Cicada Moving

Chapter 893: Heroic people, heroic city

Chapter 893 Heroic People, Heroic City

In early November 1938, a passenger ship flying the Japanese flag suddenly appeared near the Chaotianmen Pier in Zishan City and blew its whistle under the eyes of the people on the shore.

Several loud noises were heard. Seeing how arrogant the "Japanese" were, the hot-tempered mountain city citizens cursed loudly, with various tones heard.

Zuo Zhong, who was standing at the bow of the boat, turned dark and shouted at Wu Chunyang: "What are you doing? Take down the plaster flag quickly, or someone will shoot us."


Wu Chunyang, who had a low eyebrow and was obedient, responded obediently, and led the people to lower the flag and throw it into the turbid water. A vortex immediately passed by and dragged it into the bottom of the water, where a few bubbles appeared.

This passenger ship was the Hongri Maru that departed from Changcheng. After picking up Wu Chunyang and others from Baishazhou that day, they went upstream along the Changjiang River and stopped and stopped for several days before finally arriving at the mountain city.

Since there were constant harassment by Japanese planes along the way, Zuo Zhong asked people to raise the Japanese flag to confuse the Japanese pilots. Needless to say, it really worked. The reason is very simple.

The national government has not cut off economic ties with Japan. There are many ships of Japanese shipping companies in Changjiang. Relying on this plaster flag, Hongriwan was not attacked once along the way.

"Haha, Sir Zuo, no wonder Xiao Wu, the people in the mountain city have strong personalities, so it is normal to have such a reaction when seeing a Japanese ship."

At this time, a middle-aged man with a long beard walked up to Zuo Zhong and said something with a smile, then stroked his beard and pointed to the stilt houses beside the mountain road.

“In the 16th year of the reign of the former dynasty, China and Britain signed the "Extension Articles of the Yantai Treaty", and the mountain city was opened as a commercial port. In the summer of the second year, the mountain city customs was established near Chaotianmen.

During the Sino-Japanese War, the former navy was defeated by the Japanese. According to the Treaty of Separation of Horseshoe Separation, this place became one of the first inland trading ports opened to Japan.

In 1901, the Japanese established a concession in Wangjiatuo on the south bank. In the same year, France also established a naval dock and barracks near Danzishi on the south bank. Public sentiment was boiling for a while.

In the 10th year of the Republic of China, the mountain city established a port opening supervision office to prepare for municipal administration. In the 18th year of the Republic of China, the city was officially established and established as a second-class provincial municipality under the National Government. Pan Wenhua, Chief Pan, was the first mayor.

In the 20th year of the Republic of China, the people of the mountain city could not bear the loss of their national rights and the humiliation of their citizens. They took the expiration of the 30-year lease of the Japanese concession in Wangjiatuo and September 18th as an opportunity to prepare to take back the concession. "

 Speaking of this, the bearded middle-aged man’s voice became more and more passionate: “At that time, the mountain city’s special committee to voluntarily take back the Wangjiatuo Concession issued an announcement, and the mountain city’s business community interrupted Japanese business.

At the same time, all Chinese cars and Chinese ships were required not to carry Japanese people, and Chinese sedan chairs and Chinese slide poles were not allowed to carry Japanese people. Japanese people in the concession had to walk to and from get off work.

The Yamashiro Seamen's Federation also called on Chinese seafarers who were piloting Japanese ships to come ashore. Otherwise, their memberships would be directly revoked. Japanese shipping companies had no choice but to suspend operations.

The Yamashiro General Chamber of Commerce announced that it would arrange jobs for Chinese people who resigned from Japanese companies. For those who could not be temporarily arranged, the living expenses would be fully borne by the chamber of commerce, and the people immediately followed suit.

Business gangs from all over Sichuan Province followed suit and telegraphed to their counterparts in Shanghai and Changcheng to stop taking Japanese passenger ships and ban Japanese goods from entering Sichuan Province. Countless paoge came to inspect the ships. "

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand to hold the fence, his tone with a slight Sichuan accent was full of pride, the strong wind blew his beard and clothes high, and between his eyebrows was the nervousness of a wanderer returning home.

Listening to this tumultuous past, Zuo Zhong was also overwhelmed with excitement. He looked up at the city that seemed to be hidden in the clouds and mist, and recalled the information about this matter.

