Cicada Moving

Chapter 896: official residence

Chapter 896 Official Residence

After the bald couple retreated from Qicheng to the mountain city, they temporarily lived in the Huangshan official residence in the Nan'an area, handling daily official duties and meeting with important Chinese and foreign people.

This place was originally owned by a local foreign trade company named Huang Buying (Separation) Office. The other party built Huang Garden on the mountain, so it was named Huangshan. After it was expropriated by the national government, the original name was still used.

Because it is located in a dangerous peak, surrounded by pines and cypresses all over the mountain, the scenery is excellent, and the surrounding area is surrounded by clouds and mist all year round. The forest is tall and dense, which is very conducive to air defense.

 The entire Huangshan official residence complex includes Yunxiu Tower, Pine Hall, Cao Pavilion and other buildings, covering an area of ​​nearly one square kilometer, with complete water and electricity facilities.

It is worth mentioning that for some unknown reasons, the bald couple lived in separate rooms for many years, and this time was no exception. The bald lady lived in "Pine Hall" at the foot of Huangshan Mountain.

This is a row of gorgeously decorated Chinese-style flats with spacious corridors, surrounded by pine forests and shaded from the sun. It is in line with the aesthetics of this bourgeois (segregated) lady.

The bald head’s office and residence are in the main building of Yunxiu Building, which is built on a steep and solitary peak nearby. It is a three-story brick and wood structure building that combines Chinese and Western elements.

Although this building is at the top, it is surrounded by thick trees. As you climb up the stairs, you will never see the small building until you turn around at the last moment, which shows its concealment.

In order to prevent Japanese air attacks, the Guo army stationed an anti-aircraft artillery unit on a hill 800 meters north of the building, which could protect the official residence nearby and the urban area far away.

In addition to the air defense troops, there are more than a hundred of the most elite personal guards responsible for the internal security of the official residence. Although the number is small, the defense is extremely tight.

First of all, only some senior officials knew the specific location of the official residence. Then, in order to prevent the surrounding people from leaking the news, the attendants' office hired them all as handymen.

Then the question is, why did the Huangshan official residence explode under such careful protection?

 Did someone set up an explosive device? Or did the bomber drop the bomb?

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong, who was accompanying Zhu Jiahua to the pier by car and was about to go to the bald man's mansion to inquire about the news, looked solemn. Now he would rather be in the second scenario.

 Because the explosive device must have been activated by the killer seeing the bald head, or believing that the bald head was somewhere, and the possibility of both perishing together is not even ruled out.

In this case, the bald man is probably dead. The other party does not have a mustache and the luck of the future **** who has escaped 638 assassinations. If he really had it, the government would not be in the mountain city.

Furthermore, the accuracy of night bombing in this era is very poor, and precise strikes cannot be achieved. Whether a hit is successful or not depends entirely on the face, and no country's air force can be 100% sure.

 At the beginning of the war, the Japanese army bombed Chief Zhang's headquarters building in Shanghai because they had close-range guidance from the Cao Gang and it was not completely dark, otherwise the damage would not have been so great.

But the visibility is very low now, and the bald official residence is in the mountains. It is covered by terrain, trees, and clouds. If it is an air attack, the official residence should not suffer much damage.

Based on the above reasons, the chance of a bald man surviving an air attack is much higher than the chance of surviving a bomb attack, unless he happens to be hit on the forehead by a heavy aerial bomb.

To put it bluntly, even if your bald head is cold, if you were killed by a plane bomb, there is no other possibility for the murderer except the Japanese. This is an enemy attack, and you just need to take revenge.

But if the other party was killed by an explosive device, the scope of suspects would be wider, such as someone named Wang, or other military (separation) bosses, and the consequences would be very serious.

The top leaders are killing each other (separately). If word spreads, the whole country will be in an uproar, and the morale on the front line will also be low. Today's Republic of China cannot withstand this kind of torment.

What particularly worries Zuo Zhong is that Zhu Jiahua asked him to call the official residence, but he answered the call more than a dozen times without getting through. There is someone on duty in the attendant's room 24 hours a day, so this kind of situation should not happen.

In addition, assuming that the explosion came from a Japanese air attack, why did the nearby air defense forces not fight back? The anti-aircraft guns bought at a huge price by the government did not fire a single shell.

