Cicada Moving

Chapter 895: Zuo Zhong under the lemon tree

Chapter 895 Zuo Zhong under the lemon tree

  (I know it affects reading, but I can’t help it. Please bear with me. This is not something I can decide:))

When the clock of history slowly reached the end of November in the 27th year of the Republic of China, Luojiawan, a mountain town that seemed a bit cold in daily life, became a little noisy.

 Generals with stars on their collars and respected members of the Kuomintang Party gathered at the reorganized Military (Separation) Committee to investigate the statistics bureau. It was very lively for a while.

Even the bald man took time out of his busy schedule to preside over the reorganization and promotion ceremony. He was accompanied by the eldest son. This was also the first time that he participated in a public event after returning to the country.

The celebration of the intelligence agency will naturally not be as high-profile as that of private business groups. Dozens of party and state sages stood in a small auditorium, listening to the appointment decision of the Military Command Bureau on the stage.

Since Dai Chunfeng, bureau-level officials such as Zuo Chong, Zheng Tingbing, and Zhang Yifu came to the stage one by one to accept the appointment letters from the National Government, and then they presided over the reading of personnel (division) affairs at the division level.

 “Thank you, deputy seat.”

Wu Chunyang looked excited when he heard his name, and raised his hand to salute Zuo Zhong. Who would have thought that he could join the Political (Separation) Intelligence Unit and become the Director of the First Intelligence Division.

He jumped several ranks in the military, and became a lieutenant colonel from major. This is a position that countless people will never reach in their lifetime. In the military command bureau, he is only lower than several directors, deputy directors and Gu Qi.

“Work hard, be loyal to the leader, and be loyal to the party and the country.”

  Patted his confidant on the shoulder, Zuo Zhong made the request solemnly, and the bald man next to him smiled, obviously feeling very comfortable with the fart.

 Gu Qi, who came up next, was even more happy with tears in his eyes. He was good at one place and a key agency like the Military Command Bureau. He had enough in this life.

Zuo Chong did not favor one person over another. He also encouraged the other party with gentle words and handed over the appointment letter stamped with the seal of Mr. Lin of the National Government to the other party.

 The appointment ceremony ended quickly, and according to the procedure, it immediately entered the commander's lecture session. The bald head made requirements for the future work of the Military Command Bureau.

“Comrades, we know that in the Republic of China, the average life span of a person was no more than sixty years, and among these sixty years, it was said that one could not do anything before the age of twenty.

 After the age of fifty, the energy gradually declines and one cannot accomplish much. Only the middle thirty years are the golden age of life.

Most of the colleagues we are here today are from twenty to fifty years old. They are considered to be in the prime of life, and it is a good time to make achievements.

No matter in terms of physical fitness, energy, or knowledge, we are not lagging behind others, and we have enough time to make a difference!

  What a precious asset this is, so you must be deeply aware of the great responsibility, work together, carry forward the righteousness of heaven and earth, and create our cause.

Only in this way can we be worthy of our ancestors, worthy of our descendants, and worthy of being a man of uprightness! "

The bald man poured poisonous chicken soup to the agents while frothing at the mouth, and danced when he was excited. His usual brutalist speech style made Zuo Zhong feel a little sleepy.

“Deputy Director Zuo, I’ve heard of you for a long time, but I finally see you today.”

At this time, the eldest son appeared out of nowhere, stood beside him and whispered something, staring at his father, with a faint smile on his face, and his hands slightly raised, ready to applaud.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the short, oily-haired, rich-looking Grand Prince of the Government, and secretly complained in his heart.

In today's situation, any of his actions will be put under a magnifying glass and studied. In less than half an hour, the entire mountain city will know that he has "private communication" with the eldest son.

The other party is unreasonable. Do you want to force him and even the Military Command Bureau to take sides? He is impatient, a little too impatient. You must know that the bald head is still young, and it is not a good thing for a successor (separate) to be too high-profile.

 Thinking quickly for a few seconds, he seemed to have just heard the eldest son's words. He immediately turned around and saluted, lowered his head and said hello.

“I’ve seen the eldest son, and the merits of the humble positions are not worth mentioning. They are all done by the committee members and bureau chiefs. We are just doing things according to the orders.”

 After speaking, he looked at the bald head who was moving more and more, and in a medium voice, he prepared to give the eldest son a few words to prevent the other party from thinking about a witchcraft incident that would harm him.

They are two fathers and sons. Even if they fail, they can still be given a posthumous title such as "Roustai" (separate) son. As for him, he may just be replaced by the word "partisan". It would be too unfair for him to die.

“My lord, you have worked hard for the government for so many years, and you have worked really hard. Now that you are back, everyone in the government is happy, and even those who hold low positions are equally happy.