 Subsequently, the people of the mountain city held two consecutive rallies (separation meetings) of tens of thousands of people, demanding that the government declare war on Japan, sever economic ties with Japan, and demand the dispatch of Sichuan troops to fight in Sichuan, etc.

In addition, a goods-hating inspection team was organized to prohibit the sale of Japanese goods. Any store selling Japanese goods would be smashed to pieces. In short, whatever tactics worked were used.

The Japanese could no longer bear the internal and external troubles. With the consent of the mainland, the Japanese consul in Chongqing summoned Japanese expatriates and businessmen in Chengdu and Chongqing and left the mountain city on two Japanese warships that year.

Perhaps to annoy the government, the other party sent a letter to Jinling before leaving, stating that the Japanese concession was to be handed over to the government for custody, not to be handed back, and that he was trying to find an opportunity to return to the southwest.

As soon as the Japanese left, Liu Xiang, the king of Sichuan Province, sent troops into the Wangjiatuori Concession and sent people to take over the houses and businesses in the Wangjiatuori Concession, making a huge profit.

It was not until the July 7 Incident (separation) incident last year that the angry national government officially took over the Japanese Concession in Yamacheng. Since then, the only concession in the southwest has been successfully taken back.

 “Heroic people, heroic city!”

Zuo Zhong murmured to himself that compared with the people in other cities in the Republic of China, the temperament of the people in the mountain cities was like the taste of local food - numb and spicy.

 The relocation (separation) of national capitals is all related to this. In addition to factors such as geography, population, and resources, the Sichuan people's temperament of not letting go of their enemies may also be one of the reasons.

After a moment of silence, he turned to look at Piao (partition)'s waving beard, with a smile on his lips: "Mr. Zhang, if Zuo remembers correctly, you are from Neijiang, Sichuan Province."

“Exactly, it’s been many years since I left Sichuan in the blink of an eye. I feel timid about being near my hometown. I wonder how many of my childhood companions still remember Zhang.” The middle-aged man said with emotion.

 “Just don’t forget to agree to my painting.”

Zuo Chong took advantage of the opportunity to give a reminder. After picking up the teachers and students from Jinling and Central University on board the ship, the other party said a few polite words in excitement, saying that the life-saving grace could not be repaid.

Facing this famous painter named Zhang and Daqian, who was a former professor of the Art Department of Central University, he immediately said that it didn't matter if he was kind or not, he just liked art.

After hearing this, Big Beard promised to paint a few paintings for him on the way. Now that they have arrived in the mountain city, Zuo Zhong must of course remind him that even if the Zuo family goes bankrupt in the future, they will be able to live and feed well with these paintings.

 “Haha, of course I will never forget it.”

The middle-aged man (separated) laughed and waved. When he saw the student walking over with three scrolls, he raised his hands and thanked him seriously: "This time, Commander Zuo saved me, Zhang is very grateful. Please accept this my work." After finally escaping from Beiping, if it falls into the hands of the Japanese again, it will be very bad. If you have free time in the future, Mr. Zuo, you can go to the Central University to get together. "

 After speaking, he solemnly handed over the tray with the scroll, without any of the contempt and disdain that other literati showed when dealing with agents.

 “Thank you very much.”

Taking the tray with both hands and handing it to Wu Chunyang, Zuo Zhong made a serious promise: "Mr. Zhang, if you encounter some unsolvable difficulties, you can also go to the Secret Service to find Zuo.

 Zuo still has some connections and connections in the government and the party, and he will give me some face in all aspects. Of course, the premise is that it does not involve dissidents or intelligence cases. "

“Understood, Zhang thanked Mr. Zuo again.”

The bearded man smiled, then skipped this sensitive topic, and changed the topic to talk about the scenery on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the customs of mountain towns, and by the way, he also introduced the local food.

This is a smart man who is very understanding of people and the world. He is not aloof or high-spirited. He is talented but not arrogant. No wonder he was captured by bandits and turned into a "black pen master".

He even deceived the Japanese twice, tricked the Beiping Japanese in circles, and successfully escaped from the enemy's nest. In a sense, this great painter has the potential of an intelligence officer.

