Cicada Moving

Chapter 894: Military reunification is coming

Chapter 894: Military Reunion Attacks

 Mountain city Luojiawan.

 Luxury cars, which are rare in the local area, drove along the winding mountain road and finally stopped in front of a large courtyard with no sign and only a house number 29 written on it.

 It is not accurate to say it is a courtyard. Unlike Jinling, which has a fairly flat terrain, Shancheng is a city built on a mountain, hence its name.

Therefore, several buildings in the courtyard are located on a steep hill in an orderly manner, and are connected to each other by suspended corridors in the middle.

Zuo Zhong got out of the car and looked up at the mountain city headquarters, which was half in the sun and half in the shadows. He felt that this was in line with the temperament of the Secret Service.

 —When you are in darkness, your heart should be toward the light.

“Shen Zhong, you see, this place was originally a police training center and a homeless training center. After it was decided to move westward, Gu Qi and other pioneers found workers to expand part of the area, and finally all the staff were accommodated.”

Dai Chunfeng stood next to him and introduced with some emotion: "Although the conditions are still a little crude, now various government agencies are gathered in mountain cities, and many departments don't even have office space and can only rent private houses.

 Comparing this, Luojiawan is already a first-class place. You don’t know that Xiao Chen contacted me two days ago and asked me to give up half of the place to the secret service headquarters. It is simply wishful thinking.

I told him that there were hundreds of internal staff in the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics headquarters and the Secret Service, and there were still hundreds of people without offices. He had nothing to say. "

The love and hatred between Lao Dai and Xiao Chen is no less than that between Zuo Zhong and Xu Enzeng. In order to compete for the important position of Director of Investigation and Statistics and the subsequent conflicts, the two fought openly and secretly for several years.

For someone who can make Xiao Chen so proud to ask for help from Lao Dai, it can be seen that the placement situation of the secret service headquarters must be in a very bad state, otherwise the other party would not make such a request.

“Teacher, you still have the foresight to arrange people to find a venue in advance, otherwise we would have to worry.”

Zuo Zhong flattered him, and walked into the courtyard with the smiling Dai Chunfeng and his respectful subordinates, and came to the building in the middle.

As soon as you enter the hall, facing everyone is a memorial wall of the unknown hero made of white marble, which is densely covered with golden stars.

This is the idea that Zuo Zhong came up with when he was on a mission to steal the Japanese military plan in North China in Beiping. Those comrades who died on the battlefield against Japan should not die quietly.

When Dai Chunfeng saw the memorial wall, the smile on his face gradually faded, he stopped and looked at it for a long time, and said in a serious tone.

“Shen Zhong, this suggestion of yours is very good. I was negligent in the past. From now on, every April 1st founding meeting will allow all seniors and newcomers to receive ideological education here.

Let them understand that we must remember the blood and sweat of those comrades who sacrificed their lives, and supervise ourselves at any time and at any time, not to fall behind or fall behind, and to strive for new contributions to the party and the country. "

Zuo Zhongxin said that you have to be the one to give chicken soup. You have a lot of beautiful words. How can you be an investigative statistician with this literary talent? Director of the Bureau of Statistics, it would be great to be a "literary man" in the attendant's office.

But on the surface, he quickly said what the teacher said and shouted a few loud slogans about loyalty to the leader. Anyway, flattery doesn't cost money.

So the two performed a civilized drama of serving the country with all their loyalty in the lobby. Then they sent away the other secret agents and took the elevator to Dai Chunfeng's office on the top floor.

 Lao Dai's secretary Li Wei, who had been waiting for a long time, saw Zuo Zhong, opened the office door with his hand, and complimented: "Hello, Deputy Director Zuo, no, I should call you Deputy Director Zuo for your humble position."

Zuo Zhong waited for him to open the door, stretched out his hand to hold the other person's hand and shook it. He did not mention the promotion of the Secret Service. After all, the matter had not been announced yet, so he immediately smiled and made a little joke.

“Hello, Secretary Li, you and I don’t need to be so polite. You follow the bureau and listen to the teachings at all times. This is a job that no one can ask for. How about we switch?”


Dai Chunfeng laughed exaggeratedly after hearing this and pointed at Zuo Zhong: "You, you, you want to be lazy just after you come back. This is not allowed. Go ahead and talk. I am going to discuss the personnel arrangements with you after your promotion."

Speaking of this, Zuo Zhong nodded slightly at Li Wei, followed behind the cheap teacher into the office. After entering, he found that the **** inside was no different from the old Dai Jinling office.

 “Sit yourself.”

Dai Chunfeng sat down and patted the sofa next to him. His expression was relaxed and his words and deeds were somewhat high-spirited.

At the official court, if you heard the chief say some kind words, you would be stupid if you really believed it. Zuo Zhong did not sit down, but poured a glass of hot water for Lao Dai, and then sat down respectfully.

It is natural for students to be filial to their teachers. Dai Chunfeng nodded slightly, picked up the tea cup and put it in his hand, and then went straight to the point and talked about the specific matters related to promotion.

“Shen Zhi, the reorganization plan of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, the Secret Service, and the Secret Service Headquarters has been implemented. Commander Wei has issued a formal order to the Military Council two days ago.

As previously planned, the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics and the Secret Service were merged. Externally, the name Bureau of Statistics and Statistics was still used, abbreviated as Juntong, in order to distinguish it from the previous one.

You will be appointed as deputy director, in charge of the first intelligence department and the second intelligence department, responsible for the day-to-day work of the bureau, and will join the Design Wei Committee. You will handle official business while I am away.