After much thought, they could only go to Huangshan to see whether Baldhead was dead or not, and then decide whether to have a meal or recommend (separate) a new Captain Wei to stabilize the situation.

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. Zuo Zhong looked up at the fire that was not extinguished in the distance and signaled the driver to speed up. Zhu Jiahua beside him was still in a state of shock and did not say a word.

By the time their car arrived at the pier from the main urban area of ​​the mountain city to the south bank, more than a dozen government officials had already arrived. These people were all waiting for the ferry to arrive, including Dai Chunfeng.


Zuo Zhong took a few steps forward and said hello to Lao Dai, who was jumping up and down anxiously, grabbing the collar of the dock staff and asking questions.

Seeing the proud student coming, Lao Dai quickly asked Zuo Zhong if he knew what happened. At present, he only knew that there was a suspected explosion in the official residence and that the phone could not be reached.

“The student saw several dazzling white lights flashing in the direction of Huangshan Mountain, and there were several loud noises, but nothing else was known. Teacher, don’t worry, Mr. Wei Changji has his own destiny, and nothing will happen to him.”

 After saying some nice words that were useless, Zuo Zhong accompanied Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Jiahua by the riverside. The searchlight of the emergency ferry in the distance was getting closer and closer.

As soon as the ship docked, the admirals, lieutenant generals, major generals, and ministers jumped on board and loudly ordered the captain to sail quickly. They couldn't wait a minute.

Facing these big men, the captain did not dare to delay, and immediately turned the steering wheel to increase the power. A burst of black smoke came out of the chimney, and the ferry cut through the waves and headed towards the south bank at full speed.

After more than ten minutes of driving, the boat arrived at the Haitang Creek Pier on the other side. Everyone got off the boat and transferred to a truck provided by the military, and headed for the Huangshan official residence along the winding mountain road.

On the way, all the chattering officers in Pinggri shut their mouths tightly, kept their dark faces and said nothing, and prayed devoutly to the Gods and Buddhas all over the sky that nothing would happen to Bald Ping.

This is not an act, it comes completely from the heart. The people who were able to rush to the dock as soon as possible after the incident were all the bald confidants.

Once the bald man dies, everyone present will not end up well. It is about their own wealth and life, so naturally everyone does not want anything to happen to the bald man.

Half an hour later, the truck suddenly stopped. Everyone got out of the car nervously with the help of the soldiers, and turned to look at the pine hall where the bald lady usually lived at the foot of the mountain.

 Fortunately, fortunately, there was no damage to the pine hall. It seemed that the lady was safe. However, when everyone turned their attention to the Yunxiu Tower hidden among the trees, their hearts suddenly became cold. Half of the original three-story building collapsed, and it was still on the side where Baldhead lived. The ruins are still burning, and a complex smell floats in the wind.

 Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Jiahua swayed and almost fainted. They suppressed their fear and ran up the mountain, crying for Captain Wei as they ran.

I have to say that Jiang is old and hot. In the performing arts, a teacher is a teacher after all. Zuo Zhong, who was ashamed of himself, reacted and quickly followed behind, giving his best in acting.

Other party-state elites were not to be left behind. They cried like a dead mother and rushed to the Yunxiu Tower, jumping on their feet and asking the surrounding guards to rush to save people.

 “Hurry! Hurry up and save Captain Wei!”

“My Captain Wei, what should we do if you leave?”

 “Damn Japanese, I am at odds with you.”

As a leading official performance artist, Dai Chunfeng didn't say anything. He ran directly to the ruins and moved half of the wooden beam with his bare hands, digging down with his hands like crazy.

 There was no other way, so Zhu Jiahua and Zuo Zhong had to follow behind and carefully clean up the ruins. Regardless of whether the bald man was dead or not, the play that should be performed still had to be performed.

Just when the officials were mourning for their heirs, a group of people came out of the air-raid shelter near Yunxiu Tower. The first ones were the bald man and the bald lady in pajamas.

  Seeing the appearance of his men, Bald Head was angry and moved. He was so angry that no one looked like a party-state official. What moved him was their "loyalty", so he raised his voice and shouted at the crowd.