Glancing at this person, Zuo Zhong turned his gaze to the mountain city in the distance while chatting. At this time, Hongriwan turned to the right and entered the Jialing River, a tributary of Changjiang.

From the map, the main urban area of ​​Shancheng looks like a peninsula dividing Changjiang into two parts, dividing the entire area into three pieces of land.

 The land to the north is Zibei County, adjacent to Jialingjiang.

 The south side belongs to the Nan'an Municipal Management Office and is adjacent to Yangzijiang.

The peninsula in the middle is naturally the main city of the mountain city. It is where the government and other military and government agencies are located. It has the residences of many dignitaries and dignitaries. It has the largest population and the most prosperous commerce.

If you are an ordinary passenger ship arriving in the mountain city, you should dock at the Chaotianmen Pier at the end of the peninsula, and then climb up the long steps to enter the city.

 However, considering that the westward relocation of Jiangcheng is still in progress, Chaotianmen Pier is overwhelmed and blocked, and Zuo Zhong and others need to keep their identities secret.

So the destination of Hongri Maru is not this civilian pier, but a small public pier called Liziba in Jialingjiang.

With the support of banknotes, the French crewmen steered the boat skillfully to avoid shoals one after another, dodge the ramming fishing boats, and gradually approached the final destination of the trip.

When he was still one or two hundred meters away from the pier, Zuo Zhong saw many people standing on the shore, and at the same time he could vaguely hear the sound of the band playing.

As he got closer to the shore, he was surprised to find that the cheap teacher Dai Chunfeng, Gu Qi, Song Minghao, Gui Youguang, He Yijun, Shen Dongxin and other members of the Secret Service had all arrived.

 "Welcome the triumphant return of the Deputy Director"

 《Celebrating the successful return of warriors behind enemy lines to Chongqing》

What is even more speechless is that there are still a few small agents holding two banners. The content on them made Zuo Zhong die on the spot. Needless to say, this must be Dai Chunfeng's idea and order.

As soon as Hongriwan docked, Lao Dai walked onto the boat in three steps and two steps at a time. He quickly came to Zuo Zhong, looked him up and down, and spoke passionately with his eyes red.

“Okay, that’s fine. Shenzhu, thank you for your hard work this time. Not only did you successfully destroy the industrial facilities in Qicheng, but you also rescued so many students and celebrities.

But don’t be so self-assertive in the future. If something happens to you, how will you explain to Captain Wei and your parents? You must be cautious in everything you do. "

After knowing what Zuo Zhong and his group had experienced in Changcheng, Dai Chunfeng was once again grateful that he had accepted a good student. Otherwise, he might have been trapped in Changcheng this time.

Determined to deal with the troublemaking workers and factory owners, instigated rebellion against Francois Huang, set fire to sneak into the French Concession, hijacked Japanese passenger ships, bribed French workers, and rescued trapped teachers and students.

These things require the person in charge of the operation to have rich field experience. The most important thing is to have self-awareness. He asked himself that he couldn't do it. Thanks to Shen Zhi who sent him away forcibly.

So as soon as he received the news of Zuo Chongping'an's return, Lao Dai immediately organized personnel from the Secret Service in Chongqing to come to greet him. This was all he could do. As a teacher, he couldn't express his gratitude in person.

Zuo Zhong knew what he meant, and showed no complacency at all. He said with sincerity and fear: "The student made the decision privately without the teacher's permission and forcibly took you away from Qicheng. I hope the teacher will forgive me."

Dai Chunfeng shook his head and said nothing. He held Zuo Zhong's hand and patted it gently. Everything was said without saying anything. There were some things that could be said but not done, and some things that could not be said.

This touching scene of a master's kindness and his disciple's filial piety moved the onlookers deeply. A Chinese professor from Jinling University even composed a poem on the spot to commemorate the event, which received a round of applause.

Immediately after Zuo Zhong introduced him, Dai Chunfeng shook hands with the rescued celebrities one by one and exchanged greetings. Everyone walked to the cars parked outside the pier, chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

While everyone was immersed in joy, in a darkroom located in the concession in Changcheng, banana man Francois Huang wrote a line of words on paper with invisible ink.

“Students and professors have been safely transferred, please advise on the next step, thumbtack…”

 (End of this chapter)

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