Do you have any ideas about the appointment of directors, deputy directors, and department-level cadres in these two divisions? If so, just say so. You can make the final decision on business matters. Teacher, I would like to remind you that the first office is responsible for intelligence and the second office is responsible for counter-espionage. They are both key positions with top priority. The personnel may not be capable, but the background must be reliable. "

Zuo Zhong, who already had a case against him, pretended to be deep in thought after hearing this. No matter how good the relationship was, he could not make Lao Dai think that he had premeditated it. After being silent for a long time, he raised his head to report.

“Teacher, the student feels that Wu Chunyang, the former chief of the Political Intelligence Section, can serve as the director of the first division, and Gu Qi, the former chief of the intelligence section, can be responsible for counterintelligence in the second division.

I won’t introduce you to Lao Gu too much. You know him well. He is careful and patient. Counter-espionage requires finding clues from thousands of clues and you must be able to endure loneliness.

Moreover, during his tenure as the chief of the intelligence section, he completed the tasks assigned by his superiors very well, was also responsible in management work, and his background was impeccable.

He first served in the Investigation Section of Nanchang Xingying Camp. His superiors at the time spoke highly of him and found no connection with dissidents or the Japanese.

The person I want to introduce is Wu Chunyang. He is very good at intelligence work. He was an old man from the Jigexiang period and participated in many intelligence activities. He was very cautious.

 The only problem is that he graduated from the special training class of Hangcheng Police School in the same batch as the students. His military rank and position are lower. If he wants to serve as the director of the first division, he needs to be promoted. "

How to speak is an art. Zuo Zhong did not elaborate too much on what cases Wu Chunyang had solved or what achievements he had made. He only said that the other party was a member of the special training class of Hangzhou Police School.

So what is the purpose of Lao Dai establishing the special training class? It is simply that he saw the importance of baldness among Huangpu students and wanted to imitate the gourd and train his own disciples.

A chief of the intelligence department who came from a special training class, even if he is close to him as the deputy director, in the end he is also Lao Dai's person, which is more reassuring than Gucci.

Sure enough, Dai Chunfeng laughed after hearing Wu Chunyang’s background, and answered without any hesitation: “What’s wrong with having a low military rank, and what’s wrong with having a low position, the party and the state do not engage in seniority ranking.

As long as anyone is loyal to the party and the country, as long as he has the ability, it doesn't matter if he is promoted above the next level. I will personally go to the Military Wei Huiquan Hall to implement the matter. In this way, let him be promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. "

“Student Dai Chunyang thanked the teacher for his promotion.”

Zuo Zhong quickly stood up and expressed his gratitude to Dai Chunfeng for supporting his proposal. After sitting down, he told the appointment plan of other personnel one by one.

  Among them is Fu Ling, who has been lurking in Japan for several years. Failure to reward meritorious service or unfair rewards and punishments are important reasons for the degeneration of a group.

 So he decided to let the other party give him the vacant position of deputy director in the first department, firstly to increase his military rank, and secondly to facilitate the future intelligence work against Japan.

As the saying goes, a snake cannot survive without a head. When performing tasks in a high-risk area like Japan, one must be commanded. The position of deputy director is enough to suppress those field personnel.

In addition, in order to find someone to assist Wu Chunyang, a newcomer, he suggested that the executive deputy director of the first division should be Wu Jingzhong, a veteran.

This person has good abilities, qualifications, background, and knowledge. It would be too dangerous to put him in another position, so let the King of Jinju fight the Japanese.

Another veteran, Song Minghao, was assigned by Zuo Zhong to serve as the deputy director of the Second Division. Lao Song had been with him for many years and had no merit but hard work. It was time for him to be promoted.

As for Gui Youguang and Shen Dongxin, one is still the captain of the special operations team of the bureau headquarters. They are of the same level and have too low seniority, so there is no need to discuss them here.

 Listening to Zuo Zhong's arrangements, Dai Chunfeng thought carefully for a while, and finally agreed to all the proposals. Lao Dai did indeed do better than others in this regard, at least he would not give random orders.

 At the same time, Lao Dai also stipulated the military ranks of first-level cadres.

 Among them, the director is a colonel or lieutenant colonel, including a major with the title of lieutenant colonel. Gu Qi finally got what he wanted and was only one step away from being a general.

The remaining deputy division chiefs will be designated as lieutenant colonels or majors. Taking into account their seniority, Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong are tentatively designated as lieutenant colonels, and Fu Ling is designated as majors.

The special operations team was at a higher level, and the big bald man took advantage of it. Like Wu Chunyang, he was promoted several levels in a row and became a lieutenant colonel. Quan Xu's military rank was still a major.

At this point, the rules and regulations of the new military commander's intelligence work have been basically straightened out, and the following section chiefs and section chiefs will be recommended by the division chiefs, deputy division chiefs, and captains.

Not only does Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong need to win over people's hearts, but also their subordinates. If they decide on their positions, their subordinates will have opinions.

 The personnel structure was roughly determined, and Lao Dai also talked about the first task after the establishment of military unification, which was to conduct a thorough and high-intensity survey and inspection of Shancheng City.

 Today's mountain cities are a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and the so-called "Jiaxia people" are wandering in the streets and alleys. The origins of these people who fled from the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang are complex.

 Coupled with local Pao Ge, bandits, and dynamic groups, the entire city is in chaos, and in-depth cleanup operations are urgent.

Since the specific work had to wait until the two-day merger and promotion ceremony was over, Dai Chunfeng casually said a few words and left Zuo Zhong, preparing to prepare for the promotion ceremony.

Finally, the notorious military commander in history was about to appear. Whether this was good or bad, Zuo Zhong didn’t know. He returned to his new office and looked out the window for a long time, speechless.

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