I would like to apologize to you here. Over the years, the committee has asked us many times to find a way to rescue you. Unfortunately, the Secret Service's power in Red Russia is limited and we have to give up. "

Zuo Zhong respectfully said some words as a subordinate, and then said meaningfully: "The second young master is going to study in Germany and cannot bear the filial piety. You should accompany the leader more."

He has said everything he can. If the other party still doesn't understand how to seize the opportunity when the second young master is not in the country to please the bald head, he has no choice but to personally go into battle again to launch the Qingjun (separation) side.

At this time, the bald man's speech happened to be over. No matter what the eldest son's reaction was, Zuo Zhong turned around and raised his hands and clapped vigorously, pretending to be enthusiastic.

Perhaps he realized the inappropriateness of what he just did, or was awakened by his words, the eldest son silently walked away from Zuo Zhong, and took a few steps forward to get behind the bald head.

Now that the war between China and Japan is intensifying, Baldhead has a very tight schedule. After speaking, he shook hands with Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong and was about to leave. Everyone hurriedly bid him farewell respectfully.

Other officers present at the meeting also followed suit. Intelligence work has always been sensitive and the stakes are high. They did not want anyone to misunderstand that they were trying to make friends with intelligence officers.

After arriving at the Military Command compound and getting on the special car, the bald man suddenly said something. The people on the Zhongtong side (separation) had also been decided, but the choice of director was a bit unexpected.

"Spring breeze, be cautious. I have decided that Zhu Jiahua will serve as the director of the Central Command, and Xu Enzeng will be the deputy director. From now on, you two must cooperate sincerely and avoid fighting.

 Can't let the underground party and Li, Bai and others see my joke. Remember, only if you join hands can the government's intelligence work be efficient. Let's go. "

Leaving behind this earth-shattering news, the bald man ordered the driver to drive. It is worth noting that before leaving, the eldest son sitting next to him nodded slightly towards Zuo Zhong.

Looking at the motorcade going away, Dai Chunfeng, Zuo Zhong, Zheng Tingbing, and Zhang Yifu, who had not been seen for a long time, looked at each other and couldn't help it anymore, and they all laughed happily.

 “Hahaha, Xu Enzeng, Xu Enzeng, you are also like today. After working for a long time, you ended up making wedding clothes for others.”

Lao Dai said loudly with his hands on his hips. He had never felt that the world was so beautiful. Knowing that Xu Enzeng had lost his position as director, he would be happier than if he had become the director himself. Zheng Tingbing, who was busy relocating his business and never saw the end of the dragon, also showed his big white teeth. Reading the jokes of his opponents was always the most popular spare time activity for government officials.

The former deputy section chief of the investigation section of the Nanchang (Separation) Battalion, and now the deputy director of the Military Statistics Bureau, Zhang Yifu has no grudge against Xu Enzeng, but his colleagues all laughed. If he didn't laugh, he would be unsociable.

Zuo Zhongze was laughing and thinking about a problem at the same time. The directors of the Military Command and the Central Command were his teachers and elders, so the party's intelligence system was fully open to him.

It's just that the military commander and the central commander are fighting. It's difficult for him to behave as a person. It's really a trouble for happiness. It seems that he has to find an opportunity to meet the old principal.

 In fact, Xu Enzeng's end was something he had expected. The crux of the matter lay with Zhen Xiu, who had only been the intelligence section chief of the secret service headquarters for one day.

The person in charge of the intelligence agency can be stupid, or he can refuse to do business, but his position must not waver in the slightest. Don't forget, Zhen Xiu entered the secret service headquarters through someone Wang.

Is Xu Enzeng really ignorant at all? Who would believe it? Especially when faced with a suspicious person like Baldhead, it was a stroke of luck that the person named Xu was not detained for interrogation.

Several senior officials of the Military Command Bureau were either beaming with joy or thoughtfully returning to the auditorium. Lao Dai announced the adjournment of the meeting after delivering a lengthy speech, and then called Zuo Zhong aside.

“Shen Zhi, please go and sit down with Director Zhu later. He is your old principal. As a student, you should go to congratulate him and discuss the cooperation between the military commander and the central commander.

You just heard that Director Wei doesn't want to see internal fighting. In the past, with Xu Enzeng around, the first and second offices were incompatible. Now that Director Zhu is in charge, he still has to give him face. "

Zuo Chong nodded repeatedly, knowing that Lao Dai was afraid that Xu Enzeng would be too comfortable, and wanted to form an offensive and defensive alliance with Zhu Jiahua through himself, and jointly deal with people named Xu.

Of course he had to have a hand in such a great thing, and immediately patted his chest and promised Dai Chunfeng that Zhu Jiahua would be on their side.

