (I wish everyone a happy new year, all the best in the new year, and the most important thing is good health.)

①Number source: Casualty survey list of all battles of the 11th Japanese Army from 1938 to 1940, the battle history of the 47th Regiment of the 6th Division "History of the Fighting of the Rural Troops", "The Battle History of the Kumamoto Regiment", the 9th Division "Mackerel" "History of the 36th Jiang Infantry Regiment", "History of the Toyama Regiment", casualty records of the Botian Detachment.

A certain encyclopedia is inaccurate, and both the Guo Army and the Japanese Army lied about their numbers.



 (End of this chapter)

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