 “I’m fine, don’t panic.”

Hearing the familiar voice, Dai Chunfeng, who was digging in the ground, paused, slowly raised his head, his eyes filled with tears, and he rolled towards the opponent.

Zuo Zhongze rolled his eyes and secretly wiped the burnt black wood with his hand. Then while everyone's attention was on the bald head, he raised his hand and wiped it on his face.

After putting on makeup, he supported Zhu Jiahua, who was suffering from backache and leg pain, and pushed through a group of actors to stand in front of the bald head, watching how Teacher Cheap composed a hymn of loyalty.

 “Sure, you guys are here too.”

The bald man, who was a little embarrassed by Dai Chunfeng's actions, saw Zuo Zhong and the other two heaving a long sigh of relief. He tapped the civilized staff on the ground, and then pretended to be relaxed and said.

“Tonight a Japanese pirate plane suddenly attacked. Thanks to the guards who heard the sound and responded promptly, my wife and I were safe and sound, but we were just a little frightened.

You go back first and remember to explain clearly to the heads of each department to prevent rumors (separation) from spreading. Keep people from the Central and Military Command. "

It was really an air raid. Zuo Zhong frowned slightly when he heard this. How could the Japanese explode so accurately? Could it be that the Japanese had made a breakthrough in air force military technology?

On the other side, the heads of the government received the order and reluctantly left. Only the guards, staff, and Dai Chunfeng, Zhu Jiahua, and Zuo Zhong were left in the official residence.

He waved his hand to let the others go away, and asked someone to take the frightened wife to rest. Baldhead came to the ruins of Yunxiu Tower and stood there, his tone extremely angry.

"Chunfeng, you need to find out about this matter. The Japanese plane almost dropped a bomb on my head. There must be spies from the other side in the official residence. This is your dereliction of duty."

“It’s the students’ fault that the principal calmed down.”

Dai Chunfeng came from downtown Shancheng City and was already very tired. When he heard these words, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he couldn't help but feel dizzy and dizzy when he was blown by the mountain wind.

Zhu Jiahua also took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from the tip of his nose. He bowed respectfully and did not dare to speak. There was no way he could answer the words.

 The work against Japan is indeed the responsibility of the military commander, but the screening of personnel in the official residence is the responsibility of the central commander. Now that Mole has appeared, he is the first person responsible.

The two directors turned into quails, and the scene gradually became quiet. Upon seeing this, the bald man snorted and turned to ask Zuo Zhong a question.

“Shen Zhi, how do you think this case should be investigated?”

 Zuo Zhong, who was watching the play quietly, did not expect the fire to burn his head, but he did not panic. He thought for a moment and gave an answer based on experience.

“I think there are three things that need to be clarified at the moment. First, how the location of the official residence was leaked. This is a highly confidential matter of the government, and very few people know about it.

 Second, as you thought, how did the Japanese hit the official residence? It was so dark. I don’t believe that the other party had night vision. There must be responders on the ground.

Three, why did the air defense force not give advance warning, or even open fire to drive away the Japanese bombers when you were attacked? Is it because someone was derelict in their duties, or there are other reasons.

If it’s the former, then the person involved should be held accountable. If it’s the latter, the problem is a bit serious, indicating that the Japanese have infiltrated the garrison. "

He threw out three investigation directions in one breath. Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Jiahua, who were worried about being settled by the queen, put their hearts back in their stomachs. As long as there was a way to solve the case, that would be fine.

“Very good, I’ll leave this matter to you. The military commander and the central commander will fully cooperate. We must find the spy lurking in our heart, otherwise I will never move away, Niang Xipi!”

The bald man ended the conversation with a fragrant line full of personal characteristics, and then walked towards the Pine Hall without looking back. It was obvious that he was not planning to leave the Huangshan official residence until he caught the Japanese spy.

He was so frightened that he ran away after a bomb was dropped by the Japanese. If people knew, how could he act as Captain Wei? He was also a person who wanted to save face, even if it was very dangerous to do so.

A mountain of pressure fell entirely on the shoulders of Zuo Zhong. After a brief discussion with Dai and Zhu, Zuo Zhong called the first and second offices to dispatch all of them to take over the scene!

 (End of this chapter)

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