He is confident in saying this. Zhu Jiahua is essentially a literati, knows nothing about intelligence activities, and his personality is not suitable for intelligence work.

If the other party wants to suppress Xu Enzeng, in addition to the advantages of his position, he must find someone who is at ease and familiar with intelligence to seek advice, starting from the business aspect.

Thinking about Zhu Jiahua's social circle, Zuo Zhong believed that no one was more suitable than him. If discipline did not allow it, he might still be able to get the title of special adviser to the Central Unification Committee.

This is also true. When Zuo Zhong found Zhu Jiahua in a dilapidated wooden building after dark, the originally gloomy man was overjoyed to see him.

For God's sake, it is really difficult for a bald man to let a former president of Jinling University, minister of education, and minister of transportation become a spy.

Moreover, the dignified Zhongtong could not even find an office, so he could only live in Yi Zhuang. Lao Zhu, the newly appointed director, was so anxious that he was running around in circles.

Facing the students, the old principal directly mentioned these two problems without courtesy and asked Zuo Zhong to find a way to solve them. If nothing else, at least don't let him work next to the coffin.

After pondering for a long time, Zuo Zhong gave a solution. The office location can be found at the Jinling Police Department. This gang of gangsters were the first to arrive in the mountain city, and they have many empty houses.

Speaking of Bai Wenzhi, this bastard, he is becoming more and more courageous. He dared to **** the station at No. 29 Luojiawan from the Secret Service. He must take the opportunity to deal with this person.

As for the issue of work development that Zhu Jiahua was worried about, he reluctantly reported a person's name and expressed his willingness to lend his confidant to the old principal.

“Sir, the Shen Dongxin I just talked about is a student’s son. The Shen family is also a family friend of the Zuo family. He has a clean foundation and a clear background.

  A few years ago, I studied the gendarmerie course at the French Military Academy of Saint-Cyr, and also studied at the training class of the Hangcheng Police School of the Secret Service. I am considered your student.

 You are knowledgeable and capable, and you have followed me to solve many espionage cases. With him running errands by your side, it should not be difficult to open up the situation. "

As the deputy director of the Military Command, Zuo Zhong could not get too involved in the affairs of the Central Command, as that would easily make Baldhead and Lao Dai dissatisfied. It was better to send a trustworthy person to the Central Command.

Moreover, Shen Dongxin joined the Secret Service at an awkward time and missed the best opportunity for promotion. He is still a lieutenant-level officer now, but it is different when he joins the Central Command.

 First of all, today’s Central Committee is affiliated to the Central Executive Wei Committee of the Kuomintang Party, which is separated from the military system. Appointments do not need to go through the Quanxu Office, and it is less difficult to be promoted beyond the level.

 With the veteran Zhu Jiahua coming forward, Shen Dongxin's promotion and transfer will not be a problem. Even if Da Chen, who controls the Guo Party Organization (Separate) Organization Department, has objections, he has to show his favor.

Hearing what Zuo Zhong said, Zhu Jiahua did not hesitate and immediately agreed, saying that he would coordinate the work related to the transfer, and gave an astonishing guarantee.

“Shen Zhi, don’t worry, Dongxin will not be wronged when he comes to me. How about this? Let him temporarily serve as my chief secretary, and when the opportunity comes, he can be appointed as deputy director. Are you satisfied?”

Are you satisfied?

 Remove the word "bar"!

If I had known you were always so helpful, I would have gone to the secret service headquarters a long time ago!

Zuo Zhong is so sad, the chief secretary is equivalent to the secretary (divided) secretary, which is Li Qiwu's position in the military command, not to mention the deputy director's throne that will be at his fingertips in the future.

I think Zuo Zhong worked hard, went through life and death for several years, and caught as many as three hundred spies, if not five hundred, before he managed to reach his current position.

But as for Shen Dongxin, he can just do nothing and wait for promotion. It's really irritating that people are more powerful than others. No wonder the devils in 226 are so angry.

Zuo Zhong couldn't help but feel happy about the good luck of his childhood. He kept saying all kinds of flattering words in his mouth like he was dying. Who could compare with the teacher, the old principal was more courageous.

Just as he was making the old gentleman smile, several white lights suddenly flashed in the dark night sky outside the wooden building window, followed by several huge explosions.

Zuo Zhong and Zhu Jiahua were stunned on the spot. As senior (separated) officials of the government, they knew that the direction was none other than Huangshan, the bald man's official residence.

“Hurry... call quickly and ask if the committee member is safe.”

Zhu Jiazhuang pointed to the phone on his desk tremblingly, shouted with all his strength, and then sat down on the stool with his head spinning.

This veteran official who has experienced countless dangerous situations, his face is pale at this moment, his eyes are dull, and he repeats one sentence in a low voice: "Something big has happened, something big is going to happen..."

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